NVIC Vaccine News

The Fallout from California SB277: What Happens Next?

By Dawn Richardson
Published August 05, 2015 in Government

The California Legislature passed and on June 29, 2015 Governor Jerry Brown signed California Senate Bill 277 into law. The law, which does not take effect until July 1, 2016, removes the personal belief vaccine exemption for children attending daycare and public and private schools.

Despite some of the most articulate, accurate, passionate and vocal opposition the legislature has seen from citizens spanning all political, socioeconomic, ethnic, religious, and medical backgrounds, a pro-mandatory vaccination lobby backed by the pharmaceutical, medical trade and public health industries prevailed. Education for California public and private school children and day care attendees is now dependent upon receipt of multiple doses of 10 federally recommended and state mandated vaccines regardless of a parent’s personal belief or religious belief objections.

California Stands Alone

Against the backdrop of the rest of the United States, California stands alone in the minority. Out of the 11 states that had bills filed to remove either the personal belief/conscientious/philosophical or religious exemptions during the 2015 legislative cycle (CA, MD, ME, NC, OK, OR, PA, RI, TX, VT and WA), California was the only state where the legislature passed a bill leaving only the medical exemption. Vermont  retained a broad religious exemption, but the legislature removed the philosophical exemption. The other nine states rejected the removal of any non-medical exemption.

NVIC and Many Non-Profits Opposed SB 277

California SB277: Dangerous legislation requiring parents to sacrifice the human right to make medical risk-taking decisions to retain the civil right to education. Learn more at NVIC.org.The National Vaccine Information Center(NVIC), a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and securing informed consent protections in vaccine policies and laws, vigorously opposed this bill throughout the legislative process. NVIC wrote testimony opposing SB277 and gave testimony opposing the bill in legislative hearings and published NVIC Newsletter articles and statements of opposition, as well as issued multiple email action alerts through the NVIC Advocacy Portal and NVIC Facebook page.

The bill was also opposed by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, California Chiropractic Association, California Naturopathic Doctors Association, California Nurses for Ethical Standards, California ProLife Council, California Right to Life Committee, Inc., Canary Party, Capitol Resource Institute, Educate Advocate, Families for Early Autism Treatment (FEAT), Homeschool Association of California, Pacific Justice Institute Center for Public Policy, ParentalRights.org and Safeminds.

Industry and Medical Trade Proponents of the Bill

The lobbying effort in support for SB277 was led by Vaccinate California and California Immunization Coalition, a project of the Immunization Action Coalition that is funded by Astra Zeneca, BioCSL, Merck, Novartis Vaccines, Pfizer and Sanofi Pasteur and CDC. The American Academy of Pediatrics and California Medical Association, which are also funded by pharmaceutical companies, were among the bill’s supporters, as well as Biocomthat represents Pfizer, Merck, GSK, Novartis, Sanofi, Monsanto and Kaiser Permanente. 

Other proponents of SB277 included a long list of medical trade and government employee associations that receive state and industry funding, as well as the Secular Coalition for America, which is a 501C4 anti-religious belief lobbying organization with 50 state chapters. The Coalition recently issued a press release in Oregon stating the Secular Coalition “played a key role in passage of the bill” in California. A June 2015 article in the Sacramento Bee revealed that “drug companies donated millions to California legislators before vaccine debate.”

What the New Law Does and Does Not Do

What you need to knowThe new law eliminating the personal belief vaccine exemption is a significant change to current vaccine exemption law and will have a profound impact on families who have chosen to delay or decline one or more vaccines for their children and want their children to have a public or private school education. Naturally, families in California are concerned and confused about how and when the new law will affect them. To help clear up some of this confusion, following is an outline of provisions in the new law and NVIC’s perspective on best options for actions that California families can take to restore the personal belief vaccine exemption for school attendance.

To fully understand the bill, parents should read the final version of SB 277 for themselves.

In summary, here is what SB 277 does and doesn’t do:

  • SB 277 removes the personal belief exemption from statute for government mandated vaccines required for children to attend elementary, middle and high school public and private schools, child care centers, day nurseries, and nursery schools.
  • SB 277 applies to state mandated vaccines for diphtheria, Hib, Measles, Mumps, Pertussis, Polio, Rubella, Tetanus, Hep B (except for 7th grade and up), Varicella and “any other disease deemed appropriate by the department.”
  • SB 277 does not require home school students or students who do not receive classroom-based instruction to be vaccinated.
  • SB 277 does not prohibit a student who qualifies for an Individualized Educational Program from accessing any special education and related services required by his/her IEP.
  • SB 277 does not fully go into effect until July 1, 2016.
  • SB 277 provides for a limited grandfathering of students who submit a personal belief exemption affidavit to the school prior to January 1, 2016 to continue attending public or private school after July 1st, 2016 until they enroll in the next “grade span.” The three grade spans are defined as birth to preschool, kindergarten to sixth grade, and grades 7 through 12.
  • SB 277 still allows for a medical exemption and defines a medical exemption as follows: “If the parent or guardian files with the governing authority a written statement by a licensed physician to the effect that the physical condition of the child is such, or medical circumstances relating to the child are such, that immunization is not considered safe, indicating the specific nature and probable duration of the medical condition or circumstances, including, but not limited to, family medical history, for which the physician does not recommend immunization, that child shall be exempt from the requirements of Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 120325, but excluding Section 120380) and Sections 120400, 120405, 120410, and 120415 to the extent indicated by the physician's statement.” 

How close was it?

Gov. BrownThe final vote on SB 277 in the Assembly on June 25, 2015 was 46 in favor and 31 opposed with three votes not recorded. That means if only eight Assembly members out of the 46 who voted in favor of the bill had changed their vote to a NO, SB 277 would be dead. Only eight votes!

The final vote on SB 277 in the Senate on June 29,2015, was 24 in favor and 14 opposed with two votes not recorded. This means that if only six of the Senators who had voted “yes” changed their votes to “No,” SB 277 could have been dead in the Senate. All of the votes are recorded here under the “Votes” tab.

NVIC sent Governor Brown a letter pointing out the inconsistencies in his position signing the bill, calling the passage and his signing of SB 277 “A Grave Mistake” and a “Violation of Human and Civil Rights.”  

Options to Restore the Personal and Religious Belief Vaccine Exemptions

It is crucial for all families in California, who currently want to exercise a personal belief vaccine exemption so their children can attend school, to understand that under the new law’s grandfather clause, children can continue to attend daycare or school with the personal belief vaccine exemption IF their parents have filed that exemption by Dec. 31, 2015. If your child’s personal belief vaccine exemption is not filed before that date, your child will not be able to attend school or day care with the personal belief exemption after July 1, 2016.

With that said, the people of California still have the interim period between now and the beginning of the 2016 legislative session in January 2016 to educate their elected state Assembly Member and Senator about why it is important to restore the personal belief vaccine exemption for conscientious or religious beliefs. Given that the final votes only needed a switch of eight votes in the Assembly and six votes in the Senate to kill the bill in either chamber, there is a very strong foundation to find an Assembly or Senate member to forward a bill that will restore exemptions for religious and conscientious beliefs.

NVICAPCalifornia families should register for the NVIC Advocacy Portal at http://NVICAdvocacy.org and continue to contact their state legislators and advocate for a new bill to restore personal belief vaccine exemptions in school and daycare attendance laws.  It is important for California families to keep in perspective that even though SB 277 passed, a defeat was within reach in both chambers of the legislature. Also, the bill was significantly amended throughout the legislative process with multiple concessions in response to concerns voiced by legislators sympathetic to opposition to the bill. The final version of SB 277 was very different than the filed version due to strong citizen opposition.

While the final outcome that saw SB 277 signed into law by Governor Brown was still very disappointing, there is a substantive pro-informed choice foundation and public platform that has been developed this year that families in California can build upon. It is important to keep citizen support for non-medical vaccine exemptions on the front burner in the California legislature and continue one-on-one education of legislators from now until the next session.

This is not the time to stand back. Many more families and enlightened health professionals are needed to contact their legislators during this period leading up to and during the 2016 legislative cycle in order to restore non-medical exemptions prior to the effective date of SB 277 on July 1, 2016.  

Other vehicles to restore the exemption are a civil court challenge or a referendum to put the question to the voters on the 2016 ballot. Because vaccine mandates are state laws, the most effective and inexpensive way to affect the laws that govern us is to educate our elected officials to pass laws that protect our human and civil rights. Again, with only eight votes in the California Assembly and six votes in the Senate making the difference between SB277 passing or failing, it makes sense to find legislators in the Assembly and Senate to carry a new bill that will restore personal belief and religious exemptions and close the gap between the handful of legislators who stand between “no exceptions” vaccine mandates and protection of informed consent rights.

What Californians Can Do Now

NVIC Vaccine Law & Policy Reform GuideNVIC Vaccine Law & Policy Reform GuideResponsible and consistent grassroots efforts to educate those who we elect to represent us, is the most direct and cost effective, likely to succeed strategy we can take to make and protect good laws and overturn bad laws. California residents who want to work with their legislators can start by personally meeting with and sending a letter to your California Assembly Member, Senator, and their staffs requesting that they work to reinstate the vaccine exemptions for conscientious and religious beliefs in the next session. Give your legislator a copy of NVIC’s fully referenced, illustrated guide Reforming Vaccine Policy and Law. When you see a credible news report or medical literature article that raises questions about vaccine science, policy and law or supports informed consent rights and vaccine exemptions, make an appointment with your legislators to discuss it or send it to them in a letter.

It has taken decades for pro-forced vaccination lobbyists to erode informed consent rights in vaccine laws and those rights will not be preserved or restored overnight without a lot of hard work at the grassroots level by millions of Americans taking action. While there are some organizations advocating different strategies for restoring the personal belief and religious exemptions in California, the National Vaccine Information Center will continue to advocate for active education of legislators and their staffs on a consistent basis.

We will continue to update our supporters about vaccine-related legislation at the state and federal level through the NVIC Newsletter, the NVIC Advocacy Portal and NVIC Facebook.


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70 Responses to "The Fallout from California SB277: What Happens Next?"
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2015 9:31:03 AM
I am confused...this article does not mentioned the SB277 Referendum effort, led by Tim Donnelly. http://sb277referendum.com/ Is the NVIC not aware of this? Or does the NVIC feel it is not the best strategy? I am still learning, but this feels so urgent to me. Editor's note: Hi Jess see para. "Options to Restore the Personal and Religious Belief Vaccine Exemptions" where it is mentioned along with other on-going actions. Your health. Your family. your choice.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2015 9:32:10 AM
Interesting. They will ban kids that are perfectly healthy yet kids with communicable diseases are allowed to attend. Examples Hepititus, HIV and several others. If vaccines are such a great thing? The only kids at risk are the unvaccinated. With billions of dollars at risk and billions more to be made if we can start mandating any vaccine and every vaccine. What is the real motivation. If you look at the statistics it is the highly educated that are not vaccinating. Do your research weight the odds, I'm not willing to put my children in a roulette game that the only people who profit are big Pharma.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2015 9:41:18 AM
If we already have an exemption filed with the school, is it necessary to file another one by December 31st? Editor's note: This in from CA: ATTENTION CA PARENTS - Know your rights! SB277 is NOT effective until July 2016. Do not be lied too or bullied! If any school, preschool or daycare facility does not accept your vaccine exemption when enrolling your children in the current school year they are in violation of the law! Give them a copy of this letter from California Dept. of Public Health along with your PBE You can also write a very simple and direct "Letter of Affidavit" addressed to the school. Sign it and have it notarized. Save a copy for your family file and give one to your attorney. July 2, 2015 TO: Interested Parties FROM: Sarah Royce, M.D., M.P.H, Chief Center for Infectious Diseases Division of Communicable Disease Control, Immunization Branch SUBJECT: Senate Bill 277 Governor Brown signed Senate Bill (SB) 277 on June 30, 2015. Effective one year from now in July 2016, California Department of Public Health - SB-277 Effective-Date: http://ow.ly/QzheE CA PBE form: http://eziz.org/assets/docs/CDPH-8262.pdf
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2015 9:43:08 AM
I read in one article (but only one article) that the California public school system will have to provide off-campus schooling for unvaccinated children. Is this true? What will parents do if they have to work and cannot educate their own kids? Will there be "vaccine-free" charter schools established by groups of parents? Editor's Note: Hi John, we are not aware of reports relating to California providing off-campus schooling for CA children. Your concern relating to working parents who cannot leave their jobs to home school their children is a valid concern. That concern was repeatedly voiced by parents during SB277 hearings. This article points out that Californians need to continue to contact and educate their legislators about their concerns and restoring non-medical vaccine exemptions in California. Thanks for your comment!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2015 9:46:55 AM
I hear over and over that everyone must be vaccinated to attend school to protect babies that are too young to be vaccinated. But what are babies doing in high school? And if there are kids who are too weak to be vaccinated, because of chemo, etc., why are they in school at all? They can catch any number of colds, flu, etc., for which they are no vaccines. And the vaccinated herd is allegedly protected. So the arguments for mandatory vaccines don't make sense.
Commenter Name
Lisa Bleicher
Posted: 8/6/2015 9:54:39 AM
I would like to thank all of you at NVIC, for all that you do!! Education is key in all aspects of life and I am proud to be associated with NVIC for almost 30 years. I refer many people to your sites for accurate information to be able to make an EDUCATED decision for the health of themselves and their family. Again, Thank You! Dr. Lisa
Commenter Name
Alan V. Schmukler
Posted: 8/6/2015 10:04:50 AM
I will let my cartoon express my feelings: http://hpathy.com/medical-cartoons/freedom-of-choice/
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2015 10:05:15 AM
Does it eliminate the religious exemption? Editor's Note: SB277 doesn't mention the Governor's executive order that created the religious exemption, however, California's Immunization Branch Newsletter for July 2015 states that SB277 eliminates religious exemption. It appears that you can file for a personal belief exemption as described in our article above under the grandfathering bullet in the What the New Law Does and Does Not Do section. For more information go to our California page here - http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine-Laws/state-vaccine-requirements/california.aspx - thanks for your comment!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2015 10:26:07 AM
It is widely thought that for a referendum to pass it will take millions of dollars. The last grassroots referendum to pass was back in 1914. In the event that enough signatures are collected and it does fail, it will harm the cause of reinstating the PBE's. This needs to be taken to the courts. That's where we need to focus our efforts.
Commenter Name
Lisa McLaughlin
Posted: 8/6/2015 10:39:49 AM
The media was SHAMEFUL on this one!!! On the take from big pharma, they rarely gave the other side of the story. People should write to their favorite media/news outlets!!! That can make a huge difference. We need them to tell BOTH SIDES OF THE STORY - at the very least. Why wasn't Barbara Loe Fisher or Neil Miller or ANY informed voice on Fox News, for example. So much for fair and balanced! Write some letters; contact info. is easy to find online.
Commenter Name
Jayme Miller
Posted: 8/6/2015 11:23:06 AM
Here's what I don't understand... how will CA kids be "caught up" on their vaccinations? Responsible physicians know that just isn't possible in many cases! That according to our own Pediatrician. She clearly advocates vaccines and understands the science very well, but has also worked with me on a reduced schedule and says that for safety and effectiveness many shots must only be given at the correct age. Also, giving multiple doses of the same shot at one appointment would clearly be reckless. I see quite a disconnect between passing this legislation and putting it into action, with family physicians being put in a very difficult position! Editor's Note: Jayme, your concerns on the safety are valid. This article's primary focus are the options available to Californians to reinstate non-medical vaccine exemptions. For families considering "catching-up" and the safety of doing so, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published a report in 2013 reviewing the safety of the CDC's recommended childhood vaccine schedule and stated that “most vaccine related research focuses on the outcomes of single immunizations or combinations of vaccines administered at a single visit. Although each new vaccine is evaluated in the context of the overall immunization schedule that existed at the time of review of that vaccine, elements of the schedule are not evaluated once it is adjusted to accommodate a new vaccine. Thus, key elements of the entire schedule - the number, frequency, timing, order and age at administration of vaccines – have not been systematically examined in research studies;”. You can learn more about the IOM's report at http://www.enhancedonlinenews.com/portal/site/eon/permalink/?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20130116006536&newsLang=en&permalinkExtra=Vaccination/vaccines/immunization. Thanks for your comment!
Commenter Name
Cynthia Keener
Posted: 8/6/2015 12:45:50 PM
It is clearly obvious what happened in California had more with the higher up again being bought. I wouldn't wish it on any child but maybe just maybe if one, two or maybe even three of any of these higher ups would have to deal w/a vaccine injured child they'd fully comprehend. My child is frail & sickly because of vaccines. To take away a parents right to choose anyones right to choose what they put into their body is wrong! They are bullying people into do what they want. Trust me it's not for the greater good. It's for $$$$ & they are getting away w/it. What has this world become?
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2015 1:20:20 PM
If we have a religions exemption filed for my daughter entering kindergarten in 2 weeks do I need to do it again before Jan 1 2015? Editor's Note: California's Immunization Branch Newsletter for July 2015 states that SB 277 eliminates religious exemption. It appears that you can file for a personal belief exemption as described in our article above under the grandfathering bullet in the What the New Law Does and Does Not Do section. For more information go to our California page here - http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine-Laws/state-vaccine-requirements/california.aspx - thanks for your comment!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2015 3:02:33 PM
I guess I shouldn't be surprised. California is the home of the original eugenics society in America. Guess they're still in full force.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2015 3:52:32 PM
My question is in regards to this paragraph.. It is crucial for all families in California, who currently want to exercise a personal belief vaccine exemption so their children can attend school, to understand that under the new law’s grandfather clause, children can continue to attend daycare or school with the personal belief vaccine exemption IF their parents have filed that exemption by Dec. 31, 2015. If your child’s personal belief vaccine exemption is not filed before that date, your child will not be able to attend school or day care with the personal belief exemption after July 1, 2016. My littlest children won't start kindergarten for another 2 and 4 years. Can I submit a personal belief form now even before they are able to register? My oldest is already will be in 1st grade this year so hopefully in the next few years this insanity will have been settled and we can get our rights back. Since their brother already goes there, maybe intent to attend with a personal exemption before December could be a loophole? I know it's far fetched but am grasping at straws at this point. Editor's Note: The new law seems clear that after December 31, 2015 new enrolling students will no longer be able to take a non-medical exemption. The focus of this article is what can be done now to reinstate non-medical exemptions in California and we are encouraging all Californians to understand the options and to contact their legislators to reinstate non-medical vaccine exemptions in California.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2015 5:43:06 PM
One thing not mentioned in this article; The last paragraph of sb277 states school personnel and/or county health personnel may use school property to administer immunizations. This makes a very real possibility of your child being immunized without your knowledge or permission, even with an exemption.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2015 6:46:43 PM
I'm confused about the 7th grade requirement. The 7th grade requirement is one dose of Tdap and two doses of MMR, according to Shots For School.org. If my son has never been vaccinated for anything, are these the only shots required to get into the 7th grade? Or would he also have to have other shots that were required for children younger than 13 years of age, in addition to the required vaccines for the 7th grade? Thank you. Editor's Note: Your child would need all the vaccines listed for 7-17 yr olds and those for 7th graders, according to California's Parents' Guide - http://eziz.org/assets/docs/IMM-222School.pdf. Thanks for your comment.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2015 9:26:18 PM
My husband and I are planning on having a family very soon, and we will very likely move out of state rather than be forced to vaccinate our children with all vaccines. What I don't understand is why the "person belief" exemption is even necessary. I am basing my considerations about vaccines on the scientific evidence regarding the neurotoxins in vaccines, as well as my ability to weigh risk vs benefits for the various vaccines and the diseases they are designed to protect against. Mine is an educated conclusion, not a personal belief.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2015 9:48:25 PM
So what about those who refuse the vaccines and don't home school? They are in effect denying a child their right to an education. How is this even legal? Are they just going to boot them to virtual schools and claim its being offered and its up to the parent to use it? Editor's Note: This is a valid concern and was also brought up during committee hearings. It seems likely that there will be parents challenging the law, if it is not repealed. Our article encourages Californians to understand their options and to contact their legislators with their concerns and efforts to reinstate non-medical vaccine exemptions. Stay up-to-date and informed by registering with our advocacy portal at www.nvicadvocacy.org! Thanks for your comment.
Commenter Name
Mama Bear
Posted: 8/6/2015 10:18:26 PM
I had read in an article before the law was passed that California colleges were also going to mandate vaccinations. I did not see that written in the law and am wondering if that will be an issue or not??!! Should my son apply out of state, or will he still have his rights at a CA college? Editor's Note: We can't give advice on where your son should apply for college, however, what is true is that non-medical vaccine exemptions are under attack across the U.S. As your son applies to colleges of his choice it would be a good idea to understand vaccination policies each has in place prior to enrolling. We wrote about this in 2011 - http://www.nvic.org/NVIC-Vaccine-News/February-2011/College-Bound---Navigating-Vaccine-Choices.aspx. Good Luck!
Commenter Name
Stacey K
Posted: 8/7/2015 9:39:57 AM
Don't be discouraged people. There's always other options just keep putting your heads together and surround yourself with supportive people like this site offers. We are our only children advocates so persevere.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/12/2015 4:18:28 PM
It would be interesting to see what would happen if we could get as many people as possible to start saving up vacation time (if needed), and keep our children out of school for at least a week (or more if possible), starting on the date that this law goes into effect (July 1, 2016).
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/13/2015 11:02:00 AM
My baby will be born in February, very late after the December 31, 2015, filing date. Does this mean I'm SOL?
Commenter Name
David Foster
Posted: 8/13/2015 4:16:41 PM
The very first comment here asked NVIC why you did not mention the SB277 Referendum effort which is underway. The response was unacceptable, claiming that this article mentioned the referendum. It did not. It merely mentioned it as an option, and then went on to suggest another option. So if NVIC believes the Referendum is not a good idea, it would be helpful for it to explain why. For you to not mention it can only be interpreted to mean that you feel it might do more harm than good, is that fair to say? If so then you should explain why. This Referendum could possibly be a Bad Idea, or it could also be the most likely way to defeat SB277. Either way, NVIC should take a stand. EDITORS NOTE: Dawn's article was quite clear about the options available to Californians for taking action, including the referendum and the possibility of future civil court action. It is important to keep in mind that the federal government makes vaccine use recommendations but vaccine laws in this country are under the control of state governments. The most direct and cost effective means for citizens to protect and secure changes in laws is through the legislative process and that involves educating elected representatives and community leaders. With a mission since 1982 to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education, NVIC advocates for the inclusion of informed consent protections in federal and state vaccine policies and laws and the NVIC Advocacy Portal facilitates the ability of citizens to participate in the democratic process in order to have input into those policies and laws. As Dawn pointed out in her article, if eight more Assembly members or six more Senators had voted "no," SB 277 would not have passed out of the legislature. Similar bills in eight other states were rejected by state legislatures this year and, in Texas, 20 vaccine-related bills, including one to remove non-medical exemptions, were defeated because of successful educational efforts by citizens in the legislatures. As an educational, non-profit charity, NVIC will continue to focus on education of the public and elected representatives about the need to protect the informed consent ethic through inclusion of flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief exemptions in vaccine policies and laws.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/14/2015 11:30:49 AM
If our child has their vaccinations, would it be of any benefit to file an exemption before the end of the year with the school (grandfathering) to avoid having to receive any future vaccinations that we may choose not to have? Additionally, if we homeschool a child in junior high, filing a private school affidavit as per recommended guidelines, would it benefit me to file an exemption with myself/homeschool, to avoid her having to receive any future vaccinations once she enters public school? Who would I contact for answers to questions? Editors Note: Krista, The grandfathering only applies until the next grade cycle (see article for explanation). It can only be applied if the exemption is on file (with public or private school including homeschool) no later than Dec. 31st of this year. The state health department has a page on this: http://www.shotsforschool.org/laws/exemptions/
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2015 12:20:32 PM
Which choice offers more protection "Receipt of Information" or "Religious Beliefs"? The Religious Beliefs does not require the signature of a healthcare provider, but it is such a narrow and restrictive definition/description of what that is. If I choose the Religious Beliefs option am I saying that I will never take my child to a medical practitioner because my religion "prohibits" it? If I take my child to a medial provider will I invalidate my exemption because I broke that "prohibition" of my religion therefore saying that now I must accept vaccines? I've had a signed "Personal Beliefs Affidavit" exemption on file for my child since he started school in 2011. Am I required to ALSO have this new "Personal Beliefs Exemption" signed and on file in order to be grandfathered in? Thank you for all you do and for answering my questions. Editors Note: Lupe, Both religious and personal belief waivers offer the same exemption from school vaccine requirements so you would need to read the qualifications to determine what applies to your situation the best. Incriminating language on exemption forms is a concern and we don’t recommend singing any forms you don’t agree with. How schools interpret whether or not a new form will have to be submitted is still yet to be seen. While it seems like common sense that anyone with a form on file already would already be covered, check with your school to be sure and you may want to get the answer in writing if they say your existing form meets the qualifications.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/25/2015 2:47:34 PM
Hidden agenda???? Big Pharma appears to me, to be on a fast track to eliminate all possible statistical data control groups in our country recently identified as necessary for some new, definitive vaccine safety studies. There's a bill pending in House subcommittee called "Vaccine Safety Study Act" introduced by Rep. Bill Posey in 2013 (as HR1757) and March, 2015 (as HR1636)....this bill directs NIH to perform studies comparing the total health outcomes of our traditionally unvaccinated population groups with vaccinated population groups...which former CDC director Gerberding has said could and SHOULD be done. "WITHOUT this basic data, no one can say with certainty whether or NOT the current vaccination schedule is associated with a greater risk of autism and other chronic health outcomes." CDC's Boyle has admitted to Rep. Bill Posey that such basic, definitive vaccine safety studies have NOT been done....(!) Is it more than coincidental, that today's fast-tracking to mandate vaccinations for the traditionally-unvaccinated, will effectively ELIMINATE all potential for conducting the proposed, long overdue comparisons of population health outcomes for very concerning events such as autism (which has increased from a rate of 1 per 100,000 to 1 per 68)...??? This CRUCIAL population control group's data will be invalidated once vaccinations are in play. (Equivalent, alternative vaccine safety studies would require some children to receive placebos instead of vaccines, which is considered unethical). Here's one informative link (note, HR 1757 bill apparently became HR 1636): http://www.safeminds.org/blog/2013/07/31/safe-minds-action-alert-support-passage-of-hr1757-on-capitol-hill/
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/7/2015 11:51:52 AM
I have a question about getting the exemption before the deadline at the end of the year. My child is 2 years old. Do I just submit the PBE form to any licensed daycare or preschool before the end of the year? Do I have to do anything additional if I switch to a different facility? How do I know that my PBE is actually on file? Any relevant info would be most helpful. Are there any other parents out there who have done this? Editors note: Laurel you will need to file the PBE no later than Dec 31, 2015 with the preschool you enroll your child in. Schools don't accept PBE's for non-enrollees. This is very short term because K is the "check point" Your health. Your family. Your choice.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/8/2015 12:27:57 PM
Hi there, Thank you for such an informative article. I want to write a PBE LETTER. How do I go about doing this? What should it look like? Is there a form go fill out? A website link? Thanks Esther Editors Note: Hi Esther. We do not have sample letters as each circumstance is individual and different. Here is our page on California State Vaccine Law to assist you: http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine-Laws/state-vaccine-requirements/california.aspx
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/29/2015 6:40:01 PM
Does anyone know whether or not you can continue to be grandfathered in if you change daycares/schools/districts? EDITORS NOTE: The PBE should transfer to all schools within the State of CA. ^should ^ is the operative word there --- Parents need to retain copies that are date stamped by the receiving school/daycare/preschool.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/29/2015 6:44:50 PM
One other question, can we file a PBE if we are on a waitlist? EDITORS NOTE: PBEs are usually only accepted once a child is enrolled.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/12/2015 4:09:31 PM
Finally! I am ecstatic that California has decided that the voice of the many outweigh the voice of the few. Now, if only the remaining states would jump on board and put the same law into effect. ALL children should be vaccinated! It is the ONLY way to keep diseases at bay. We used to consider polio, diphtheria, measles, mumps, etc as eradicated. Now, unfortunately, due to anti-vaxxer quack jobs, those diseases are beginning to make the news again. If you want to allow your children to contract diseases, have flu or chicken pox parties, and put the medically exempt children (such as those with cancer) at risk of death because you are afraid of the shots/ingredients, then move to a deserted island and start your own anti-vaxxer community. Leave the country.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/15/2015 6:28:09 AM
It seems that there are three immediate options, apart from engaging the long-term legislative / legal process, that parents living in California who have consciously chosen not to immunize their children and who will not buy into the vaccination hysteria have at this time: move to another state (or country); home-school your child or create a home-school group in collaboration with like-minded parents, taking your children's education into your own hands in order to retain your children's health choices under your control; and civil disobedience (e.g., bringing your unimmunized child to school at the start of the 2016-2017 school year and demanding that s/he receive the free and appropriate public education - FAPE - guaranteed by law, and being arrested if necessary to draw public attention to the matter), which in a sense can be regarded as part of the legal / legislative process, a catalyst for this process. Option 3 carries the risk of having your child taken from you and made a ward of the state, which may result in your child being promptly fully vaccinated by the stooges of the state. Option 1 may be impractical or impossible given family circumstances / preferences. Option 2, particularly a home-school group, may be the only viable option for many families. Regardless of which option(s) a parent in this situation chooses to exercise, it is crucial that all parents who refuse to be bullied by the "state" (one could also say "deep state" - http://billmoyers.com/2014/02/21/anatomy-of-the-deep-state/) fully educate themselves on the facts about immunization, for instance at this website and at http://vaxtruth.org/, so as to articulately be able to counter the highly-charged talking points that the majority of parents and other adults in the country have been conditioned to repeat and defend as if these were their own thoughts.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/20/2015 10:01:52 AM
I was told by shasta community health center that by law he has to have a second chicken pox shot. Is that true. My son has a traumatic brain injury idont think its a good idea. Please let me know
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Adrienne Owen
Posted: 10/26/2015 2:33:56 PM
What do we do about schools who are not telling parents the truth about grandfathering? I contacted my son's school nurse and told her we have a PBE on file. What prompted me to do this was a vaccination flyer sent home in his folder. The nurse stated, "those won't be good after July 1, 2016." I said, I beg your pardon, but yes, they will. I delivered and dropped off the information including the law and FAQ's from shotsforschool.org which clearly state that children are grandfathered in. I also emailed the woman who is responsible for the immunization program at the school. My question is, how can we 1. make sure schools are giving out the correct information to EVERYONE and 2. ensure that my child will have his PBE recognized by this school district. I do have an initialed copy of the PBE I turned in, but I would prefer the school district to acknowledge the law in writing.
Commenter Name
Posted: 11/9/2015 10:51:52 AM
Hello, Can you please clarify whether the grandfathered PBEs will travel with the children to a new school in the state? There is some confusion as to whether a current PBE on file for grades children between K and 6 will be valid at the new school if the parents choose to move the child to a new school. My reading of the law is that there is no mention of grandfathered PBEs not traveling to a new school. The PBE is attached to the child, not the school. Thanks, C EDITORS RESPONSE: PBEs are transferable within the State per SB-277 Public health: vaccinations SEC. 2. 120335. (b) (11) (g) (1) A pupil who, prior to January 1, 2016, submitted a letter or affidavit on file at a private or public elementary or secondary school, child day care center, day nursery, nursery school, family day care home, or development center stating beliefs opposed to immunization shall be allowed enrollment to any private or public elementary or secondary school, child day care center, day nursery, nursery school, family day care home, or development center within the state until the pupil enrolls in the next grade span. California Shots for School FAQ #11 also confirms PBE's are transferable within the state. 11. Is a personal beliefs exemption still valid if a student transfers between schools in California after 2015? Yes, a personal belief exemption filed with a school before January 1, 2016 is valid until entry into the next grade span (7th through 12th grade). Personal belief exemptions may be transferred between schools in California, both within and across school districts. However, if the personal belief exemption documentation is no longer available, students must meet immunization requirements (see question #1) or be enrolled in an independent study program with no classroom-based instruction or in a home-based private school (see question #3). It is recommended that parents maintain copies of PBE's that include a date stamp when received with their important family records
Commenter Name
kim alexander
Posted: 11/24/2015 12:41:23 AM
I am honestly very scared and concerned for my child who is in preschool who under this new law will have to be vaccinated to attend kindergarten next year. While my oldest child who will be grandfathered in until 7th grade will not be vaccinated. I feel as if I am protecting one child while I am feeding the other child to wolves. I am hoping something will change before my little one has to attend kindergarten. What can I do? This is all so unbelievable and overwhelming. Editors Note: We encourage you and all of our readers to join us at www.NVICADVOCACY.ORG today to get the latest updates and information on this and the many other bills attempting to remove non-medical vaccine exemptions across America. It is "State Centric" so you see info for your state and have direct access to YOUR elected officials. Your health. Your family. Your choice.
Commenter Name
Posted: 12/1/2015 1:37:39 PM
I cannot find the PBE for California online. I went to the California Department of Public Health website and when you click on the link, nothing happens, no form. How can I get the PBE? Does it need to be signed by my sons doctor? And can it follow him to high school next year as he graduates from 8th grade. So scared for him as he is highly allergic and has had adverse reactions, but doctors will not sign a medical waiver. Help! Time is running out for us! Editors Note: Here is the form http://eziz.org/assets/docs/CDPH-8262.pdf EDITORS RESPONSE: PBEs are transferable within the State per SB-277 Public health: vaccinations SEC. 2. 120335. (b) (11) (g) (1) A pupil who, prior to January 1, 2016, submitted a letter or affidavit on file at a private or public elementary or secondary school, child day care center, day nursery, nursery school, family day care home, or development center stating beliefs opposed to immunization shall be allowed enrollment to any private or public elementary or secondary school, child day care center, day nursery, nursery school, family day care home, or development center within the state until the pupil enrolls in the next grade span. California Shots for School FAQ #11 also confirms PBE's are transferable within the state. 11. Is a personal beliefs exemption still valid if a student transfers between schools in California after 2015? Yes, a personal belief exemption filed with a school before January 1, 2016 is valid until entry into the next grade span (7th through 12th grade). Personal belief exemptions may be transferred between schools in California, both within and across school districts. However, if the personal belief exemption documentation is no longer available, students must meet immunization requirements (see question #1) or be enrolled in an independent study program with no classroom-based instruction or in a home-based private school (see question #3). It is recommended that parents maintain copies of PBE's that include a date stamp when received with their important family records
Commenter Name
Amber Trueblood
Posted: 12/1/2015 5:51:23 PM
my physician has agreed to write a medical exemption for my kids for the fall (as several of them are either changing schools) due to my husband's genetic and health issues. However, I cannot find any sample letters and wondering if anyone has or can forward one??
Commenter Name
Posted: 12/2/2015 12:55:53 PM
Thank you so much for the information and the form you provided me on 12/1/2015 However, does the PBE need to be filed with the new school before Jan. 1, 2016, or his current school? Is it sufficient to provide it once he is accepted to a new school in March/April? Will it follow him from his current school? Will that be accepted? Thank you so much for your help! Much appreciated! EDITORS NOTE: Laura, please see your comment above where the following was added: PBEs are transferable within the State per SB-277 Public health: vaccinations SEC. 2. 120335. (b) (11) (g) (1) A pupil who, prior to January 1, 2016, submitted a letter or affidavit on file at a private or public elementary or secondary school, child day care center, day nursery, nursery school, family day care home, or development center stating beliefs opposed to immunization shall be allowed enrollment to any private or public elementary or secondary school, child day care center, day nursery, nursery school, family day care home, or development center within the state until the pupil enrolls in the next grade span. California Shots for School FAQ #11 also confirms PBE's are transferable within the state. 11. Is a personal beliefs exemption still valid if a student transfers between schools in California after 2015? Yes, a personal belief exemption filed with a school before January 1, 2016 is valid until entry into the next grade span (7th through 12th grade). Personal belief exemptions may be transferred between schools in California, both within and across school districts. However, if the personal belief exemption documentation is no longer available, students must meet immunization requirements (see question #1) or be enrolled in an independent study program with no classroom-based instruction or in a home-based private school (see question #3). It is recommended that parents maintain copies of PBE's that include a date stamp when received with their important family records Remember.... You must get it to his CURRENT school before Dec 31st!
Commenter Name
Sonia Cruz
Posted: 12/9/2015 10:54:03 PM
I am registering my youngest daughter for a (Public) Charter Homeschool and this new law will impact her enrollment. If I file the exemption IN DECEMBER 2015 with the APPLICATION/ENROLLMENT Forms for the 2016-17 school year, will it still take effect? She will not attend until Fall 2016, but I can apply now.
Commenter Name
Posted: 12/10/2015 1:03:17 PM
If we have an older child at one private school already and we're applying now, in Dec. 2015, for our second child to attend kindergarten at the same school (he would attend summer camp there in summer 2016 and then start K in 2016-17), can we submit a PBE to that school by the 12/31/15 deadline with our K application and still be considered grandfathered in? Thanks, Mia
Commenter Name
Posted: 12/12/2015 2:34:14 PM
My religion says "Zealously guard your health intensely" so with each vax I have a solemn religious duty to avoid any vax that is more harmful than the disease according to my conscience. So I am required to avoid these toxic vaxes for any mild childhood disease. If we were in a smallpox epidemic & if I thought the disease was more fatal than the vax, then I would be required to vax. This is in my religion for thousands of years before vax was invented. Check the torah, the talmud, Maimonides, they are clear on this. Zealously guard your health intensely. No matter what the government says!
Commenter Name
Posted: 12/13/2015 6:30:00 PM
My situation is a little complicated. My son is unvaccinated due to personal beliefs, he is six years old, and turns seven in May. Next year he will be entering second grade. However, we live in Utah now. His mother and him are planning on moving to California this summer. So as of right now he obviously isn't enrolled in a California school. Nor are they California residents. As of right now he hasn't been accepted in any school in Califonia. I just found out about SB 277 a few days ago and his mother and I would like to keep our son unvaccinated. I am prepared to travel there and have the personal belief exemption filled out, but having read the bill it doesn't seem like it will make a difference unless he's already enrolled in a school. If the form is filled out before December 31st, and we get accepted into a school for next year is it a viable/legal solution to turn it in then as long as it was filled out by the appropriate person prior to December 31st? Or is there a way I can get the personal belief exemption filled out before the cut off date and then turn it in directly to the state? Any input from the editor would be greatly appreciated! I just found out about this and I'm now scrambling to try to find a way around having 'medicine' forced onto my son. Thank you!
Commenter Name
Posted: 12/13/2015 6:34:51 PM
My situation is a little complicated. My son is unvaccinated due to personal beliefs, he is six years old, and turns seven in May. Next year he will be entering second grade. However, we live in Utah now. His mother and him are planning on moving to California this summer. So as of right now he obviously isn't enrolled in a California school. Nor are they California residents. As of right now he hasn't been accepted in any school in Califonia. I just found out about SB 277 a few days ago and his mother and I would like to keep our son unvaccinated. I am prepared to travel there and have the personal belief exemption filled out, but having read the bill it doesn't seem like it will make a difference unless he's already enrolled in a school. If the form is filled out before December 31st, and we get accepted into a school for next year is it a viable/legal solution to turn it in then as long as it was filled out by the appropriate person prior to December 31st? Or is there a way I can get the personal belief exemption filled out before the cut off date and then turn it in directly to the state? Any input from the editor would be greatly appreciated! I just found out about this and I'm now scrambling to try to find a way around having 'medicine' forced onto my son. Thank you!
Commenter Name
Posted: 12/14/2015 9:58:02 AM
Hi I have a question, I have yet to find a answer for...my wife is due with our first child in February. The pediatrician, midwife and OB we met with all stated they did not feel comfortable signing the personal belief exemption because our daughter is 'not yet born' or as one put it, 'doesn't exist'...I have found nowhere in the SB277 wording that states pregnant women are not covered, and on the PBE form it states that we (the guardians) have been informed of benefits and risks of vaccinations and forgoing them...has anyone read anything on this or perhaps has any advice to offer?...I need to make the 12-31-15 deadline...but the medical 'professionals' I have talked to so far seem uneasy in signing off on the form thank you God Bless
Commenter Name
New to CA
Posted: 12/14/2015 2:57:44 PM
Hi - I filed a PBE for my children when we moved to CA a few weeks ago. I did not have it notarized as instructions had said it wasn't required, nor gotten a receipt from the school. I did keep a copy of it of course. Should I have it notarized now and file it again, or is that not necessary? Or just ask the school for a dated receipt this week? I also have a friend with an older PBE exemption, and she'd like to know as well if she should redo. Thanks so much for any guidance. Editors note: I have always followed the adage "Better safe than sorry. i would go to the school and get a copy of the one they have on file.... get two notarized and return one to them and get your copy signed by school official. The same would apply to your friend, I have seen an epidemic of "lockjaw and amnesia" break out when I assumed my documentation was properly maintained. Trust, but verify and remember school goes on break this week!
Commenter Name
Posted: 1/12/2016 9:14:16 PM
My children are no longer allowed to attend school. I am going to lose my job because I won't give my kids the chicken pox vaccine... Are there any attorneys out there ready and willing to fight? This is a civil rights violation.
Commenter Name
Posted: 1/16/2016 1:54:13 AM
Hi I did not know about the prb and now it's jan 2016! Will they offer an extended timeframe to grandfather in? Editors note: The filing deadline was 31 Dec and no extensions have been forthcoming to date. Please register with www.NVICADVOCACY.ORG and work with your California State Leader and other portal supporters. Your health. Your family. Your choice.
Commenter Name
Posted: 1/21/2016 2:34:38 PM
There's quite a bit of discussion regarding this 'so-called' law. As far as I know it is not a 'law' - it is some type of 'regulation'. Codes, statutes and regulations do not apply to the living man/woman! They only apply to your 'person' that has been created for you by the so-called government. You are a living man/woman and your offspring are your 'property'. Never refer to them as your 'children'. They are your property and no one - whether it be so-called government or another man/woman can do anything that may harm you or injure your property. None of my children/grandchildren (8 altogether) have ever - nor will they ever - be 'forced' to be injected with any poison! We have simply written letters responding to any threat(s) resulting from refusal to comply with so-called 'mandates'. The letter(s) required the name of the man/woman making the threat against our property. Funny how quickly the 'mandate' disappeared. Should a man/woman make themselves apparent to us - they would be sued in a Common Law court for harm/injury. Most in government know this and the 'mandate' goes away. One needs to study and know who they are! Do not cave in because of lack of knowledge. Protect your property and yourselves from these government interlopers!
Commenter Name
Posted: 1/23/2016 10:09:00 AM
Thank you for this space where informed citizens can learn and share. How do schools / daycare centers, etc verify whether or not a child has been vaccinated? I plan on opting out of the California Immunization Registry. If I opt out of the CAIR (http://cairweb.org/images/docs/CAIR_Decline_Eng.pdf), what does the administration do to verify if the schedule is up to date? Will parents bring in an updated vaccine card with dates & initials from the doctor? I have to say, the only good side effect of this law is that it has united parents of different political parties on an issue. I am ashamed in the media for their portrayal of caring, informed parents who are actually using science to base their decisions on. Thank you
Commenter Name
Posted: 2/8/2016 10:58:15 PM
How difficult will it be to find a physican who sympathizes with our position. $ rules with big pharma and with the determined,
Commenter Name
Posted: 2/11/2016 2:32:43 AM
Will the new law affect unvaccinated children by preventing them from gathering in locations that are used for private schooling purposes, for example, a Sunday school class that is held in classrooms at a church that also uses that site for a private school during the week. Since, they cannot gather there for school, are they also prohibited from gathering for Sunday school or youth group purposes?
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/24/2016 1:36:34 PM
My son was grandfathered in then we took him out for 5 months and homeschooled him. The school is denying him enrollment now. Is this legal? Editors Note: Hello Shelley. Good news! We have a California State director for NVIC. If you have anything legislative going on, please contact her and keep her in the loop. You can reach her at [email protected].
Commenter Name
Renee Roberts
Posted: 3/25/2016 1:32:03 PM
Of course I didn't know about this until now when approached by the daycare. Do I have any options now?! EDITORS NOTE: Sadly Renee many parents are in the same boat. Please register with NVICAdvocacy.org and contact Terry Roark your CA state leader with specific questions.
Commenter Name
Posted: 4/2/2016 3:22:26 PM
What is considered a "day nursery"? Can a group of parents band together and establish their own daycare co-op that can exist and operate outside of this immunization mandate?
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Bernadine Splettstoeszer
Posted: 4/7/2016 10:08:12 AM
We are possibly moving to California from Minnesota. My kids would be attending private school. Does anyone know if there are exceptions given we come from a state that does not require the vaccine? Could we appeal even though the deadline has passed for Jan 2016 since we would be transfer residents? Thank you Bernadine Editors Note: New students entering public or private daycare, preschool and K-12 school in CA for the first time have to comply with SB 277. Home school or a medical exemption are currently the only options if a parent declines one or more of the mandatory vaccines. Please see NVIC California State Vaccine Requirements for complete information and direct links. Register with nvicadvocacy.org for updates and to contact the State Leader.
Commenter Name
Posted: 4/10/2016 11:01:21 PM
My son has been vaccinated up to 4 months old. When he was 7 months he was diagnosed with Neutropenia. His doctor suggested we stop all vaccines until he feels better. It took about one year until he fully recovered. We have not vaccinated our son since. I was convinced that vaccines caused Neutropenia. I even found studies online by different doctors confirming my case. When I contacted my son's doctor for a medical exemption form, he wouldn't sign it because they would not link his prior condition to the vaccines. I feel like I am in very dificult situation. Doctor said that he would give me an exemption letter if my son would have this condition now. What do I do? Thank you, Larisa
Commenter Name
Posted: 4/14/2016 11:11:26 AM
When we moved to New York from California several years ago (before the passing of this bill), we were made aware of several cases against states in the Northeast, that challenged legislation and departments of education that infringed on a parents' right to exemption based on personal religious beliefs. Many of these cases were won at the highest court level, as protection of both Civil and Religious Freedom rights. We were encouraged to use these cases to inform our request for exemption in New York. Would SB277 hold up against similar cases? Wasn't there concern about the legal ramifications of passing this bill?
Commenter Name
Posted: 4/15/2016 5:27:31 PM
I have been in the US for 5 months now and my 9 year old daughter just got here 2 days ago. She has never been immunized and I don't want her to be. There is no way I am going to have her subjected to all these shots. Can my daughter still go school with a signed waiver? Thank you for your time. Editors note: The only signed waiver available to you/your daughter is medical at this time. Homeschool is another option. See: http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine-Laws/state-vaccine-requirements/california.aspx Register with www.NVICAdvocacy.org if you have specific questions and contact our California State Leader.
Commenter Name
Posted: 4/21/2016 12:16:10 AM
NVIC - thank for all your valiant efforts. Keep it up! I have 3 questions: 1. Is going from preschool to kindergarten a 'grade span' change? If so, my son would need to get all of the required shots over a very short period. That is something that even the ‘industry’ now advises against. My son is in preschool and should start Kindergarten this fall. He got a few vaccines when he was young but they made him sick. When he got sick, I then learned of the true nature of vaccines and he hasn’t had any since. My daughter had most of hers by that time but she is in third grade so wouldn’t need to comply until middle school anyway. As I know, the 'grade span' rule was put in place as the ‘industry’ knows there would be a statistically significant number of sick kids if a bunch of kids got a bunch of vaccines in a short period of time - which of course wouldn’t look good. 2. What happens if someone moves to California from out of state? Do they need to get all 40+ vaccines at once? I read the legislation but didn’t see this issue covered. 3. How hard is it to get a medical exemption? Are there any doctors willing to take the risk? How sick does a kid have to get to be exempt? My son was born when we were living overseas and had a great pediatrician who saw how sick my son got after each vaccine. We really don’t have a pediatrician in the USA as we haven’t needed one. They do see a pedi for their annual check up - but the doctor doesn’t know my kids at all. Would love to find a doctor that would help us in the area.
Commenter Name
Posted: 4/21/2016 12:33:53 AM
NVIC - thank for all your valiant efforts. Keep it up! I have 3 questions: 1. Is going from preschool to kindergarten a 'grade span' change? If so, my son would need to get all of the required shots over a very short period. That is something that even the ‘industry’ now advises against. My son is in preschool and should start Kindergarten this fall. He got a few vaccines when he was young but they made him sick. When he got sick, I then learned of the true nature of vaccines and he hasn’t had any since. My daughter had most of hers by that time but she is in third grade so wouldn’t need to comply until middle school anyway. As I know, the 'grade span' rule was put in place as the ‘industry’ knows there would be a statistically significant number of sick kids if a bunch of kids got a bunch of vaccines in a short period of time - which of course wouldn’t look good. 2. What happens if someone moves to California from out of state? Do they need to get all 40+ vaccines at once? I read the legislation but didn’t see this issue covered. 3. How hard is it to get a medical exemption? Are there any doctors willing to take the risk? How sick does a kid have to get to be exempt? My son was born when we were living overseas and had a great pediatrician who saw how sick my son got after each vaccine. We really don’t have a pediatrician in the USA as we haven’t needed one. They do see a pedi for their annual check up - but the doctor doesn’t know my kids at all. Would love to find a doctor that would help us in the area. Editors note: Dan please register with www.NVICAdvocacy.org and contact our California State Leader for specific questions at [email protected] Here is our California Law page: http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine-Laws/state-vaccine-requirements/california.aspx
Commenter Name
Posted: 4/22/2016 9:43:09 PM
I can't believe this and I am so confused. I was told by Pediatrician I have to vaccinate my 10 1/2 year old unvaccinated son for school at his last physical. "It's the law," he stated. I didn't do it. I am still confused on this "grandfather" "affidavit" thing. Is it the personal belief form on file at his school that I complete every year for entry or was I supposed to know to file something "notarized" by the state by Dec 2015? He is in 4th grade and we will be filling out paperwork this summer for 5th grade in his same public school.They have my exemption on file from just me. I don't get it? Can someone explain it to me and how I missed all this! Thank You! Editors note: Marie, please disregard my initial response and this is from our California State Leader: Your Pediatrician is misinformed. Personal Belief Exemptions (PBE) do not "require" a notary signature, however, many parents have chosen to do so. Some parents have also provided copies to their attorneys. All PBE forms and/or letters stating beliefs opposed to one or more vaccines that were on file with the school prior to January 1, 2016 are valid until children reach the next "checkpoint" grade span. Your unvaccinated son is entitled to continue attending in all public or private schools within the state of California until he enters 7th grade using the grandfather clause. Grandfather Clause (g) (1) A pupil who, prior to January 1, 2016, submitted a letter or affidavit on file at a private or public elementary or secondary school, child day care center, day nursery, nursery school, family day care home, or development center stating beliefs opposed to immunization shall be allowed enrollment to any private or public elementary or secondary school, child day care center, day nursery, nursery school, family day care home, or development center within the state until the pupil enrolls in the next grade span. (2) For purposes of this subdivision, “grade span” means each of the following: (A) Birth to preschool. (B) Kindergarten and grades 1 to 6, inclusive, including transitional kindergarten. (C) Grades 7 to 12, inclusive Full Bill Text - SB-277 Public health: vaccinations. http://ow.ly/ZbO8b The "grandfather" clause, including rights to transfer PBE forms or letters to any school within the state until the next grade span "checkpoint" is also confirmed by the CDPH. See SB277 FAQs | ShotsForSchool.org http://ow.ly/Zg3f5 Please register with NVICADVOCACY.ORG for further assistance.
Commenter Name
Louis Carnevale
Posted: 5/9/2016 11:47:29 AM
My son's HS sent out the official "Notice of Exclusion from School Attendance" letter. I contacted the HS health office and explained that since we have had Personal Belief Exemption on file for all his previous HS academic years which were on file prior to the January 1st deadline and therefore should be allowed the exemption provisions of the grandfather clause of SB 277. The Health office did not agree. Can anyone on this forum clarify this issue?? Thanks Editors Note: We may have some help for you Louis but need more information. Please register at www.NVICADVOCACY.ORG and contact the CA State Leader at your earliest opportunity. This is the best process for all specific CA SB277 questions.
Commenter Name
Posted: 5/20/2016 5:57:03 PM
It says licensed physician but it doesnt say what state the physician must be in. An out of state physician could make the determination and not recieve the backlash that a CA licensed physician might receive.
Commenter Name
Posted: 5/21/2016 8:37:24 AM
We are experiencing summer camps requiring the medical contraindication be confirmed by a medical provider in order to attend camp. We have a personal belief exemption and family history of severe reactions but a very healthy child so the doctor will not sign the medical waiver. My child will be in 8th grade next year and meets the grandfathered exception. Are camps required to follow the law as well? Or is that not subject to the law which seems targeted to schools? Editors Note: Dear DLK and Californians: We've been getting a lot of questions about summer camps, tis the season. This response has worked well to satisfy the private camps and get the ones who receive state funds to better understand. ~~~~~~~ If the camp is part of public or private school program and/or receives state funds they must honor the PBE grandfather clause in SB277. If it is a private camp you may want to contact your attorney regarding civil rights violations. Please join NVICAdvocacy.org and contact your State director if you need additional assistance.
Commenter Name
Matt Ivers
Posted: 5/31/2016 4:25:09 PM
We had filed a letter of affidavit exemption prior to Jan 1, 2016 with a pre-school for my daughter to avoid her being vaccinated, but are now enrolling her into Kindergarten for the upcoming year at a different school. Is there anything we can do to avoid her being vaccinated to enroll for this new "grade span?" I am sort of confused about the cut off date since the law doesn't go into affect until July 1, 2016. Editors Note: We may have some help for you Matt but need more information. Please register at www.NVICADVOCACY.ORG and contact the CA State Leader at your earliest opportunity. This is the best process for all specific CA SB277 questions.
Commenter Name
R Lawson
Posted: 6/23/2016 5:09:28 PM
Another thing I don't see mentioned here is the option to make sure your child has an IEP. Children with IEP's it seems will be able to continue to receive an education regardless of the their vaccination status.
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Cynthia smyth
Posted: 11/21/2016 8:23:02 PM
So far, have you heard about any families who are having success with their children who have IEP's, starting to attend a California State or UC University in 2016, and were able to use their IEP as a way to opt out of any vaccines required by the Universities for admittance. Also you stated that any child with an IEP can not be prohibited from their special education services, that are not fully vaccinated. Is this also true of a child with a 504?
Commenter Name
Posted: 1/11/2018 8:09:19 AM
SB 277 is Illegal because it does not allow for religious accommodation in a PUBLIC PLACE. I list the Federal Statutes BELOW. Someone should contact the Attorney General's Office - Jeff Sessions with a complaint that no religious accommodation is being offered. Forcing religious people to be segregated because SB 277 IS prejudiced against their religion is ILLEGAL. SEC. 407. (a) Whenever the Attorney General receives a complaint inwriting-- (1) signed by a parent or group of parents to the effect that his or their minor children, as members of a class of persons similarly situated, are being deprived by a school board of the equal protection of the laws, or Kicking a child out of PUBLIC SCHOOLS is ILLEGAL just because they do not conform to HEARD IMMUNITY - known in the RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY as Collective Salvation. Worshiping Vaccinations made with HUMAN HANDS to bring about an ILLICIT Immune Response is against OUR RELIGION. Our God is a Jealous God and we MUST worship our God, The giver and sustainer of ALL LIFE. For to do otherwise is a SIN. We will not offer our children on the alter of Vaccination to the False god of Immunity for your Collective Salvation. WE HAVE A SAVIOR and it is NOT the CDC. CDC.gov says 24/7 Saving Lives/Protecting People. They say they are the ONLY ones to Protect you from Death and Disease! WORSHIP at the alter of Vaccination because the CDC SAYS SO,...WE WILL NOT!!!! TITLE II--INJUNCTIVE RELIEF AGAINST DISCRIMINATION IN PLACES OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION SEC. 201. (a) All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, and privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin. https://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/history/35th/thelaw/civil_rights_act.html (b) "Desegregation" means the assignment of students to public schools and within such schools without regard to their race, color, religion, or national origin, but "desegregation" shall not mean the assignment of students to public schools in order to overcome racial imbalance. (c) "Public school" means any elementary or secondary educational institution, and "public college" means any institution of higher education or any technical or vocational school above the secondary school level, provided that such public school or public college is operated by a State, subdivision of a State, or governmental agency within a State, or operated wholly or predominantly from or through the use of governmental funds or property, or funds or property derived from a governmental source.

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