Quick Facts and Resources for Kansas Residents
Quick Fact: Submit a written statement signed by a parent that the parent is an adherent of a religious denomination whose teachings are opposed to immunizations. Medical exemptions are also allowed.
Other Resources: Many vaccination and exemption information links provided below are date specific. If the links below have expired, click on the state's department of health, or immunization program link provided in Other State Resources below, as they are likely to provide links to updated information. Please email NVIC with broken link information.
- Vaccination Requirements - Request college/university of choice for their Proof of Immunization Compliance, as each institution may use its own form.
- Exemption Information - Request college/university of choice for their Proof of Immunization Compliance, as each institution may use its own form.
- State Healthcare Workers and Patients Vaccination Laws
- State of Kansas Legislature – see applicable statutes and their hyperlinks below. Visit NVIC’s Advocacy Portal for information on legislation introduced impacting vaccine exemption rights.
- State of Kansas Department of Health
- State of Kansas Immunization Program
- State of Kansas Vaccine Tracking System – You may also wish to contact your state’s vaccine tracking registry to determine if the ability to opt out is available.
- State of Kansas Proposed Rule-Making – View your state’s registry to learn about proposed rule-making.
K.S.A. § 65-508. Equipment, supplies, accommodations; immunizations.
(d) Each child cared for in a child care facility, including children of the person maintaining the facility, shall be required to have current such immunizations as the secretary of health and environment considers necessary. The person maintaining a child care facility shall maintain a record of each child's immunizations and shall provide to the secretary of health and environment such information relating thereto, in accordance with rules and regulations of the secretary, but the person maintaining a child care facility shall not have such person's license revoked solely for the failure to have or to maintain the immunization records required by this subsection.
(e) The immunization requirement of subsection (d) shall not apply if one of the following is obtained:
(1) Certification from a licensed physician stating that the physical condition of the child is such that immunization would endanger the child's life or health; or
(2) a written statement signed by a parent or guardian that the parent or guardian is an adherent of a religious denomination whose teachings are opposed to immunizations.
K.S.A. § 65-531. Immunization information and records; disclosure.
(1) Employees of public agencies or departments;
(2) health records staff of child care facilities, including, but not limited to, facilities licensed by the secretary of health and environment;
(3) persons other than public employees who are entrusted with the regular care of those under the care and custody of a state agency including, but not limited to, operators of day care facilities, group homes, residential care facilities and adoptive or foster homes; and
(4) health care professionals.
(b) Notwithstanding K.S.A. 60-427, and amendments thereto, or any other Kansas statute which provides for privileged information between a patient and a health care provider, there shall be no privilege preventing the furnishing of information and records as authorized by this section by any health care provider.
(c) Information and records which pertain to the immunization status of persons against childhood diseases as required by K.S.A. 65-508, and amendments thereto, whose parent or guardian has submitted a written statement of religious objection to immunization as provided in K.S.A. 65-508, and amendments thereto, may not be disclosed or exchanged without a parent or guardian's written release authorizing such disclosure.
K.S.A. § 72-6261. Health tests and inoculations; definitions.
As used in this act:
(a) "School board" means the board of education of a school district and the governing authority of any nonpublic school;
(b) "school" means all elementary, junior high, or high schools within the state;
(c) "local health department" means any county or joint board of health established under the laws of Kansas and having jurisdiction over the place where any pupil affected by this act may reside;
(d) "secretary" means the secretary of the state department of health and environment;
(e) "physician" means a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery.
K.S.A. § 72-6262. Same; certification of completion required, alternative; duties of school boards.
(a) In each school year, every pupil enrolling or enrolled in any school for the first time in this state, and each child enrolling or enrolled for the first time in a preschool or day care program operated by a school, and such other pupils as may be designated by the secretary, prior to admission to and attendance at school, shall present to the appropriate school board certification from a physician or local health department that the pupil has received such tests and inoculations as are deemed necessary by the secretary by such means as are approved by the secretary. Pupils who have not completed the required inoculations may enroll or remain enrolled while completing the required inoculations if a physician or local health department certifies that the pupil has received the most recent appropriate inoculations in all required series. Failure to timely complete all required series shall be deemed non-compliance.
(b) As an alternative to the certification required under subsection (a), a pupil shall present:
(1) An annual written statement signed by a licensed physician stating the physical condition of the child to be such that the tests or inoculations would seriously endanger the life or health of the child, or
(2) a written statement signed by one parent or guardian that the child is an adherent of a religious denomination whose religious teachings are opposed to such tests or inoculations.
(c) On or before May 15 of each school year, the school board of every school affected by this act shall notify the parents or guardians of all known pupils who are enrolled or who will be enrolling in the school of the provisions this act and any policy regarding the implementation of the provisions of this act adopted by the school board.
(d) If a pupil transfers from one school to another, the school from which the pupil transfers shall forward with the pupil's transcript the certification or statement showing evidence of compliance with the requirements of this act to the school to which the pupil transfers.
K.S.A. § 72-6265. Exclusion of pupils from school attendance; adoption of policy; notice; hearing; compulsory attendance law not applicable.
(a) The school board of every school affected by this act may exclude from school attendance, or by policy adopted by any such school board authorize any certificated employee or committee of certificated employees to exclude from school attendance, any pupil who has not complied with the requirements of K.S.A. 72-5209. A pupil shall be subject to exclusion from school attendance under this section until such time as the pupil shall have complied with the requirements of K.S.A. 72-5209. The policy shall include provisions for written notice to be given to the parent or guardian of the involved pupil. The notice shall (1) indicate the reason for the exclusion from school attendance, (2) state that the pupil shall continue to be excluded until the pupil has complied with the requirements of K.S.A. 72-5209, and (3) inform the parent or guardian that a hearing thereon shall be afforded the parent or guardian upon request therefore.
(b) The provisions of K.S.A. 72-1111 do not apply to any pupil while subject to exclusion from school attendance under the provisions of this section.
Below are state statutes relating to minor consent for this state; however, there may be additional statutes NVIC is unaware of, and readers may need to do additional research and/or obtain additional legal advice. NVIC doesn't provide legal advice and provides the below for informational purposes only. NVIC provides additional resource information in our FAQ on Vaccination in School-Based Health Clinics, should readers have concerns about the vaccination of their child without parental knowledge or consent this school setting.
Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, any minor sixteen (16) years of age or over, where no parent or guardian is immediately available, may give consent to the performance and furnishing of hospital, medical or surgical treatment or procedures and such consent shall not be subject to disaffirmance because of minority. The consent of a parent or guardian of such a minor shall not be necessary in order to authorize the proposed hospital, medical or surgical treatment or procedures.
K.S.A. §38-135. Definitions; immunization of minor children. As used in this act:
(a) "Health care provider" means a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery by the state board of healing arts, a person who holds a temporary permit to practice medicine and surgery issued by the state board of healing arts, a person engaged in a postgraduate training program in medicine and surgery approved by the state board of healing arts, a medical care facility licensed by the department of health and environment, a health maintenance organization issued a certificate of authority by the commissioner of insurance, a licensed professional nurse, a licensed practical nurse, a licensed physician assistant, a professional corporation organized pursuant to the professional corporation law of Kansas by persons who are authorized by such law to form such a corporation and who are health care providers as defined by this subsection, a Kansas limited liability company organized for the purpose of rendering professional services by its members who are health care providers as defined by this subsection and who are legally authorized to render the professional services for which the limited liability company is organized, a partnership of persons who are health care providers as defined by this subsection or a Kansas not-for-profit corporation organized for the purpose of rendering professional services by persons who are health care providers as defined by this subsection.
(b) "Parent" means:
(1) A minor's parent by birth or adoption;
(2) a minor's legal guardian; or
(3) any person who under court order is authorized to give consent for a minor.
Statute | Kansas State Legislature (kslegislature.org)