About Us

How NVIC Informs the Public About Vaccination Issues

Since 1982, NVIC has been the leading consumer voice in the vaccine safety and informed consent debate, providing clear, consistent and responsible framing of the most critical issues involved in the science, policy, law and ethics of mass vaccination.

NVIC maintains the oldest, largest and most well referenced consumer operated vaccine information website on the Internet. NVIC also conducts original research and analysis and publishes insightful, referenced commentaries for the public on breaking news about infectious diseases and vaccine development, regulation, policymaking, law, and legislation in two free online publications: the monthly NVIC Newsletter and a weekly newspaper journal, The Vaccine Reaction, which are emailed to subscribers and feature news about vaccine science, policy, law and special events.

NVIC maintains a Vaccine Reaction Registry and provides counseling to parents who report vaccine reactions, injuries and deaths. NVIC also operates a searchable Memorial for Vaccine Victims for those who have been affected by a vaccine injury or death to post a public report with a photo and description or video of what happened following vaccination.

NVIC’s Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall  provides a forum for the public to post and read descriptions of harassment and punishment for attempting to make informed, voluntary vaccination choices. There is also a Vaccine Failure Wall where individuals can post and read experiences with vaccines failing to prevent infectious diseases.

NVIC publishes brochures, posters, special reports and guides, such as the Guide to Reforming Vaccine Policy and Law. The Ask 8 Information Kiosk contains downloadable publications, including some that have been translated into Spanish. NVIC also issues press releases to communicate NVIC’s position on important vaccine science, policy, law and human rights issues.

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