Q: What is the International Memorial for Vaccine Victims and how do I post a story?
A: The International Memorial for Vaccine Victims is a virtual memorial created and maintained by the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) dedicated to those whose lives have been forever changed by vaccines they were often required by law to use. NVIC created the Memorial to honor individuals who have been harmed by vaccines. The Memorial also offers families around the world the opportunity to post stories and photos about what happened to their loved ones so that others can become educated about the signs and symptoms of vaccine reactions.
To search the memorial and click the “search memorial” button on the left. The Memorial can be searched by country, state, vaccine, primary reaction and last name. To post a story with or without photos, follow the directions for posting. All identifying information you provide when you register to post an entry will remain confidential. It will never be shared with third parties.
You may be contacted by NVIC which maintains the Memorial if there are any questions about the vaccine reaction you submitted for posting. NVIC will review all entries submitted for the Memorial and reserves the right to accept or decline any entry submitted for posting.
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