NVIC Vaccine News

No Shots, No School, Not Really.

By Dawn Richardson
Published July 28, 2011 in Government


It is back to school time and, once again, there is an epidemic of misinformation about school vaccine requirements. 

We have received reports from around the country of schools and the media withholding information about the vaccine exemptions available to families in their state.   All one has to do is insert the phrase “no shots no school” into their favorite internet search engine to see the problem for themselves.

When a school or the media uses the expression “No Shots No School,” they not only mislead the public by omission, they place the health and safety of children, who have had previous vaccine reactions or a family history of vaccine reactions, at risk. Misinformation about requirements and exemptions can cause a child, who could have been eligible for an exemption, to be vaccinated with sometimes tragic but preventable results.

Not all children are the same; not all diseases are the same; not all vaccines are the same and not all vaccines are safe, necessary or effective for all kids. One size does not fit all. All families deserve to be told the truth about their rights so they can make voluntary, informed vaccination decisions. 

No Shots No School is NOT True

A more accurate expression would be “No Shots or No Exemption, No School”.

Recommendations for vaccine use are issued by the federal government (Centers for Disease Control) but vaccine requirements and exemptions are a matter of state law and, while they vary from state to state, all 50 states have them. It is important to know your legal rights.
  • Medical Exemptions: all 50 states
  • Religious Exemptions: 47 states
  • Philosophical or Conscientious Belief Exemptions: 18 states
For detailed information on which vaccine exemptions are available in your state, please visit our Vaccine Laws and State Requirements web page.
We Need Your Help to Fix This Problem
  1. Correct the Source - If you see a television newscast, newspaper article, hear a radio announcement or receive a notice from your child’s school containing misleading or incomplete information about vaccine requirements by failing to mention the availability of the vaccine exemptions applicable in your state, please take the two to three minutes to make a quick phone call or send a short email note politely informing them of their mistake or omission and request that they post or broadcast a correction. 
Most of the time, the news stations don’t have this information or they are just taking information directly from press releases from pro-forced vaccination medical groups or the health department, where the vaccine exemption information may have been left out intentionally.  
Sometimes, it can be helpful to explain that this is important because a child, who has already had a vaccine reaction or has a genetic susceptibility to reactions, may be eligible for a vaccine exemption but ends up being further vaccinated and harmed based on the misleading or incorrect content of their article or newscast.   
It is important to be polite and articulate and to provide accurate information. These personal exchanges can and do sometimes shape how vaccine exemption information is represented by that media outlet in the future.
  1. Hold Your School District Accountable - Check your school district web site and school registration materials to see if they have exemption information prominently displayed, along with school vaccine requirements. If not, please contact your superintendant’s office and request that they promptly change their web site and printed material to reflect the current state law. You can point them to the state vaccine exemption information on our web site.
Some states, like Texas and Colorado, even have vaccine exemption disclosure requirements in state law. In these instances, a school failing to disclose vaccine exemption information in certain circumstances may be in violation of state law. 
  1. Share This Information - Please share this information on email lists, social networking sites, blogs, and newsletters. Families deserve to be told the truth about their rights so they can make informed vaccination decisions. 
  1. Register today for the NVIC Advocacy Portal - Achieving and protecting the right to informed consent to vaccination is more important now than ever before and we need your help to make that happen. NVIC wants to help you, our members and supporters, to organize and make a difference in your home state right where you live to protect and expand vaccine exemptions.
When you register for the NVIC Advocacy Portal, you will be placed on an email list for your state and receive action alerts when your help with a letter or phone call is needed. You will also have access to your state team page, which displays your personal legislators’ contact information automatically, and also includes action alerts, legislative bills to watch and state and local announcements.
  1. Share Your Success Stories - If you have a success story of getting the media or your school district to include or correct vaccine exemption information, please let us know through the Contact Page of the NVIC Advocacy PortalPlease include links and your contact information. We’d love to compile some of these success stories and share them.  We have already heard of some great results in California and Texas!
If many people commit a few minutes at a time to become and stay involved, things can truly change for the better. 
  1. Report Harassment Stories - If you have been harassed in your state for trying to exercise voluntary, informed consent to vaccination for yourself or your child, please consider sharing your experience so others know they are not alone by posting what happened on NVIC’s Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall.

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45 Responses to "No Shots, No School, Not Really."
Commenter Name
Gayl Hamilton
Posted: 7/28/2011 12:30:40 PM
Thanks for the timely post!!! Will be printing copy of this to post at my office!!! Getting many, many phone calls about the shots my patients "need". Parents here in WI are getting threatening letters not only about their kids not being able to go to school, but that the District Attorney's office will be contacting them and $25/day fines for not complying with "requirements". Most letters do not include the fact that parents can sign a waiver...which is illegal by WI State statute!!! Wish there was a TV commercial advertising the real truth!!! Gayl Lodi, WI
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/28/2011 2:44:37 PM
It's such a vicious cycle. The doctors and teachers refuse to vaccinate their own children but the school systems have the audacity to post things like this to get other people's kids to get them.
Commenter Name
Anna Poulin - high school teacher
Posted: 7/28/2011 4:30:27 PM
I am a HIGH School Teacher, persecuted for fighting for "informed consent" After, close analysis, The point underpinning this discussion is whether or not it is unconstitutionally correct or incorrect for San Antonio's School's Policy to "mandate" and endorse a Health CARE regimen such as the very (biased) marketed CDC 's "Vaccination Campaign" programs paid by taxpayer's money. Centers for Disease Control, a federal agency, has imposed (forced) upon the American Citizens of this Country into obeying a school policy that could very well be violating "Natural RIGHTS" as protected by the U.S Constitution and afforded to every American Citizen. No Shots; No school - in other words is a Logo saying that if you want an"education" in America there is an entrance fee known as > "vaccinations"<. (a hidden cost?) According to the Federal Education Agency, all American Citizens (albeit, limited by age & institutions of learning) are entitled to a FREE education, in fact, school districts have been under a very strict " Federal policy" for instruction called "NO child left Behind". The Superintendent makes a valid point, in that, when a student is absent, the student could be losing out on a key component of their educational growth and progress. However, I would suggest that the Superintendent look into well documented research Data on students' attendance and inform himself on the statistics and categories of why students miss school and the "reason"s for their absences. I realize that to "tell" is to ruin the end of a movie...However, in this case, I must "tell" the end of the story. Well done studies and documents have estabished causes for students' absences, of which one of these causes is "lack of nutritional Food" as a regular part of their daily diets. (Hence the subsidized school food programs) - which upon close examination the food is minimally nutritious, another poorly performing program thrown upon our communities paid by our hard earned money in the form of TAXES. OUR society and communities many of them are in various states of despair and the best we can do as a Nation known for its great prosperity is to MANDATE vaccines??? It is not the most logical answer or solution for many serious life threatening problems American Citizens face - daily. I would much rather request that Federal Agencies use my taxes, (my hard earned money), to find solutions that do not ignore my "rights" or violate my "rights" but are logical & practical such as, cleaning up the water, our lakes, use less poisons such as pesticides and thousands of chemicals that continue to contaminate our environment on a daily basis. Eliminate expensive harmful MEDICAL PRACTICES most of which are unnessary medical interventions utilized as a means to prevent a problem from occurring. These unnessary medical interventions continue to be practiced under the auspices of the approved "Standard of CARE" policy of FDA; they are continued even in light of the overwhelming research which demonstrates that they have been accounted for "causing more harm than good" and are too expensive. If a vaccination were ever to be needed... it would be now!!! However, the fact is that Many of our U.S. communites continue to suffer from an array of serious "Health" concerns - of which none can be addressed or resolved by a vaccine. I would suggest for most people to become informed on how a vaccine is produced; the processing of its ingredients and more importantly the ingredients themselves need to be closely examined. Without this kind of information it is impossible to make an intelligent decision. This information is readily available..it just takes your personal effort and willingness to learn and become informed. We should also elect our government officials following this "golden rule" BE INFORMED...we have that right... But that right becomes violated when Parents are MANDATED to vaccinate their children as an "entrance" (hidden) fee to public school education. When people are "healthy" it is because of what they eat...when you eat healthy, you stay healthy and illnesses seem to disappear. However, due to the heavy arm of financial ($$$) influences from the Pharmaceuticals upon too many of our elected U.S. government officials, these elected officials have sold the American people out in favor of "Agendas"($$$) of entities such as, the Pharmaceuticals. Vaccines are not the answer for the problems we face in Education, Finance, poor housing, hopelessly polluted environment and our food and energy crisis'. And, vaccines are certainly not a solution to our morally corrupt ways......Become INFORMED and learn how you can turn down "MANDATED" vaccines...IT is YOUR Right!!! if that's what you chose...but be fully informed FIRST...THIS is good advice...don't you agree.... Yours Truly Anna A. Poulin
Commenter Name
Anna Poulin - high school teacher
Posted: 7/28/2011 4:47:12 PM
After, close analysis, The point underpinning this discussion is whether or not it is unconstitionally correct or incorrect for San Antonio's School's Policy to "mandate" and endorse a Health CARE regimine such as the very (biased) marketed CDC 's "Vaccination Campaign" programs paid by taxpayer's money. Centers for Disease Control, a federal agency, has imposed (forced) upon the American Citizens of this Country into obeying a school policy that could very well be violating "Natural RIGHTS" as protected by the U.S Constitution and afforded to every American Citizen. No Shots; No school - in other words is a Logo saying that if you want an"education" in America there is an entrance fee known as > "vaccinations"<. (a hidden cost?) According to the Federal Education Agency, all American Citizens (albeit, limited by age & institutions of learning) are entitled to a FREE education, in fact, school districts have been under a very strict " Federal policy" for instruction called "NO child left Behind". The Superintendent makes a valid point, in that, when a student is absent, the student could be losing out on a key component of their educational growth and progress. However, I would suggest that the Superintendent look into well documented research Data on students' attendence and inform himself on the statistics and categories of why students miss school and the "reason"s for their absences. I realize that to "tell" is to ruin the end of a movie...However, in this case, I must "tell" the end of the story. Well done studies and documents have estabished causes for students' absenses, of which one of these causes is "lack of nutritional Food" as a regular part of their daily diets. (Hence the subsidized school food programs) - which upon close examination the food is minimally nutritious, another poorly performing program thrown upon our communites paid by our hard earned money in the form of TAXES. OUR society and communities many of them are in various states of despair and the best we can do as a Nation known for its great prosperity is to MANDATE vaccines??? It is not the most logical answer or solution for many serious life threatening problems American Citizens face - daily. I would much rather request that Federal Agencies use my taxes, (my hard earned money), to find solutions that do not ignore my "rights" or violate my "rights" but are logical & practical such as, cleaning up the water, our lakes, use less poisons such as pesticides and thousands of chemicals that continue to contaminate our environment on a daily basis. Eliminate expensive harmful MEDICAL PRACTICES most of which are unnessary medical interventions utilized as a means to prevent a problem from occurring. These unnessary medical interventions continue to be practiced under the auspices of the approved "Standard of CARE" policy of FDA; they are continued even in light of the overwhelming research which demonstrates that they have been accounted for "causing more harm than good" and are too expensive. If a vaccination were ever to be needed... it would be now!!! However, the fact is that Many of our U.S. communites continue to suffer from an array of serious "Health" concerns - of which none can be addressed or resolved by a vaccine. I would suggest for most people to become informed on how a vaccine is produced; the processing of its ingredients and more importantly the ingredients themselves need to be closely examined. Without this kind of information it is impossible to make an intelligent decision. This information is readily available..it just takes your personal effort and willingness to learn and become informed. We should also elect our government officials following this "golden rule" BE INFORMED...we have that right... But that right becomes violated when Parents are MANDATED to vaccinate their children as an "entrance" (hidden) fee to public school education. When people are "healthy" it is because of what they eat...when you eat healthy, you stay healthy and illnesses seem to disappear. However, due to the heavy arm of financial ($$$) influences from the Pharmaceuticals upon too many of our elected U.S. government officials, these elected officials have sold the American people out in favor of "Agendas"($$$) of entities such as, the Pharmaceuticals. Vaccines are not the answer for the problems we face in Education, Finance, poor housing, hopelessly polluted environment and our food and energy crisis'. And, vaccines are certainly not a solution to our morally corrupt ways......Become informed, You can say NO to vaccines...It's our right!!! Yours Truly Anna A. Poulin
Commenter Name
Anna Poulin - high school teacher
Posted: 7/28/2011 5:01:40 PM
I teach a high school course, Health Science Technology Education an elective...They go to hospitals and rotate thru out departments...as an requirement the student is "MANDATED" to get a TB test...I have informed the parents that they can exempt this test for their student. And, this program has also at times strongly suggested that the student get the Hepatitis shots as well. Anna
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/28/2011 5:34:22 PM
Great advice except for WV. It is a crime in WV not to vaccinate your children. The only exemption is for medical reasons which only a certificate signed by a, "reputable" physician will suffice. However, even having a certificate does not exempt you. The county health inspector has discretion to ignore the certificate. A family tried this who had an older child who had an adverse reaction to vaccines. They younger child had a certificate from a reputable physician and the county health inspector refused the certificate. It went to court and was upheld. In the eyes of WV, what reputable physician would ever sign a medical waiver for vaccines. This law applies to all children in WV enrolling in either public or private school and technically home-schooled children.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/28/2011 7:28:27 PM
West Virginia and Mississippi are the only two states that do not provide an exemption. The only alternative is to homeschool. For this reason and others, more and more parents are choosing this option.
Commenter Name
Lesa Craig
Posted: 7/28/2011 8:20:21 PM
This is in response to Anna Poulin's response: excellent! Very well written! I spend hours trying to figure out the best way to approach the doctors, schools, and Youth Services ( a military program that provides community programs for the military children.) The Military has their own set of regulations when it comes to vaccines and education. It is ironic that the very people that defend our rights and freedoms are also complying with "reccommendations" that take them away. I am outspoken and I stand up for our rights, but I would like to do it more eloquently. It would be nice to have more people like Ms. Poulin writing fact-based, un-biased letters to our government officials, doctors, and schools.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/28/2011 8:50:20 PM
West Virginia and Mississippi are the only two states that do not provide an exemption. The only alternative is to homeschool. For this reason and others, more and more parents are choosing this option.
Commenter Name
Paul Arthur
Posted: 7/29/2011 7:35:17 AM
This came in through our NVIC Advocacy Portal: Vaccinations They keep trying to disallow exemption due to religious beliefs. They want to force all types of medications on people. Vaccine manufacturers cannot be sued in case of adverse reactions to their wares. Did I ever tell you of the happenings when I registered our son for Kindergarten? Parents were asked if their child had been vaccinated and if not they were told to go to their doctor and have them vaccinated and then return. When they asked me and I stated that I did not believe in vaccination they handed me a form to sign and that was the end of it. Why didn't they offer the same choice to everyone? School staff are told what to tell people, even if they themselves might not believe it. If people do not know they have a choice they will be forced to comply to what the powers that be want them to follow. That was in California. When we moved to Illinois and he had to be examined for First Grade the doctor said he noticed that he was not vaccinated and stated that he would do it and had already marked down that he had done it. When I told him it was against our beliefs he really got mad and said he "couldn't understand how someone living in such an educated community could believe as you do." That was in August. In July the head of the American Pediatric Society made an appeal to stop smallpox vaccination because it was causing more cases than it was preventing. I worked in Decatur with a man whose neighbor was from Germany. He told me of her nephew who was going to come to America and become president of a company. Some time passed and I asked him about his neighbor's nephew and how his new job was. He stated that her nephew never got the job because he had to get the smallpox vaccination before he could come to this country and he died after being vaccinated. I worked with a man at the paper who was planning to go to the university in the fall of that year. Hadn't seen him for some time and inquired if he had a change in plans and left work for that reason. He said he had to have the smallpox vaccination before entering college and that he became very ill after complying with that forced directive. My brother became very ill in grammar school when we were vaccinated. While in the Navy we were subjected to multiple vaccinations, sometimes getting one in each arm at the same time. Some of the men wound up in sick bay. I asked about one of the men after not seeing him for some time and was told that he had died. He was a strapping young man and had a very pleasant personality. No announcement was ever made to our company that he had passed away. The boot camps, like colleges, are many times the sites for meningitis infections. Are they also due to the forced vaccination regulations? At the boot camp the only people infected were the recruits. The regular staff and the civilians who worked daily at the base were not affected like the recruits. Was it because they were not vaccinated? If meningitis is so contagious then everyone would have an equal chance to come down with something. While working at night I listened to the radio during my shift and many times the announcer stated that someone could not return to the US if they did not receive the smallpox vaccination. I informed him that people could not be forced to take the vaccination although they had to be in quarantine for a period of time before coming back. Most people would not know they had a choice of refusal or would take the vaccination to "save time." They will never stop trying to force vaccination on people. It is a lucrative source of income and a way to try to get people to believe that they are the ones who will make people well when they get sick. How many vaccinations are now required in infants--17? (1980s) In 2010 the number of vaccinations that young children to around five years of age is now over 30. Autism is said to occur in 1 out of 110 children and increase 10-17% per year (article in Parade Magazine April 3, 2011). One physician stated he does not see this incidence in Amish children as they are usually not vaccinated.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/29/2011 8:18:48 PM
There was an article in today's Monterey County Herald (CA) with the headline regarding shots: "Students in Grade 7-12 Need Them for School This Year." I dropped a note to the author saying there was no mention of the 'exemption' that is available to all students. I will be curious as to if I receive a response back.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/29/2011 10:29:30 PM
Can someone tell me if schools still have the right to decline entry to a student even if the parent signs a waiver or has an exemption? I was told by a friend who works at a private school that even if you have a waiver the school still has the authority to deny entrance.
Commenter Name
Paul Arthur
Posted: 7/30/2011 8:36:51 AM
Ann ~ Good question: Q: Do private schools and daycares have to honor the vaccine exemptions that are permitted by state law? A: No, private educational and childcare institutions including daycare, preschools, elementary through high schools, vocational schools and colleges do not necessarily have to honor the non-medical exemptions permitted by state laws and honored by public schools funded by tax dollars. The first step in determining whether the private educational institution will accept non-medical exemptions is to request a copy of their health policy and procedures relating to vaccination requirements. Often, private educational institutions that receive funding from the state will accept students with non-medical exemptions but this is not always the case, particularly if the course of study involves medical education programs such as nursing, dentistry or other health fields. It is important to check your states exemption laws and how they apply to these institutions. Q: I object on religious grounds to use of vaccines that were grown on cell lines derived from aborted fetal material. Must our Catholic school accept our religious exemption for these vaccines? A: Private schools that do not receive government funding, including religious institutions, do not have to accept non-medical waivers. Some Catholic schools do not accept exemptions based on religion even for vaccines that were developed using fetal cell lines. The policy of the specific school is often set by the local Diocese. As an official matter, the Vatican has ruled that use of aborted fetal cell lines in vaccines is not a basis for a church-based policy requiring use of a religious waiver to vaccination. However, in Catholic canon, there is language which pertains to the duty of every human being to "always obey the certain judgment of his conscience." If you are Catholic, you may want to discuss this issue with a priest. See more FAQ at http://www.nvic.org/faqs.aspx
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/1/2011 12:12:59 AM
As a follow-up to my earlier post regarding the vaccination article in the Monterey County (CA) Herald. I did hear back from the reporter who wrote the article. I wrote to her that her saying the article did not give the complete story as it did not mention the 'exemption' that is available to opt out of the 'required' vaccination that is now being mandated by the state for all students entering grades 7 - 12 (many schools start here August 10th). Her response: "That's good to know" but she made no mention of going back and correcting her story!
Commenter Name
Marcella Piper-Terry
Posted: 8/3/2011 12:31:56 PM
I live just outside of Evansville, Indiana. Approximately ten days ago there was a front page article in the Evansville Courier & Press Newspaper with the headline, "Sticking to the Schedule." The author of the article wrote about how last year schools were sending students home because they were not up-to-date on vaccinations; mentioning that this year things should be better because people have adjusted to the change in "mandatory" vaccines necessary for children entering kindergarten and sixth grade. There was no mention of exemptions (religious or medical). The author did write, "Waivers may be obtained under special circumstances." I went to the online version of the article, and it was even worse. There was a video of a nurse at the Vanderburgh County Health Department administering vaccinations (including the HPV vaccine) to a little boy who looked to be about 9 years old. The nurse told the little boy how smart his mother was being. In the same video, she told advised the audience that parents should dress their kids in short sleeves, have them eat before they come to the clinic, and be prepared to stay for about an hour "maybe less" afterward. She stated that some kids have to be chased down the hall... then laughed, "They all turn out just fine." She then went on to add, "We haven't killed anyone yet! So, I think we have a pretty good track record." After viewing this, I called the Courier & Press and asked to speak with the author of the article. I was told he was on vacation, and was referred to the Metro Editor, Tom Lovett. Let's just say that discussion did not go well. What happened after that is documented in a couple of blogposts (http:\\4allofyou.blogspot.com). I am currently holding a fundraiser through facebook and ebay, and am raising money to run the message "No Shots, No School...NOT TRUE!!!" on digital billboards in Evansville. I hope to have the money by Sunday so the ads can run beginning on Monday of next week. The cost for two digitial boards is $1,948. The locations will be prime, in high traffic areas including very close to the University of Southern Indiana, where they put signs in the grass that read, "Want to register for classes? GET YOUR SHOTS!" The message for the billboard has been approved by the local office of outdoor advertising, provided there is contact information listed at the bottom, "In case there are complaints." I plan to put my blog information, and will post this information from NVIC for people to link to. Thank-you NVIC for setting the standard and being THE trusted source of information. Without you, it would be so lonely here in Indiana. We are, afterall, the home of Ely Lily and this is the Belly of the Beast. Marcella Piper-Terry, M.S. P.S. - if anyone would like to contribute to our fundraiser, please send me an email at [email protected] and type "billboard" in the message section. Many blessings 4allofyou.
Commenter Name
Shawn Siegel
Posted: 8/4/2011 6:17:43 AM
It's more than a little irksome that our government employees - school and school district personnel - are misrepresenting the law in their communications to us. There is no time to lose; if the current yearly rate of increase in the number of children diagnosed on the autism spectrum continues unabated, by 2032 - one generation from now - every young boy in the U.S. will be on the spectrum; by 2041, every girl as well. There is ample evidence that vaccines are a, if not the, primary trigger of autism, as well as the epidemic of learning disabilities and chronic diseases now seen in childhood. To continue down this road is madness.
Commenter Name
Marcella Piper-Terry
Posted: 8/4/2011 7:35:11 PM
Please see this blogpost and share widely. http://4allofyou.blogspot.com/2011/08/happy-birthday-max-heres-your-sign.html Thank-you.
Commenter Name
myles beam
Posted: 8/6/2011 11:04:19 AM
All of the above is EXCELLENT. My wife and I feel so isolated from everyone (community and most family) when it comes to this huge issue. At times, because we are the major minority we are in, we begin to question our commitment about ZERO shots. It's articles and posts like the above that affirm what we are doing is RIGHT for our babies. I am high school English teacher and I cringe whenever my students are pulled out of class for the flu vaccine. On occasion I say something to them, but of course, it goes WAY over their heads. But this is only one day out of the year; I have to cringe every day when they go into the cafeteria to eat the processed foods out of a box. Do I need to say that a nutrition discussion either goes WAY over their heads or in many cases causes an angry reaction. Good luck to all in this fight against human greed and ignorance.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2011 11:37:56 AM
Just one of the many reasons I chose to homeschool from the very beginning. Although I still face abuse by doctors now and then, it isn't as bad as it could be. When we put our oldest son in high school, we asked to sign a waiver and, to my surprise, we were not harrassed. I still don't like the fact that our files are probably red-flagged in the medical and school systems, but so far they've left us pretty much alone, for now. I fear that our days of peace may be coming to an end, if the current tension is any indication.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/7/2011 1:26:44 AM
Please also keep in mind that in some states, like New York where I live, exemptions, both medical and religious are routinely denied by the Department of Health. One doctor who I spoke to called DOH officials" monsters". They have unlimited power and intimidate both schools ( private in my case where the principal accepted my exemption ) and parents.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/11/2011 1:56:28 PM
For the record... Up to 14 different vaccinations were hoisted onto American soldiers prior to their deployment to the Middle East, When Desert Storm was initiated. Beside the obvious problems associated with many vaccines, some of the vaccines our soldiers were given, were Experimental and never approved for human use. A few were Squalene, a blood adjuvant...PB pills, Pyridostigmene Bromide, the Anthrax vaccine, which has never been proven to be protective against an aerosolized anthrax attack and others vaccinations that compromised their immune systems. While deployed, some units were exposed to aerosolized agents, used against them by Saddam's forces. Those agents were later identified as Mycoplasmas that were laced with a lab-created virus, of which was identified by 'key' microbiologist(s) as containing 40% of the HIV envelope gene spliced into it. Those affected, showed varied signs of illness. It was found to be airborne and crossed the species barrier. Identified were Mycoplasma incognitus, Fermentans...Brucella species, etc. It is clearly damaging to the human body and many have died, since some 400,000 vets were discharged back into the population and passed on their illnesses to others. It has been just recently determined, that approx. 90% of the North American population have the Mycoplasmas in their systems. Some 80% of cancer victims have it, as well. Vaccinations are full of constituents, that are suspect for human health. The only parties that benefit are the manufacturers, who cash in on those vaccines, that are being ever-increasingly mandated onto the public domain. A number of those Manufacturers, have been suspect for supplying tainted vaccines and live vaccines, and vaccines that had little or no protection against whatever ' scare' they came up with, to cause fear in the public domain and prompt people and their children to 'get vaccinated'. As for our vets who were subjected to ' lab-created' experimental vaccines and adulterated mycoplasmas.... there's some 200,000 registered with the Gulf War Registry, as being ill and/or disabled today and tens of thousands have died since Desert Storm. What a tragedy and what a legacy, our government IS responsible for, using our soldiers as guinea pigs and denying them proper medical attention for their exposures. Its still happening now. It is NOT in the public's best interests to have vaccines FORCED or MANDATED upon them. The choice should be theirs and not via some government entity or their minions, that 'THINKS' otherwise.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/11/2011 2:19:16 PM
Thank god for you, Ms. Richardson! You and your work have saved my child's rights!
Commenter Name
Laura Cardona
Posted: 8/11/2011 11:53:50 PM
I have been looking at the websites of school districts here in San Antonio, TX and emailing the administration if they fail to post info on how to apply for an exemption. So far, two districts have changed their websites. Small victories! I have just emailed a few more. We have to exercise our rights or we will lose them.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/12/2011 5:23:06 AM
We must inform schools in the shortest possible time to avoid situations of concern for our children. Thanks for sharing!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/19/2011 10:00:18 PM
I would appreciate any advice on how to deal with public school personnel. My homeschooled child since birth has never been immunized after his older brother had a reaction at 4 months old...stopped thriving for almost six months and contracted asthma...my son is now entering public school to take advantage of a pre-engineering major offered (he desires to be an Air Force Pilot). Of course, my medical exemption, which was worded as a religious exemption is in question. I was told it must be signed by a licensed medical doctor..not a D.C. I was told this is district policy. I asked why doesn't state law take precidence over district policy. I was told talk to the principal. Next phone call I have received is from the school nurse. I have not returned her call yet. we reside in SC where medical and religious expemptions are lawful. Apparently I need to get a form from the local health department. I am not sure how to handle this. Any suggestions?
Commenter Name
Paul Arthur
Posted: 8/20/2011 7:42:36 AM
Jan, South Carolina statutes say "A Religious Exemption form (DHEC form 1126) can be obtained by requesting a form in person from any county public health department. Contact numbers for county public health departments can be found at http://www.scdhec.gov/health/countymap.htm Forms cannot be e-mailed or mailed. Follow the instructions on the form. Don't forget to have the document notarized." See http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine-Laws/state-vaccine-requirements/southcarolina.aspx for full/further details. Your health. Your family. Your choice.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/28/2011 12:27:43 AM
Mighty useful. Make no mistake, I appreciate it.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/6/2011 6:50:07 PM
My 18 year son is in his freshman year at a university in Virginia. He had round 1 of the MMR vaccine when he was 8 months old, and the second round of the vaccine when he was 13 months old. He has been informed by the university's health department that he needs to have the MMR vaccine again because the current recommendations say children should be given round 1 when they are at least one year old. After contacting his pediatrician's office, I was informed that this is a growing trend with kids in his age group (that the colleges are requesting re-immunization now that standards for the timing of the vaccine have changed). Now that I am more informed regarding vaccines than I was in 1993/4, i would like for him to not receive this vaccine again. I see from the NVIC website that one can claim exemption based on religious and medical basis in Virginia, but not philosophical reasons. It would be difficult to prove religious basis, as we have had vaccines in the past. My thought is to get him tested for immunity before submitting to another MMR vaccine, or investigating medical exemptions (although this does not look promising from the research thus far). I would appreciate your immediate help in this matter, if even to investigate for future articless, as it seems this is something many college students are facing.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/17/2011 11:04:55 AM
No surprise about WV, with a Rockefeller in US Senate.
Commenter Name
Posted: 11/15/2011 7:59:09 AM
I was denied a promotion this month for refusing a flu vaccine. Discrimination is alive and well.
Commenter Name
Posted: 1/10/2012 9:40:47 PM
Commenter Name
Posted: 1/12/2012 9:02:32 AM
I live in Peru, IN and we home school, however I have a friend who refuses to vaccinate and they send their children to the public schools, the children are accepted however they have to fill out a form every year stating the reason why they choose not to vaccinate and that they understand their children could be at a greater risk of illness. Little bit of a headache but at least they aren't forced to inject their kids!
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/21/2012 3:11:36 AM
Someone please,let me know what I need to do in Puerto Rico so I dont have Vaccinate my childeren, I can't find the law! Please
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Kellie Bischof
Posted: 8/11/2012 8:28:43 PM
Hi Ms. Richardson, I would like more information on the exemption disclosure requirement in Texas. Could you direct me to this please? Thanks, Kellie EDITORS NOTE: The requirement is in the Education Code Chapter 38.019 (a) (2) Sec. 38.019. IMMUNIZATION AWARENESS PROGRAM. (a) A school district that maintains an Internet website shall post prominently on the website: (1) a list, in English and Spanish, of: (A) the immunizations required for admission to public school by rules of the Department of State Health Services adopted under Section 38.001; (B) any immunizations or vaccines recommended for public school students by the Department of State Health Services; and (C) health clinics in the district that offer the influenza vaccine, to the extent those clinics are known to the district; and (2) a link to the Department of State Health Services Internet website where a person may obtain information relating to the procedures for claiming an exemption from the immunization requirements of Section 38.001. (a-1) The link to the Department of State Health Services Internet website provided under Subsection (a)(2) must be presented in the same manner as the information provided under Subsection (a)(1). (b) The list of recommended immunizations or vaccines under Subsection (a)(2) must include the influenza vaccine, unless the Department of State Health Services requires the influenza vaccine for admission to public school. Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 94 (H.B. 1059), Sec. 3, eff. May 15, 2007. Dawn Richardson, Director of Advocacy National Vaccine Information Center
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/22/2013 4:23:28 PM
this might be off-topic, but I felt the need to bring up <a href="http://joylearningcenter.com/">special needs day care. San Santonio</a> does it the right way. Maybe we need more of this in schools?
Commenter Name
Posted: 1/12/2015 10:46:49 AM
What a new world every time we try and get any healthcare for our children in Illinois we are faced with the vaccination onslaught. We have been in situations where we are concerned that a Doctor's visit and vaccine refusal could result in a visit from DCFS. It all started at the hospitals from birth and we did cave in but not to these new vaccines that they want to give to 11-12 year olds I wish we didn't give our kids any vaccines but I can't say that blessings to all and keep up the fight
Commenter Name
Posted: 1/31/2015 11:23:18 AM
Here's the deal, you have a choice: vaccinate or don't. But, there are consequences to both. Yes, America is free in that you can choose, but there are always consequences. If you're not going to vaccinate your kids, then the consequence is that they aren't allowed to be around other kids. If I found out there was an anti-vaccinated child in my kid's class, I would fight tooth and nail to have that child removed. Don't get MY kid sick just because YOU'RE against it. When it begins to hurt others, it's a problem. It should be required in ALL 50 states.
Commenter Name
David Shapiro
Posted: 2/12/2015 9:50:38 PM
My youngest son, in the 10th grade at a private Atlanta school, gave a school presentation on raising awareness of the flu vaccine efficacy (or lack thereof) and side effects. His cause was to raise awareness of the AMA's informed consent and support the NVIC. "Coincidentally", today we got a call from his school requesting his vaccination history. Although they should have this on file, I'm waiting for them to give us a hard time on our religious exemption. This could get very interesting. Editors note: David would you post this here so many others can be aware? http://www.nvic.org/Forms/VaccineHarassmentQuestionnaire.aspx Names are not used. Your health. Your family. Your choice.
Commenter Name
Carla Palmer
Posted: 2/18/2015 1:17:04 PM
Has anyone ever heard of a private school (Texas Catholic School) not even accepting children with medical exemptions? It just happen to me. My daughter had a severe reaction to the MMR and others at the age of 12 mo. and further, and holds a medical exemption. It is usually fairly easy to get a "reputable" physician to sign off on the medical exemption for her, however, for #2 and #3, I struggle. And, I have certainly NEVER had an issue with a school, we've only attend private schools (10 years), accepting our exemptions (1 medical and 2 philosophical), especially a medical exemption. I just had a school nurse, at this private Catholic Diocese School (Dallas, TX) say to me that they will NOT be accepting any exemptions, even medical exemptions for any child....ALL children must be vaccinated, NO exceptions. She was not even nice about it, and told me, "you can get her vaccinated if you wanted to". And furthermore, she didn't even want to know why she holds a medical exemption, she just didn't want her. Why do I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone?
Commenter Name
Posted: 5/11/2015 6:29:36 PM
No Shots For Kids I Have A 12Yrs Old She Will Get Shots To Go To Schools She Go Into 7th Grade Myself And My Husband Do.nt Belive In It It All Poison And Hurt Are Kids Stop This Now Dr Richard Pan Thanks Nancy A
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/21/2015 5:23:54 PM
Nancy, don't give in. Leave the state if you want public school or give the school the documentation they demand one way or the other. They have no access to her medical records. In the Holocaust, lots of people used false ID to survive. This is no different.
Commenter Name
Eric H
Posted: 9/24/2016 7:45:25 AM
Got the letter here in California that informs my 1st grader will be prevented from finishing her school year less a "wellness check" and corresponding form with vaccination history completed ny a California shot enforcer (I guess they are still called doctors) as of November. So maybe here in Dick Pan country "No shots. No school" is precise enough. So "YES REALLY!"
Commenter Name
Posted: 1/25/2017 2:33:15 PM
Thought I'd resurface this website, I live in NJ, I have a relative who's a teacher at a public school, recently, a student was excluded because he did not receive the required vaccines, which are the Tdap and Meningococcal Vaccine, he is in the 5th grade, and just turned 11, however, he had a small reaction to a similar vaccine that was given a few years back, I do not want to take that risk again, he has enough of the required vaccines to be enrolled at the school, he does not need the extra vaccine, because we do not live in a third world country to be vaccinated the entire time, anyway, before the exclusion happened, parent went to the doctor and she signed a form indicating that the student denies in receiving these two vaccines, school nurse, did not accept it, we then asked for a religious exemption form, she still did not accept the student back, I really think this totally unfair, for students to excluded all for a stupid vaccine, I have spoken along with the relative to end this crazy vaccine requirement law, it is not right that a student needs to be vaccinated in order to continue being in school, more like forced to me, not all vaccines are safe, they DO have side effects, and I am so glad that I'm not the only one going through this problem, this abuse needs to end now, I'm currently waiting for school boards response to see what they say, but really, this needs to end, how can a vaccine kick a child out of school?
Commenter Name
Jana Wiegel
Posted: 9/12/2017 4:17:20 PM
I just received a notice from the school nurse(Texas) that my child's 2 year exemption will be expired on 09/28/2017. No problem I know the law. She also stated that if she did not receive a new one on that date my child would NOT be able to attend school. Huh......she is uninformed at best. Any child in texas can be in school up to 30 days without an exemption or shot record. My new one is on the counter I just have to have it noterized. I always abide by the 2 year expiration date... but really that comment was uncalled for and like some of you have said, she probably doesn't know the law.
Commenter Name
Deanna Kennedy
Posted: 8/26/2019 8:17:41 AM
Is it possible to enter nursing school, be a nurse, without vaccinations? My daughter is a senior in public high school and has not had one vaccination. Editors note: There may be nursing schools that admit students without vaccination but we are not aware of any and even if a nursing school accepts a student the student must meet minimum standards to enter healthcare facilities where Practicums are performed? Many states have mandatory vaccination requirements for working in healthcare but you would have to research with a local nursing college or nurses association to identify any possible waivers/exemptions Deanna.

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