Quick Facts and Resources for Oklahoma Residents
Quick Fact: Any minor child, through his or her parent or guardian, may submit to the health authority charged with the enforcement of the immunization laws, a certificate of a licensed physician stating that the physical condition of the child is such that immunization would endanger the life or health of the child; or upon receipt of a written statement by the parent or guardian objecting to such immunizations because of religious or other reasons, then such child shall be exempt from the provisions of this act.
Other Resources: Many vaccination and exemption information links are date specific. If the links below have expired, click on the state's department of health, or immunization program link provided below, as they are likely to provide links to updated information. The General Information link leads to the overview page provided by the state at the time of this webpage's update and may also be helpful. Please email NVIC with broken link information.
- General Information: Request college/university of choice for their Proof of Immunization Compliance, as each institution may use its own form. Example information from The University of Oklahoma
- Vaccination Requirements: Request college/university of choice for their Proof of Immunization Compliance, as each institution may use its own form. Example from The University of Oklahoma
- Exemption Information: Exemptions are allowed for medical and religious reasons. Contact the college for the waiver form. Example from The University of Oklahoma
- State Healthcare Worker and Patient Vaccination Laws
- State of Oklahoma Legislature - see applicable statutes and their hyperlinks below. Visit NVIC’s Advocacy Portal for information on legislation introduced impacting vaccine exemption rights.
- State of Oklahoma Legislature Electronic Notification Service
- State of Oklahoma Department of Health
- State of Oklahoma Immunization Program
- State of Oklahoma Vaccine Tracking System - You may also wish to contact your state’s vaccine tracking registry to determine if the ability to opt out is available.
- State of Oklahoma Proposed Rule-Making - View your state’s registry to learn about proposed rule-making.
Statutes may be accessed online here.
A. No person, firm, corporation, partnership or other legal entity operating a day care center or day care home in this state shall cause or permit a minor child two (2) months of age or older to be admitted to such facility unless and until the parent, guardian, or other related person of such child presents certification from a licensed physician or authorized representative of any state or local department of public health that such child has received or will receive immunization at the medically appropriate time against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, haemophilus influenzae type B (HIB), measles (rubeola), rubella, hepatitis A, varicella, and poliomyelitis; or presents such certification that the child is likely to be immune as a result of the disease. Provided, however, that in the event the parent, guardian, or other person presenting a child for admission to a day care center or day care home certifies in writing that a family emergency exists, the requirement imposed by this section may be waived for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days. Such certification shall be made prior to the provision of care. No such waiver shall be knowingly permitted more than once for any child.
B. The State Board of Health, by rule, may alter the list of immunizations required under this section after notice and hearing. Any change in the list of immunizations required shall be submitted to the next regular session of the Legislature and such change shall remain in force and effect unless and until a concurrent resolution of disapproval is passed. Hearings shall be conducted by the State Board of Health, or such officer, agents or employees as the State Board of Health may designate for that purpose. The State Board of Health shall give appropriate notice of the proposed change in the list of immunizations required and of the time and place for hearing. The change shall become effective on a date fixed by the State Board of Health. Any change in the list of immunizations required may be amended or repealed in the same manner as provided for its adoption. Proceedings pursuant to this subsection shall be governed by the Administrative Procedures Act.
10 Okl. St. § 412. Manner and frequency of immunizations--Enforcement of act
A. The immunizations required by this act, and the manner and frequency of their administration, as prescribed by the State Board of Health, shall conform to recognized standard medical practices in this state. The State Department of Health shall supervise and secure the enforcement of the required immunization program.
B. The Department of Human Services shall render reasonable assistance to the State Department of Health in the enforcement of the provisions of this act. This assistance shall be in the form of revocation or denial of the license of any facility not in compliance with this act.
10 Okl. St. § 413. Exemptions.
Any minor child, through his or her parent or guardian, may submit to the health authority charged with the enforcement of the immunization laws, a certificate of a licensed physician stating that the physical condition of the child is such that immunization would endanger the life or health of the child; or upon receipt of a written statement by the parent or guardian objecting to such immunizations because of religious or other reasons, then such child shall be exempt from the provisions of this act.
70 Okl. St. § 1210.191 - Title 70. Schools
A. No minor child shall be admitted to any public, private, or parochial school operating in this state unless and until certification is presented to the appropriate school authorities from a licensed physician, or authorized representative of the State Department of Health, that such child has received or is in the process of receiving, immunizations against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, haemophilus influenzae type B (HIB), measles (rubeola), (rubella), poliomyelitis, varicella, and hepatitis A or is likely to be immune as a result of the disease.
B. Immunization tests required, and the manner and frequency of their administration, as prescribed by the State Board of Health, shall conform to recognized standard medical practices in the state. The State Department of Health shall supervise and secure the enforcement of the required immunization program. The State Department of Education and the governing boards of the school districts of this state shall render reasonable assistance to the State Department of Health in the enforcement of the provisions hereof.
C. The State Board of Health, by rule, may alter the list of immunizations required after notice and hearing. Any change in the list of immunizations required shall be submitted to the next regular session of the Legislature and such change shall remain in force and effect unless and until a concurrent resolution of disapproval is passed. Hearings shall be conducted by the State Board of Health, or such officer, agents or employees as the Board may designate for that purpose. The State Board of Health shall give appropriate notice of the proposed change in the list of immunizations required and of the time and place for hearing. The change shall become effective on a date fixed by the State Board of Health. Any change in the list of immunizations required may be amended or repealed in the same manner as provided for its adoption. Proceedings pursuant to this subsection shall be governed by the Administrative Procedures Act.
D. The State Department of Education and the governing boards of the school districts of this state shall provide for release to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority of the immunization records of school children covered under Title XIX or Title XXI of the federal Social Security Act who have not received the required immunizations at the appropriate time. The information received pursuant to such release shall be transmitted by the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to medical providers who provide services to such children pursuant to Title XIX or Title XXI to assist in their efforts to increase the rate of childhood immunizations pursuant to the requirements of the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) services provisions. The provisions of this subsection shall not be construed to prohibit or affect the eligibility of any child to receive benefits pursuant to Title XIX or Title XXI of the Social Security Act or to require the immunization of any child if such child is exempt from immunization pursuant to Section 1210.192 of this title shall not be included in the information transmitted pursuant to this subsection.
70 Okl. St. § 1210.192. Exemptions
Any minor child, through the parent, guardian, or legal custodian of the child, may submit to the health authority charged with the enforcement of the immunization laws of this state:
1. A certificate of a licensed physician as defined in Section 725.2 of Title 59 of the Oklahoma Statutes, stating that the physical condition of the child is such that immunization would endanger the life or health of the child; or
2. A written statement by the parent, guardian or legal custodian of the child objecting to immunization of the child; whereupon the child shall be exempt from the immunization laws of this state.
1. Beginning with the 2004-2005 academic year, in order to enroll as a full-time or part-time student in an institution within The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education or a private institution of higher learning located within this state and accredited pursuant to Section 4103 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes, an individual shall provide written documentation of vaccinations against hepatitis B, measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR).
2. The requirement shall not apply to students enrolling in courses delivered via the Internet or distance learning in which the student is not required to attend class on campus.
B. Beginning with the 2004-2005 academic year, institutions shall notify students of the requirements of subsection A of this section and provide students with educational information on hepatitis B, measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) upon enrollment. Such information shall also include the risks and benefits of the vaccination. Institutions shall not be required to provide or pay for vaccinations against hepatitis B, measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR).
C. A written statement from a licensed physician indicating that a vaccine is medically contraindicated shall exempt a student from the vaccination. A student shall be exempt from the vaccination if the student submits a written, signed statement declaring that the administration of the vaccine conflicts with the student's moral or religious tenets or, if the student is a minor, the student's parent or guardian provides a written statement that the administration of the vaccine conflicts with the parent's or guardian's moral or religious tenets.
D. It shall be the responsibility of the governing body or board of regents for each public or private postsecondary institution or group of institutions to adopt policies for the implementation of this section. In adopting these policies the relevant governing body or board of regents may include exceptions for certain categories of students at its discretion.
70 Okl. St. § 3243 - Student Vaccinations Against Meningococcal Disease - Waivers - Cost
A. Beginning with the 2004-2005 academic year, public or private postsecondary educational institutions shall provide detailed information on the risks associated with meningococcal disease and the risks and benefits of the vaccination as well as the availability of vaccine to students who reside or plan to reside in on-campus student housing.
B. Beginning with the 2004-2005 academic year, students who are first-time enrollees in any public or private postsecondary educational institution in this state and who reside in on-campus student housing shall be vaccinated against meningococcal disease, unless:
1. In the case of an individual who is eighteen (18) years of age or older, the individual signs a written waiver provided by the institution of higher education stating that the individual has received and reviewed the information provided and has chosen not to be vaccinated against meningococcal disease; or
2. In the case of an individual who is a minor, the individual's parent or guardian signs a written waiver provided by the institution of higher education stating that the parent or guardian has received and reviewed the information provided and has chosen not to have the individual vaccinated against meningococcal disease.
C. The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education shall consult the State Department of Health regarding the preparation of the informational material and waiver form required in subsection B of this section. The Regents shall provide the material and form to all public or private postsecondary educational institutions with on-campus student housing in this state. It shall be the responsibility of the governing body or board of regents for each public or private postsecondary institution or group of institutions to adopt policies for the implementation of this section.
D. Public or private postsecondary institutions in this state shall not be required to provide or pay for vaccinations against meningococcal disease.
Below are state statutes relating to minor consent for this state; however, there may be additional statutes NVIC is unaware of, and readers may need to do additional research and/or obtain additional legal advice. NVIC doesn't provide legal advice and provides the below for informational purposes only. NVIC provides additional resource information in our FAQ on Vaccination in School-Based Health Clinics, should readers have concerns about the vaccination of their child without parental knowledge or consent this school setting.
Oklahoma Statutes
Title 63. Public Health and Safety
- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the following minors may consent to have services provided by health professionals in the following cases:
- Any minor who is married, has a dependent child or is emancipated;
- Any minor who is separated from his parents or legal guardian for whatever reason and is not supported by his parents or guardian;
- Any minor who is or has been pregnant, afflicted with any reportable communicable disease, drug and substance abuse or abusive use of alcohol; provided, however, that such self-consent only applies to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of those conditions specified in this section. Any health professional who accepts the responsibility of providing such health services also assumes the obligation to provide counseling for the minor by a health professional. If the minor is found not to be pregnant nor suffering from a communicable disease nor drug or substance abuse nor abusive use of alcohol, the health professional shall not reveal any information whatsoever to the spouse, parent or legal guardian, without the consent of the minor; 4. Any minor parent as to his child;
- Any spouse of a minor when the minor is unable to give consent by reason of physical or mental incapacity;
- Any minor who by reason of physical or mental capacity cannot give consent and has no known relatives or legal guardian, if two physicians agree on the health service to be given;
- Any minor in need of emergency services for conditions which will endanger his health or life if delay would result by obtaining consent from his spouse, parent or legal guardian; provided, however, that the prescribing of any medicine or device for the prevention of pregnancy shall not be considered such an emergency service; or
- Any minor who is the victim of sexual assault; provided, however, that such self-consent only applies to a forensic medical examination by a qualified licensed health care professional.
If any minor falsely represents that he may give consent and a health professional provides health services in good faith based upon that misrepresentation, the minor shall receive full services without the consent of the minor's parent or legal guardian and the health professional shall incur no liability except for negligence Oklahoma Statutes - Title 63. Public Health and Safety Page 1418 or intentional harm. Consent of the minor shall not be subject to later disaffirmance or revocation because of his minority.
- The health professional shall be required to make a reasonable attempt to inform the spouse, parent or legal guardian of the minor of any treatment needed or provided under paragraph 7 of subsection A of this section. In all other instances the health professional may, but shall not be required to inform the spouse, parent or legal guardian of the minor of any treatment needed or provided. The judgment of the health professional as to notification shall be final, and his disclosure shall not constitute libel, slander, the breach of the right of privacy, the breach of the rule of privileged communication or result in any other breach that would incur liability. Information about the minor obtained through care by a health professional under the provisions of this act shall not be disseminated to any health professional, school, law enforcement agency or official, court authority, government agency or official employer, without the consent of the minor, except through specific legal requirements or if the giving of the information is necessary to the health of the minor and public. Statistical reporting may be done when the minor's identity is kept confidential. The health professional shall not incur criminal liability for action under the provisions of this act except for negligence or intentional harm.