Rights & Ethics
NVIC Vaccine News

Public Trust

Desde Nuremberg hasta California: ¿Por Qué el Consentimiento Informado Es Importante En el Siglo XXI?

El principio del consentimiento informado, el cual se definió como un derecho humano en el Juicio de Nuremberg contra los médicos en 1947

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Class and Race Profiling in the Vaccine Culture War

The Vaccine Culture War is heating up. Ground zero is America, Europe and other economically developed countries, where the pharmaceutical industrial complex is raising an iron fist to protect multi-billion dollar profits by disempowering the people.

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Clasificación de las Razas y Clases en la Guerra de la Cultura de la Vacunación

Por Barbara Loe Fisher Publicado originalmente Julio 2017...

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Forced Vaccination: The Tragic Legacy of Jacobson v. Massachusetts

Read on to learn how the Supreme Court Jacobson v. Massachusetts ruling is still used today to take away your rights when making vaccine decisions for yourself and your family.

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