NVIC Vaccine News

State Vaccine Laws & Exemptions

U.S. Vaccine Legislation & Vaccine Freedom of Choice Advocacy

Read about the unprecedented citizen involvement during 2020's legislative session to protect informed consent to vaccination in NVIC's annual legislative report...

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Colorado House Committee Acts to Prevent Investigations of Parents Based Solely on Child's Vaccination History

HB 20-1297 does not entail costs for the state and requires no fiscal note. NVIC’s Executive Director, Theresa Wrangham was one of a handful of people testifying in support of the bill. There was no testimony presented in opposition to the bill.

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Vaccine Exemptions Under Attack in 2019

Citizen involvement to protect the human right to exercise informed consent to vaccination increased to unprecedented levels in 2019 to meet the most aggressive attack on vaccine exemptions in U.S. history.

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New York's Repeal of the Religious Exemption Violates Rights of the Disabled Under The Rehabilitation Act Of 1973

On June 13, 2019, New York legislators swiftly and quietly repealed the religious exemption to vaccination without public hearings. The controversial bill (A2371) was pushed through the Assembly and the Senate in one day and quickly signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo.

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