Current News & Media Reports Press Release Archives
Browse past selected coverage of NVIC's advocacy to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths and inclusion of informed consent protections in vaccine policies and laws. Use the links above to access current media reports and archived press releases.
- Veterans Affairs Found Safety Signal for Pfizer COVID Vaccine, Never Disclosed It. Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, said the new emails show “both the VA and CDC knew there was an alarming signal for heart inflammation. Yet the public was not informed that this signal had been detected, an early warning sign that turned out to be a very real causal association between myocarditis/pericarditis and mRNA COVID shots,” Ms. Fisher told The Epoch Times via email. Epoch Times Jan. 12, 2024.
- Censoring Vax Info Violates Freedom Of Thought, Speech, And Conscience. In a wide ranging video interview by David Fiorazo, NVIC's Co-founder and President, Barbara Loe Fisher provides a brief history of the systematic censorship of NVIC in the public square by government operatives and Big Tech, as well as NVIC's work with Congress to draft and pass the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, and stated The right to make an informed and voluntary choice about what you're willing to risk your life or your child's life for fundamental natural right. Worldview Matters Nov. 30, 2023.
- NVIC Releases New Report on Censorship, Informed Consent, and V Safety. This interview with Barbara Loe Fisher, founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, provides up-to-date information on V safety, censorship, and informed consent. Please support and utilize their platform to stay current on legislation and policies that can impact your children, grandchildren, and community for generations. 100YL Lifestye with Eric Plasker, DC. Nov. 28, 2024.
- Morning Coffee with Barbara Loe Fisher. In this heart felt, information packed discussion with one of our most impactful icons in Medical Freedom and advocacy world, Barbara Loe Fisher shares with Michelle the disturbing truth she uncovered about the masterminds behind the censorship and silencing of some of the most credentialled and knowledgeable people on the topic of vaccines (and bio weapons) who dared to speak the truth, think critically (and publicly) and ask questions that would undermine political, money driven, global over reach and elitist agendas. Morning Coffee with Dr. T. Nov. 28, 2023.
- NVIC's Barbara Loe Fisher on The Meg Ellefson Show. NVIC's Co-founder and President, Barbara Loe Fisher discusses the culture wars and the problematic public-private relationship held by government and the lack of independent oversight of vaccine safety and monitoring. Barbara stated, While we are all born equal under the law, we are not all the same. We come to the process of vaccination with different genetics...we don't all respond the same way to medical interventions like vaccines. With regard the unjustness of vaccine mandates and those harmed by vaccines, Barbara continued by stating They could have done the science; for 40 years I have begged them to do the science to find out who is at more risk (biologically and genetically)for having adverse responses to vaccinations. They (the government) have refused to do the science. The Meg Ellefson Show Nov. 16, 2023.
- Health Freedom Hall of Fame. Sports legends John Stockton and Ken Ruettgers interview Barbara Loe Fisher and discuss COVID-19 vaccine and federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Barbara provided invaluable information on the original requirements of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 and preservation of the right to sue vaccine manufacturers. Additionally, Barbara stated that since NVIC's co-founders work to pass that law, it has been amended, and added The pharmaceutical companies, medical trade organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics and American Medical Association, and the government health agencies went in and gutted that law systematically over a period of 10 years. And they weakened the safety provisions, and they gave the doctors liability protection which they did not have when that law was passed in '86, we never agreed to that. Voices for Medical Freedom Oct. 23, 2023.
- Censoring Vax Info Violates Freedom Of Thought, Speech, And Conscience. In a wide ranging video interview by David Fiorazo, NVIC's Co-founder and President, Barbara Loe Fisher provides a brief history of the systematic censorship of NVIC in the public square by government operatives and Big Tech, as well as NVIC's work with Congress to draft and pass the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, and stated
The right to make an informed and voluntary choice about what you're willing to risk your life or your child's life for fundamental natural right.
Worldview Matters Nov. 30, 2023. - NVIC's Barbara Loe Fisher on The Meg Ellefson Show. NVIC's Co-founder and President, Barbara Loe Fisher discusses the culture wars and the problematic public-private relationship held by government and the lack of independent oversight of vaccine safety and monitoring. Barbara stated,
While we are all born equal under the law, we are not all the same. We come to the process of vaccination with different genetics...we don't all respond the same way to medical interventions like vaccines.
With regard the unjustness of vaccine mandates and those harmed by vaccines, Barbara continued by statingThey could have done the science; for 40 years I have begged them to do the science to find out who is at more risk (biologically and genetically)for having adverse responses to vaccinations. They (the government) have refused to do the science.
The Meg Ellefson Show Nov. 16, 2023. - Senator Demands Answers From FDA On Safety Signal For COVID Vaccines And Children. In response to a In a preprint paper published in October containing information that FDA researchers had not disclosed to the public a safety signal dectected for seizures/convulations following COVID-19 vaccination, Senator Ron Johnson stated that the information should have been publicly disclosed and that this new information could change the promoted view that the benefits of the vaccines outweigh the risks. NVIC's Co-founder and President noted that because of the lack of transparency,
Trust is lost in public health policy recommendations when health officials either refuse or are slow to make information available that can help people weigh the risks for themselves when considering their own current health and medical history.
Epoch Times Oct. 28, 2023. - Health Freedom Hall of Fame. Sports legends John Stockton and Ken Ruettgers interview Barbara Loe Fisher and discuss COVID-19 vaccine and federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Barbara provided invaluable information on the original requirements of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 and preservation of the right to sue vaccine manufacturers. Additionally, Barbara stated that since NVIC's co-founders work to pass that law, it has been amended, and added
The pharmaceutical companies, medical trade organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics and American Medical Association, and the government health agencies went in and gutted that law systematically over a period of 10 years. And they weakened the safety provisions, and they gave the doctors liability protection which they did not have when that law was passed in '86, we never agreed to that.
Voices for Medical Freedom Oct. 23, 2023. - Texas lawmakers again try to prohibit private businesses from requiring COVID-19 vaccines. NVIC's Director of Advocacy Dawn Richardson applauded Texas legislation that provided no exceptions to the informed consent right of individuals to voluntarily vaccinate without penalties such as job loss. She stated that the healthcare industry
...was the worst perpetrators of the abuses on employees. This is not about health, it’s about control,
and added,The willing destruction of the livelihood and health of their employees [with the vaccine mandate] demonstrates exactly why these businesses should be held to the same standards as every other business.
The Texas Tribune Oct. 10, 2023. - CDC Refuses to Release Updated Information on Post-COVID Vaccination Heart Inflammation. In response to the CDC's refusal to provide the public with its updated data on the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine complication of myocarditis, NVIC's Co-founder and President Barbara Loe Fisher noted
The CDC has acknowledged that heart inflammation is a complication of mRNA COVID-19 shots and, yet, the only published data released by CDC officials about that complication is a seven-week study that ended on Oct. 23, 2022.
Epoch Times Sept. 23, 2023. - ‘Predatory’ Anti-Parent Agenda in Schools. in this episode of Good Morning CHD on school based health centers, which were created in 2010, NVIC's Executive Director, Theresa Wrangham lays out the information parents need to know about their rights and privacy when it comes to their children’s education. Children's Health Defense-CHD TV Sept. 16, 2023.
- EXCLUSIVE: CDC Repeatedly Advised People With Post-Vaccination Conditions to Get More Doses. In response to the CDC's CISA advising COVID-19 vaccination despite vaccine adverse events, NVIC's Co-founder and President Barbara Loe Fisher stated that
Government officials admitting ignorance about a biological product’s potential side effects but directing a doctor to risk a patient’s life by continuing to inject the product into a patient, who already has suffered an injury following use of that product, is immoral," she added. "We expect and deserve government health officials to adhere to a higher professional and ethical standard of care.
Epoch Times Sept. 5, 2023. - On Your Health: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny & Barbara Loe Fisher. In this wide ranging video podcast interview (mark 4.57), Dr. Tenpenny and NVIC Co-founder Barbara Loe Fisher discuss the origins and history of the vaccine informed consent movement, the gutting of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, and the need to eliminate vaccine mandates. Brighteon TV Aug. 21, 2023.
- Blows The Lid Off Vaccine Injury. In this episode of Making Sense of the Madness with Jason Bermas, Barbara Loe Fisher and Jason talk about the history of the 40-year old vaccine safety and informed consent movement in the U.S. and how expanding public-private business partnerships between industry and government have impacted public health policy and COVID vaccine laws during the recent coronavirus pandemic. American Media Periscope Aug. 2, 2023; Video Mark 7:25.
- COVID Shots: A New Awakening. Crosstalk podcast interview of Barbara Loe Fisher by host Jim Schneider. Among the highlights of this podcast interview, Fisher noted that as of July 21, 2023 nearly 1.6 million COVID-19 vaccine adverse events had been reported to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, retaliatory censorship and removal of NVIC from mainstream social media platforms, actions by Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives that resulted in PayPal prohibiting donations to NVIC, and the censorship of opposing viewpoints on COVID-19 and its origins resulting in the public's loss of trust in federal recommendations. She stated, "We now know that NIH did give 2 to 3 million dollars for risky gain of function research at Chinese research institutions." Fisher added "[sic Senator] Rand Paul sent an official criminal referral to the Department of Justice charging that Anthony Fauci, former director of NIH Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, committed perjury when he testified before a Senate committee in 2021 and repeatedly said that no NIH funding went to the Wuhan lab for gain of function research. This is a huge deal." VCY America July 31, 2023.
- CDC Poised to Recommend Annual COVID-19 Shots: Director. Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, stated “The companies need a new market for the COVID product and they can get that by combining it with the influenza vaccine and making sure the CDC recommends that everyone get a COVID booster annually,” in response to actions by pharmaceutical companies preparing combination COVID-19-influenza vaccines. As surveys show that many Americans no longer trust CDC recommendations, Fisher added "If CDC officials recommend that everyone get an annual COVID booster shot, it will only further increase public distrust in vaccines and call into question the scientific and moral integrity of public health policy." Epoch Times July 30, 2023.
- Gates, WHO Envision Future Where ‘Vaccine Patches Could Be Mailed Directly to Peoples’ Homes’. Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, when interviewed Michael Nevradakis Ph.D. about vaccine patches, stated “If you look at the medical literature describing microneedle vaccine patches, what you see is a lot of hype about how much easier it will be for the vaccinators to slap a patch on a child’s skin instead of using a needle, and how the ‘painless’ patch can reduce vaccine hesitancy.” She added that vaccine hesitancy “has never been about how the product is delivered” but that “it has always been about the lack of evidence demonstrating safety.” CHD Defender July 10, 2023.
- More Than 100 Young Children Suffered Seizures After COVID Vaccination: Study. Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, which seeks to inform parents and others about vaccine data, said future studies should be done by independent researchers who compare the vaccinated to the unvaccinated. “The VSD is a government-maintained database that cannot be viewed by the public and is not easily accessible to independent researchers for oversight on or replication of study findings,” Fisher told The Epoch Times via email. “Where are the independent, methodologically sound COVID vaccine studies conducted by researchers who are not paid by government or industry that evaluate all morbidity and mortality outcomes in young children who do and do not receive mRNA COVID vaccines? That’s the study parents want to see done.” Epoch Times June 9, 2023.
- CDC Officials Make False Statements About Possible COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects. Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, noted that there have been more than 24,000 reports of tinnitus submitted to VAERS after COVID-19 vaccination. “There is mounting evidence in the medical literature that tinnitus involves inflammation in the brain,” Fisher said, pointing to several studies. She added, “CDC officials should be taking the tinnitus signal seriously and actively pursuing every available avenue of research to find out what is going on rather than doing everything they can to quickly dismiss the reported risk for developing chronic ringing in the ears after COVID shots.” Epoch Times Apr 26, 2023.
- Trailblazers of Medical Freedom With Barbara Loe Fisher and Dr. Andrew Wakefield. Good Morning CHD video interview of Barbara Loe Fisher and Andrew Wakefield by host Stephanie Locricchio. In this conversation, Fisher and Wakefield talk about their shared experiences in the late 20th century trying to raise public awareness about vaccine risks, including the challenges they have faced and the strategies they have used to do that into the 21st century. From the importance of seeking and sharing information to the need for action, Fisher and Wakefield offer invaluable insights into the ongoing fight for health freedom, with Fisher stating, "It's time for people to stand up and say are not going to take away my informed consent rights." Good Morning CHD Apr. 17, 2023.
- Physician Assistant Fired for Reporting COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events to VAERS. In this wide ranging interview that provided background on VAERS and the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act of 1986, NVIC's Co-founder and President, Barbara Loe Fisher stated, "At this point, those of us who worked on the 1986 Act with Congress know that our trust was betrayed by politicians who made backroom deals with drug companies, medical trade organizations, and federal agencies to gut the Act after it was passed and give the pharmaceutical industry what it wanted in 1986 and could not get: a complete liability shield for vaccine injuries and deaths...” Epoch Times Mar. 19, 2023.
- COVID Shots Added to CDC’s Recommended Vaccine Schedule. Crosstalk podcast interview of Barbara Loe Fisher by host Jim Schneider. Fisher stated of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, "We know now that this is the most reactive vaccine that has ever been put on the U.S. market." VCY America Mar. 3, 2023.
- CDC Spreads False Information About COVID-19 Vaccine Safety. Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times via email “Those of us who worked with Congress to secure vaccine safety informing, recording, and reporting provisions in the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act—of which VAERS was one—are deeply concerned that federal health officials are deliberately ignoring signals in VAERS and that mRNA COVID shots are causing ischemic strokes and other potentially fatal complications,” Epoch Times Feb 27, 2023.
- Deadline Passes for Pfizer to Submit Results of Post-Vaccination Heart. Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times via email “Why are FDA officials dragging their feet on making Pfizer’s prospective study data on subclinical myocarditis available to the public when evidence has been published in the medical literature that Pfizer’s pre-EUA clinical trials revealed ‘a 36 percent higher risk of serious adverse events in vaccinated participants in comparison to placebo recipients,” Epoch Times Jan 11, 2023.
- FDA Waited Months to Alert Public to Possible COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Issues, Researchers Disclose. Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times via email “From day one, people over age 65 have been targeted for COVID shots and, to date, 95 percent of them in the U.S. have rolled up their sleeves and gotten vaccinated. The FDA is legally responsible for ensuring that vaccine products released for public use are safe. Why did FDA officials wait for five months to come clean with the public about a suspected increased risk of blood clots that could lead to death for seniors who get the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine and then wait 10 more months to submit a study for publication?” Epoch Times Dec. 19, 2022.
- CDC Advisers Recommend Adding COVID-19 Vaccines to Childhood Immunization Schedule. Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times via email “I suppose we should not be surprised that the ACIP has voted to add it to the CDC’s recommended childhood vaccine schedule, even though it has not been fully licensed by FDA for use in children. The past three years has [sic] taught us that federal health officials have politicized the COVID vaccine development, licensing, and policymaking process and rubber-stamped the questionable science provided by pharmaceutical companies,” Epoch Times Oct. 20, 2022.
- FDA Waited Months to Alert Public to Possible COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Issues, Researchers Disclose. Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times via email “From day one, people over age 65 have been targeted for COVID shots and, to date, 95 percent of them in the U.S. have rolled up their sleeves and gotten vaccinated. The FDA is legally responsible for ensuring that vaccine products released for public use are safe. Why did FDA officials wait for five months to come clean with the public about a suspected increased risk of blood clots that could lead to death for seniors who get the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine and then wait 10 more months to submit a study for publication?” Epoch Times Dec. 19, 2022.
- CDC Advisers Recommend Adding COVID-19 Vaccines to Childhood Immunization Schedule. Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times via email “I suppose we should not be surprised that the ACIP has voted to add it to the CDC’s recommended childhood vaccine schedule, even though it has not been fully licensed by FDA for use in children. The past three years has [sic] taught us that federal health officials have politicized the COVID vaccine development, licensing, and policymaking process and rubber-stamped the questionable science provided by pharmaceutical companies,” Epoch Times Oct. 20, 2022.
- Latest News on COVID Shots.Crosstalk podcast interview of Barbara Loe Fisher by host Jim Schneider. VCY America Sept. 23, 2022.
- What’s Up with COVID the Vaccine? Don’t Ask That Question podcast interview of Barbara Loe Fisher by journalist Kelly O’Meara. The Vaccine Reaction Aug. 7, 2022.
- Defending Truth and Freedom for 40 Years. Guest Commentary by Barbara Loe Fisher. Epoch Times July 6, 2022.
- Barbara Loe Fisher Sounds the Alarm on Risks of Childhood Vaccinations. A 25-minute video and podcast interview with Tina Griffin and Barbara Loe Fisher. Tina talks about her experience as a young Mom reading the 1985 book DPT: A Shot in the Dark documenting the dangers of the whole cell pertussis vaccine. Tina and Barbara discuss the fact that VAERS has received over two million vaccine reaction reports and 1.3 million are connected to the COVID shot, while only one percent of vaccine-related injuries are reported. Counter Culture Mom June 21, 2022.
- EXCLUSIVE: Military Official Predicted mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Might Be Paused Over Heart Inflammation. Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times in an email that, “The historic reluctance of public health officials to acknowledge that vaccines carry serious risks, which are greater for some people, is one of the biggest impediments to improving the safety of the mass vaccination system.” Epoch Times June 10, 2022.
- Monkeypox, COVID and Vaccination Information. Crosstalk podcast interview of Barbara Loe Fisher by host Jim Schneider. VCY America June 1, 2022.
- Exemption to Vaccination: the Moral Right to Conscientious, Philosophical and Personal Belief. Guest Commentary by Barbara Loe Fisher. Epoch Times May 6, 2022.
- Pfizer to Ask US Regulators to Authorize COVID Vaccine Booster for 5-11 Age Group. Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times in an email. “The submission being made based on data from the small number of children is “a new low for scientific evidence of a vaccine’s safety and efficacy and a clear indication that the pharmaceutical industry views FDA as a rubber-stamping agency.” Epoch Times April 14, 2022.
- Moderna to Ask FDA to Authorize Vaccine for Children as Young as 6 Months. Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times via email,To convince parents of children as young as six months old to allow their children to be injected with Moderna’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, the company is going to have to do a lot more than claim a woefully inadequate 37 to 43 percent efficacy when COVID disease is either asymptomatic or very mild for the majority of young children,” adding that long-term risks of the vaccine remain unknown. Epoch Times 23, 2022.
- Covid Shots, Children & SMART Health Cards. Crosstalk podcast interview of Barbara Loe Fisher by host Jim Schneider. VCY America Mar. 22, 2022.
- US Agencies Quietly Studying Reports of Post-Vaccination Neurological Issues. Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, which pushes for transparency surrounding vaccines, told The Epoch Times that “These victims of vaccine injury are left out in the cold and I can imagine how upset they are. NIH and CDC should be making investigation into the reports of brain dysfunction after this COVID vaccine the highest priority, and FDA should immediately release the 450,000 pages of Pfizer clinical trial data on Comirnaty,” she added, referring to the FDA slow-walking production documents from Pfizer’s trial and using the brand name for Pfizer’s vaccine. Epoch Times Feb. 20, 2022.
- FDA Removes Document On Moderna Vaccine Approval From Website After Conservative Media Asks Questions – With the removal by the FDA of a document providing the public with insight into the decision to approve Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, NVIC’s Barbara Loe Fisher stated the public has the right to review the evidence FDA is using to license new mRNA vaccines as safe and effective." She added, "Lack of transparency only fosters distrust in government agencies charged with protecting the public health," Fisher argued. "FDA should immediately release all information related to the incidence of myocarditis and other serious adverse events following mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations, whether that information has been provided to the agency by vaccine manufacturers or discovered through in-house analyses of additional data collected by federal officials." Olivia Cavallaro, Christianity Daily, Feb 5, 2022.
- FDA Document on Moderna Vaccine Approval Removed from Agency’s Website. Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center, a nonprofit that advocates for informed consent, told The Epoch Times in an email that, “the public has the right to review the evidence FDA is using to license new mRNA vaccines as safe and effective. “Lack of transparency only fosters distrust in government agencies charged with protecting the public health. FDA should immediately release all information related to the incidence of myocarditis and other serious adverse events following mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations, whether that information has been provided to the agency by vaccine manufacturers or discovered through in-house analyses of additional data collected by federal officials.”Epoch Times Feb 3, 2022.
- CDC’s Advisory Panel to Meet on Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine Following FDA Approval. Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, said that people considering getting Moderna’s vaccine should be aware of the surveillance data. “Inflammation of the heart is not a trivial health problem and, clearly, the benefits may not outweigh the risks for everyone who receives mRNA COVID-19 vaccines like Spikevax,” she told The Epoch Times in an email, pointing to information from the National Institutes of Health. Epoch Times Jan. 31, 2022.
- How to Report A Vaccine Reaction Yourself. Guest Commentary by Barbara Loe Fisher. Epoch Times Jan. 26, 2022.
- Vaccine Mandates Strongly Opposed in Europe, US as Vaccine Failures Increase. Guest Commentary by Barbara Loe Fisher. Epoch Times Jan. 22, 2022.
- California Missed a Chance to Protect Pandemic-Era Human Rights 4 Years Ago – In a news commentary, former California state senator John Moorlach noted the early efforts of NVIC in supporting parental and informed consent rights associated with vaccination and the need for legislation to protect these rights. John Moorlach, The Epoch TimesI, Jan 20, 2022.
- Wisconsin GOP bill would count prior COVID-19 infection as immunity – Reporting on state vaccine-related legislation in Wisconsin, noted NVIC’s legislative efforts and testimony on a Wisconsin bill for employers to recognize COVID-19 natural immunity as an alternative to vaccination and testing. Chloe Folmar, The Hill, Jan 11, 2022.
- CENSORED (but victorious): National Vaccine Information Center – Independent investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson provided analysis on PayPal’s refusal to process donations made by citizens to the National Vaccine Information Center. The analysis also noted the pulling of strings to enable Big Tech to squash views that run counter to the narrative put forth by industry and government relating to vaccines. Sharyl Attkisson, Jan 3, 2022.
- Nationwide Push for Covid Shot. In a radio interview with Jim Schneider, NVIC’s Co-founder and President Barbara Loe Fisher discusses vaccine reaction reports to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and COVID-19 vaccine mandates and bullying tactics used to coerce Americans to use experimental COVID-19 vaccines. Ms. Fisher stated that "this is a violation of human rights" and that no one should be "forced to used a medical product,...particularly one that has no liability associated with it" and went on to explain that vaccine makers and providers can not be sued for vaccine injuries and that injuries often cannot be predicted in advance of vaccination. Crosstalk – VCY America Aug. 3, 2021.
- Vaccine Mandates Prompt Sharp Legal Debate. In the midst of colleges, government and employers requiring vaccination with experiemental COVID-19 vaccines, NVIC's president and co-founder Barbara Loe Fisher responded that "Bullying and punishing people for exercising the human right to voluntary, informed consent to vaccine risk taking is an abuse of public trust." Voice of America July 17, 2021.
- Is GMU coercing students and staff to get experimental COVID-19 vaccine? Responding to the discriminatory policy put into place at George Mason University of requiring disclosure of COVID-19 vaccine status for students and staff, NVIC's president and co-founder Barbara Loe Fisher stated “It’s unfortunate that George Mason University has chosen to use coercion and sanctions to deny students and faculty the human right to exercise voluntary informed consent to use of the still experimental, unlicensed COVID-19 vaccines.” Virginia attorney William Olson added "Medical experiments should never have been made mandatory for anyone." Fairfax Times July 2, 2021.
- Long-term care facilities express concern over 'vaccine hesitancy' among staff. Addressing questions about vaccine hesitancy, NVIC's Executive Director Theresa Wrangham noted that the public shares stories with NVIC about the pressure to vaccinate and/or feeling coerced and stated, “Whether it is the COVID vaccine or the flu shot, the decision to vaccinate should always be voluntary.” She added, “Health care workers and other employees shouldn’t be punished for their vaccination decisions. The decision to vaccinate must be voluntary and free from coercion and sanction.” The article also noted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) vaccines, like COVID-19 vaccines, may be refused, but that there may be consequences for doing that are not specified in the law. Additionally, the article highlighted that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has updated their guidelines on vaccine mandates in the workplace relating to COVID-19 vaccines and noted that while employers can institute vaccine mandate policies, there are also rights conferred to the employee for refusal. Colorado Politics Jan. 13, 2021.
- Vaccine opponents outline online campaigns to sow distrust in coronavirus vaccine. The modern vaccine safety and informed consent movement was launched in the U.S. in 1982 by parents of DPT vaccine injured children and it is stronger and more relevant than ever today, as experimental COVID-19 vaccines fast tracked to market are being distributed under an Emergency Use Authorization. NVIC’s Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination … was a celebration of freedom of thought, speech and conscience. We stand by the 50 exceptional speakers who presented at our conference and will be making the evidence and informed perspective they provided on medical science, public health policy and law and ethics more widely available in 2021." The Washington Post. Dec. 23, 2020.
- COVID Vaccinations: Information You Need to Know. In a radio interview with Jim Schneider, NVIC’s Co-founder and President Barbara Loe Fisher discussed the differences between Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) vaccines, like COVID-19 vaccines, and vaccines that go through the standard FDA licensure process. She noted that EUA vaccines cannot be mandated and require voluntary consent. Crosstalk – VCY America. Dec. 17, 2020.
- Denmark Citizens Refuse Law Mandating Forced COVID-19 Vaccine. With polls showing that about half of Americans either do not want to get a new COVID-19 vaccine or have reservations about getting vaccinated, there will be those who want societal sanctions to be levied against those who refuse to take it,” Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder and President of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times in an email. Fisher says the “public-private business partnerships” between the governments and pharmaceuticals for more than 35 years has been a “powerful lobby for forced vaccination” in the United States and around the world." and that "The draconian COVID-19 vaccination law enacted in Denmark last spring that threatened to imprison people for refusing to comply is a warning of what could happen here. Americans must rise up and resist this kind of tyranny in great numbers like the people of Denmark have done this week”. The Epoch Times. Nov. 19, 2020.
- Universal Flu Vaccine Awaiting Third Trial Phase. Noting the lack of effectiveness of currently available influenza vaccines, this article highlighted the challenges of developing a safe and effective “universal” influenza vaccine. NVIC’s President Barbara Loe Fisher also emphasized that all vaccines come with risks and stated, “Vaccines are pharmaceutical products that carry two risks: the risk of an adverse reaction and a risk that the vaccine will fail to protect against infection and transmission of the disease it was designed to prevent.” The article also highlighted the perspective of Dr. Joseph Mercola and data from the federal vaccine injury compensation program on injuries and compensation for vaccine injuries. Epoch Times. Jun. 20, 2020.
- Colorado Families Opting Out of Vaccines Feel Discriminated Against With Vaccine Bill. Exploring SB 163’s proposed restrictions on school vaccine exemptions, this article notes that existing law would accomplish many of the bill’s aims. NVIC’s Executive Director Theresa Wrangham added, “There’s a lot of missing records, and when schools follow up to get the rest of the information, exemption rates go down and vaccination rates go up,” Epoch Times. Jun. 18, 2020.
- Competing vaccination bills heading for face-off in legislature. In this article, NVIC’s Executive Director Theresa Wrangham responded to attacks on conscientious and religious belief exemptions in proposed legislation requiring that parents use a potentially biased education module when vaccine providers refuse to sign personal and religious belief exemption forms. Regarding families utilizing exemptions, she said, “These choices are not made lightly.” She added, “They’re assuming we are idiots. I consider this discrimination. If we’re going to educate, let’s educate everyone.” Colorado Politics. Jun. 7, 2020.
- Vaccine Legislation on the Move. Jim Schneider interviews Barbara Loe Fisher on vaccine bills introduced in state legislatures in 2019 and proposed bills for 2020 focusing on “medical choice, parental consent, religious freedom, open debate, and constitutionally-guaranteed free speech.” Crosstalk with Jim Schneider on VCY America Jan. 27, 2020.
- The battle between science and skepticism. In an article reviewing legislative action on both sides of the vaccine informed consent debate, NVIC’s President noted an increase in proposed legislation that NVIC could support, indicating that legislators are listening to vaccine safety concerns expressed by their constituents. She went on to add, "We need to have the ability in our country, if we find a commercial pharmaceutical product is not as safe and effective as we're being told it is, we should have the right to make informed consent (decisions) to use the product.” CNN Health. Jan. 18, 2020.
- Vaccine bill: Lawmakers vow new fight as public health experts warn of outbreaks to come. In an unsuccessful attempt to strip students of religious vaccine exemptions, activists cheered the failure of the proposed legislation. Opposition drew national attention and NVIC’s President stated, "You're going to see more and more people have been awakened to this issue," and she added "People are not going to stand down. You're going to see more and more people showing up at these hearings and more people demonstrating in 2020." North New Jan. 14, 2020.
- Vaccination-wary groups call for halt of oral polio vaccine. Addressing the unwise use of oral polio vaccine and its potential for causing vaccine strain polio, NVIC’s Co-founder and President Barbara Loe Fisher stated, “In impoverished communities with substandard sanitation and living conditions, vaccine strain poliovirus can contaminate water sources used for bathing and drinking, which can lead to more cases of vaccine strain polio paralysis,” The Washington Times. Nov. 26, 2019.
- What Does the Catholic Church Teach About Vaccines? "The removal of vaccine exemptions is extremely concerning to people like Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, a group that works to "prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education." "Vaccines are pharmaceutical products that carry a risk of harm and failure," Fisher told CNA. We do not all respond the same way to pharmaceutical products and doctors cannot reliably predict who will be harmed by vaccines," she continued. Catholic News Agency May 6, 2019.
- Vaccination exemption bill heads to Colorado Senate floor with little time left. House Bill 1312 which would require parents to fill out a state form to exempt their children from child vaccinations was sent to the Senate floor on a 4-3 party-line vote by Senate Finance Committee after five hours of testimony. "Theresa Wrangham, executive director of the National Vaccine Information Center, said the bill and the logic behind it were flawed. "Passage of this bill would equate to legalizing state-sanctioned punishment, discrimination and an invasion of privacy of a small minority who exempt," she told the committee." The Gazette May 2, 2019. [NVIC Note: This bill did not pass.]
- Measles Outbreak: N.Y. Is Still Allowing Religious Exemptions. "In a recent posting on the website Quora, Ms. Paster wrote in response to a question about whether vaccines are safe if there's a family history of negative reactions to vaccines: "Your child, your choice." She also noted a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention post about various vaccines. "You are right to be concerned." Ms. Paster also linked to a website for the National Vaccine Information Center, whose president, Barbara Loe Fisher, has been outspoken in her opposition to mandatory vaccination. The group's motto is: "Your Health. Your Family. Your Choice."New York Times May 1, 2019.
- Anti-Vaxx Memes Are Thriving on Instagram. "Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of NVIC, previously told INSIDER that "there is no question there are more families than ever involved now," in the anti-vaxx movement. In an emailed statement, Fisher said that, "while NVIC since 2008 has posted information on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, we are not dependent upon those platforms to fulfill our mission of preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education." Insider Apr. 30, 2019.
- California Bill Aims to Appoint Public Health Official to Determine Vaccine Exemptions. “A law that prevents a doctor from using his professional judgement is immoral and dangerous," Barbara Loe Fisher, the co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, told Fox News. "[Supporters of SB 276] are more concerned about achieving a 100 percent vaccination rate in California than they are about these children who are vulnerable of being injured or dying from a vaccine." Fox News Apr. 24, 2019.
- Rich People Are Leading the Anti-Vaccine Movement - and Experts Have a Theory Why. "Anti-vax theories don't live and die in Reddit threads - these are mainstream movements bolstered by powerful nonprofits. So even as Facebook and Pinterest crack down on posts from vaccine skeptics, charities like the National Vaccine Information Center, famous for erecting anti-vaccine billboards in Times Square, are still leading the conversation." Money Magazine Apr. 15, 2019.
- GoFundMe 'conducting a thorough review' on campaigns that promote measles misinformation. "Facebook announced in March that they won't send you recommendations on groups they believe could be spreading conspiracy theories and misinformation. The same policy will apply to Instagram posts. Just weeks before that, YouTube announced they would stop running ads on posts promoting anti-vaccination content. Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center calls it a "very orchestrated attack." She continued, "Nobody is looking at the center ground...We have a right in America to question government science and pharmaceutical companies,". KHOU-11 Apr. 15, 2019.
- There are nearly 400 reported cases of measles in the US. What are states doing about it? "Still, organizations like the National Vaccine Information Center can give the impression that parents are risking their kids' lives by getting them vaccinated. President Barbara Loe Fisher said the NVIC, which she co-founded in 1982 under the name Dissatisfied Parents Together, merely advocates informed consent and does not make recommendations related to immunizations. Asked about the government's duty to protect its citizens through public health policy, Fisher said: "Are you saying that a public health law that requires a certain minority of individuals to risk their lives, sacrifice their lives, for the rest is a moral law when they're not given the choice of whether or not they're going to participate in that sacrifice? That's not a moral public-health law.'' USA Today Apr. 3, 2019.
- Forcing Vaccination on Every Child Undermines Civil Liberties. In this essay, NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher addressed the question, "Where should society draw the line between requiring vaccinations for children and allowing parental freedom of choice?" She said, "Science is not perfect, doctors are not infallible, and medical interventions come with risks, which is why parents have the power to exercise informed consent to medical risk taking on behalf of their minor children" and added, "When parents question the risks and failures of a commercial pharmaceutical product being mandated for every child, the answer is not more force but better science and respect for the informed consent ethic." A counterpoint view was provided by Dan Salmon, PhD, of Johns Hopkins University. Leaps Magazine Mar. 28, 2019.
- Some Lawmakers Support Vaccine Bill Amid Rockland's Ongoing Measles Outbreak [in New York]. NVIC President Barbara Loe Fisher says the Rockland state of emergency is government overreach. "Is this the kind of public health emergency that warrants this kind of action? We're not talking Ebola. People are not dying in the streets," says Loe Fisher says. "This is a very serious precedent that's being set." WAMC Radio (NPR) Mar. 28, 2019.
- Pan's Bill Would Further Restrict Vaccine Exemptions for Schoolkids. "Sen. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) introduced SB 276 at a Sacramento news conference Tuesday. Pan, a pediatrician, says the bill would combat doctors fraudulently writing medical exemptions for children so they can attend schools. SB 276 opponent Barbara Loe Fisher the president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, opposes Pan's legislation. "Under narrow federal vaccine guidelines, almost no health condition qualifies for a medical exemption. Since there is no longer a personal belief exemption allowed for children to attend school in California, the bill will pave the way for state health officials seeking a 100 percent vaccination rate to achieve that goal, but at what price?" GV Wire Mar. 26, 2019.
- With Vaccine Misinformation, Libraries Walk A Fine Line. "If Amazon is going to be leaned on by the government to censor certain kinds of information," said Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, which advocates against mandatory vaccination, "then it could well extend at some point to cleansing the libraries of information that does not align with government policy or medical policy." Undark Magazine Mar. 22, 2019.
- Even With Measles Outbreaks Across the U.S., At Least 20 States Have Proposed Anti-Vaccination Bills. "Barbara Loe Fisher is the co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, one of the leading organizations advocating for vaccination exemptions. The group tracks vaccine-related bills. And this year, there are more such bills that the center can get behind than there have been since it began closely monitoring state legislation in 2010, Fisher said. "There are a lot of legislators who are thoughtfully looking at this issue," she said. CNN Mar. 6, 2019.
- State Lawmakers Pushing for Laxer Vaccine Rules Despite Measles Outbreaks. "Across the country, lawmakers have introduced more than 130 vaccine-related bills in over 30 states, at a pace that could set a new record, according to the National Vaccine Information Center, a vaccine-skeptical group that closely tracks vaccine legislation. The center said legislators filed 160 bills in 41 states during 2015, setting a record later broken by 2017's 184 bills in 42 states... Barbara Loe Fisher, who founded the National Vaccine Information Center, contends the animosity about vaccines is "part of a larger culture war that's going on in this country. It's about the right to autonomy, the natural right to self-determination. We have freedom of thought, freedom of religious belief." Politico Mar. 3, 2019.
- As More Parents Join the Anti-Vax Movement, States Are Scrambling to Make It Harder to Opt Out of Vaccinating Your Child."Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, one of the oldest and most well-established anti-vax groups, told INSIDER her organization is supporting more bills in the current legislative session than ever before - 61 out of 140 vaccine-related bills across 31 states. "There is no question there are more families than ever involved now," she said. "This is a parental rights and human rights and civil liberties issue." INSIDER Feb. 28, 2019.
- States Move to Restrict Parents' Refusal to Vaccinate Their Kids. "Nobody should sit in judgment of another person's religious and spiritual beliefs," says Barbara Loe Fisher, a spokesperson for the National Vaccine Information Center, a group that lobbies against mandatory vaccination and thinks parents should have a choice. "No person should be allowed to force someone to violate their conscience when they're making a decision about the use of a pharmacological product that carries a risk of harm." NPR Feb. 28, 2019.
- Exemption Debate. "A hundred cases of measles in a population of 320 million people does not constitute a public health emergency," said Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center. "[These cases] should not be used to justify eliminating the legal right to exercise informed consent to vaccination," she told Axios. World Magazine Feb. 28, 2019.
- Measles Outbreaks Lead States to Reconsider Vaccine Exemptions. "Proponents of vaccine exemptions argue that parents should be able to make their own decisions regarding their children's health. "We believe that stripping vaccine laws of personal belief exemptions is a violation of human rights, including freedom of thought, conscience and religious belief," said Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center." The Hill Feb. 26, 2019.
- Anti-vaxxers face backlash as measles cases surge. "The introduction of competing anti-vaccine bills in state legislatures reflect continuing alarm about vaccine safety, said Barbara Loe Fisher, who heads one of the oldest and best-established anti-vaccine groups, the National Vaccine Information Center. "You cannot bring down the hammer on people and force them to obey one size fits all when the risk is not being shared equally," and added "We consider this to be parental rights, a human rights issue." Washington Post Feb. 25, 2019.
- Health Officials React to FDA Chief Comment on Vaccine Exemptions. "It is highly inappropriate for federal government officials particularly the commissioner of the FDA to threaten state legislators with federal action if they don't tighten vaccine exemption laws," said Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center which advocates for people to opt out of shots through informed consent." "The federal government has made vaccine recommendations and the states have made vaccine laws," she said. Fisher said doubts persist over the risks of widespread immunization programs." THV11 (CBS - AK) Feb. 22, 2019.
- Bills that critics fear would lead to dip in vaccinations advance. "Along with the premise that vaccines save millions of lives, as a pharmaceutical product, they also bring risk," Irene Pi, Arizona director of the National Vaccine Information Center, told lawmakers. Arizona Capitol Times Feb. 21, 2019.
- Should Vaccine Exemption Laws Be Regulated by the Federal Government? "Recently, the 2018 Annual Report on U.S. State Vaccine Legislation, the non-profit charity National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) reported that during the 2018 legislative session, no state eliminated or restricted existing medical, religious and conscientious or philosophical exemptions for daycare or school attendance. Working to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education since 1982, the NVIC is the largest and oldest U.S. charity disseminating information about diseases, vaccines and informed consent to vaccination. NVIC provides well-referenced, accurate information to the public about vaccination and health, but does not make vaccine recommendations." Precision Vaccinations Feb. 20, 2019.
- Anti-vaxxers: admitting that vaccinology is an imperfect science may be a better way to defeat skeptics. "Other groups, like the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), declare that its mission is to promote informed consent. The NVIC says it offers neutral, evidence-based information about vaccines, but its website has many stories about vaccine-damaged children and the "harassment" of parents for making "informed vaccine choices." The Conversation Feb. 15, 2019.
- Outbreak Is Bringing Vaccine Exemptions Into Spotlight. The other side: Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the nonprofit National Vaccine Information Center often labeled as anti-vaccination, tells Axios that 100 cases of measles in a population of 320 million "is not a public health emergency." "It should not be used to justify eliminating the legal right to exercise informed consent to vaccination, which is protected by the inclusion of flexible medical, religious and conscientious-belief vaccine exemptions in public health laws," she says. Axios Feb. 14, 2019.
- A state-by-state guide to vaccine exemptions in the U.S. According to the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), Washington is one of 17 states that allow for philosophical exemption from vaccines, which are granted to individuals who hold conscientious objections to one or more shots... the following map breaks down vaccine exemption rules across the U.S., using data from NVIC." Insider Feb. 12, 2019.
- Oregon lawmaker wants to end non-medical exemptions to school vaccine requirement. Theresa Wrangham, executive director of the National Vaccine Information Center, opposes Greenlick's proposal. "You're talking about a minority of parents who exercise their human rights to make medical risk taking decisions voluntarily. Vaccination is a risk-taking decision," Wrangham told a KATU reporter. "It's my contention that this is a human right because it carries a risk of injury or death. You have to allow people to make that choice." KATU2 Feb. 11, 2019.
- Northwest Measles Outbreak Revives Debate Over Vaccine Laws. "The National Vaccine Information Center, which opposes mandatory vaccination laws, said it opposed that bill and the current one. Another anti-vaccination group, Informed Choice Washington, had its members at the statehouse on Thursday trying to dissuade lawmakers. "People are feeling extremely oppressed and feeling like they can't make an educated decision," said Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the group (sic) [NVIC]. She said the legislation would "bring a hammer down and threaten people instead of allowing them to make informed decisions." Associated Press/Seattle Times Feb. 1, 2019.
- Should Vaccines Be Required to Receive Welfare? "Assemblyman Kansen Chu (D-San Jose) says he doesn't want to penalize welfare recipients whose children's immunizations aren't up to date. But his proposed AB 1992 may do just that, according to a parents' rights group... an advocate with the Parents United 4 Kids noticed that the bill doesn't include religious and medical exemptions. "This bill is coercive and is holding hostage cash incentives in exchange for vaccination," writes Stefanie Fetzer on her group's Facebook page. Barbara Loe Fisher serves as president of the National Vaccine Information Center. Fisher says her group "advocates for the inclusion of informed consent protections in vaccine policies and state laws, including flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions." She also opposes the removal of the personal belief exemption. "It is cruel to withhold welfare benefits from families in need. NVIC opposes AB 1992 and any legislation that threatens Americans with punishment for making voluntary vaccine decisions for themselves or their children," Fisher wrote in a statement." GV Wire, June 25, 2018.
- Big Pharma's Vaccines: Naked Profit Over Safety In an attempt to block the fast-tracking this vaccine, Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of nonprofit NGO National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), challenged the FDA by saying that Novartis failed to demonstrate that Fluad with squalene was more effective or safer than an equivalent non-squalene vaccine in the small clinical trial being used to justify accelerated licensure. In fact, Fluad was far more reactive."Compared to Agriflu [a non-squalene flu vaccine], Fluad produced a much higher number of pain, tenderness, redness and swelling reports; a higher number of systemic adverse event reports and more deaths and cases of new onset chronic disease." She questioned, "Why does Fluad need to be fast tracked to licensure for the elderly without additional evidence? There is public concern that fast-tracking Fluad is really about fast tracking MF59 to licensure so it can be added to lots of new vaccines targeting infants, pregnant women and every American without adequate evidence for safety or effectiveness." [Public Comment, Barbara Leo Fisher, FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, Sept. 15, 2015, WND Mar. 24, 2018.
- Vaccines Revealed Live Global Webcast A video conversation with Pat Gentempo, DC and Barbara Loe Fisher. Watch or listen here. Vaccines Revealed Mar. 21, 2018.
- How Vaccinated Kids Infect the Non-Vaccinated It has been estimated that between 80-100% of infants shed rotavirus at some point during 25-28 days after vaccination.This reveals that the vaccinated, contrary to widespread assumptions about the the risks represented by the non-vaccinated, pose a clear risk of infecting the non-vaccinated, and may be producing the ideal virological conditions for the recombination of diverse rotavirus strains into vaccine-resistant 'super viruses.' Another case study, reported on in the National Vaccine Information Center's document on vaccine viral shedding: "In 2010, a case report was published in Pediatrics describing a 30-month old healthy boy who had never received rotavirus vaccine and was infected with vaccine strain rotavirus. 237 He ended up in the emergency room with severe gastroenteritis 10 days after his healthy two-month old brother was given a dose of Merck's RotaTeq vaccine. A stool sample was taken in the emergency room and came back positive for RotaTeq vaccine derived strains after RT-PCR testing." Prepare for Change Feb. 13, 2018.
- Another Vaccine Has Been Added to Australia's National Immunization Program Most of us are not at risk for the majority of us have natural acquired immunity to this organism. According to Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccination Information Center,"At any given time, about 20 to 40 percent of Americans are asymptomatically colonizing meningococcal organisms in their nasal passages and throats, which throughout life boosts innate immunity to invasive meningococcal infection. Mothers, who have innate immunity, transfer maternal antibodies to their newborns to protect them in the first few months of life until babies can make their own antibodies. By the time American children enter adolescence, the vast majority have asymptomatically developed immunity that protects them." Collective Evolution Feb. 11, 2018.
- Vaccine Exemptions Still Leave Work to Be Done. Waivers for vaccination requirements may be available depending on the state. One state may offer a waiver that a neighboring state doesn't. For example, Michigan offers three types of waivers: one a medical waiver, the other two religious and philosophical waivers. However, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) says Indiana offers only medical and religious exemptions. One News Now. October 20, 2017.
- Vaccines: Freedom of Choice or Compulsory?. Radio host Jon Schneider interviews NVIC's Barbara Loe Fisher on "Crosstalk" about the aggressive push for mandatory vaccinations with no exemptions by the well-funded and politically powerful vaccine lobby. VCY America. October 20, 2017.
- Type 1 Diabetes Doubles in Mississippi Children, Are Vaccines to Blame?. As the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) reports, doctors first started noticing signs of trouble back in 1949. At that time, doctors reported that children who received the pertussis vaccine (now part of the DPT shot) had issues with maintaining normal blood glucose levels. According to NVIC, research conducted with mice confirmed that the pertussis vaccine could cause type 1 diabetes. But it's not just the pertussis vaccine, now is it? As NVIC explains: "As diabetes research progressed in the 1960's, 70's and 80's, there were observations that viral infections may be a co-factor in causing diabetes. The introduction of live virus vaccines, such as live MMR vaccine which is made from weakened forms of the live measles, mumps and rubella viruses, has raised questions about whether live vaccine virus could be a co-factor in causing chronic diseases such as diabetes." Natural News. October 10, 2017.
- Commentary: Why Immunization Exemption Ban Should Be Repealed by Terry Roark. Senate Bill 277 was passed by the California Legislature in 2015 even after thousands of parents and their children repeatedly demonstrated in Sacramento opposing the elimination of the personal belief vaccine exemption for school attendance. There was a good reason for public protests: The law violates the human right to informed consent to medical risk-taking, as well as other internationally recognized human rights, including the right to autonomy and freedom of thought, conscience and religious belief... SB 277 is cruel and inhuman because it fails to respect biological diversity, discriminates against vulnerable children and violates human and civil rights. It should be repealed. Terry Roark is the California state advocacy director for the nonprofit National Vaccine Information Center. San Diego Union-Tribune. October 4, 2017.
- Michigan Mother Jailed for Refusing to Vaccinate Her Son. Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the vaccine-sceptic National Vaccine Information Center, told the BBC this is not the first time a parent has been jailed for refusing to vaccinate a child. The federal government does not legislate child immunisation, only issuing recommendations while leaving requirements to states or local school districts. If a parent does not comply with a school's vaccination guidelines, the child is not permitted to attend school and the parent can be jailed for the pupil's truancy. For that reason, many anti-vaccine parents choose to home-school their children, Mrs Fisher told the BBC. BBC. October 2, 2017.
- Family Physicians Urge Parents to Talk Over Vaccinations. Back-to-school preparations require more than just pencils and backpacks. Doctors are reminding parents and caregivers to have a conversation about vaccinations before school bells ring... The non-profit Immunization Action Coalition offers extensive information on vaccine risks. Other sites with vaccination information include the National Vaccine Information Center and the CDC website. Public News Service. August 31, 2017.
- WARNING About Vaccines and the Current Vaccination Schedule. The National Vaccine Information Center reports that nearly $3.6 billion has been awarded to children and parents for vaccine injuries to date - making it clear that adverse effects are a reality. In light of these facts, it has never been more important to examine the safety and effectiveness of vaccines in order to make an informed decision about your health. On the NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman interviews Barbara Loe Fisher and reveals the truth about the current childhood vaccination schedule. Natural News. August 31, 2017.
- Gardasil: Fast-Tracked and Flawed. "Nevertheless, the National Vaccine Information Center in the US published a Gardasil risk report in 2009 which found that death and serious adverse events are reported three to 30 times more often after Gardasil than after the meningococcal vaccination Menactra." Mercatornet. August 22, 2017.
- Back to school vaccines: Exemptions & concerns. Colorado Coalition for Vaccine Choice (CCVC) said the organization supports informed consent, vaccine exemptions and privacy and medical decisions. President of CCVC Francis Sincere quoted Executive Director of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Barbara Loe Fisher in saying "Where there is risk there must be choice." Denver Channel 7, ABC Affiliate. August 17, 2017. NVIC note: The quote should have been attributed to NVIC Executive Director Theresa Wrangham.
- #NoVax, the network is organized against vaccines. This network is linked to many popular international fans who have clearly supported the Italian anti-vaccination campaign in mid-June. Facebook pages such as the National Vaccine Information Center, VacTruth, the Vaccination Information Network and other affiliates are being followed by more than 700,000 users. Huffpost-Italy. August 10, 2017.
- The Real Vaccination Issue. ChiroSecure Malpractice Insurance founder Dr. Stu Hoffman, who said forced vaccination is a "moral issue" and "the issue of our time," interviewed Barbara Loe Fisher about vaccine risks and his support of NVIC's mission, urging doctors of chiropractic to connect with NVIC and educate their patients on how to take action to protect vaccine choices. Watch or listen to the 40-minute interview on Facebook or YouTube. ChiroSecure Aug. 8, 2017. ChiroSecure August 8, 2017.
- Vaccination and Your Informed Consent Rights. Daniel Brinkman interviewed Barbara Loe Fisher about vaccine risks and failures and the politics of mandatory vaccination. Founded by freedom activist Joyce Riley, who passed away on June 25, 2017, The Power Hour is a three-hour syndicated show focusing on topics reflecting real life challenges that face Americans today. Listen to the podcast interview on Power Hour Nation Radio. Power Hour Nation Radio July 31, 2017.
- New Measures Add Pressure to Anti-Vaccine Parents in Illinois and Across U.S. "On the other side of the issue, Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center, says informed consent, which includes the right of the individual to refuse medication, is a basic human right. "I see this as a human rights issue of our time," said Fisher, whose organization supports flexible religious, medical and philosophical exemptions. "They can bring down the hammer, and they can force people, and they can punish people, but they will lose all trust, and the people will fear them, and they will run, they will go underground because they have to protect their children." Fisher wants to see more research pinpointing which kids are vulnerable to vaccine reactions, and why." Chicago Tribune July 30, 2017.
- Vaccinations and Health Care Freedom. Dr. Daniel Knowles, who is the founder of Mile High Chiropractic in Boulder, CO, interviewed Barbara Loe Fisher about the 35-year history of the grassroots vaccine safety and informed consent movement and how principled chiropractors have supported NVIC's mission since 1993 to protect vaccine exemptions across the country. NVIC will have a vaccine information booth at the Mile High event held in Denver Aug. 17-20, 2017. Listen to the 34-minute podcast or watch on YouTube. Mile High Chiro July 20, 2017.
- Southwest Austin Private Schools See A Rise in Conscientious Exemptions to Vaccines. Exemption rates should be reported based on how many children have received each individual vaccine, according to local [Austin, Texas] advocate Dawn Richardson, co-founder of statewide organization Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education and director of advocacy for the National Vaccine Information Center. "A vaccine exemption is required to be filed if a kid is missing one dose of one vaccine, all the way through all doses of all vaccines," she said. "Saying exemptions are going up is creating misconceptions and fears, when really the number of kids vaccinated for each individual vaccine has stayed the same or gone up [since 2003]. There is no effect on Texas vaccine rates based on the institution of exemptions." Community Impact Newspaper. June 26, 2017.
- Honoring Four Extraordinary Mothers. The greatest change in life that a woman will ever experience is becoming a mother. As every mom soon discovers, there are no books or classes that can fully prepare you for the responsibility and countless decisions you will need to make for your child's physical and emotional health. In honor of Mother's Day 2017, we profile four extraordinary mothers who have faced a crisis in their lives and embraced the challenge with courage, integrity, and a passionate vision to improve life for others: Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president, National Vaccine Information Center; Jolette Calabress, HMC, CCH, RSHon(Na); Robina Suwol, founder and executive director, California Safe Schools; Kelly Brogan, MD, Holistic Women's Health Psychiatrist. These are their inspirational stories. SafBaby May 11, 2017.
- Veterans Suffering Vaccine Side Effects: Federal Government Refuses to Compensate Victims. ActionNews Jacksonville investigated the vaccine reaction reports of two combat marines who suffered heart inflammation and permanent damage after smallpox vaccination and found the federal government refuses to compensate some victims who say they were forced to get the smallpox vaccine and suffered debilitating side effects. "Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center believes the government is hiding behind the facts. "They do not want to acknowledge that when the vaccines are given, there are far more people being hurt than they are willing to admit." The warning label on ACAM 2000 lists myo and pericarditis as a possible side effect." Action News JAX May 4, 2017.
- African-Americans, Vaccines and A History of Suspicion. "Informed consent means that you have the human right to be fully informed about the benefits and risks of vaccines and to be allowed to make a decision without being coerced, harassed or punished," says Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center, a nonprofit she co-founded with parents of vaccine-injured children in 1982. Author of the seminal 1985 text, "DPT: A Shot in the Dark," Fisher explains vaccines are "pharmaceutical products that carry an inherent risk of injury or death that can be greater for some people than others." Atlanta Black Star. Apr. 26, 2017
- Society has Reached Tipping Point: Vaccine Reactions, Autism, Disabilities w/Barbara Loe Fisher. Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-founder and President of the National Vaccine Information Center, joins the program with Sarah Westall to dive deep into the vaccine issue. This in-depth interview discusses the private/pubic partnership between industry and government, increasing vaccine reactions, and the need for consumers to be more savvy about the risks and benefits of vaccines. Apr. 3, 2017.
- Missouri Bill Would Ban Mercury Vaccines; First Step to Nullify Federal Policy in Practice. As the FDA downplays the concerns related to thimerosal and mercury in vaccines, whistle-blowers are singing a different tune. The National Vaccine Information Center, a non-profit watchdog organization, reports that the threat is still alarming - especially pertaining to infants: "Most infants are still routinely given Thimerosal-containing influenza vaccine even though there are Thimerosal-free and vaccines with trace amounts of Thimerosal. Infants receiving a Thimerosal-containing influenza vaccine are dosed at 6 months with 12.5 mcg of ethyl mercury and at 7 months with an additional 12.5 mcg. Adult Thimerosal-containing vaccines contain roughly 25mcg." The Tenth Amendment Center. Jan. 31, 2017.
- Texas Doctor Sounding Alarm About Potential Measles Outbreak. Now State Representative Donna Howard is proposing a bill that would require parents to talk with their pediatrician before they can opt out of vaccines....Dawn Richardson is not buying it." So now she's saying because you're making a different choice than what I think you're uneducated, that's really presumptuous and very arrogant," Richardson said. Richardson is the director of advocacy for the National Vaccine Information Center. She fought for the conscientious and religious exemption in Texas 2003. Now she is getting ready to fight State Rep. Howard's bill as well. "It's wrong," Richardson said. "They need to stop bullying and harassing these families and propagating fear about them." She says parents have the right to question the safety of vaccines. "Pharmaceutical products are known to cause injury and death and that includes vaccines and people should be respected to make these choices," Richardson said. CBS-Austin. Jan. 26, 2017.
- Virginia House subcommittee tosses immunization mandate bill. "Opponents of the bill came out in force [and] argued that cases of meningococcal disease are so rare that they do not require a mandate. Steve Martin with the National Vaccine Information Center argued that Wisconsin, Colorado and New Hampshire do not have mandates, yet still have vaccination rates above the national average. Vicky Pebsworth, volunteer director of research and patient safety with the group, told the subcommittee that invasive meningococcal disease has naturally declined after peaking in the 1990s. "The disease is not easily transmitted in schools or other public settings," Pebsworth said. Richmond Times Dispatch. Jan. 25, 2017.
- Bill would put school vaccine requirements in the hands of the Legislature. The bill debated Tuesday, HB 361, would prevent the addition of vaccines for "non-communicable diseases" to the mandated school and child-care list. Although this bill does not mention any specific disease, speakers said it targets hepatitis B, which is transmitted through contact with some bodily fluids such as blood. It was unclear Tuesday whether hepatitis B would be defined as noncommunicable under current state definitions. "It is not communicable in a classroom setting," said Laura Condon, state director of advocacy for the nonprofit National Vaccine Information Center. Concord Monitor. Jan. 25, 2017.
- Medical Experts Alarmed at Trump's Reported Support of Vaccine Skeptic. "We welcome any serious effort to look at the science that has been done and the science that needs to be done," said Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center. "There hasn't been enough science done to rule out an association between vaccines and autism. "Fisher said vaccine skeptics have been "subjected to a fair amount of marginalization" in recent years, and she hopes any potential move by Trump would restore their credibility. "There's no question it's been a very difficult decade in terms of anyone who asks about vaccine safety science or the gaps in knowledge about vaccine safety," she said. "I hope that we can return to a more civil conversation and people being more open-minded and wanting to know more about the science" Health Day. Jan. 11, 2017.
- Whole Mother Show. Midwife Pat Jones interviewed Barbara Loe Fisher about herd immunity, pertussis, influenza and hepatitis B vaccine, the child vaccine schedule and the chronic disease and disability epidemic. KPFT Radio (Houston) and Jan. 8, 2017.
CDC Recommends against Nasal Spray Flu Vaccine. The CDC's advisory committee voted not to recommend the nasal influenza vaccine, FluMist for the upcoming flu season due to poor effectiveness. NVIC's president and co-founder Barbara Loe Fisher said, "It is shocking that government health officials have devised a National Vaccine Plan that lobbies for every single American to get a flu shot from cradle to the grave before the real science is in. Putting vaccine policy before the science is bad public health policy. Conducting uncontrolled vaccine experiments on people, who have been taught to believe and trust government health policy and now are being forced to obey strict 'no exceptions' vaccine laws, has far reaching consequences." ProCon. Aug. 16, 2016.
PAC Mobilizes To Defend Vaccine Exemptions In Texas. Texas legislator Jason Villalba's bill to restrict vaccine exemptions is caught in the crosshairs of a local political action group seeking to unseat the Representative Villalba. Veteran Texan vaccine choice advocate and NVIC's Director of State Advocacy, Dawn Richardson noted that the vaccine choice movement continues to grow and that this new group is part of the new generation of vaccine choice advocates. She said, "In the political cycle, this is very much a one-issue determinant for who people sometimes choose to vote for. This something that is that strong for families. It is the health and well-being of their children." KERA News. Apr. 4, 2016.
Child vaccination debate surges during VA's Legislature Joint Commission Meeting. A sea of red overwhelmed a meeting of the General Assembly's Joint Commission on Health Care on Wednesday after protesters came out in droves to oppose possible plans to restrict exemptions to otherwise mandatory immunizations for school-age children...The opponents of the failed bill - mostly wearing red in solidarity at Wednesday's meeting - consisted largely of mothers with infants, toddlers or adolescents. They were there not only to show their opposition but also to support Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center, a Sterling-based organization opposed to mandatory vaccinations..."Utilitarian health policies that force everyone to be treated the same are cruel and immoral," she said. Richmond Times Dispatch. Aug. 3, 2016.
States Make It Harder to Skip Vaccines. As state legislatures continue attempts to restrict vaccine choice, NVIC's co-founder Barbara Loe Fisher said parents should be able to decide whether their kids can be vaccinated. Fisher said, "Eliminating exemptions would mean that unvaccinated children in many states wouldn't be able to attend school." Valley News. May 29, 2016.
Florida officials are concerned about drop in number of kids getting vaccinated. As public health officials express concern about the number of parents who opt out of vaccines, NVIC’s co-founder and president, Barbara Loe Fisher stated that many parents opt out for religious reasons or out of concern. “Vaccines, like any pharmaceutical product, carry risks that can be greater for some people than others because we’re not all the same.” Fisher said some vaccines create terrible side effects, including convulsions and brain inflammation. In some cases, vaccines just don’t work, she said. Florida WFLA News Channel 8. Apr. 26, 2016.
Bill To Require Registration Of Unvaccinated Children With State Fails. Colorado’s Health Department is forced to admit to exceeding their statutory authority to track school children with vaccine exemptions, while a bill they backed fails to make it out of Colorado’s House. NVIC’s executive director, Theresa Wrangham pointed out that, “It’s a data grab. They want to populate the vaccine registry and they want to know exactly who’s exempting from which vaccines, where they live and I think it’s a harassment technique,” and added, “This is misleading to parents and it’s drawing a line of discrimination against those who take these exemptions. It is their legal right to take an exemption and now we’re going to trick them into a registry and be tracked?” Shaun Boyd.CBS Denver 4. Apr. 25, 2016.
Former media power player sounds alarm over vaccines. This in-depth article discusses the autism and vaccine controversy and cites NVIC’s Barbara Loe Fisher’s “warning that state legislatures across the country are moving quickly to pass bills backed by the pharmaceutical industry to restrict or remove personal/religious belief vaccine exemptions. She says, "Those embracing vaccine orthodoxy have a right to their beliefs, but they should not be given the legal right to persecute and punish fellow citizens refusing to convert. Tyranny by any other name is still tyranny." Renew America. Apr. 4, 2016.
No clean hands. The proper disclosure of proper informed consent is questioned as the Philippine health department begins to vaccinate school children against Dengue Fever. At large reporter Jimenez-David reminds readers of the importance of informed consent and understanding vaccine effectiveness limitations and side effects and recommends NVIC’s Ask 8 guidelines as a resource for readers. Philippine Daily Inquirer. Apr. 4, 2016.
Is there proof that vaccinations are harmful? Is anti-vaccination the way to go?. Informed consent, vaccine safety research deficits and more are explored in this investigative article. NVIC’s Barbara Loe Fisher is quoted as saying "The truth is, nobody knows how many vaccine victims there are in America, how many of the 1 in 6 learning disabled children; or the 1 in 9 with asthma; or the 1 in 100 who develop autism; or the 1 in 450 who become diabetic, can trace their chronic inflammation, disease and disability back to vaccine reactions that have been dismissed by public health officials and doctors for the past century as just "a coincidence.” . Mar. 20, 2016.
Vaccinating moms to protect babies . The influenza and Tdap vaccines are already recommended for pregnant women by the CDC and new vaccines, including genetically engineered vaccines, targeting pregnant women are being developed. Discussions at a recent FDA vaccine advisory committee meeting indicated those new vaccines likely will be fast tracked to licensure. In this article,Richard Gorman, MD, associate director of the NIH Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, said vaccines to be studied in pregnant women (1) ideally should have had undergone preclinical studies and reproductive toxicology testing to demonstrate no fetal toxicology; and (2) should have been tested in Phase I and II clinical trials in non-pregnant healthy adults to provide guidance on dosage, safety, and immunogenicity. "After the [FDA] committee had discussed other factors surrounding maternal vaccination, Vicky Pebsworth, PhD, RN, director of patient safety at the National Vaccine Information Center, said she had never seen a more complex topic in her years on the committee, indicating the day was a tsunami of ethically complex and terrifying questions." Contemporary Pediatrics. Jan 8, 2016.
- Vaccines: Threads of Corruption . Radio host Tony Rango and attorney Alan Phillips discuss the VICP and the importance of citizen action. Tony Rango said, "I would point listeners to the National Vaccine Information Center, Go there and you can get information about what is happening in your state..." Alan Phillips said, "They (NVIC) have what they call their Advocacy Portal and they have really streamlined the process. You can go to this website and sign up. And if you choose to join and give them your mailing address information, the software will tell you who your representatives are and what their phone numbers and addresses are." Guns & Butter. Dec 30, 2015.
- Texas CPS Visits Home of Mom Who Hosted 'Chickenpox Party' . In this article Texas mom Amanda Witt said she did not break the law and that the visit by the Texas CPS left her feeling "bullied and victimized." "NVIC's Barbara Low (sic) Fisher is quoted as saying, " If the State can tag, track down and force citizens against their will to be injected with biological products of known and unknown toxicity today, there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the State can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow," Breitbart News. Dec 21, 2015.Healthy Alternatives to Vaccination: New Podcasts. Nancy Tarlow, D.C. has created podcasts sharing information about making informed health choices, including options for alternatives to vaccination. Dr. Tarlow interviewed Barbara Loe Fisher about vaccine risks and failures. Dec 10, 2015.
- Children's Healthcare Is a Legal Duty in the Spotlight . An Age of Autism reader compares the response of a former member of the Christian Science church, whose toddler son died of meningitis in 1983, and the response of Barbara Loe Fisher, whose toddler son was injured by DPT vaccine. "Instead of blindly accepting dogma, Barbara Loe Fisher has been steadfast in her intelligent, level headed examination of the science and has sought legislation based on the science and ethics that is wise, well reasoned and compatible with what one would expect to find in a democracy and a free society that values human and civil rights, and the sanctity of the parent-child relationship within the family, which is at the core and foundation of any healthy society." Age of Autism. Nov. 23, 2015.
- The Royals have the chicken pox. Here's what we know. Two Kansas City Royals players have recently been diagnosed with chickenpox and quarantined, although the viral shedding of the virus cannot be ruled out due to recent vaccination of a team member. This article stated that “only 10 percent of Americans reach the age of 15 without ever contracting chicken pox, according to the National Vaccine Information Center.” SB Nation -Royals Review. Sep. 2, 2015.
- Which Vaccination Exemptions Are Allowed by Ohio? Information about Ohio’s school vaccine requirements are the focus of this article, which states, “according to the National Vaccine Information Center, a child who attends public schools can be exempted from taking vaccines for medical, religious, and philosophical reasons as long as the a parent of guardian provides the school administration with a written statement parents alongside a waiver form.” This article also features polls on forced chemotherapy and vaccination that are open to the public’s participation. Newsmax. Aug. 31, 2015.
- District 219 starts school year under new state vaccination mandate. This article on the new state vaccine mandate in Illinois requiring all sixth and 12th graders to receive a meningococcal vaccine stated “the vaccine, known under the scientific name meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4), can prevent four types of meningococcal disease, and is about 58 percent effective within two to five years after the shot is administered, according to information from the National Vaccine Information Center.” Chicago Tribune. Aug. 31, 2015.
- As kids go back to school, states look to encourage vaccinations. This article makes the point that, while vaccination rates remain high, “pockets” of unvaccinated continue to raise concern for the spread of infectious disease. However, another perspective was provided by NVIC, about the need for more vaccine risks awareness. “Those risks are real, says Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center, which advocates that people be able to decline mandatory vaccines based on their philosophical or personal beliefs. Fisher testified before the California legislature against the new state law. “Some people are more susceptible than others to injury or death from vaccines,” Fisher says. “But it’s not clear who is at higher risk.” This article also links to NVIC’s Informed Consent webpage. CNN. Aug. 31, 2015.
- Ohio vaccination rates for measles, mumps and rubella among highest in nation, CDC says. With a vaccination rate of 95.6 for children ages 19 to 35 months, this article reported that Ohio improved their vaccination rates by addressing issues associated with lack of transportation and use of multiple vaccine providers and increasing education available to the public. The article noted the widespread attack on non-medical vaccine exemptions and linked to NVIC’s Advocacy Portal as a resource and stated, “As of March, the Virginia-based National Vaccine Information Center, which tracks such legislation nationwide, listed 110 such bills and actions pending in 36 states.” Aug. 27, 2015.
- The children of our vaccination nation. Reviewing the backlash and controversy surrounding vaccine exemptions and passage of California SB277 that eliminated the personal belief exemption, this article shares with readers the personal story of a family’s experience with a severe vaccine reaction and discusses parental rights. NVIC’s California state law webpage is used in this article to highlight recent events: “The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) website states that, “On June 30, 2015, Governor Brown signed SB 277 [indicating] personal and religious belief exemptions will not be allowed in California, effective July 1, 2016.” The article added that “a recent newsletter sent by the NVIC indicated that California “stood alone in the minority” of mandating vaccinations, and denying religious or personal exemptions. California is currently one of 11 states that has required vaccinations for children.” San Francisco News. Aug. 27, 2015.
- How do state rules affect vaccine exemption numbers? As states consider vaccine exemption restrictions, vaccine risks must be acknowledged. "Those risks are real, says Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, a group that advocates that people be able to decline mandatory vaccines based on their philosophical or personal beliefs. Fisher testified before the California State Assembly against the new law, which takes effect next July." MedCity News. Aug. 25, 2015.
- The Vaccine Debate: Should We Vaccinate Our Children? NVIC's state webpage for Montana was used as a resource in this Montana report about school vaccine requirements. The report stated "According to the National Vaccine Information Center, there are certain required vaccines K-12 students in Montana must have before walking through the school doors this year." Montana KULR 8 News. Aug 20, 2015.
- Public Health Groups Push for Vaccines, While Others Inform. As Ohio pediatricians promote back to school vaccines, NVIC's Barbara Loe Fisher states "It's a myth that if follow all the government recommended vaccines that you are going to be fully protected." While Loe Fisher said Ohio is a model state for exemptions, she warns that the pharmaceutical lobby will keep trying to chip away at those opt out measures. "You're going to see that lobby go into every state - including Ohio - and try to take away the religious and conscience exemptions leaving only a medical exemption in place," StateImpact Ohio NPR. Aug. 12, 2015.
- Secular Group Takes on Oregon's Religious Vaccine Exemptions. Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center said religious exemptions are a constitutional issue. "If we do not have non-medical exemptions that allow us to exercise our freedom to have religious beliefs, have conscientious beliefs with regard to using a pharmaceutical product like a vaccine ...then we are not really free," she said. Oregon Public Radio, Aug. 4, 2015.
- California Law Mandates for School Aged Children, No Belief Exemptions. Opponents of the bill, including parents of vaccine-injured children and those worried about safety, insist there has been inadequate consideration of the harmful effects of vaccines."All vaccines carry a risk of death and serious injury or disease," said Barbara Loe Fisher of the Sterling, Va.-based National Vaccine Information Center. "Doctors cannot tell who is going to be affected." National Catholic Register, Aug. 1, 2015.
- Vaccination Rate High Among Children in Tennessee, Georgia. Barbara Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center, said parents should not be told whether or not they need to vaccinate their kids. The center advocates for increased exemptions, believing it is important for parents to have the right and ability to choose whether their children are vaccinated. "These vaccines do carry the risk of injury and death," Fisher said, " and science has not defined who is or who is not at risk from the vaccinations." Fisher believes the current medical exemptions in Tennessee and Georgia are too narrow, and leave out numerous conditions and reasons that a child shouldn't be vaccinated. She said every state should offer a philosophical or conscientious exemption so parents can decide what is best for their children. Times Free Press (TN), Aug. 1, 2015.
- Childhood Immunizations - Mississippi ranks near the top for vaccination compliance among Kindergarten age children. Mississippi Public Broadcasting representative and Barbara Loe Fisher discuss. Mississippi Public Radio, Oct. 28, 2014.
- Are Vaccines Safe? - Pediatrician Dr. Larry Palevsky Interviews Barbara Loe Fisher. Fearless Parent, Sept. 24, 2014.
- Back to School Vaccines: What Parents Need to Know - Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center, speaks with host Jim Schneider about important questions to ask before back to shool vaccinations. VCY America Radio. August 20, 2014.
- Three Things New Vaccine Law Will Do and One It Won't - A public radio report on the final version of Colorado House Bill 1288, which is described as "lightening rod legislation" that remains controversial. NVIC Executive Director Theresa Wrangham is interviewed along with representatives from Colorado Children's Immunization Coalition and Vaccinate for Healthy Schools, two groups associated with drug companies and government that aggressively lobbied for the bill to require parents to get a doctor's signature or receive state vaccine "education" before filing a personal belief exemption. Colorado Public Radio. May 6, 2014.
- Vaccines Cause Children More Adverse Reactions Than Any Other Drug - Annually, more than a half million U.S. children have adverse drug reactions (ADRs) that require treatment in emergency rooms and clinics. Mercola Newsletter. April 26, 2014.
- Mumps Outbreak in Ohio - There are 199 reported cases of mumps in Ohio this year in areas with a 90% to 98% vaccination rate among children. Outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations should also prompt other questions, including the possibility of waning immunity and vaccine effectiveness.Columbus Dispatch. April 13, 2014.
- Kids and Vaccines in Spotlight at State Capitol - The CO Bill (HB1288) that would require parents filing a personal belief vaccine exemption for their children to receive state-approved vaccine education and also require daycare facilities and schools to publicly release information about the percentage of students at the school with vaccine exemptions. CBS News (Denver). Feb. 20, 2014
- Fighting Forced Vaccination in America in 2014: 58 Bills in 24 States Threaten Right to Refuse Vaccines. - Health Impact News republished an article written by NVIC Director of Advocacy Dawn Richardson for the Feb. 12, 2014 NVIC Newsletter that summarizes bills introduced in many different state legislatures to mandate vaccines and eliminate or restrict vaccine exemptions. Health Impact News. Feb. 19, 2014
- Battle Over Vaccinations Thrives in States With High Exemptions - Jon Schuppe discusses how the vast majority of parents follow vaccination recommendations, but a vocal minority of skeptics keeps the debate alive. NBC Connecticut. Feb. 5, 2014.
- Debate in Colorado Grows Over Child Vaccinations - A radio interview and debate was moderated by Colorado NPR host Meghna Chakrabarti with NPR reporter Megan Verlee; Rachel Herlihy, CO Dept. of Health; Stephanie Wasserman, CO Children's Immunization Coalition and Theresa Wrangham, NVIC Executive Director. WBUR Radio. Jan. 20, 2014
- Whooping Cough Controversy - A televised debate hosted by Studio 12's Tamara Banks on recent pertussis outbreaks and pertussis in Colorado with NVIC's Executive Director Theresa Wrangham, Voices for Vaccines Sundari Kraft and Colorado Deparment of Public Health & Environment Dr. Rachel Herlighy. Colorado Public Television. Jan. 15, 2014
- Colorado Health Organizations Recommend Making It Hard to Opt Out of Vaccinations - Public health officials and medical trade groups in Colorado are lobbying to change the personal belief vaccine exemption. A recent "stakeholder" report on vaccine exemptions recommends that parents be required to receive state-approved vaccine "education" before being allowed to file a personal belief exemption. Summit Daily. Jan. 12, 2014
- States Weigh Tougher Rules for Allowing Vaccine Exemptions - Amid debate in Colorado about the proposal to restrict the state's personal belief vaccine exemption, Colorado resident and NVIC executive director Theresa Wrangham said NVIC opposes the proposed changes. The article also cites a recent study co-authored by NVIC volunteer director of research & patient safety,Vicky Debold, PhD, RN, published in the American Journal of Public Health showing no or little effect of stricter standards on disease incidence in states, depending upon the disease. Wall Street Journal and American Journal of Public Health. Jan. 5, 2014
- Op Ed: A Right to Recognize the Risks of Vaccines - In a guest commentary, Theresa Wrangham responds to a Dec. 11 Denver Post article to stress the importance of voluntary informed consent to medical risk-taking and why NVIC opposes proposals to restrict personal belief vaccine exemptions in Colorado. The Denver Post. Jan. 4, 2014
- 9 Huge Government Conspiracies That Actually Happened - Christina Sterbenz ranks the contamination of polio vaccine during 1954-1961 as number three on her list and cites the ten years of work by NVIC’s President, Barbara Loe Fisher. Ms. Fisher testified before the U.S. House of Representatives on this topic. Houston Chronicle’s Business Insider. Dec. 23, 2013
- Vaccines: What Should You Know About Them? - On the "Speak Up and Stay Alive" radio show, author Pat Rullo interviews Barbara Loe Fisher on vaccine safety, policy and law. 17 minute audio. Patient Safety Radio. Dec. 20, 2013
- Clinic Opens for Parents Who Oppose Vaccinating Children - Barbara Loe Fisher is quoted in this article by Diana Lambert about Dean Blumberg, M.D., Chief of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at UC Davis Medical Center, who will offer parents low cost counseling and physician signatures to file personal belief vaccine exemptions in California. Sacramento Bee. Dec. 18, 2013
- Vaccine Awareness - Informed Consent - On the "Bishop on Air - Mainlining Liberty" radio show, broadcast journalist Greg Bishop interviews Barbara Loe Fisher about making informed vaccine choices, vaccine laws and a recent change in Springfield, Illinois school policy that now requires all children to be be up-to-date on state mandated vaccines before the first day of school or be barred from attending because the 60 day grace period has been eliminated. 17 minute audio. WMAY Radio. Dec. 17, 2013
- New Law Aimed at Many Parents Opting Out of State's Vaccination Program - Reporter Deirdre Kennedy interviews Mark Dressner, California Academy of Family Physicians; NVIC's Barbara Loe Fisher and Assembly Member Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) about the increasing numbers of parents declining vaccines for their children and the new California law requiring parents to get a star-designated medical worker's signature to file a personal belief vaccine exemption. 5 minute audio.California Healthline. Dec. 12, 2013
- Coalition recommends making it harder to opt out of child vaccination – Reporter Austin Briggs interviews stakeholders who participated in Colorado’s report on personal belief vaccine exemptions. Theresa Wrangham, NVIC’s Executive Director, was a stakeholder participant who did not support additional education recommendations in the report because of limitations that reduce it to a coercion tactic. The Denver Post. Dec. 11, 2013
- Health organizations want strict vaccination rules - Theresa Wrangham, Executive Director of the National Vaccine Information Center, said current policy is working just fine and no major changes are necessary. This report does not acknowledge Wrangham as a dissenting member in Colorado’s recent report on personal belief exemptions. San Francisco Chronicle. Dec. 11, 2013
- Debate intensifies over letting Colorado parents opt out of child vaccinations - Radio correspondent Megan Verlee examines the debate over Colorado's vaccine policy with NVIC’s Executive Director, Theresa Wrangham. Wrangham was a stakeholder participant in recent report issued by Colorado on personal belief exemption and shares why NVIC opposes any change to the current exemption law. Colorado Public Radio. Dec. 10, 2013
- Task force scrutinizes vaccine exemption – Journalist Joe Hanel interviews NVIC’s Executive Director and task force member on NVIC’s opposition to changes to Colorado’s personal belief exemption law. The Durango Herald.Dec. 10, 2013
- FDA Pertussis Vaccine Study Shatters Illusion of Vaccine-Induced Immunity - A baboon study conducted by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) researchers revealed that DPT and DTaP vaccines can protect against developing whooping cough symptoms, but neither vaccine prevents infection or the ability to transmit infection. Mercola Newsletter. Dec. 10, 2013
- New Video Trailer for "Bought" Indie Film - A new trailer for an independent documentary, "Bought," which is being developed by Jeff Hays, who produced the film "Doctored," is focusing on the vaccines and food industries. NVIC's perspective is included. Watch the video on Indiegogo. December 2, 2013
- Jonathan Emord's Truth Trial Show Interviews NVIC's President - U.S. Constitution expert attorney Jonathan Emord interviewed Barbara Loe Fisher, president and cofounder of NVIC, on vaccine policy, law and informed consent violations in the United States. Listen to the radio show on Genesis Communications Network. Nov. 18, 2013
- More Cape Parents Opt to Skip Kids' Vaccinations."The pressure being brought on parents to immunize ignores the fact that vaccination rates are extremely high in the U.S., says Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center. The center champions the rights of parents who say their children have been injured by vaccines. "The (vaccination) rates are higher than ever," she said. When states report numbers of unimmunized children, they include youngsters who have had some but not all of their shots, Fisher said...." If a child is missing just one dose of a particular vaccine, they are not included in the vaccinated category." Cape Code Times. Oct. 21, 2013.
- Radio Interview on "The Morning Show" One Radio Network - Informed Consent: Making the Best Decisions for You and Your Family Concerning Vaccination. Patrick Tempone interviews NVIC's co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher. Oct. 17, 2013
- Speaking of Health. Making an informed vaccination decision means becoming educated about vaccine ingredients, reported side-effects. Dr. Michael Kudlas interviews Barbara Loe Fisher on making an informed vaccination choice. Voice America. Sept. 13, 2013.
- Parent Talk - Personalize Your Child’s Health Care. Because we don’t all respond the same way to infectious diseases or vaccines, it is important to personalize your child’s health care and vaccine choices. Veteran journalist and Buffalo NY radio show host Linda O’Connor interviews Barbara Loe Fisher. WECK Radio. Sept. 21, 2013
- ABCNews 10 (ABC). Sacramento, CA - Sacramento officials say 850 children attending Sacramento schools in 2013 have a medical, religious or personal belief exemption on file with schools, 475 more children than had exemptions in 2008. In 2014, parents filing a personal belief exemption for children first will have to get the signature of a state-approved doctor or medical worker. Defending the religious and personal belief exemptions, NVIC's Barbara Loe Fisher said, "It has been very hard for parents of children who have reactions to vaccines to be able to put their children in school." Sept. 17, 2013.
- CDC Renews Push for HPV Vaccinations for Pre-teens of Both Sexes. NVIC’s perspective was included in an article about federal health officials asking doctors to strongly recommend HPV vaccines to patients as young as 11 years old when they are given other vaccines: “Our concern is this aggressive push by the Centers for Disease Control and by medical trade organizations ... toward a mandating of this vaccine for all children.” Fisher charged that 27,908 [reported] negative reactions may represent "only 10 percent of Gardasil adverse events that have actually occurred because 90 percent of all Gardasil adverse events have never been reported to VAERS." Newsmax, Aug. 28, 2013.
- Radio Interview on "Forum" with Michael Krasny of NPR KQED FM San Franciso - NVIC President Barbara Loe Fisher participated in a discussion about the rising numbers of parents opting out of vaccination and renewed efforts by public health and government agencies to pressure parents to vaccinate their children. Michael Krasney hosted the discussion and other participants were Arthur Caplan, director of the Division of Bioethics at NYU Langone Medical Center; Catherine Martin, director of the California Immunization Coalition; and Nelson Branco, a practicing pediatrician in California. Aug. 24, 2013
- Regs and Exemption Rates Are Linked: Stricter School Policies Garner Fewer Exceptions. A Delmarva Peninsula area newspaper reports that Maryland public health officials want to make it harder for parents to file a vaccine exemption for religious/spiritual beliefs. NVIC’s comment: "Parents should have the option of opting out on philosophical grounds, an alternative not available in any of Delmarva's three states,” said Fisher. “If you have to do something that violates your conscience, you should have the right to say no without having to suffer drastic legal consequences," she said."The Daily Times, Aug. 23, 2013.
- Wash Post-TV Interview on "Background"- NVIC Executive Director Theresa Wrangham participated in a Skype interview hosted by Nia-Malika Henderson along with Dr. Corey Hebert of Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. Titled "Vaccines: Science vs. Skeptics", Theresa defended parents' right to make informed vaccine choices and emphasized there are both vaccine science research gaps and individual susceptibility to vaccine reactions, as well as an association between vaccine-induced encephalopathy and poor health outcomes like autism, which have been acknowledged in the federal vaccine injury compensation program. Aug. 20, 2013
- Radio Interview on VCY America's "Crosstalk"on Christian Information Radio - NVIC President Barbara Loe Fisher is interviewed on the one-size-fits-all approach to vaccine policy and law that assumes that everyone is genetically, biologically and environmentally the same. When it comes to vaccines government recommended vaccines, what is the role of informed consent and vaccine exemptions? These and other related concerns are discussed. Aug. 14, 2013
- Pharma's Faking a Grassroots Campaign to Keep Jenny McCarthy Off the View. An article published on a blog founded by Mark Crispin Miller, author and Professor of Media Studies at New York University, focused on financial ties between drug companies, federal health agencies and the "parent" group Voices for Vaccines, which is worked to get celebrity Mom Jenny McCarthy fired from ABC-TV’s "The View." Investigative reporter Steve Schneider takes a closer look at the controversy and includes facts provided by Barbara Loe Fisher and Dr. Meryl Nass. News from Underground Aug. 1, 2013.
- Maine Hoping Against Whooping Cough Repeat. The reporter writing this Maine newspaper story included this reference to NVIC: “Although vaccines are required in Maine, parents sending their children to school can opt out if they sign a statement citing religious or philosophical beliefs opposing vaccines. Most states have some sort of religious or philosophical exemption, but some states require more rigorous documentation, such as a notarized affidavit or a doctor's note, according to the National Vaccine Information Center. Maine is one of 17 states that allow a philosophical exemption not tied to religious beliefs, according to the vaccine center. Portland Press Herald, July 1, 2013.
- Parents remain concerned about vaccine safety and quality research - NVIC co-founder and President Barbara Loe Fisher says in this article that the DeStefano vaccines-autism study is not reassuring to parents. She stresses the urgent need for an independent, well-designed, prospective long-term study that includes vaccinated and unvaccinated infants and children to evaluate all morbidity and mortality outcomes, and pathological changes in the brain and immune function over time in both groups. American Medical News. Tanya Albert Henry. Apr. 15, 2013.
- NVIC billboards seen in Arizona, Illinois, Texas and Oregon, have gotten people talking. The billboard’s message, “Vaccinations? Know the risks and failures,” encourages viewers to become informed before making a vaccine choice for themselves and their children. Read more about what people are saying about NVIC’s billboards: World News Daily, Garth Kant, Mar. 15, 2013, Arizona Daily Star, Stephanie Innes, Mar. 23, 2013, Tucson News Now, Lydia Camarillo, Apr. 5, 2013.
- Radio Interview on "Parent Talk" on 102.9 FM WECK - The Breeze, Buffalo, NY - NVIC President Barbara Loe Fisher is interviewed by Linda O'Connor, a veteran print journalist and radio host on the Gardasil vaccine controversy and defending the right of parents to make informed HPV vaccine choices for their children. Apr. 13, 2013
- Some parents are choosing to expose their children to the chickenpox rather than have them vaccinated. NVIC President Barbara Loe Fisher is quoted in this article saying that parents should educate themselves on potential side effects of both the chickenpox vaccine and the infection and make their own informed decision about what is best for their child. “We do not advise people what to do,” says Barbara. “We empower them with information and encourage people to talk with one or more health care professionals that they trust before making a decision.” Read more of this story at KOMO News Rose Egge, Apr. 4, 2013.
- Childhood Vaccine Schedule is Safe, Report Says - NVIC President, Barbara Loe Fisher, shares that the IOM Committee reported well on what core parental concerns about safety are and identifies vaccine safety research deficits relating to the U.S. childhood vaccine schedule. HealthDay, Jan. 16, 2013 Interview - NVIC President Barbara Loe Fisher. Pro vs Con: Should We Immunize Our Children? Loop 21. Dec. 2012
- CNBC-TV "Closing Bell" Debate: Should Health Care Workers Be Fired for Refusing Flu Shots?: NVIC's President, Barbara Loe Fisher and Michael Cannon of the Cato Institute, CNBC - Nov. 26, 2012
- Interview of Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC President on Public Health Whistleblower Protections, Progressive Radio Network Honesty Without Fear, Jun. 19, 2012
- CNBC-TV "Closing Bell" Debate: Should Health Care Workers Be Fired for Refusing Flu Shots?: NVIC's President, Barbara Loe Fisher and Michael Cannon of the Cato Insitute, CNBC - Nov 26, 2012
- Interview of Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC President on Public Health Whistleblower Protections, Progressive Radio Network Honesty Without Fear, Jun 19, 2012
- The Emerging Police State in the United States. Boiling Frogs Radio Blog. February 24, 2012.
- USA Today - Some states weigh opt-out laws for mandatory immunizations: NVIC President Barbara Loe Fisher was interview regarding seven states considering legislation that would make it easier for parents to opt out of mandatory immunization requirements for their children [NVIC President Barbara Loe Fisher, was inaccurately quoted in this article. She – and NVIC – support the universal human right to informed consent to medical risk taking, including voluntary use of vaccines, independent of scientific research]. - February 15, 2012
- Denver CBS 4 - Flu Shots For Workers In Health Care Setting Approved: NVIC Executive Director Theresa Wrangham was interviewed on opposition to flu shot mandates and stressed the need for informed consent and flexible exemption language. - February 15, 2012
- Radio & Blog Conversations About Pediatricians Firing Families: NVIC President, Barbara Loe Fisher, was interviewed on KWMR Radio about pediatricians firing parents from their practices for not following the AAP recommended vaccination schedule. The Parent Talk Program – KWMR Radio, January 22, 2012 and interviewed by Baby Gizmo Blog (Mom's Best Friend) - Should Pediatricians Be Able to “Fire” Parents? - January 11, 2012
- 2011 Film News: NVIC is featured in the current film The Greater Good, which is currently being shown at several film festivals throughout the U.S. View the trailer below and visit their website for
- MSNBC Vaccine Reactions & Informed Consent.Barbara Loe Fisher of NVIC and Dr. Max Wiznitzer of Rainbow Babies. November 23, 2010
- CBS-TV “The Doctors” - Vaccine Mandates, Autism & Chronic DiseaseBarbara Loe Fisher (NVIC), Julia Berle & Tanya Remer Altmann, M.D. October 28, 2009
- Fox 5 TV News (Washington, D.C.)H1N1 “Swine Flu” Vaccine: To Vaccinate or Not?Interview with Barbara Loe Fisher of NVIC September 29, 2009
- CNN-TV “Lou Dobbs Tonight” - Forced Flu Vaccination of Health Workers September 29, 2009
- CBS-TV - “Washington Unplugged” - H1N1 “Swine Flu” Vaccine Dangers. Sharyl Attkisson, Jennifer Ashton, M.D. & Barbara Loe Fisher. August 12, 2009
- CBS-TV Evening News - H1N1 “Swine Flu” Vaccine Fears July 30, 2009
- WUSA-TV 9 News (Washington, D.C.) Vaccine-Related Autism Cases Denied Federal CompensationFebruary 12, 2009
- USA Today Court Rules Autism Not Connected To Vaccines Video interviews with Henry Masur, M.D. & Barbara Loe Fisher of NVIC February 12, 2009
- MSNBC-TV News (Baltimore, MD) - Gardasil Vaccine Deaths & Unanswered Questions November 11, 2008
- CBN-TV “The 700 Club” Flu Shots: Worth the Risk? November 10, 2008
- WUSA TV-9 News (Washington, D.C.) Gardasil (HPV) Vaccine Injury Reports July 7, 2008
- Vermont Public Radio “Vermont Edition” - Expanded Vaccine Mandates in VT. Interview with Cort Lohff, M.D., MPH; William V. Raszka, Jr, M.D. & Barbara Loe Fisher, August 20, 2007
- CBN-TV “The 700 Club” Vaccine Reactions & Mental Retardation, Autism, ADHD, Asthma, Food Allergies August 1, 2007
- CBS-TV “Sunday Morning” - Vaccines, Autism & Informed Consent April 1, 2007
- WNYC-Radio “The Brian Lehrer Show” - Gardasil (HPV) Vaccine Politics. Interview with Barbara Loe Fisher & Moira Gaul, MPH. February 22, 2007
- CNBC-TV “Closing Bell" Pandemic Influenza Vaccine & Liability Protection. December 22, 2005
- CNN-TV “The Flip Side” Childhood Vaccines & Preventing Vaccine Reactions. Interview with Barbara Loe Fisher. October 7, 2004
- WAMU-Radio (Washington, D.C.) - Vaccine Safety Debate. Kathleen Stratton, Ph.D.; Barbara Loe Fisher; Neal Halsey, M.D. November 13, 2002
- WFAA-TV (Dallas) News Investigation Pneumococcal (Prevnar) Vaccine Risks February 2001
- Fox-TV News Congressional Hearings on Increases in Vaccines & Chronic Disease. Interview with Barbara Loe Fisher. August 4, 1999
- ABC-TV “20/20” Investigation - Hepatitis B Vaccine Injury, Death & Mandates Part 1 & Part 2. January 22, 1999
- NBC-TV "Today Show" - Vaccines & Chronic illness increases. Barbara Loe Fisher debates Neal Halsey, M.D. March 1997
- NBC-TV "Today Show" - Chicken Pox Vaccine - Barbara Loe Fisher debates Anne Gershon, M.D. March 20, 1995
- NBC-TV “Now Show” Investigation - DPT Vaccine “Hot Lots” & Injury Underreporting - Part 1 & Part 2. March 2, 1994
- Lifetime Television Network - "Attitudes" - DPT Vaccine Brain Damage & Death; Interviews with Barbara Loe Fisher, Joanne Hatem, M.D., & families, whose children died or were brain injured after DPT shots Part 1 & Part 2. March 1992
- CNN-TV “Sonya Live” - DPT Vaccine Brain Injuries & Informed Consent Barbara Loe Fisher & Philip A. Brunell, M.D.; Part 1 & Part 2. July 31, 1990
- ABC-TV (NYC) “The Morning Show” with Regis Philbin - DPT Vaccine Reactions, Injury & Death. June 16, 1986
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