Rights & Ethics
NVIC Vaccine News

Informed Consent

¿Por qué el Consentimiento Informado para la Vacunación es un Derecho Humano?

Sin el derecho legal de proteger a la integridad y la autonomía, libertad de pensamiento, palabra, consciencia ni creencia religiosa, no somos libres.

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Why Is Informed Consent to Vaccination A Human Right?

Without the legal right to protect autonomy and bodily integrity, without the legal right to freedom of thought, speech, conscience and religious belief, we are no longer free.

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Take Action in 2017 to Protect Vaccine Freedom of Choice

By February 2017, vaccine legislation had been introduced in 30 states that threaten vaccine freedom of choice. Read on to learn how human rights are on the table to be threatened this year.

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Este es al Año Proteja su Libertad de Elección sobre la Vacunación

Proteja su Libertad

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