Over the past several months NVIC has improved our website to make your access to information easier. We hope you have noticed, but in case you haven’t, here is a brief overview of our latest enhancements!
Disease & Vaccine Webpages Get Facelift
Have you ever been reading through our Disease and Vaccine information webpages and run across a word and have trouble remembering the meaning of that word? Some of the old and newly posted information or medical literature references may include medical terms that are unfamiliar.
To assist our readers, we have uploaded the Merriam Webster’s Medical Dictionary widget onto our Disease and Vaccine webpages. This intuitive widget floats down the selected webpage as the user reads about risks associated with diseases and vaccines, while allowing users to type terms into the widget’s search feature on the spot. Definitions are provided in a new webpage and the reader can easily return to their selected NVIC webpage and pick up reading where they left off.
We also hope you have found the new Quick Facts box provided on our Disease and Vaccine webpages to be useful. Quick Facts was designed to give you an overview of basic information regarding the selected disease and vaccine, but is no substitute for the more detailed information below the Quick Facts box – so please read on!
We are continuing to update these webpages to standardize format and ensure that each Disease and Vaccine section contains similar relevant information. It is a work in progress!
Get the Facts on Staying Healthy during Flu Season
Did you know that adult influenza vaccine injury claims are the leading claim submitted to the federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP), and the third most frequently compensated claim? With the increasing pressure for you to get a flu shot, now it is more important than ever before to make informed vaccination decisions.
Because no vaccine is 100% safe or effective, NVIC has created a seasonal influenza brochure containing easy to understand facts about influenza and the seasonal influenza vaccine. Download it and pass it on to your family and friends!
Keeping Current with Vaccine Exemption Law Information
It is a tall order to keep our state law webpages current and we owe many thanks to our readers, volunteers and our advocacy portal staff for helping to keep this information current. New to our state law webpage’s Quick Facts box are more generalized information links that are most likely to lead website visitors to the vaccine law and exemption information they seek.
If one of our more detailed links, like the K-12 school vaccine exemption form, doesn’t provide you with the information you are looking for, try using the general information link we have provided in the Quick Facts box. If you find a broken link, now you can send us an email from the state law webpage you are viewing to let us know and we will repair it as soon as possible.
State Law Pages Updated With Health Care Worker Vaccine Mandate Information
Our state law webpages also reflect an increase in vaccine mandates as a condition for employment for personnel working in hospitals, medical facilities and in other workplaces interfacing with the public. Each webpage contains a link titled: Vaccination Requirements for Healthcare Workers, Patients, Inmates & Developmentally Disabled which leads to information compiled by the federal Centers of Disease Control (CDC), which is advocating for increased vaccination requirements for health care workers and other adult populations. This information also contains information on limited vaccine exemptions that are allowed for employees working in medical settings.
Additions to NVIC FAQs – Adoption and HepB Vaccine at Birth
NVIC receives many inquiries throughout the year and we have a section of our website devoted to Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQs. Sometimes we get asked a new question because the vaccine mandate landscape shifts and we adapt to shift with it.
Where adoption is concerned, and being adopted myself, I know that there has been a tightening of vaccine requirements for children being adopted! Today, many adoptions are now between U.S. parents and foreign-born children. This shift in adoption patterns has changed vaccination requirements.
There are federal vaccine requirements for foreign adoptions and there may also be requirements in the child’s country of origin. If you are considering a foreign adoption, or know someone who is, please read or pass on our adoption FAQ.
New Parents Threatened With Loss of Custody Over Vaccine Refusal
While there is no legal federal or state requirement in the U.S. that newborns receive a hepatitis B shot at birth, NVIC has seen an increase in reports of coercion and forced vaccination of newborns. In fact, one couple has filed a civil rights lawsuit against a Pennsylvania social worker and Hershey Medical Center staff for taking their newborn from them for the purpose of vaccinating their baby against their explicit wishes.
In response to the rise in these reports, NVIC has created a new FAQ at www.NVIC.org to answer many questions we receive on this topic. We encourage our readers to pass this information on to any moms-to-be who may be unaware that their vaccination decisions for their babies being born in hospitals and birthing centers may not be respected. Visit our FAQ webpage and learn more about steps you can take to avoid confrontation.
Act Now to Protect YOUR Rights!
Health care worker flu shot mandates as a condition of employment and civil rights violations, which involve hepatitis B vaccination of newborns without parental informed consent, are only the tip of the iceberg. The landscape of voluntary vaccine decision-making is changing in America as medical informed consent rights are being eroded.
NVIC’s free Advocacy Portal is providing an online communication and advocacy network for vaccine choice advocates, who are educating themselves about the public health laws in their states and working with their legislators to insure that forced vaccination has no place in America. Won’t you join with them and make a difference?
We have more website improvements on the way, so please explore our website. NVIC.org is the largest and oldest consumer-operated website on the Internet providing information on diseases and vaccines and is full of information that is changing all the time. If there is an enhancement you would like us to consider, please contact us with your ideas!
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