31 More Vaccine Bills Introduced in Past Two Weeks
by NVIC Advocacy Team
We are not even a full two months into the 2017 legislative sessions, and our NVIC Advocacy Team is tracking 134 vaccine related bills across 35 states on the NVIC Advocacy Portal.
We have added 31 new bills since our last update 2 weeks ago and 8 of these new bills are in 5 states appearing for the first time: MD, NV, UT, VT, and WV.
If you live in one of the following states, there are bills filed that can affect your rights: AR, AZ, CT, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MD, ME, MN, MO, MS, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OK, OR, PA, RI, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, and WV.

Bills to Restrict, Eliminate or Expand Vaccine Exemptions
The following states are priority opposition alert state as they now have bills to restrict or eliminate vaccine exemptions: AR(withdrawn), CT, IA, MN, NY, OK, PA, TX and UT.
The following states are priority support alert states as they now have bills to add or expand vaccine exemptions: HI, IA, ID, MS (died), NJ, NY, OK, RI, TN, TX, WA, and WV. If you are in WV, a bill was just filed last week to expand vaccine exemptions and your calls are needed on Monday to get the bill set for a hearing.
If you are in any of the following states, beware that there are bills filed to expand vaccine tracking or eliminate OPT-IN Consent for vaccine tracking and that these need to be opposed: CT, ID, KS, MA, MT, NY, TX and UT.
Bills to Shame Schoolchildren with Vaccine Exemptions
There are school shaming bills filed to require and normalize the public disclosure of vaccination and exemption rates in the following states: AZ, CT, NV, NY, OK, TX, UT, and VA (withdrawn). These bills need to be opposed as states that already do this have experienced increased media hostility towards schools or districts with lower vaccination or higher exemption rates. This instigates community driven discrimination and bullying of vaccine selective families.
If you are in CT, TX, or UT, there are discriminatory and presumptuous bills that need to be opposed that mandate families utilizing vaccine exemptions participate in state required vaccine education. Just because a family takes an exemption, doesn't mean they are lacking vaccine education. Conversely, just because a family vaccinates with everything, doesn’t mean they are educated yet no vaccine education is required of those blindly following recommendations.
Use NVIC Advocacy Portal To Take Action If You Live in One of These 35 States Where Vaccine Bills Are Moving
There are 134 bills filed that need your support or opposition! PLEASE LOG IN TO NVICAdvocacy.org for more detailed information including links to the bills themselves. Please understand that we are analyzing bills and updating the NVIC Advocacy Portal multiple times a day and this information changes daily so log in often. Use this resource to find out what is going on in your state and what you can do to help.
Here is a breakdown of the types of bills filed that we are tracking as of 2/24/17. Please note NVIC is opposed to the types of bills in bold and we support the types of bills not bold.
Exemptions and Informed Consent
- Restricting Vaccine Exemptions: CT, IA, MN, NY, OK, TX, UT
- Eliminating Vaccine Exemptions: AR, NY, OK, PA
- School Shaming and Exemption Disclosure: AZ, CT, NV, NY, OK, TX, UT, VA
- Expand Vaccine Exemptions: HI, IA, ID, MS, NJ, NY, OK, RI, TN, TX, WA, WV
- Protecting Vaccine Delay and Refusal from Child Abuse Claims: OR
- Add to Who Can Sign Medical Exemptions: TX
- Prohibit Docs from Throwing Exempting Patients out: TX
- Forced Detention and Treatment on Suspicion of Vaccine Preventable Disease: NY
- Expand Vaccine Informed Consent: OR, TX, WA
- Granting Minor Children Consent Authority for Certain Vaccines Without Parents: MN, NY, TX
- Granting School Nurses Vaccine Consent Authority for Homeless Children: WA
- Adds New Vaccine Mandates: CT, IL, IN, KS, KY, ME, MO, MT, NJ, NY, OR, VA
- Restricting Vaccine Mandates: MS, NH, NJ, OR
- Prevents Vaccine Mandates for Adults: MS
- Requires Children of Foster Parents to be Vaccinated with no exemptions: AZ
Vaccine Tracking and Reporting
- Eliminates OPT-IN Consent for Vaccine Tracking: MT, TX
- Expands Vaccine Tracking: CT, ID, KS, MA, MT, NY, TX, UT
- Requires Tracking of Parental Refusal of Vaccines: MD
- Requires Reports of Vaccine Reactions to Leg: VT
- Adds OPT-OUT on Forced Inclusion Vaccine Tracking System: MA
- Alters Vaccine Board Positions: ME
- Requires Public Schools to Conduct Health Visits to Private School Students: IA
- Prohibits Certain Ingredients in Vaccines: MO
- Requires Vaccine Promotion/Marketing: GA, IL, MD, NE, OR, TN, TX
- Permits Pharmacists Administer More Vaccines: HI, IN, KS, KY, MD, MT, NY, SD
- Expands Vaccine/Public Health Programs: WA
Individual Bills NVIC Is Tracking As of Feb. 24, 2017: You need to register and log into the NVIC Advocacy Portal, which provides free access, to view the specific information about the bills in your state.
NVIC Advocacy Team
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Please Remember:
The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) works diligently to prepare and disseminate our legislative advocacy action alerts and supporting materials. We request that organizations and members of the public forward our alerts in their original form to assure consistent and accurate messaging and effective action. Please acknowledge NVIC as originators of this work when forwarding to members of the public and like-minded organizations. To receive alerts immediately, register at www.NVICAdvocacy.org
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