Cry For Vaccine Freedom Wall

Welcome to NVIC's Cry For Vaccine Freedom Wall. Many familes and professionals have experienced vaccine harassment and coercion and have had to make hard decisions about employment. When kicked out of a medical practice for not vaccinating, many must seek out health care providers upholding the informed consent ethic. NVIC provides this space for the public to share their stories and they appear chronologically. Click to view stories about vaccine reactions and vaccine failures.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page for options on reporting vaccine harassment, failures and reactions. When you submit your stories to NVIC your identity will be kept confidential.

  • Posted: Dec. 12, 2024
    Needed to resign from job as a registered nurse because I could not take the experimental Covid injection. My religious exemption letter was ignored by my employer, Mount Wachusett Community College in Gardner, Massachusetts and no doctor would write a medical exemption for a history of anaphylaxis and development of an autoimmune disorder after receiving other immunizations.
  • Posted: Dec. 5, 2024
    Kelso high school, in Kelso Wa, attempted to remove Shaelynn St. Germain from her classes because she has a vaccine exemption. Shaelynn has not received any vaccines and had held an exemption since she started school. The school nurse, outed her by telling Shaelynn and her peers why she was being taken out of classes. It wasn’t until this was brought to the superintendent, that the school nurse doubled back and just said “oops!” I was under the impression that school nurses were held by HIPPA, but that must be my mistake. Still, to inform a teenager and her peers that she won’t be in school anymore because of her personal medical status, should not be allowed.
  • Posted: Dec. 5, 2024
    After giving birth, a nurse I had not met before came into my room and swaddled my baby. As she did so, she said if I did not give my baby a hepatitis vaccine that they WILL die. She said my baby can contract hepatitis from a variety of things, all of which did not apply to my new born baby. When I said “no,” the nurse would not take that for an answer until I said I was going to repeat what she said to my own doctor and she left. Extremely unprofessional and the nurse made it obvious that the hospital could not be trusted to carry out my birth plan.
  • Posted: Sep. 19, 2024
    My almost 13 year old is being kicked out of school because I chose to do more research on the meningitis vaccination for him. He has neurological tics and chronic headaches, history of asthma and allergies. I am hesitant to vaccinate him and cause any more harm. I was able To hold the schools off last year when they wanted his pertussis updated but he is in a new school this year for 7th grade. The nurse let me know she needed the vaccination status for him to continue school. Told me he has 14 days from the start of school to have it done or get an exemption. I have in place an appointment to speak with a doctor from the frontline health advocates to have a federal exemption written. The interim principal called me at work Monday telling me Thursday would be his last day. I asked her if she knew this vaccine also has been known to cause meningitis and that it isn’t guaranteed to protect all its recipients. She said she wasn’t well versed in vaccines because she was just an interim and was only following NYS regulations. I told her we had something in place to work on an exemption. She told me he wouldn’t be able to come back until that clears and would have to go through her to the super independent so she can review it. She told me his absences would be marked as unexcused and he wouldn’t be able to have any work sent home. She then said they would do what they could to help make sure he stays up on his academics. I said “well it doesn’t seem like it!” What does it benefit them withholding his school work during the time he’s out? Why let him fall behind because I want to research more and speak to other doctors? It feels more like a punishment than a protocol. And if he does go back I fear they will treat him differently and discriminate against him because of my choices. This is unjust and unfair. There is no reason to withold his academics while I navigate an exemption. I’m worried they will not accept the federal exemption these doctors are writing for me next week and then we will be forced to speak with an attorney to fight the schools, drawing more attention on my son.

Vaccine Reporting Systems - You Have Options!

Learn about the different reporting options NVIC has created for you to post your personal experiences with vaccination and publicly share your concerns with others. Choose one or more options below to share your experience. If you have experienced a vaccine reaction, we encourage you to use the button below to report it to NVIC, and also encourage you to report your reaction to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to assist in identifying vaccine safety signals. Click to learn more about VAERS and how to search the VAERS database for reported vaccine reactions.
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