Quick Facts and Resources for Nebraska Residents
Quick Fact: Immunization shall not be required for a student's enrollment if he or she submits to the admitting official an affidavit signed by the student or, if he or she is a minor, by a legally authorized representative of the student, stating that the immunization conflicts with the tenets and practice of a recognized religious denomination of which the student is an adherent or member or that immunization conflicts with the personal and sincerely followed religious beliefs of the student. Medical exemptions are also allowed.
Other Resources: Many vaccination and exemption information links provided below are date specific. If the links below have expired, click on the state's department of health, or immunization program link provided in Other State Resources below, as they are likely to provide links to updated information. Please email NVIC with broken link information.
The information contained on NVIC's web pages is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be medical or legal advice. Those seeking medical or legal advice should obtain the services of a competent attorney, physician or qualified health care professional. Although NVIC continually updates our website, state laws and rules change frequently and consumers are ultimately responsible for verifying their state's vaccination and exemption laws and requirements.
- Higher Ed Vaccination Requirements - Request college/university of choice for their Proof of Immunization Compliance, as each institution may use its own form.
- Exemption Information – Exemptions are allowed for medical and religious reasons. Contact the college for the waiver form. Example from Chadron State College
- State Healthcare Worker and Patient Vaccination Laws
- State of Nebraska Legislature – see applicable statutes and their hyperlinks below. Visit NVIC’s Advocacy Portal for information on legislation introduced impacting vaccine exemption rights.
- State of Nebraska Department of Health
- State of Nebraska Immunization Program
- State of Nebraska Vaccine Tracking System – Nebraska State Immunization Information System (NEIIS) tracks the immunizations given to people in Nebraska. You may also wish to contact your state’s vaccine tracking registry to determine if the ability to opt out is available.
- State of Nebraska Vaccine Tracking System Opt Out Information – see number 17
- State of Nebraska Bill Tracker– E-mail notification of activity on bills or subjects of interest.
- State of Nebraska Proposed Rule-Making – View your state’s registry to learn about proposed rule-making.
R.R.S. Neb. § 71-1913.01. Immunization requirements; record; report
(1) Each program shall require the parent or guardian of each child enrolled in such program to present within thirty days after enrollment and periodically thereafter (a) proof that the child is protected by age-appropriate immunization against measles, mumps, rubella, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and haemophilus influenzae type B and invasive pneumoccal disease and such other diseases as the Department may from time to time specify based on then current medical and scientific knowledge, (b) certification by a physician, an advanced practice registered nurse practicing under and in accordance with his or her respective certification act, or a physician assistant that immunization is not appropriate for a stated medical reason, or (c) a written statement that the parent or guardian does not wish to have such child so immunized and the reasons therefore. The program shall exclude a child from attendance until such proof, certification, or written statement is provided. At the time the parent or guardian is notified that such information is required, he or she shall be notified in writing of his or her right to submit a certification or written statement pursuant to subdivision (b) or (c) of this subsection.
(2) Each program shall keep the written record of immunization, the certification, or the written statement of the parent or guardian. Such record, certification, or statement shall be kept by the program as part of the child's file, shall be available onsite to the Department , and shall be filed with the Department for review and inspection. Each program shall report to the Department of Health and Human Services by November 1 of each year the status of immunization for children enrolled as of September 30 of that year, and children who have reached kindergarten age and who are enrolled in public or private school need not be included in the report.
(1) Except as provided in sections 79-221 and 79-222, the school board or board of education of each school district and the governing authority of each private, denominational, or parochial school in this state shall require each student to be protected against measles, mumps, rubella, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus by immunization prior to enrollment. Any student who does not comply with this section shall not be permitted to continue in school until he or she so complies, except as provided by section 79-222. Each school district shall make diligent efforts to inform families prior to the date of school registration of the immunization requirements of this section.
(2) Except as provided in sections 79-221 and 79-222, on and after July 1, 2010, every student entering the seventh grade shall have a booster immunization containing diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and an acellular pertussis vaccine which meets the standards approved by the United States Public Health Service for such biological products, as such standards existed on January 1, 2009.
(3) Except as provided in the Childhood Vaccine Act, the cost of such immunizations shall be borne by the parent or guardian of each student who is immunized or by the Department of Health and Human Services for those students whose parent or guardian is financially unable to meet such cost.
R.R.S. Neb. § 79-220. Child; physical examination; visual evaluation; immunization; right of refusal
At the time the parent or guardian of any child is notified that such child must have a physical examination and a visual evaluation pursuant to section 79-214 or immunizations pursuant to section 79-217, the parent or guardian shall also be notified in writing of (1) his or her right to submit a written statement refusing a physical examination, a visual examination or immunization for his or her child and (2) a telephone number or other contact information to assist the parent or guardian in receiving information regarding free or reduced-cost visual evaluations for low-income families who qualify.
R.R.S. Neb. § 79-221. Immunization; when not required
Immunization shall not be required for a student's enrollment in any school in this state if he or she submits to the admitting official either of the following:
(1) A statement signed by a physician, a physician assistant, or an advanced practice registered nurse practicing under and in accordance with his or her respective certification act stating that, in the health care provider's opinion, the immunizations required would be injurious to the health and well-being of the student or any member of the student's family or household; or
(2) An affidavit signed by the student or, if he or she is a minor, by a legally authorized representative of the student, stating that the immunization conflicts with the tenets and practice of a recognized religious denomination of which the student is an adherent or member or that immunization conflicts with the personal and sincerely followed religious beliefs of the student.
R.R.S. Neb. § 85-902. Information on meningococcal disease; requirements.
(1) Beginning with school year 2003-04, each postsecondary educational institution shall provide to each newly enrolled student who will reside in oncampus housing and the student's parent or guardian:
(a) Detailed information on the risks associated with the potentially fatal meningococcal disease;
(b) the availability and effectiveness of a vaccine against the disease;
(c) a recommendation that each student receive the meningococcal vaccination; and
(d) information on the availability of an indigent patient fund to assist qualified persons with the cost of the vaccine.
(2) Each postsecondary educational institution shall request a confirmation signed by the student, parent, or guardian that the information provided has been received and reviewed.
Below are state statutes relating to minor consent for this state; however, there may be additional statutes NVIC is unaware of, and readers may need to do additional research and/or obtain additional legal advice. NVIC doesn't provide legal advice and provides the below for informational purposes only. NVIC provides additional resource information in our FAQ on Vaccination in School-Based Health Clinics, should readers have concerns about the vaccination of their child without parental knowledge or consent this school setting.
The chief medical officer as designated in section 81-3115, or local director of health, if a physician, or his or her agent, or any physician, upon consultation by any person as a patient, shall, with the consent of such person who is hereby granted the right of giving such consent, make or cause to be made a diagnostic examination for sexually transmitted diseases and prescribe for and treat such person for sexually transmitted diseases including prophylactic treatment for exposure to sexually transmitted diseases whenever such person is suspected of having a sexually transmitted disease or contact with anyone having a sexually transmitted disease. All such examinations and treatment may be performed without the consent of or notification to the parent, parents, guardian, or any other person having custody of such person. In any such case, the chief medical officer, or local director of health, if a physician, or his or her agent, or the physician shall incur no civil or criminal liability by reason of having made such diagnostic examination or rendered such treatment, but such immunity shall not apply to any negligent acts or omissions. The chief medical officer or local director of health, if a physician, or his or her agent, or the physician shall incur no civil or criminal liability by reason of any adverse reaction to medication administered if reasonable care is taken to elicit from any such person who is under twenty years of age any history of sensitivity or previous adverse reaction to medication. Parents shall be liable for expenses of such treatment to minors under their custody. In the event such person is affected with a sexually transmitted disease, the chief medical officer or local director of health may cause an interview of the person by a sexually transmitted disease investigator to secure the names of sexual contacts so that appropriate investigation can be made in an effort to locate and eliminate sources of infection.