NVIC Vaccine News

Swine Flu Vaccine: Will We Have A Choice?

By Barbara Loe Fisher
Published June 22, 2009 in Infectious Diseases & Vaccines

The summer will be over before we know it and it will be time for the school year to begin. This fall, many parents are wondering what will happen to their children when they enter the schools. Some public health doctors want to turn schools into vaccination clinics where children will be the first to be injected with experimental swine flu vaccines1.

Less Than 50,000 Swine Flu Cases Worldwide

Every day we are being warned by doctors at the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control to worry a lot about the H1N1 influenza A virus, which was first identified in Mexico in April 2009 and is being called the new swine flu. As of June 15, 2009, the World Health Organization states that 76 countries have reported more than 35,000 cases, including 163 deaths. 108 of those deaths have occurred in Mexico2.

We are being told that nearly 18,000 Americans have gotten sick from the new swine flu virus, with about 5 percent being hospitalized and 45 dying3. It looks like people, who are in poor health to begin with are at greater risk of having complications and dying from the new swine flu, which has symptoms just like regular influenza4,5. This is not surprising because people in poor health are always at greater risk of having complications and dying from infectious disease.

Most Flu-Like Illness Not True Influenza

What a lot of people don’t know is that true type A or type B influenza only causes about 20 percent of all flu-like symptoms that people experience during  any given flu season6.  80 percent of all flu-like illness in a normal flu season is NOT caused by the type A and B strains of influenza contained in annual flu shots. And vaccine acquired immunity is temporary, while immunity gained after recovering from influenza is longer lasting7,8.

1968 Flu Pandemic Killed 34,000 Americans

The new type A H1N1 influenza virus public health doctors say is making people sick around the world is an unusual combination of human, bird and pig viruses9.  Nobody seems to know exactly how this new virus was created and why it suddenly emerged from Mexico in mid-April - or if it will behave like past pandemic influenza viruses that caused 68,000 American deaths in 1957 and killed 34,000 Americans in 196810. (The CDC states that 36,000 Americans die from influenza complications annually, with most of those deaths occurring in the elderly and those in poor health). Influenza pandemics usually start with mild symptoms and progress to more severe symptoms before populations acquire immunity to the virus and it dies out.

Older Americans May Have Antibodies Against Swine Flu

The good news about the new swine flu going around is that there are signs those of us born before 1957, may be naturally protected and at LOWER risk of being infected11,12. Why? Because we recovered from influenza caused by similar influenza strains that circulated in past decades and have long lasting antibodies that help us resist infection.  So the aging baby boomers have something to be happy about.

Vaccinated Children Don’t Have Natural Antibodies

But will health officials allow our children and grandchildren to get those same kind of natural protective antibodies to type A and B influenza, including this new swine flu? It doesn’t look like it. First, doctors in America have been insisting for the past few years that every child from six months old to age 18 must get an annual flu shot13. Second, there are now calls by U.S. health officials to give American children the first doses of experimental swine flu vaccines in the school setting14.

WHO Declares Phase 6 Alert; Public Health Doctors Exercise EUA

This is because the response by doctors at the World Health Organization, who immediately went into high gear within days of identifying the new swine flu virus emerging out of Mexico, was to declare a public health emergency. Now, they have increased the pandemic flu fear alert to Phase 615, which is the equivalent of the U.S. Homeland Security’s Code Red warning of an imminent terrorist attack16.  Doctors at the Centers for Disease Control, who followed the lead of the World Health Organization, have done the same and are exercising unprecedented power that Congress handed over to them after 9-11.

Fast Tracking of Experimental Vaccines With Novel Adjuvants

Whenever the CDC declares a public health emergency, that declaration allows the Food and Drug Administration to permit emergency use authorization for drug companies to fast track creation of experimental drugs and vaccines that do not have to be tested as thoroughly as vaccines that go through the normal FDA licensing process17. In this case, Congress  responded to the public health emergency declaration by giving a group of drug companies one billion dollars18 to fast track experimental swine flu vaccines that may include whole live19, killed or genetically engineered human and animal influenza viruses, chemicals, and potentially reactive oil based adjuvants that manipulate the immune system to boost the vaccine’s potency20,21,22.

States Enact Stronger Quarantine & No Free Assembly Laws

In some states, like Massachusetts, public health doctors have persuaded legislators to quickly pass pandemic influenza legislation that will allow state officials to enter the homes and businesses without the approval of occupants; to investigate and quarantine individuals without their consent; to require licensed health care providers to give citizens vaccines and to ban the free assembly of citizens in the state23,24.

What Can You Do?

What does this declaration of a public health emergency in the U.S. mean for you and your family? It means that, right now, you need to become educated about vaccination, influenza, vaccine risks, and the public health laws in your state. You need to find out what your rights and options are under new public health laws that may require you and your children to get vaccinated or be quarantined25.

Take Action Now

Go to www.NVIC.org and learn more. Register now to attend the Fourth International Public Conference on Vaccination Oct. 2-4, 2009 in Washington, D.C. and help organize in your state to protect your right to informed consent to vaccination. Call and write the state legislators you elected to make public health laws that govern you and your family. Make your voice heard.

Homeland Security, Department of Defense & CDC

As Department of Homeland Security officials are declaring that any disease outbreak is a matter of homeland security26,27; as Department of Defense officials are defining public demonstrations as “low level terrorism;”28 as CDC officials make plans to re-route airplanes to designated airports with quarantine centers to screen all passengers for signs of swine flu29; and as fast tracked experimental pandemic flu vaccines are being created to be given to American children first, it is time for all of us – whether we are public health officials addressing what we believe is a true public health emergency or whether we are ordinary citizens simply trying to protect our health and the health of our children - to act in rational and responsible ways.

Protect Health Choices

Every pharmaceutical drug, including vaccines, carries a risk and those risks are greater for some than others. In this time of fear, we cannot let that fear take away our freedom to make voluntary health choices, including vaccine choices, so we have the power to make sure that the cure is not more dangerous than the disease.


  1. Neergaard, L. Associated Press: Kids may get swine flu shots first. June 16, 2009.http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090616/ap_on_he_me
  2. World Health Organization. Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response: Influenza A (H1N1), Situation Update and Maps. June 15, 2009 (Update 49). http://www.who.int/csr/don/2009_06_15/en/index.html
  3. Centers for Disease Control. Novel H1N1 Flu Situation Update (June 12, 2009). http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/update.htm
  4. Discover Magazine. Risk factors for severe swine flu include lung ailments, pregnancy and obesity. May 20, 2009. http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/80beats/2009/05/20/risk-factors-for-severe-swine-flu-include-lung-ailments-pregnancy-and-obesity/
  5. MMWR. Hospitalized patients with novel influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection – California April-May 2009. May 22, 1999/58(19); 536-541. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5819a6.htm
  6. Fisher, BL. The Vaccine Reaction. Flu Vaccine: Missing the Mark. Spring 2005. /Downloads/3770Reaction.aspx
  7. Wendelboe AM et al. Duration of immunity against pertussis after natural infection or  vaccination. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2005. May; 24(5 Suppl): 558-61. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15876927
  8. Aaby P, Cisse B et al. Waning of vaccine-induced immunity: is it a problem in Africa? Am J Epidemiol: Vol. 149. No.4, 1999.  http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/149/4/304.pdf
  9. CDC. Novel H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu) and You. June 16, 2009. http://www.cdc.gov/H1N1flu/qa.htm
  10. DHHS. NVPO: Pandemics and Pandemic Scares in the 20th Century. http://www.hhs.gov/nvpo/pandemics/flu3.htm
  11. Health Day News. Older adults may have some immunity to swine flu. May 20, 2009. http://news.health.com/2009/05/21/older-adults-may-have-some-immunity-swine-flu/
  12. MedHeadlines.com. Older people may be naturally safe from new swine flu. May 22, 2009. http://medheadlines.com/2009/05/22/older-people-may-be-naturally-safe-from-new-swine-flu/
  13. CDC. Children, the Flu and the Flu Vaccine. http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/children.htm#vaccination
  14. Roth M. Pittsburg Post Gazette: Experts: vaccinate kids against H1N1 first. June 5, 2009.
  15. World Health Organization. Statement to media by Margaret Chan, M.D.: World now at the start of 2009 influenza pandemic. June 11, 2009. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/statements/2009/
  16. Department of Homeland Security. Homeland Security Advisory System. http://www.dhs.gov/xabout/laws/gc_1214508631313.shtm
  17. Barker T., Barrett P et al. The H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) Outbreak: HHS Emergency Authorities to Respond. Foley-Hoag. April 30, 2009. http://www.foleyhoag.com/en/NewsCenter/Publications/Alerts
  18. Shapiro L. Dotmed.com: Flu slowing down in most parts of U.S.; vaccine makers get $1 billion. May 27, 2009. http://www.dotmed.com/news/story/9198/
  19. Rosenwald MS. Medimmune wins key contract to develop swine flu vaccine. Washington Post. June 2, 2009. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/01/AR2009060101608.html?wprss=rss_nation
  20. Gaouette N. U.S. asks Glaxo, Novartis to start swine flu vaccine (Update 3). Bloomberg News. May 22, 2009. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601202&sid=acrQckr1NHLU
  21. Pharmafocus.com. Companies poised for swine flu vaccine drive. June 1, 2009. http://www.pharmafocus.com/cda/focusH/1,2109,21-0-0-0-focus_news_detail-0-492811,00.html
  22. Tritto E., Mosca F, DeGregorio E. Mechanism of Action of Vaccine adjuvants. ScienceDirect.com. February 5, 2009. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TD4-4VJ4B72-6&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C0000
  23. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. An Act Relative to Pandemic and Disaster Preparation and Response in the Commonwealth (Senate No. 2028).
  24. Associated Press. Mass senate approves pandemic flu prep bill. April 28, 2009. http://news.bostonherald.com/news/politicsview/2009_04_
  25. NVIC. Model State Health Emergency Powers Act. /Vaccine-Laws/model-state-emergency-health-powers-act.aspx
  26. Department of Homeland Security. Press briefing on swine influenza with Department of Homeland Security, Centers for Disease Control and White House April 26, 2009. http://www.dhs.gov/ynews/releases/pr_1240773850207.shtm
  27. Presentation by Dr. Asha George, Senior Professional Staff, Committee on Homeland Security (Democratic Majority), U.S. House of Representatives on Preventing Pandemic Outbreaks at the Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Conference sponsored by the Black and Hispanic Caucuses of State Legislators. June 13, 2009, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  28. Oakland Tribune staff. Defense Department sees protests as terrorism. Contra Costa Times. June 15, 2009. http://www.contracostatimes.com/politics/ci_12589887
  29. Turnbell M, Powers S. MIA may be a quarantine site in pandemic. Miami Herald. June 10, 2009. http://www.miamiherald.com/business/story/1089929.html

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232 Responses to "Swine Flu Vaccine: Will We Have A Choice? "
Commenter Name
Debbi Gambert
Posted: 6/23/2009 9:57:01 AM
We need to link this page to FACEBOOK and TWITTER.
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/23/2009 9:59:00 AM
Vaccination is a medical intervention performed on a healthy person which carries an inherent risk of injury or death.
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/23/2009 1:40:10 PM
They make a "virus" in a lab, get it going only to make millions off the vaccine. My children will NEVER be vaccinated with this toxic cocktail of pharma profits.
Commenter Name
This American
Posted: 6/23/2009 4:46:22 PM
When these Elitist families and the companies they own who make the vaccines also make their money selling poisons to sicken and weaken the public, and have a hostory of strong Eugenics ties, it's time to recognize something is very very very wrong here. Check out the last time in 1976 when Ford tried to help the Eugenicists push their poison vaccines on all of America in a huge hoax of millions and millions of $$$. History repeats and this time many many more may be sickened and die from these lethal cocktails. http://www.whale.to/a/mcbean2.html
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/23/2009 8:50:21 PM
I am afraid there going to vacinate our kids at school giveing us no choice. even though we may have a medical exemption
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/23/2009 9:39:42 PM
i want out of this country i am so tired of living in fear of being force vaccinated... i don't want to live here anymore... this has become and increasinly terrifying country to live in and it's not terrorists that are the ones who are scary ... it's our government and the control they have given pharma over our bodies... i called the cdc and they said the know of no such policy to force vaccines but i just don't believe them
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/23/2009 10:50:38 PM
We have never been forced to take a flu vaccine before,Why now?Alot of us are awake out here and we will refuse to take them.
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/24/2009 1:04:56 PM
Lets have the real facts about vaccinations and behave ethically, morally and not for profit. No to enforced vaccines, yes to freedom of choice.
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/24/2009 4:22:46 PM
So what happens when they show up at our door and we refuse the vaccine? Are they going to hold guns to our heads, physically hold us down and inject us anyway?
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/25/2009 12:13:25 AM
Try coming to my home,with this Crap!!This is so phony!
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/25/2009 5:54:11 AM
This is just insane! I feel like we're starting to live in a communist counrty where the govt can just force their will on us! This is a democracy,they have no right to force anything on us,especially poison!
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/25/2009 8:49:14 AM
Irene, I'm afraid this is going to bbe a world wide problem pretty soon. France is talking about making the vaccination mandatory starting September.... It's crazzy! We have to found lawyers and scientist who will help put an end to this.
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/25/2009 12:26:01 PM
When we refuse to take these shots will we have to go to Camp Fema?We know all about Camp Fema to.
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/25/2009 9:04:31 PM
Does anyone else feel like the people around you have no clue about the truth behind vaccines? I feel so alone in this fight. How can we make people more aware when there are so many with the government power in control? This stuff is getting out of control. It makes me afraid for my future children.
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/29/2009 7:05:01 AM
My two boys are already vaccine injured.Noway nohow not while I,m alive. END OF STORY
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/29/2009 7:15:33 PM
This is scary and theres people including myself who are wondering about whats in the vaccine like tracking devices implants that can leak deaths genocide loss of our freedoms constitutional rights everyones talking about it not just me is it already been made mandatory?June 29,2009 concentration camps? whats happening
Commenter Name
Thomas Klein
Posted: 6/29/2009 10:22:24 PM
We need to make it known we will oppose this will all of our strength. We need to stand together.
Commenter Name
Mary Anderson
Posted: 6/30/2009 10:25:52 AM
I understand the concerns here, but let's take a deep breath. What always happens when the CDC rumbles about with their fear tactics: we become informed of the risks of vaccines; more so than doctors and nurses, unfortunately; learn the laws and how we can exempt our kids, and go forward. "Mandatory" vaccines can't be forced on anyone at this time because every state has exemption laws. This is not likely to change anytime soon. Even worst case with the declared "emergency" they would require a quarantine. I can live with that, actually. But the likelihood of that happening is pretty low, even as hysterical as the mass mind is in this country. I have three adult children who have not received most of the "mandatory" vaccines. We stood up for ourselves, politely but firmly.
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/30/2009 10:49:47 AM
I just listened to a recorded phone call between a man and the legal counsel for Arkansas state health dept on Alex Jones show. Counsel said that a swine flu vaccine will be federally mandated and thus state exemptions don't apply. The man asked how to get a federal exemption. He suggested go to court or be liable and face the punishment. Who knows what the punishment is? I called Dept of Health and Human services in DC last night to ask. The man on the phone was very sweet but had no idea how to avoid vaccine at federal level. He just said, "Oh, they can't do that. It's unconstitutional." LOL. I told him a lot of mommies want to know if they are going to be rounded up in jail or do they need to leave the country. He said that he'd get back to me. We'll see. I think we need to get seriously pro-active right now and have them tell us exactly what the protocol is for refusing and then make our choices accordingly. Can we choose to self-quarantine i.e. go live off the land by ourselves and stay away from others? All their talk of 'herd immunity' basically is like saying 'your mere existence is a threat to mankind". That's pretty heavy. BTW, ozone and MMS drops will kill any virus so this is obviously just a big fat game. I ain't playin' Peace.
Commenter Name
Ian's Mom
Posted: 7/1/2009 8:27:55 PM
I have an autistic son and another son who has survived cancer. No vaccines for us, thank you!! If you think we've got autism now, wait until after the trio of shots are given....3 times the mercury. Rates will SOAR!!! After this fiasco is over, I hope that enough of the American population will have woken up to the horrors of our new dictatorship.
Commenter Name
Seditious Blasphemer
Posted: 7/2/2009 7:04:00 AM
Judging by the comments posted here, it seems as if there is a consensus among the people concerned enough to read up on this subject. I, for one, fear and loathe needles.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/3/2009 6:55:53 AM
Mary Anderson - most states' public health laws have clauses that throw out the constitution during 'state of emergencies'. If your state has declared a 'state of emergency' (like Florida) - your vaccine exemptions are likely null and void. And on top of that - Federal law can step in in 'Pandemic' situations and nullify state public health laws as well (thereby nullifying your state given vaccine exemption). I wouldn't be overly concerned either except that the CDC is trying to stockpile 600 million doses (2 for every American) at the cost of 7.5 billion dollars (already spent). This was in the news yesterday. No matter what the progression of the 'swine flu' - you don't think they are going to let those 600 million doses just sit there do you? Our kids in schools are at terrible risk this fall.
Commenter Name
Marcus Jansen
Posted: 7/3/2009 9:46:35 AM
Another False flag attack used to scare the populist and submit themselves to the ongoing "depopulation" program of the masses.At NATURAL NEWS.COM)Jane Burgermeister presents evidence of acts of bio-terrorism that is in violation of U.S. law by a group operating within the U.S. under the direction of international bankers who control the Federal Reserve, as well as WHO, UN and NATO.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/3/2009 11:39:00 AM
Nothing scares me more than the thought of my two children with ASD being forcefully vaccinated with not one, not two, not three, but four (!) mercury and/or squalene containing flu shots. They have almost recovered from their prior insults. They are on their way to having a chance at independent lives, and it gives me hope and happiness to see them flourish. Do I need to witness or personally experience seizures, severe arthritis, auto-immune dysfunction or death, before someone in the public health arena admits that vaccines are capable of this? I cannot afford to be in a state of denial, nor can my children afford me to be. I cannot allow my children to be compromised or destroyed, even if it means I have to sell my home and buy a big mosquito net so I can live in a less developed country where medical freedom remains. I pray that we will all have the right to self-quarantine. I am prepared to home school, if necessary. I would consider that option to be a blessing, and I hope I am given it.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/3/2009 12:34:25 PM
Really, terrorist panic tactics to scare people into getting these experimental drugs? Kids? You people are crazy.
Commenter Name
Robert Pike
Posted: 7/4/2009 3:48:56 AM
Never be afraid to stand up for what you believe in. Because I believed the War in Vietnam to be immoral, I refused to be drafted. I was threatened with 5 years in federal prison and a $10,000 fine. What actually happened was 6 months in federal prison, (most of which I actually enjoyed) followed by an eventual Presidential Pardon (President Carter). The point is stand up for what you believe, and follow your conscience. Very likely, events will be better than you expect. Live in courage not fear.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/4/2009 7:06:28 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbSpPs05YAc SAY NO THE THE VACCINE!
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/4/2009 7:14:49 AM
God Bless you for all the research and dedication to this rarely discussed subject...correction...rarely honestly discussed... I hope it's not too late to stop this absurdity...
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/4/2009 8:05:14 AM
This is insane. Are they trying to kill us off?! God help our children.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/4/2009 8:39:55 AM
My son has Crohn's and I feel it's due to all the vaccines they "pushed" when he was an infant. We've been dealing with this chronic illness since he was 11 - he's now 17. His GI doc pull his dad and me into a meeting with the UW Hospital ethics doc because we were refusing the toxic traditional treatments. I've always refused the flu shot for him and myself. This whole federal mandate is frightening. We need to look at more alternative ways to staying healthy. Is there a petition available to sign?
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/4/2009 10:06:22 AM
Potentially the most dangerous part of this vaccination may be that the vaccine is developed from a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO). The negative affects of GMOs is being observed in livestock production and going undiagnosed by most veterinarians. The vast majority of the problems (digestive problems, immune system problems and diseases, reproductive problems) are being called normal because they are so wide spread in the Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO). GMOs may be the greatest threat to the health of every single person in the United States.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/4/2009 10:36:52 AM
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759 We cannot let this happen. Big Pharma is at it again and also at a time when they are planning to take access to vitamis, herbs and alternatiive treatments away from us.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/4/2009 12:09:15 PM
I too do not believe in mandatory vaccination. I think it is unacceptable to vaccinate our children with a vaccine that has not been properly tested. In fact, I think our children are being over-vaccinated. Let us vaccinate less instead of more!
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/4/2009 4:53:42 PM
"Lea Irene, I'm afraid this is going to be a world wide problem pretty soon." Mutha: 10-4 on that. Lotta things may START here but EVERYTHING is going to be global before we're done. "Debbie When we refuse to take these shots will we have to go to Camp Fema?" Mutha: That's most definitely a possibility...or be totally "quarantined" (trapped) in your own home till you give in. We need to prepare our MINDS. (Keep on reading!) "Lindsay It makes me afraid for my future children." Mutha: What's gettin ready to go down makes me sad/afraid for ALL of us! You say your FUTURE children. If you don't have any now...DON'T have any! If you meant the future OF your children (as in ones you currently have) then GOOD LUCK and God bless! There IS something you CAN DO! :-)READ PSALMS 91 NOW... and remember that pestilence= PLAGUE. Remember that we're NOT crazy...we just know TOO MUCH. But that's GOOD!
Commenter Name
Karen obrien
Posted: 7/5/2009 2:56:56 AM
Every mother, grandmother should fight for the safety of innocent children. Females have the guts to stop any decision that will harm our children. Pray for God to put Angels around our precious babies.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/5/2009 8:26:03 AM
What is: ozone and MMS drops ? Any links to this?
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/5/2009 8:44:49 AM
When will Americans demand that the government get back to their real function...servants and employees of the people? We need to fire the evil tyrants and hire people that really care! We are supposed to be the boss, not them. Get it?
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/5/2009 11:56:22 AM
Has anyone noticed that this has become an increasingly socialistic country since Obama took office? The liberal government and radical judges are progressively subverting our constitutional laws while impoverishing us of our God-given rights. They are suffering under the delusion that they are effecting the will of the people. We can either standby and watch it happen or stand up and secure our individual rights for ourselves and future generations. Write or call your legislators while there is still time to make your voice heard.....
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/5/2009 1:04:55 PM
We have to take an acction right NOW to STOP all this. I am afraid to live in this country too.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/5/2009 2:12:54 PM
How do we respond to our Freaking goverment to tell them HELL NO!!!!!! We need a petition to sign and send to our so called goverment.
Commenter Name
jackie ontgomery
Posted: 7/5/2009 4:26:43 PM
what can be done to tell these monsters to get back where they belong?
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/5/2009 6:33:58 PM
Thank you for this valuable information and that you for the honest hard work done to let other Americans know what is coming down the "pipe"... This is truly no longer a "free Country"...but at least we know and hopefully can get someone elected to stop this craziness...
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/6/2009 2:39:45 AM
Everyone should understand that Baxter is one of the companies "fastracking" the swine flu vaccine (in half the usual time). It is also the compay that accidentally shipped avian flu "contaminated" regular flu vaccine around the world earlier this year that had to be recalled. I think that's downright frightening....more info at: http://www.torontosun.com/news/canada/2009/02/27/8560781.html
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/6/2009 2:43:39 AM
This sounds terrible , I believe these powers the US government has over the American people are unacceptable. People should have free choice. Does anyone have any information about the UK? I am wondering if the government here has similar plans for us??
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/6/2009 9:56:09 AM
Would "Nuremberg Code" protect us from this tyranny? Did anyone looked into this?
Commenter Name
Fake Name
Posted: 7/6/2009 8:27:27 PM
In the end, no law will save anyone. The UN treaties supercede our sovereignty; besides, its not so much the law, but the power to enforce it, and they have armed services. It is important for everyone to get familiar with the US constitution and exercise every right granted by it. I would rather die by the hands of a tyrant than serve mindlessly under him.
Commenter Name
Roshelle LeVa
Posted: 7/7/2009 12:38:42 AM
One of my children had a decline in mental growth and his mental growth seemed to regress. None of the doctors would admit it was the vaccination. We can not let doctors have this much power over our health and lives! I believe nobody is trying to hurt us by giving us the vaccine, but it should not be forced on us especially if we believe that vaccines can effect our bodies and minds in ways we are not prepared for.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/7/2009 11:00:05 AM
Hey daharris, socialist country...what is that suppose to mean?? Here in the UK(not truly socialist) and in the rest of Europe, vaccinations for children are NOT mandatory..unlike in the U.S. where you face prison if you refuse your kids having so many wonderful vaccines it is unbelievable!! That is why I will never live back in my home country as we have not been "free" for decades..but the media always put down "europe" keeping americans focus on other "crap countries"!!!!!! so they miss the "dictorial government" that the U.S. has had for years...In Finlad,when a kid gets chicken pox, they have chicken pox parties at school..everyone attends, the kids all get it and it's over with with 99.999% of these kids never getting it again..In america we vaccine(of course) against it, yet approx 60% of kids get chicken pox yet now it is in their teen years where it is much more nasty... It's all about money,and the drug companies paying off the politicians and the FDA etc..A large proportion of my family and friends,young and old back home are on drugs for something, preventative medicine is not used in America, (you know, good food, healthy eating and exercise) that won't sell drugs....Americans MUST open their eyes...I did when I left...The media(Oh my GOD, ESPECIALLY FOX)!! scare monger you about EVERYTHING, including outbreaks of terrorism, flu's etc... Take care people.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/8/2009 10:09:14 AM
Vaccines and drugs simply break down the immune system; instead, we need to take a more proactive role: build up the immune system with excellent quality food and water, adequate rest, sufficient exercise, and vitamin supplements. These vaccination programs are all about the money: big pharma profits, the goliath and corruption in Washington, and biased health information from the media serving to mislead the American public.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/8/2009 8:28:20 PM
www.infowars.com This is where I first found this website - nvic.org
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/9/2009 7:42:15 PM
Most people I know are buying colloidal silver and oil of oregano, which will build up your immune system even more and prevent you from getting their manufactured flu, which, by the way, will be stronger and stronger as it continues to mutate. Their vaccinations, even if they were well-intended (which they are not, you know) would not be for that particular strain of flu (since it is always mutating) and would not be effective. However, the vaccinations usually give the flu to more people than it prevents from having the flu. If we refuse to take their vaccination, we may well end up in a FEMA Camp somewhere, or we may just be shot on the spot, if they use martial law to force us. (Yes, I know this sounds crazy, but if you really check things out on the web, you'll see this all makes sense. You can find the "concentration camps" on Youtube, along with a video of 500,000 plastic caskets our government has ordered and has stored (long before the flu scare) - hmmm! Anyway, there is one possible way to stop them from forcing us to "drink the Koolaid": Under our U.S. Constitution (and everyone needs to get a copy of it and learn what your rights are), the county sheriff is the most powerful person in the Country. He has sworn to uphold the Constitution (as do all our government officials, local, state, and federal), and the Constitution gives the sheriff the power to protect his county against all enemies both foreign and domestic. He legally takes orders from and owes allegiance to no one other than We the People, and the President of the U.S. has no jurisdiction over him, nor the state governor, or city commissioners, mayor, nor anyone else. He is to protect the People, and he can say no to the vaccinations and can prevent any national or state officials from coming into his jurisdiction and demanding anything. Talk to your Sheriff, make sure he is on the side of the People. Remind him that he took an oath to protect the People and preserve ALL our freedoms. He took an oath to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution and that is his primary duty and sworn resonsibility. What we've done in my state is to give our sheriff and deputies copies of "County Sheriff - America's Last Hope", a book written by Sheriff Richard Mack, wherein he reminds the Sheriffs of their duty to the people of his county. Get to know your sheriff and find out if he will obey his oath to serve and protect you. Some sheriffs have forgotten this and don't realize they can say no to the feds - and some just may not have the courage to do so. Find out. Tell him you will support him. Let him know that he works for the People, and that they will support him. Times are becoming very dangerous in our America. It is time to wake up and take responsibility for keeping our Country free -- or should I say restoring our freedoms, because so many have already been taken from us, and mostly without any resistance on our part. If we all work together, we can win this battle, but you must be "awake" to do it. Freedom is not free; many, many died to give us our freedom; we have foolishly let it be taken from us because of fear, fear put upon us by the very government that wants to rule us. So, what are you willing to do? Will you take the vaccination or will you pay the consequences - whatever they may be? Or, will you get your sheriff to protect you? The Powers that Be say we are overpopulated and want to get rid of millions of us; the manufactured flu and/or their vaccinations for that manufactured flu just might be a good start. What to you think? Where do you stand? What are you willing to do?
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/11/2009 12:31:08 PM
I see a "chinese medical" docter. She has my entire family on the MMS protocol. My son had a fever of 103 degrees and a severe ear ache. After 1 dose of MMS - the fever was completly gone along with the ear ache. MMS kills any harmful bacteria in your body. I have told many people about this and within days their illnesses have cleared up. Go to www.mms-lab.com - it's cheap too - one year supply is $20.00. My doc says to keep the kids on one dose every night with dinner starting in the fall and it will keep them illness free all season.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/11/2009 3:33:00 PM
daharris - Since Obama took office? Where have you been hiding, those changes have been taking place since before the late 30's, just rapidly accelerated over the last 8 years! Unfortunately most people sit back and let it take place.. Too much belief in the media fear promotions, and not enough looking around and thinking.. SICK OF THIS SHIT!!! - Petition? That's a peice of paper, like a voting ballot, a lot of good that does right? It is all about power and much of that comes from money. The ones fighting for that are those holding the cards. Obama? no, he is a pawn, UN/WHO is the driver of this bus. You want action, get the US out of the UN and get the UN out of the US. Obama has already announced a 'welcome' to a shit load of UN troops into this country for "exercises" in marshal law, in preparation 'should' this pandemic become a major crisis. Foreign troops on US soil = unconstitutional. Marshal law = NO constitution at all. And in enacting the formation of HSC the Bush administration very nicely disposed of a couple of major basic rights, such as the right to a speedy trial, and the right to an attorney, should you be accused of terrorism, and how convenient is it that any public demonstration is now classified as "low level terrorism" so much for your right to public display/peaceful demonstration, now isn't petitioning a form of peaceful demonstration? Check it out for yourself, it is fact and it is out there. Most of the assaults on the constitution are clearly written in executive orders every one can see on the national archives. quite a few bills put into law also the we never got a vote on, nor were even advised on to be able to write congress people with our views until too late. Shave your short hairs, cause they got you by them, and hang on this is not Kansas anymore Dorthy ! Bless you all.
Commenter Name
Joanne Cali
Posted: 7/12/2009 3:29:22 PM
Baxter is the pharm. co. which "accidentally" sent tainted vaccines to Europe, en masse, which were capable of starting PANdemic flus - because they combined several factors of the viruses. Very technical - and Germany and the other countries they WOULD have forwarded them on to, had they not caught the "mistake" , claims Baxter had to intentionally do this - because ANY PHARM CO. has in place safeguards to prevent this very thing from happening. Dare we assume Baxter was scheming to start a pandemic which would then "necessitate" a global mandated vaccine? I would dare to say so - because it is indeed most probably true. And I believe they are responsible for the recent swine/avian flu combo affecting and killing some people. They are evil and we certainly do not want their vaccines. The preservatives and contents of their vaccine will UNDERMINE the immune system, further "necessitating" mandatory medical intervention, until our basic possesssions - our bodies - are no longer our own. This is a free country? Maybe once, but it has been sold out.
Commenter Name
Joanne Cali
Posted: 7/12/2009 3:39:14 PM
Baxter Int'l was the company that sent tainted vaccines to Germany - to be distributed amongst European countries - that were "mistakenly" formulated to cause a flu PANdemic. They claimed mistake - but Germany - and any pharm co. knows - that there are safeguards BUILT IN to any vaccine-making procedure to prevent JUST THIS. Dare we think Baxter WISHED to start a pandemic, which would then "necessitate" their making a globally-mandated vaccine? Think what profits the shareholders could make! Wow - that's really worth the deaths of adverse reactions, as well as the generally immune-suppressing effects of vaccines. Gross.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/13/2009 10:09:34 PM
i agree with mary , the vaccine is still experimental , so no way , plus is it going to have mercury and aluminum in it like others forget it , i take the chance , depopulation agenda bastrads, the globilists think we cant see this scam?
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/14/2009 6:00:55 AM
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/refuse-and-resist-mandatory-flu-vaccine Heres a Petition to sign against the swine flu shot.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/14/2009 1:23:25 PM
The problem here is that we ALL feel the same way, and the news is NOT going anywhere. The priority is to talk, email, and text as many people as you can in order to add more to OUR ARMY, the ARMY of MOTHERS. For what mother anywhere would not die for the safety of her child? I had a severe reaction to the DTP vaccine at the age of 5 (now 44) and have myoclonic seizures now because of it. No family history (checked all the way back to 1500's) and no severe blows to the head either. My 12-yr old son has ADHD, ODD & Dyslexia and I WILL NEVER allow these so-called 'new' vaccines to touch him. I have never received an annual flu vaccine, and never had the flu, barely ever get a cold, my son too. We will not have our immune systems compromised by an untested & VERY unnecessary vaccine. The most important thing is to SPREAD THE WORD!!!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/14/2009 2:50:48 PM
The problem here is that we ALL feel the same way, and the news is NOT going anywhere. The priority is to talk, email, and text as many people as you can in order to add more to OUR ARMY, the ARMY of MOTHERS. For what mother anywhere would not die for the safety of her child? I had a severe reaction to the DTP vaccine at the age of 5 (now 44) and have myoclonic seizures now because of it. No family history (checked all the way back to 1500's) and no severe blows to the head either. My 12-yr old son has ADHD, ODD & Dyslexia and I WILL NEVER allow these so-called 'new' vaccines to touch him. I have never received an annual flu vaccine, and never had the flu, barely ever get a cold, my son too. We will not have our immune systems compromised by an untested & VERY unnecessary vaccine. The most important thing is to SPREAD THE WORD!!!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/15/2009 11:40:26 PM
If the vaccine manufacturers can't predict what Influenza strain will come out the next season. How can the World Health Organization and the CDC as well as our governments predict that this coming fall will be a Swine Flu pandemic and thus justify billions of dollars of spending and making everyone angery about being forced to take an unthoroughly tested experimental swine flu vaccine? The existing exposure of the H1N1 didn't amount to much and currently isn't what I consider a pandemic. This just doesn't make since! I am seriously thinking of taking some responsible steps including filing a Civil action for Injunctive relief!
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/16/2009 8:23:25 AM
I hope everyone is emailing or calling the white house and legislators, and signing petitions...we need to let them know we know what's going on... also if enough people contact the news programs they watch and listen to perhaps someone in the media will pick up this story and it will get the attention it deserves...
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Alice Cutler
Posted: 7/17/2009 4:45:08 PM
I know many documented cases of temporary muscle pain and stiffness from vaccinated individuals and some people suffering from permanent neurological damage that occurred shortly after having a vaccine.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/20/2009 11:30:06 PM
Here is another useful website with a petition to sign http://www.healthfreedomusa.org
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/20/2009 11:37:18 PM
Yet another reason to home-school...
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/21/2009 6:05:33 PM
Let's all get on Twitter and make enough noise for it to rate on the TRENDING TOPIC so that everyone will see the need to act. I think Friday JULY 31 is the day we should tell everyone to talk about it, and then sign a petition and write your legislators. If President Obama forces us to get vaccinations, that would be an OBAMA-NATION!!!! It may be a pun, but I'm not laughing...
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/23/2009 8:32:47 AM
There needs to be a link to FB and MySpace! Thank you for the great information!
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/23/2009 9:31:13 AM
Unbelievable video! I am just so relieved that everyone who posted their opinion is against this absurd idea. I can't even believe that ANYONE would think that this is a good idea. This is 1.against our rights 2.in bad interests 3.purposeless scare 4.NO ONE WILL EVER VACCINATE MY HEALTHY BODY. Let's stick together as a community of the people and never let the government interfere in our lives this way - what our country is all about!!
Commenter Name
my two cents worth
Posted: 7/23/2009 1:35:33 PM
If 80% take the shot and the other 20% don't the supposed risk of getting the flu is only to the 20% and no one who got a shot so why would anyone care if you got a shot or not. What I see is the government knowing that the shot will NOT work and the risk of the flu is to everyone rather you got a shot or not. If everyone has to get a shot and the flu still happens they can claim that the virus changed, if people get ill or die, they can claim that it was for the betterment of the whole. Whatever happens the powers that be and the drug lords (big pharma)will be laughing all the way to the bank.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/23/2009 2:49:19 PM
Thank goodness for the web. I studied vaccinations 27 years ago and was astonished at what I found, never to accept one again. Some are forced, like Yellow Fever to enter some countries, the reason for this post. If you are ever in a situation where you can not avoid one for any reason an old Naturopathic Doctor taught me a trick. You fast at least a day, better three before you get the shot, and a day after. This puts your body in a cleansing mode so it will get rid of the toxins quickly. Nothing but vegetable juices is one method of fasting that most people can handle. IF you can't do that use MMS before and afterwards for a few days at least. It will help oxidize the garbage. I have used the same substance for 25 years and is the number one thing to have on hand always. With it you don't need vaccines or antibiotics anyway even IF they were healthy and effective. The best people I know of selling it for price and service is at http://mmsmiracle.com/bestprice Are good people and they fill orders worldwide. Read up on this, for 10$ you can even buy how to make it yourself. Something wonderful to know in a future where liberty is in doubt. For researching any health issue http://mercola.com is the #1 site on the web in natural health information. Do not let anyone give your children these toxic injections, do whatever it takes.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/24/2009 9:59:43 AM
See how many times the word "EXPERIMENTAL" is used!!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/25/2009 7:35:30 PM
I currently have moved and live outside of the United States. Unfortunately, I know that the country I reside in will follow the US lead and require these also. I also know that I will be required at the border to show proof of vaccination if I ever want to re-enter America.
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Gene Ulmer
Posted: 7/26/2009 2:58:15 PM
Check out this site "Case about Bird Flu" by Jane Burgermeister, alarming: http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/26/2009 5:06:54 PM
Two Years ago this fall,,, my next door neighbor contracted Transverse Militus from his annual flu shot. He is semi-paralized today, regaining some very limited use of his legs, from nothing at all. He continues to work on his body but does not have alot of promise. This man is a retired U.S. Army Vet, who received the Flu Shot, Mandatorily every year of his career. His condition was diagnosed by Univ. of Maryland Hospital, Baltimore. What will these Swine Flus Shots do to our Children and to the adults taking them? The odds sound good, except for the fact that someone has to be included in the number that die, or are injured by the shots. Will that be you or me,,, Russian Roulette by Shot! Somehow I would think that the odds should be better.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/26/2009 5:08:50 PM
Two Years ago this fall,,, my next door neighbor contracted Transverse Militus from his annual flu shot. He is semi-paralized today, regaining some very limited use of his legs, from nothing at all. He continues to work on his body but does not have alot of promise. This man is a retired U.S. Army Vet, who received the Flu Shot, Mandatorily every year of his career. His condition was diagnosed by Univ. of Maryland Hospital, Baltimore. What will these Swine Flus Shots do to our Children and to the adults taking them? The odds sound good, except for the fact that someone has to be included in the number that die, or are injured by the shots. Will that be you or me,,, Russian Roulette by Shot! Somehow I would think that the odds should be better.
Commenter Name
Mary Kay
Posted: 7/28/2009 10:40:57 AM
As to the mainstream media(newspapers/tv/radio)...90% of it swings left and they ALL march to the same tune. Which is why we should also listen to the 10% which is more conservative. You do not get the whole picture unless you listen and evaluate both. YOU have to seek out different sources of information...and then weed out the truth from there. Don't take any experts advise on anything...from the swine flu, to global warming, to the war on terror. When there is money to be made on ANY front - proceed with caution, be your own advocate, and use common sense.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/29/2009 1:43:55 PM
what gets me is that the population isn't concerned about the pandemic tab for a mild flu is now exceeding 8 billion dollars.. the pharmacuetical industry is making the bankers look honest... this is disgusting... i don't know where to run.. I terrified! It looks as though this is well on it way to being mandatory, thier intention is becoming very clear, they are pushing this unrealistically hard. It's amazing how big pharma has near total control of our government.. this is just starting to look very bizarre.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/29/2009 2:45:54 PM
Google out "Operation Fax to Stop the Vax"
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/29/2009 7:12:10 PM
To answer the question of the article: Do we have a choice? YES! The mandates the WHO is attempting execute is a test of political power. It is up to us to stand up and refuse to go along with "forced" vaccinations. Let's leave the decisions about medical treatment in the hands of the individual and their doctor. There is no more sacred sovereign territory than one's own body.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/29/2009 10:48:42 PM
My daughter age 29 had a severe stomach flu last week. I have read alot on this so called man made swine flu. It is scary. I went over and gave her mega doses of Vit D-3, a probiotic (20 billion) Vit C, Organo oil (3 drops in a tsp of honey) a tsp. a day of Oxysilver Healthguard by Dr. David Horowitz, chicken noodle soup, 8 glasses of purified water daily and in 3 days it was totally gone! We must naturally boost our immune systems!! Natural alternatives I believe to be the answer. I hear the swine flu shot is dangereous and I will not take it. It will cause more deaths. Do we even know what they are putting in it?? I urge you to all visit infowars.com to hear from Doctors Chemist etc. about the lies we are being told by the main stream media! God bless and be with us all
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/31/2009 8:40:26 PM
Is there such a thing as "right to know" ? in this case is there any way that someone could actually request a record of all "clamed" cases of flue in the USA? those numbers are coming up in very strange manner from the very beginning. there should be a way of actually looking at them and seeing how many cases are indeed H1N1 based. it is very "smart thing" to put all flu in those statistic together to make bigger impression on public and use those numbers later to scare people and enforce law. there should be a way to reqire those numbers to be publicized in open manner. there should be a law against the injecting any product that is not fully tested and proven to work against person's will. and there should be no way that people in 21 century should be forced to take vaccines for flu knowing that the virus does change and it is entirely ineffective. that should be entirely optional. lastly.. why nobody thought of this one: since there is a way of actually testing antibodies in people for different deseases.. why there is no way of testing a person for a flu antibodies and then acctually see if a mix of a vaccine that one is aobut to get will work or is actually unnecessary.. after all people do have lots of immunity to flu.. lastly.. any flu vaccine should be administered if during the flue season it will be tested and proven that the flue vaccination does not represents actual protection against what is out there. because it is just as effective as glass of water.. just more "profitable" that is all. why congress does nothing? do they even know what is going on? republicans.. democrats..
Commenter Name
Karen Anne RN
Posted: 8/1/2009 12:26:26 AM
This is an outrage. Three times I have had a "flu shot." All three times I came down with flu symptoms. The last one was the Swine Flu vaccine. I think it was in the 70's. I had not even left my doctor's office parking lot when I came down with extreme body aches and chills. Needless to say, I have never had a flu shot since. I recently researched thoroughly Colloidal Silver, and it's uses. I'll say no more, except that I would be remiss if I did not mention it.
Commenter Name
Karen Anne RN
Posted: 8/1/2009 12:31:58 AM
This is an outrage. Three times I have had a "flu shot." All three times I came down with flu symptoms. The last one was the Swine Flu vaccine. I think it was in the 70's. I had not even left my doctor's office parking lot when I came down with extreme body aches and chills. Needless to say, I have never had a flu shot since. I recently researched thoroughly Colloidal Silver, and it's uses. I'll say no more, except that I would be remiss if I did not mention it.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/2/2009 12:34:32 AM
Let's not throw out the baby with the bath water! Vaccines are extremely important at protecting against infectious diseases which is why they arent around today. That is not to say they won't come back if we stop vaccinating, just look at what hapened in Russia with collapse of communism, less vaccination and hey presto suddenly they are having epidemics of whooping cough, measles etc. Also the issue with vaccinating children isnt always to protect them to protect those who they spread virus to. In Jpana when they stopped immunising children against flu, suddenly there was a 300% rise in deaths of elderly people with flu, ie the vaccine was stopping young children giving flu to their grandparents and killing them, not the children. Vaccination issues are complex, vaccines can have side effects, the government needs to be better at sharing information on vaccine safety issues etc but don't let this distort your thinking, vaccines do protect us against nasty things and we shouldnt forget that. Pregnant women and younf children dying from swine flu are very real, please dont dismiss their deaths as just part of government propaganda to make you get vaccinated, it is not fair to their memories or their surviving relatives. It is a shame that the govt has failed to tell you that vaccinating all your children will save the lives of pregnant women, but that is the fact.
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replica watches
Posted: 8/2/2009 8:07:32 PM
doesn't this stuff have squalene in it? according to websites on google it does. type in h1n1 squalene mf59. Soo....
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/2/2009 9:26:51 PM
If I have to home school to avoid forced vaccinations,I will!!!!!!!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/2/2009 9:28:37 PM
If I have to home school to avoid forced vaccinations,I will!!!!!!!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/4/2009 5:15:14 AM
This is an outrage, just the thought of a vaccination becoming mandatory. I will not and I repeat I will not be vaccinated. This country has gone to _____ in a short time. All the government wants is to control every aspect of our individual rights. This must not continue, we must stand for what is ours. Our freedom for our own natural healthcare.
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Pamela Barton
Posted: 8/4/2009 7:28:58 AM
I am signing every petition I come across to object to any mandatory vacinnations. There is a vibrational remedy antidote for Swine Flu already released and available worldwide at a very nominal cost (www.healerswhoshare.com) I will not be participating in taking any vaccinations.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/4/2009 8:02:46 AM
This is a huge hoax. This is a man made virus being unleashed on the populace to line the pockets of big pharma companies at our expense. Some folks may die from the flu, many more will die or be sickened for years from the vaccine. DO NOT TAKE THIS VACCINE. It contains dangerous and toxic adjuvents like squalene, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, antibiotics, and a host of other toxic and destructive ingredients including live or attenuated virus that has no place in our bodies. This tyranny by government must end!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/4/2009 8:51:04 AM
Cindy, even if you "home school" if they make it mandatory, then none of us will have a choice, unfortunately and then they can say you're an unfit parent and have CPS arrest you and then take your child... Scary as it is, our only hope is to get our State And Local "Officials" to stop it...
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/4/2009 12:38:12 PM
These people and their Vaccines are just part of the De-Population plans of the insane behind the scenes organizations running the situation. See Bilderburg BoheimianGrove And of course Skull&Bones and the Illuminati These drug manufactures are only getting rich from their created pandemics. I am ashamed of people like Merck and the other giant money making machines in America like them. Now the government in America is trying to take OVER medical care here. They do not want to fix the problems with high costs they think they can take over and raise all taxes to fund their pet project. Too much Government in USA now!!!! We do not need their "Help" to screw it up more
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Sandy Bennett
Posted: 8/4/2009 2:04:21 PM
Stop the insanity of all the unnecessary vaccines. My grand kids are now being asked to take approx.3 times more vaccines than when my children were growing up. when you measure side effects who would ever put that into a body. Little lone a child. The only people coming out ahead are the big Pharmaceutical companies. Sandy
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/4/2009 2:28:36 PM
The federal government will overide state laws if they can get away with it, that's why every state in the Union needs to declare their sovereignty... if they haven't done so already. I know a few of them have. Some I think would be in favor of seceding from the Union. The federal gov. has NO jurisdiction over the states, so it's a matter of whether the states will whimp out and knuckle under to the fed. We all need to put pressure on our state reps. and let them know they better protect us from this tyranny that's working its way to our front door! Yes it's true about talk of population reduction. I heard Henry Kissenger state back in the 70's that population reduction is something that has to be considered.....in other words, we should do it! Kissenger also supposedly helped Obama secure his first job out of college? Don't know if that's just rumour or what, but there seems to be some connection between them. Forget your Representatives on the federal level, they're not going to help you! I have signed dozens of petitions and wrote a hand written letter to one of my Reps. about the dangers of vaccines, and he replied that he had to agree with the CDC and other health organizations as to the need for vaccinations! I wrote him back sending him a complete report on the dangers and including a list of the ingredients in them, but he totally ignored my letter! What does that tell you? If anything changes, it will be We The People who have to make the changes. As for a safe haven somewhere in the world.... this whole thing is global so where would you go? That's what the NWO has/is accomplishing! But why should we leave our beloved country and turn it over to these mongrel dictators. Personally I don't know why the FBI and CIA etc. have allowed some of the stuff to go on unchecked. Surely they have families they are concerned about too? I think it's a good idea to talk to our local Sheriffs and refer them to the website: http://oathkeepers.org/oath/
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Tina Klaus
Posted: 8/4/2009 2:46:26 PM
Go to www.healthfreedomusa.org They are fighting for our right to self-shield in this fake or man-made pandemic. They could also use our help in emails to congress on issues such as protecting the rights of organic farming and our right to choose or not to choose to take supplements. Senator Ron Paul just introduced some interesting legislation to protect some of our rights from being taken away by big pharma and big ag. They run on donations only and if you are able they would appreciate it. I am not affiliated with them, I just support them however I can and don't want my kids to have this poison injected into them.
Commenter Name
Tina Klaus
Posted: 8/4/2009 3:19:52 PM
Go to www.healthfreedomusa.org They are fighting for our right to self-shield in this fake or man-made pandemic. They could also use our help in emails to congress on issues such as protecting the rights of organic farming and our right to choose or not to choose to take supplements. Senator Ron Paul just introduced some interesting legislation to protect some of our rights from being taken away by big pharma and big ag. They run on donations only and if you are able they would appreciate it. I am not affiliated with them, I just support them however I can and don't want my kids to have this poison injected into them.
Commenter Name
Tina Klaus
Posted: 8/4/2009 3:22:21 PM
check out healthfreedom.org They are fighting to protect our rights. If we all say NO, where are they going to put us all?
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/4/2009 6:18:10 PM
If the government thinks they can FORCE me to vaccinate my children or myself with this vaccine, they have another thing coming. Only my husband and I will decide what is best for our family. This new government is scaring the daylights out of me! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS ONCE GREAT NATION!?
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Betty Wozniak
Posted: 8/5/2009 8:37:18 AM
It just does not seem right to inject antibodies from animals into humans. I am totally against injecting our children in school even when parents disagree with this decision made by the government. Does this mean the government is going to make decisions instead of allowing the parents freedom of choice for their children. Is this going to be a sign that the government can secretly inject our children with stuff that will give it control of our most precious resource, our children. Something seems wrong about this whole thing. Is this a way for the FDA to line their pockets again by scaring the American public.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/5/2009 9:23:49 AM
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/5/2009 10:04:56 AM
Now all of the fervently anti-gun types are slowly,painfully realizing why our founders wanted us armed...and no,it wasn't so that we can go duck hunting". If our government can compel us to take an experimental vaccine for a flu that was obviously created in a lab,they can just as easily justify housing us indefinitely in a FEMA "quarantine camp" as well. Not this former Marine.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/5/2009 5:14:51 PM
Many of the fervently anti-gun types are slowly,painfully realizing why our founders wanted us to be armed. Let's put it this way,the second amendment wasn't for "duck hunting"... If a government can compel us to take an untested vaccine or even(attempt to)physically force us to some FEMA quarantine for an indefinite amount of time,they can do anything at all. All of the actions taken by the WHO and CDC along with the preparations for military involvment in US cities are extremely suspicious and are completely at odds with the facts regarding the swine flu. The only logical explanation for what is being planned is for a cover or excuse to do some other nefarious deed. This is one of many former Marines that shall not submit
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/5/2009 9:03:04 PM
It's my business if I refuse the flu shot and get sick with the flu ! ! What do they care if anyone gets sick? I think they know this vaccine will kill thousands and thats what they want ! ! !
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/5/2009 9:24:43 PM
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Karen O'Shea
Posted: 8/6/2009 12:29:51 PM
I won't take this or any other vacines. My grandson just had his MMR a few weeks ago at 3 1/5 yo and we are stiil, watching him for side effects. No swine flu shot for and no guardisil for granddaughter, I can tell that. I think we should shoot up the big pharma medical reps and principals who come trooping the doctors offices and see what happens to them! I have never even had a flu shot. Too many bad things come from science experiments over a short period of time. Watch the "The Constant Gardner" and see what happens in impoverished nations who have no choice and are drugged with experiments. Maybe thats why Twitter and Facebook were hacked into today!!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2009 12:55:16 PM
This is all starting to feel like a Syfy movie or a Robin cook novel. Am I right? This is absolutely insane! Why mass inoculate the children in the entire country to prevent what might be as many deaths as the regular flu causes each year? It doesn't make any sense. I would rather my children receive the social growth and knowledge that only attending a school with other children can provide, but I would keep my son home and school him myself to avoid this as well. It won't be long until we're all facing this problem. And I agree with several comments above: Try to come to my home and inject my family and my child. I will exercise my 2nd amendment rights to protect us.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2009 5:12:31 PM
Spread the word through email. Send our President and your state governor a message, "NO MANDATORY VACCINES". The more emails and phone calls they get the more serious they will take it. Government has to be kept in line by those that have elected them and if we do nothing they are going to take advantage of us. Let them know we are not guinea pigs and will not be testing thier new vaccine on ourselves or our children unless we want it!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/7/2009 9:16:05 AM
If the government makes the vaccine compulsory to attend public school, don't count on getting a permission slip for the shots to your children. Maybe a notification that "oops" may be lost and they will get the shots at school without you knowing, then it's too late. I substitute teach, but will home school my children, not just because of this, but it certainly finalized my decision.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/7/2009 5:48:26 PM
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/9/2009 5:33:27 AM
I saw name for Guardasell letter, to be sent to Tommy Thompson???????? Talk about Dr Death himself, have you ever googled his euthagenic remarks? They have even stopped being subtle. I just finished having some flu, it was not fun, it's been more than 10 days, but I did fine w/ regualr everyday medicine. So don't freak out thinking it's Swine Flu, although take natural type precautions. OKAY, we all agree NOT TO TAKE SWINE FLU VACCINE, but how do we make our voices heard, ,or band together to prevent their force??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I say we force Obama or whomever to drop us out of WHO (World Health Organization) Perhaps we force Drug companies to REQUIRE them to cover liablity......that would stop SOME of the murder, (if they had to pay money for it) actually maybe not.....keep thinking folks, keep strong
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/9/2009 9:22:19 AM
this is wrong very wrong The USA Pride the people are the people who speak there voice and yet what people do not know is the Speaking of the New World Order wants to control it start years ago and now is out of control . They think we are dummies but unless people understand what is really happening its all about money using people as geni pigs and for experimential control the next vaccine will be to controll our minds we have wills no minds no life and we be zoombies what are you going to do follow the sheep or stand up and know your rights think about it serveral years ago Llyod Axeworthy brought together the New World Police and from that the New World Order develope from the testing stations and camps hidding in the USA and other People know about . Its time the world stand up and states no Laws for rights were give by our four fathers and not its all about power money but is so crazy the very people that are doing this they are just as risk when mother earth takes control the money wont be worth they be fighting for serveral like all of us But fight for your rights if you do not you be a Zoombie .
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/9/2009 9:25:37 AM
this is wrong very wrong The USA Pride the people are the people who speak there voice and yet what people do not know is the Speaking of the New World Order wants to control it start years ago and now is out of control . They think we are dummies but unless people understand what is really happening its all about money using people as geni pigs and for experimential control the next vaccine will be to controll our minds we have wills no minds no life and we be zoombies what are you going to do follow the sheep or stand up and know your rights think about it serveral years ago Llyod Axeworthy brought together the New World Police and from that the New World Order develope from the testing stations and camps hidding in the USA and other People know about . Its time the world stand up and states no Laws for rights were give by our four fathers and not its all about power money but is so crazy the very people that are doing this they are just as risk when mother earth takes control the money wont be worth they be fighting for serveral like all of us But fight for your rights if you do not you be a Zoombie .
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/11/2009 6:46:54 AM
I heard tonight that the highway patrol is preparing for controlling people that may want to go to another state that may be safer. I hope they don't set up border controls at the state lines to enforce the vaccinations.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/11/2009 12:38:31 PM
Swine Flu Elevated to level 6? Epidemic? I think not. How'd they get so many millions of vaccines ready without a moon-shot effort? I'll tell you..this has been in the works for a long, long time. It is a consorted effort to depopulate the world. Obama's Janet Nepolitano is working to use law enforcement agencies to force American men, women and children to get this death-sentence. I say lets round up all these NWO freaks and make their wishes of depopulation a reality by starting with them first. See This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lcJt4jX1Vo&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4c9Is1T3z4&feature=related
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/11/2009 2:47:32 PM
Excellent information. I work in a school and HOPE parents inform themselves, but sadly, they probably won't. I think there's much MORE behind this forced vaccine system than meets the eye....
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/11/2009 6:01:35 PM
I consider this so important I have made a link to it from the website I do some technical advising.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/12/2009 12:42:48 PM
Many here know NOT to get any vaccines our governments try to shove down our throats. They say children and pregnant women may be first in priority to get the shots. I can just imagine the horror stories that will come out when this is over. Probably much worse than the 1970's swine flu fiasco: http://www.amazing-glutathione.com/swine-flu-video.html I fear for our children, their little bodies are so much vulnerable to the poisons in the vaccine! What if worse comes to worse and some have to take the vaccines or face imprisonment, etc. We need to have be prepared to protect our health and very lives of ourselves and our children and loved ones. Fasting (at least 1-3 days) before and after the vaccination definitely helps detox the poisons as well as other powerful detox substances, such as, colloidal silver, NAC, Milk Thistle, etc. http://www.amazing-glutathione.com/vaccination-detoxification.html (have them in your medicine cabinet) -- an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/13/2009 7:49:32 AM
We all must come together to stop this insanity. Tell everyone you know. Write letters, talk to anybody and everybody that will listen. Phone in to talk radio programs. This is your life people! Protect it!
Commenter Name
Rose Green
Posted: 8/13/2009 10:20:46 PM
I do not trust the drug companies, who apparently are only interested in making a profit for themselves, as they have in the past. I agree with Mari; keep yourself informed and be ready for the worst!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/14/2009 10:57:12 AM
If they bring them into the schools and tell me I HAVE to take it, I'm walking right out of there. This country is becoming so corrupted. If they make this legally mandated, it is going against so many people's religions. Not to mention that they didn't test it "100% safe" even though all vaccines safe and aren't a free pass to no illnesses.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/14/2009 10:47:01 PM
If I am not mistaken, some 20 years ago the government put out a hell of a scare on the swine flu virus which was going to plague us. Many Adults were getting the shot and ending up with acute arm pains and reactions to the drug. Eventually it did go by the wayside. At that time Children, Children, Children were not given the swine flu shot because of the potential life threatening side effects it carried. Hello. Not again. I don't have all the facts about this but this is what I remembered.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/14/2009 10:50:12 PM
If I am not mistaken, some 20 years ago the government put out a hell of a scare on the swine flu virus which was going to plague us. Many Adults were getting the shot and ending up with acute arm pains and reactions to the drug. Eventually it did go by the wayside. At that time Children, Children, Children were not given the swine flu shot because of the potential life threatening side effects it carried. Hello. Not again. I don't have all the facts about this but this is what I remembered.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/16/2009 9:05:25 PM
Listen people. Enough is enough!!! Instead of sitting here, swarm your state legislators with petitions, emails, calls, and tell them to tell the Federal government to BACK OFF!! They work for us!!! Start protests, BE LOUD, send them the information. If we have to we will start lawsuits for conspiracy to commit murder against our states of conspiracy to do harm and intent to commit murder on their citizens!! I have had enough and I see you all have to. Get to work people, time is limited!!! Reality is that there is alot more of us than them!!!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/16/2009 9:07:59 PM
Also join Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty to stop these attacks on our Constitution!! http://www.CampaingforLiberty.com Don't feel helpless, be fearless, be patriots it is OUR COUNTRY
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/17/2009 10:32:39 AM
Seriously though, what would they do to us if we refuse to have a poison injected in our veins??? Are we talking concentration camps, instant death???
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2009 2:29:57 AM
this is crap. why should we be forced to do something?
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2009 6:23:55 AM
Illuminati at work....as a nurse in large metro area only one case of unconfirmed swine flu in our hospital.....come fall our hospital will PUSH THE VACCINE ON EVERYONE! This is the way they will get us to take ANYTHING in the future all in the name of being healthy! don't buy it....big pharma at work AGAIN ! Most unvaccinated medical staff at our hospital do NOT GET the flu!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2009 8:57:14 AM
Sadly, all of this true. There are concentration camps; about 253 of them, already prepared for the "Refusers." We will be dubbed "terrorists" for refusing to poison ourselves and our children. The best thing to do is to have a defensive plan in place. There are several herbal websites that have flu recipes for natural healing, colloidal silver (use sparingly and only when you really need it), quit drinking soda, using sugar (1 tsp of sugar impaires your immune system for 1 hour), start a healthy diet filled with Zinc, Vit C, Garlic, Onions, Wild Honey, etc. There are many ways to keep your system healthy. Start by detoxing with a good cleanser. Dr. Schultz has a great detox plan. It's a little late to do this now, but start saving food and water. You should have enough for at least a month. If you're really serious, enough for a year. Just get a little at a time and put it away. Buy a water filter system (Big Burkey). As for me and mine, we will probably meet them at the door. We will not willingly take any vaccines. It was also a good idea about talking to the local sheriff. They have more jurisdiction than the armed forces- IF you can get them on your side. Tell everyone you can about this- there is victory in group! (Prayer never hurt either!)
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2009 9:27:52 AM
I'm outraged about this mandatory vaccination for the American public especially my children who are in school for some strange reason I feel like I'm in a comunist country what happened to the freedom of choice. I beginnig to look at this country like terroism. you tell me???
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2009 10:22:01 AM
I feel so utterly helpless. It's my body. How on earth can someone inject something into me against my will? I don't understand how a government can force this, our government anyway. Thank God Bush is out and hopefully Obama will see sense and not allow anything ridiculous.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2009 11:33:10 AM
What could they possibly do to me for refusing the vaccine? Are they gods? I have a choice not to comply with this crap and I won't!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2009 12:03:14 PM
It's disgraceful of what is happening in our country - the home of the free (?) and the brave. Where are our government officials? - are they not supposed to protect the rights of the people? Making the vaccine or any other medical treatment mandatory is unacceptable, unconsciousable and unconstitutional. Why are "the power mongoloids" taking such an interest in the swine flu - what is really going on aside from making tons of money at the expense of people's precious lives?
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2009 12:10:23 PM
Let's not all freak out like everyone is going to die when they get the shots... they won't. Being freaky makes US (yes, I am 100% against any more vaccinations) look crazy. The point is that no one knows, or cares what will happen 2, 5, 10 yrs down the road cept the pharmaniacs. They know they will be able to sell many 'new' drugs for all the new and mysterious diseases that have come about--gee, wonder how that happened. No, what other point NEEDS to be made is that WHO will now have a precedent and ANY threat they claim to be a threat to the world, no matter where it is, will force us to line up. That is ONE WORLD GOV people. I don't mind one world govs, if controlled by all the people on this planet; but, as this day and age is, that will NEVER be the case. It is the fact that we are being told what to do by the UN... Are you a sovereign being? Is this nation supposed to be sovereign? Bushy one signed all kinds of shite into effect without consulting the citizens, so, I don't follow those laws (90% of our laws were missing representatives--your voice or/and mine were not heard, therefore, I declare them illegal. Good luck and don't submit. Stand up with your neighbors and break the arms and fingers of those trying to stick you. Peace first, then.............
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2009 12:11:23 PM
Let's not all freak out like everyone is going to die when they get the shots... they won't. Being freaky makes US (yes, I am 100% against any more vaccinations) look crazy. The point is that no one knows, or cares what will happen 2, 5, 10 yrs down the road cept the pharmaniacs. They know they will be able to sell many 'new' drugs for all the new and mysterious diseases that have come about--gee, wonder how that happened. No, what other point NEEDS to be made is that WHO will now have a precedent and ANY threat they claim to be a threat to the world, no matter where it is, will force us to line up. That is ONE WORLD GOV people. I don't mind one world govs, if controlled by all the people on this planet; but, as this day and age is, that will NEVER be the case. It is the fact that we are being told what to do by the UN... Are you a sovereign being? Is this nation supposed to be sovereign? Bushy one signed all kinds of shite into effect without consulting the citizens, so, I don't follow those laws (90% of our laws were missing representatives--your voice or/and mine were not heard, therefore, I declare them illegal. Good luck and don't submit. Stand up with your neighbors and break the arms and fingers of those trying to stick you. Peace first, then.............
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2009 12:14:20 PM
Let's not all freak out like everyone is going to die when they get the shots... they won't. Being freaky makes US (yes, I am 100% against any more vaccinations) look crazy. The point is that no one knows, or cares what will happen 2, 5, 10 yrs down the road cept the pharmaniacs. They know they will be able to sell many 'new' drugs for all the new and mysterious diseases that have come about--gee, wonder how that happened. No, what other point NEEDS to be made is that WHO will now have a precedent and ANY threat they claim to be a threat to the world, no matter where it is, will force us to line up. That is ONE WORLD GOV people. I don't mind one world govs, if controlled by all the people on this planet; but, as this day and age is, that will NEVER be the case. It is the fact that we are being told what to do by the UN... Are you a sovereign being? Is this nation supposed to be sovereign? Bushy one signed all kinds of shite into effect without consulting the citizens, so, I don't follow those laws (90% of our laws were missing representatives--your voice or/and mine were not heard, therefore, I declare them illegal. Good luck and don't submit. Stand up with your neighbors and break the arms and fingers of those trying to stick you. Peace first, then.............
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2009 2:31:00 PM
We need to come together somehow to let our voices be heard. Maybe holding rallies or something. Vaccines are scary especially if your kid ended up in the hospitol possibly due to one. Start building you and your loved ones immune systems with D3 and probotics. Colldial Silver is also good. Talk to your doctors who know better or will listen about getting you and loved ones body ready for detox if they mandate this h1n1 vaccine. I pray to God to give our government and health officals the moral and common sense to say enough is enough and put caring for people properly before profit.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2009 3:31:31 PM
While I appreciate the opportunity to comment, I would REALLY like to know where I can sign a petition protesting these vaccination protocols/plans. Is there a site with a petition? Thanks
Commenter Name
Gordon Luce
Posted: 8/20/2009 5:53:59 PM
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/21/2009 9:35:10 PM
I think that american people are stupid, blind patriots and that is why this vaccination will go through. Many other changes will go through just because of stupidity of this nation. Amaerican people - wake up, whole world is laughing from you.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/21/2009 9:36:45 PM
I think that american people are stupid, blind patriots and that is why this vaccination will go through. Many other changes will go through just because of stupidity of this nation. Amaerican people - wake up, whole world is laughing from you.
Commenter Name
Daniel Cohen
Posted: 8/22/2009 12:38:36 AM
People, the time for talking, petitioning, and all other soft revolt is over, it has long been time to assert your second amendment rights to keep and BEAR arms, against this tyrannical government and all its unconstitutional laws, such as the Patriot Acts, which are not Patriotic. These politicians are masters of word power. It is a word war, and we must win. Refuse their propaganda and FIGHT!!!!! "The tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of Patriots" - Thomas Jefferson
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/22/2009 3:55:30 AM
How come Obama hasn't said anything about this? Maybe we should overload his website where he's always welcoming comments and opinions!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/22/2009 8:21:27 PM
It is a scary truth that we are losing our freedoms subtly. Due to apathy, ignorance and government. I personally will do everything in my power to resist. On behalf of truth and rights.
Commenter Name
Gail Becker
Posted: 8/23/2009 6:05:04 PM
Thank you for this video, now I know why I have never had the flu, nor have I ever had the common cold. I am a Baby Boomer.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/24/2009 12:30:10 PM
This is but yet another way for the government to control us. And this time, we are nothing but guinea pigs not knowing what is in the vaccines or what it might cause. The government does not care what is in the drug or what it will do to the people. Look at history and what has happened with untested vaccines or even tested ones. Mandatory injection is wrong in this case and any others where the drug is untested and the developers are held harmless.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/24/2009 7:11:41 PM
I don't think they are trying to depopulate-that would mean fewer taxpayers. I think, instead, they are possibly attempting some kind of mind control resulting in submission.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/25/2009 1:14:36 PM
I am a Public Health Nurse for a local health unit in my state. By no means has there ever been mention of anyone being "forced" to take a vaccine of any kind. The School clinics are not only optional for the schools to participate in, but also, optional for the parents to consent. I state this in defense of our country that one above comment degrades so frequently. As a nurse that will be actively participating in the mass flu clinics, I too have the freedom to have reservations about rushed recipe vaccines. And my decision to vaccinate myself, my husband, and most importantly my 7 yr old son will be a tuff one, but it is still one that I will make. It is the resposibility of these parents to research the vaccines and make those decisions in regards to the pros and cons.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/25/2009 1:31:16 PM
Also, I would like to add, that anyone with any public health experience or knowledge is aware that all pandemic plans have protocols based on priority administration (vaccine or meds)because there is absolutely NO WAY for there to be availability for everyone, which means not only does that eliminate the worry of being forced to take anything, but now you can worry about not being able to have it during a shortage! :-)
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/26/2009 3:07:27 AM
No one is going to force me, against my GOD given will and right to have to take any vaccination. This would make our US Constitution void/Null. They cannot force anyone against their will to take any vaccination or anything else for that matter. If these people think they are going to get away with something like this, then they are mistaken. This all sounds nutz, armed invasions into private citizens homes to force vaccinations against their will, and concentration camps to put them into. That is just nutz If this is even attempted, then their will be a war. It is our choice, if not then this is no longer America. If they come to my house looking for trouble, then they have come to the right place, I will defend my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS PERIOD I am a law abiding citizen and a American. Let them try this crap on me. I know there are millions of other who will do the same. On a softer note, we had better change this before it happens.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/26/2009 5:50:53 AM
If you haven't already, sign up for the newsletter at Dr Mercola's site, www.mercola.com He will let you know the latest on this WHO Flu. Also visit Jane Burgermeister's blog at birdflu666.wordpress.com Remember that the swine flu is a weaponized flu, two parts swine, two parts avian, and one part human. Remember too that Baxter already had this combo virus patented one year before it "appeared" in Mexico. Dr Russell Blaylock, neurologist and brain surgeon, gives details on how to combat the vaccine's horrific effects. Google: blaylock h1n1
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/26/2009 10:18:23 PM
At this time, no one will be coercing Americans to take anything that is against there will & surely any educated person understands that..HOWEVER, if government ran healthcare is passed, then yes, there are clauses that allow the government to enforce vaccines and/or meds; and refusal of this will result in the possible absence of treatment...example, under government healthcare, if one refuses a "required" vaccine, (A. if the unvaccinated individual becomes ill with the vaccine preventable disease, they may not have the choice to be treated & (B. there could be possible legal issues for not following the government guidelines.. I truly hope that our legislature does its duty and reads this bill word for word..oh but wait, a bill that lengthy would take several months to read in detail and our president wants them to skip the details and just vote in a few weeks...hmmm, thats how i want my country ran
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/26/2009 10:32:23 PM
looks like this MANDATORY vaccination for the swine flu passed in the senate (bill 2028?)in Massachusetts and is going on to the house which of course if passed.....you will have to pay a $1000 fine for every day you delay or be quarantined (probably in a FEMA camp enviroment)....WE MUST STAND UP TO OUR GOVERNMENT AND WRITE TO OUR LEGISLATORS!!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/27/2009 6:00:51 PM
Take a step back. Take a deep breath. There is no "pharmaceutical conspiracy". Listen to all of you! What documented evidence is there to substantiate your claims of this supposed forced H1N1 vaccination campaign? Someone, please produce some tangible evidence, quote, reference, something! Has anybody thought for just one second that MAYBE, just MAYBE the CDC is trying to protect the population? Come on, do you really think all of the doctors, scientists, etc all have ulterior motives and are being controlled by the evil US government to harm its citizens and wreak havoc? Leap back into reality and get a grip.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/27/2009 8:03:54 PM
If this is going to happen... which I really doubt. I just cannot imaging the government pulling off "forced" vaccinations, although under the current administration and the way so many seem brainwashed... ANYTHING is possible. The only option is Home Schooling. I guess this is what I'll do. However from what I've heard, 1st responders are refusing the N1H1 Vaccination by the thousands so like I said... I don't think it'll happen. But stay ready... If you have to take the kids out of school. Anything is better that the posible alternative.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/28/2009 12:14:55 AM
This article explains how they come out with flu's associated deaths/illness numbers... It is not what you think.... http://smartmedinfo.com/Will%20you%20get%20the%20jab%20this%20year.pdf
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/28/2009 3:06:09 PM
Just say NO!!!!!!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/31/2009 12:45:49 AM
99% of the American public is sitting in front of the television several hours each day until they just about keel over. They don't read or talk about anything except make-believe. Maybe up to 5% of them will pay any attention to any of us so don't count on most people. Thank heavens it only takes a few to start a movement. Down with Big Pharma. Put them out of business. Teach your friends and neighbors how to be healthy, as a start. Then their brains will work better.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/31/2009 3:47:08 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSOJoo40TGs http://www.theflucase.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=410%3A1000-per-day-fine-30-days-in-prison-if-refusing-the-swine-flu-vaccine-in-massachusetts&catid=41%3Ahighlighted-news&Itemid=105&lang=en Mass. will be fining and jailing
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/31/2009 7:04:28 PM
Everyone needs to contact their congressional representitive at once! Demand protection from forced vaccination. Also we need to get a legal defense started. Even an injunction from a low level judge would be helpful. The laws need to be challenged at once!
Commenter Name
Laura James
Posted: 9/1/2009 2:37:30 PM
Viruses can infiltrate your body, but its all in the recovery. It's not the virus making you feel sick it's your body fighting the virus that makes you feel sick. Support your bodies natural ability to defend itself. Viruses are tiny microscopic protein coated organisms that are dormant until they bump against your cell and activate by injecting their DNA into your cell. They talk their way into your cell by using their protein stems as a key to unlock your protein stems on the surface of your human cell. If they successfully unlock your cell, they insert their DNA. If not, they float around only to be destroyed by other cells. Once your body develops a natural immunity toward that virus, your body, through cell to cell communication, sends a blue print to your entire immune system, to attack and destroy that virus before it can do anything to you. This is all achieved without vaccines. Look at wild animals... Do you see wild animals dying because they were not vaccinated? - Wild animals are only susceptible to disease if they are starving because their habitat has been affected. People are mammals. So, the same logic should apply for our own immune systems as they do for wild animals. Strong when healthy and weak when not healthy. I've noticed that people who are chronically ill have poor eating habits, are on a number of prescription medications, are usually elderly, very poor, or small infants who suffer from failure to thrive syndrome. In contrast, I've noticed those who rarely get sick have an awareness of how and what they eat and exercise on a regular basis. These people eat healthy, take regular walks, and get plenty of rest. It's common sense, folks. Take action with your state legislature and don't be complacent because of fear. Burying your head in the sand to think it will all just go away is irresponsible. Freedom is earned, not to be taken for granted.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/1/2009 4:23:57 PM
President Obama said today that the swine flu vaccine would be voluntary. Nobody is saying it will be mandatory. I don't know where you people get the crazy ideas of forced vaccinations and FEMA camps. This is just plain absurd.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/1/2009 4:26:10 PM
President Obama said today that the swine flu vaccine would be voluntary. Nobody is saying it will be mandatory. I don't know where you people get the crazy ideas of forced vaccinations and FEMA camps. This is just plain absurd.
Commenter Name
Mike Sullivan
Posted: 9/2/2009 2:34:36 AM
Get common sense guidelines for helping to keep your children safe at school from the swine flu H1N1 virus at http://www.swinefluatschool.com This is not a cause to panic, but you should know how to protect yourself and your children.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/2/2009 7:20:06 AM
Many of us are expressing the same fear of this government taking control of our lives and freedom. It's not just the Democrats, but Republicans and Independents too. We can't get them to pass term limits, but don't forget the constitution gives us term limits. In 2010 and every election afterwards, VOTE OUT THE ONE IN OFFICE so it's more difficult to consolidate power and control over us.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/2/2009 1:31:03 PM
I will pull my children from their schools and home school them before anyone requires me to vaccinate them agaisnt H1N1. Where's the petition? I print and have everyone I know sign.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/2/2009 4:29:45 PM
I will also refuse to take this horrible vaccine. I will also homeschool my three kids if I have to. I am afraid to send them to school because I dont want them to give the shot to my kids without my permission. This is not america anymore. If they are trying to kill us then we should get out of this country as fast as we can.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/3/2009 8:51:42 AM
Kent, aren't you aware that the States are "taking the lead" in this, the Massachusetts' Senate just passed S18, which does the following: The bill specifically gives the Governor Martial Law Powers and makes is mandatory and if you refuse, $1000.00 a day fine and 6 months in jail; on top of this this bill gives the State the power to seize your property and destroy it without compensation. Oh, and the Bill states that any Health Official that believes you may have a communicable disease can quarantine you and force vaccinations on you. The FEMA Camps aren't mentioned in this bill specifically but where will they put everyone if say a million people refuse? Please wake up this this very clear "crossing of the line" by our Gov't.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/3/2009 8:52:20 AM
Kent, aren't you aware that the States are "taking the lead" in this, the Massachusetts' Senate just passed S18, which does the following: The bill specifically gives the Governor Martial Law Powers and makes is mandatory and if you refuse, $1000.00 a day fine and 6 months in jail; on top of this this bill gives the State the power to seize your property and destroy it without compensation. Oh, and the Bill states that any Health Official that believes you may have a communicable disease can quarantine you and force vaccinations on you. The FEMA Camps aren't mentioned in this bill specifically but where will they put everyone if say a million people refuse? Please wake up this this very clear "crossing of the line" by our Gov't.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/3/2009 8:58:22 AM
Where is obama in all this? I hope he has the acts in a reasonable way and REALLY protect us
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/3/2009 9:21:10 AM
I do not agree to a mandatory vaccine for any reason. Pharmaceutical companies stand to make or lose a lot of money on vaccines.
Commenter Name
devils advocate
Posted: 9/3/2009 5:52:33 PM
Well this whole health care debate goes on and on and people say " We have a RIGHT to health care in this country." I say no we dont. Want to know why? Well I believe that HEALTH is our Right. So the drug companies develop diseases that reduce the population of certain nationalities and create myriads of others (including cancer)to keep HINE" running at a huge profit to them and all the other elitists. but who pays.. of course we do , in health , money(or lack thereof) upon a time, before Rockefeller got involved with some nefarious individuals who helped him to realize that if he could bribe the country's medical schools to change the ciriculum from natural medicine to drugs and surgery, ..$$$ it all goes downhill from there. Read Healing Codes of the Biological Apocalypse by Dr. Len Horowitz. I belive I have a right to maintain my health in the natural method of my choice without a government forcing me to take things that may harm me or my children, and if they do, to not be able to hold them (drug co's) accountable. How convenient. Google Psalm 91 ... there is hope for those that believe there is. God Bless US ALL. they will be held accountable. You cant hide from God.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/4/2009 6:18:20 PM
This is only the beginning people!! I have been fearing this for months and it's opening up slowly and going to be one big explosion. If you read and educate yourself you will be shocked at what's going on in this country for the preparation of the swine/vaccine. Military, to police it's quite frightening, socialism at it's best. If there is a petition let's sign it!
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/4/2009 7:48:41 PM
Because the W.H.O caused a pamdemic, the swine flu vaccine may becaome mandetory in the US. What happens if you have to get the vaccine to get the job? Would you do it? In New York state, they've already made that move for health care workers. So, what ARE we going to do?!!!!!! =/ -12 year old from NY
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/4/2009 7:51:54 PM
Wow. This whole 'swine flu' thing is getting on my nerves. And I'm just 12. xp The goverment is just making everyone scared. The drug companies just want our money. And what happens to us? We most likely get sick from the stuiped vaccine. Seriously, most likely, either way we're gonna get the flu. It just happens like that. Uh-uh. I am sooooooo not getting the vaccine. x)BE SMART AND DON'T GET THE VACCINE!!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/5/2009 8:37:47 AM
Commenter Name
Judy Jackson
Posted: 9/6/2009 5:38:22 PM
The WHO created this virus to give them an excuse to declare martial law to gain control over the people, to control their right to meet, control their right to bear arms, etc. I will be surprised if they do not do something to control or eliminate the web.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/7/2009 12:42:01 PM
This is the way the government will get almost all the citizens of this country to DEMAND that they are given this vaccine. First, the MST (mainstream media) will push their propagandized stories of how we all need this vaccine. They'll tell stories of past "pandemics" where people who didn't get vaccinated got sick and died, creating much fear in the viewers. They'll have on their programs "specialists" who will explain why this is the right thing to do, and tell of how safe this vaccination is. Then they will do whole hour TV programs on pandemics, thereby ratcheting up the fear level even higher, just before the vaccine is available. Then, they will report on how there is a shortage of the available doses of this vaccine, so you better hurry up and get yours before you can't get any. They will use all the latest known psychological mind controlling techniques available to them to get folks to demand and possibly fight over this vaccination. Really, nothing new here. The government, doesn't need to force people to do anything. In concert with the media, they just brainwash most of us into wanting what they're trying to "sell". You should be happy that you are part of a small group of citizens who know the truth. Your neighbors will happily line up for their poisonous dose of this toxic vaccine being content that they are now safe. It seems that it would be safest to keep you family away from those who have been vaccinated as they just might be carriers of whatever strain of whatever is in this vaccination.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/7/2009 12:55:28 PM
This is the way the government will get almost all the citizens of this country to DEMAND that they are given this vaccine. First, the MST (mainstream media) will push their propagandized stories of how we all need this vaccine. They'll tell stories of past "pandemics" where people who didn't get vaccinated got sick and died, creating much fear in the viewers. They'll have on their programs "specialists" who will explain why this is the right thing to do, and tell of how safe this vaccination is. Then they will do whole hour TV programs on pandemics, thereby ratcheting up the fear level even higher, just before the vaccine is available. Then, they will report on how there is a shortage of the available doses of this vaccine, so you better hurry up and get yours before you can't get any. They will use all the latest known psychological mind controlling techniques available to them to get folks to demand and possibly fight over this vaccination. Really, nothing new here. The government, doesn't need to force people to do anything. In concert with the media, they just brainwash most of us into wanting what they're trying to "sell". You should be happy that you are part of a small group of citizens who know the truth. Your neighbors will happily line up for their poisonous dose of this toxic vaccine being content that they are now safe. It seems that it would be safest to keep you family away from those who have been vaccinated as they just might be carriers of whatever strain of whatever is in this vaccination.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/12/2009 3:48:04 PM
My state (new York) is already mandating that anyone working in healthcare submit to flu shots this year, one influenza, and 2 swine. It is outrageous. Because I am a nurse, I risk losing my jog if i do not submit.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/13/2009 12:47:30 PM
healthfreedomusa.org - prisonplanet.com - davidicke.com consider making whats best for your self not let one self be told whats best for you or your kid - take a stand and be willing to know whats more important for your self.you as a person should make your own desision when it comes to life and death no matter what..thank you
Commenter Name
Had Enuff
Posted: 9/13/2009 6:27:57 PM
Then I recommend all parents just simply pull their kids out of the public school system, for however long it takes...
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/16/2009 5:32:19 PM
The most recent info I have come across concerning these vaccines is that the gov plans on using our own military to enforce the manditory vaccine. Along with a 1000$ a day fine for anyone who refuses to take it. I honestly believe that no number of petitions will stop them from this and the only thing we can do is fight back when the time comes.
Commenter Name
Eric Casey
Posted: 9/20/2009 1:13:08 AM
I think it's a good idea to quarantine those that are infected and to make people get vaccinated! It protects the rest of us that are doing whatever we have to to prevent getting sick! I got the yearly flu shot today and as soon as it becomes available, I will get the swine flu vaccine as well!
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/20/2009 11:08:32 AM
God help us all. This is the beginging of the end of our lives, and freedom as we know it. Bottom line: Be prepared. Ask yourself these questions now, because time is running out. when the moment of truth comes, and you are faced with the action to take or not take the shot, WHAT WILL YOU DO? Will you take a stand for what you believe in, or will you bow down like sheep, stand in line, and take their poison?
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/21/2009 2:00:48 AM
Eric, if you believe in and want these shots, fine; but then what do you care about what the rest of us do ? You will be "immune" from the disease. We have reached the point where "Choice" only applies to abortions.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/21/2009 9:25:49 AM
I live in New York State, there is a MANDATORY seasonal and swine flue vacc for most health care workers. Most people I speak to are still unaware and refusinig to believe it. Nursing home personnel are at present exempt, but the NEW YORK STATE LEGISLATURE is going to vote on this. Again , no one I tell this to wants to write or email the politicians.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/21/2009 11:18:11 PM
I read a website that said that Big Pharma is putting live cancer cells using animals as hosts in the vaccines. In a year or 2, dont be surprised if there is a huge increase in the incidence of cancer. For disbelievers, consider this: Cancer is a multi million/BILLION dollar industry; the biggest money making disease of the pharmacuedical cartels. These forced vaccinations may carry a far more sinister objective than anyone can even imagine. THIS is our government working in cahots with Big Pharma. Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside, doesnt it?
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/21/2009 11:35:56 PM
Question: Why do you think the government is making the swine flu vaccine mandatory? Answer: 2 fold... 1. Big Phamra wants as many people as possible to get sick from the vaccine, perhaps develop cancer in the next year or two, and become dependent on the pharmacuedical industry for even MORE drugs! 2. The government wants to cull the herds so they dont have to worry about funding the outrageous health care bill, paying for your medicare when you get older, or giving you your social security check in the future. In the meantime, all the politicians plan to get filthy rich because they know that massive numbers of people will be in need of massive amounts of drugs before they die. All these corrupt government officials will have "insider trading" information because they know in advance that investing in certain pharmacuedical companies (the ones who THEY choose to make the drugs)will make them rich beyond their wildest dreams, all at the expense of human lives. YES it is time to move OUT of the US, we are fast becoming a fascist nation under the guise of protecting our health. There are huge profits in store for Big Pharma and the US government if their plan is exectuted! They must be stopped!
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/23/2009 12:58:47 AM
New Massachussets law to require vaccinations.... Explained on Fox News. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiusxYyw16o
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/23/2009 8:44:35 PM
Wow, i just learned about the possibility of Mass using "martial law" to enforce the mandatory vaccine for the swine flu. I will under no circumstance allow anyone to vaccinate my child. Being a Mass resident is a little frightening right now. I am so strongly rooted in my belief against vaccination, I guess this will be the ultimate test. Will they give us an option to move out of the state before they haul me off to jail?? I would move anywhere if it meant being able to keep my son's body pure. If anyone has any up to date information I would appreciate it.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/29/2009 8:03:55 PM
I have an 8 year old girl that has ADD. It is very frustrating and I couldn't figure out why. I thought it was my fault. She is the oldest out of my three children and has had the most vaccinations. Luckily, with the other two children, I found out about what is put in these vaccinations and the affects they have, before they had to get more vaccinations. They have had some but not all. All my children are now exempt, but for my oldest daughter, it's already too late. Now that I know about the dangers of vaccinations, I want to spread the word and be heard. I don't know what the state of Texas is going to do with the mandated vaccinations, but I know that I am part of a country that is suppose to be free and it was built on constitutional rights and freedom, and I will stand my ground. I will not put my children in harms way, it would not be pleasing to God. I am also in the health care business and hope and pray that I am never required to get any kind of poison injected in me. I would go to jail first and rely on God to take care of me and my children. People in this country need to build their faith in God and start seeking for everything in life, because the way things are going in this country these days; God is the only one that will help you and deliver you when that day comes. Prayers out to all the civilians in this country and please make your voice be heard! God bless!
Commenter Name
outraged RN
Posted: 9/29/2009 9:43:44 PM
NYS has mandated the flu and H1N1 vaccine for health care workers. If we want to keep our jobs we have to give up control of our bodies. The state, our employer and the drug companies have been given immunity in the case of an adverse event. We have no recourse. Vaccines should start arriving next week.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/29/2009 11:03:08 PM
WATCH THIS!!! Sheriff Mack ~ Forced Vaccine Prevention Richard Mack, former Sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, explains how County Sheriffs across the country can Stop forced or mandatory vaccinations. The Sheriffs' power supercedes Federal regulatory programs, as Sheriffs are NOT agents of the Federal government. See all the Sheriff Mack videos on this channel for detailed information. http://www.richardmack.com for more info.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/30/2009 7:05:00 PM
Medical schools are mandating this for all students. In NY State the Governor has required that all medical students and medical professionals take the flu vaccine... The Mass Genocide is staring. What can we do to stop it. This is a frightening time for families like mine with people in the medical profession. HELP HELP. what can we do. They wont allow med students to continue their education without documentation proving that they took the vaccine. HELP WHAT CAN WE DO ?
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/3/2009 12:27:37 PM
This is another 9:11.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/5/2009 11:57:11 AM
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/5/2009 5:25:13 PM
I have read lots of the above comments and the one thing that scares me is that it has taken the government taking this much control to get people aware of their voices. This is one small part of the many things they want to force us to do or be apart of. My son almost died with the flu vaccine years ago and was lucky to make a recovery and live a normal life. What these things do to our bodies is absolutely shocking and you would never know unless it happened to you. It's time we stood up and told them to stay out of our health and medical life and to be responsible for what they want to give us. There should be full testing, disclosure and choice with anything that is government overseen. I don't trust mine or my children's lives to my legislature, president or anyone else. No one should!!! They don't know my home, my choices, my family as individuals, only as $ signs!
Commenter Name
Dont Get
Posted: 10/7/2009 8:40:48 AM
Read the bible people, God will allow this world to get worse but we still have voices to speak against this vaccine. Media sensationalizes everything but careful to what you are reading and hearing.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/7/2009 10:44:15 AM
Im a healthy 32 year old health care worker in New York (where it is mandatory that I am vaccinated by both the season flu shot the H1N1 vaccine by November 30 2009). I have been employed at the same institution for 6 years. I have never been vaccinated for the seasonal flu shot and I have never contracted the flu during this time frame. I'm also 10 weeks pregnant with my first child after a 2 year long struggle with ifertility issues. Financially, I need my job to survive. If I am fired, we would lose our house. It seems cruel that the very industry that I worked so hard to become a part of and have continued to devote myself to since becoming an employee would place me in a position like this; Subject myself and my unborn child to dangerous unknown risk? or lose my job? What have we come to? And if Im vaccinated and have complications, who is responsible? Not the pharmaceutical companies I know, but the government? New York state? my employer? I'm at a complete loss. If anyone has information that can help me please email me [email protected]. As of now I'm just holding out to the last minute and saving money. Thank You
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/7/2009 10:47:40 AM
Im a healthy 32 year old health care worker in New York (where it is mandatory that I am vaccinated by both the season flu shot the H1N1 vaccine by November 30 2009). I have been employed at the same institution for 6 years. I have never been vaccinated for the seasonal flu shot and I have never contracted the flu during this time frame. I'm also 10 weeks pregnant with my first child after a 2 year long struggle with ifertility issues. Financially, I need my job to survive. If I am fired, we would lose our house. It seems cruel that the very industry that I worked so hard to become a part of and have continued to devote myself to since becoming an employee would place me in a position like this; Subject myself and my unborn child to dangerous unknown risk? or lose my job? What have we come to? And if Im vaccinated and have complications, who is responsible? Not the pharmaceutical companies I know, but the government? New York state? my employer? I'm at a complete loss. If anyone has information that can help me please email me [email protected]. As of now I'm just holding out to the last minute and saving money.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/10/2009 8:46:06 PM
Richard, I don't think our children will be immunized without our consent. Our school district was just given 1000 doses of the vaccine and it is being offered from the youngest to the oldest WITH PARENTAL CONSENT. A local school has just closed with 5 confirmed cases....393 sick...sooooo...it makes you think twice,but I am all for natural antibodies and immunity.
Commenter Name
S. Black
Posted: 10/12/2009 11:55:41 AM
This vaccine madness has become ridiculous. I thing we need to try to understand why? Why do they want to vaccinate us so badly? Why are they making it mandatory? I tell you why, because is a whole different agenda behind it, and they're using our "safety" as a way to lure into what is really to come and that, in my opinion is de-population. Just trying to get you ready folks. What's the best way to keep you from reproducing from the generational stand point. Kill off our children. Just give a real good thought.
Commenter Name
S. Black
Posted: 10/12/2009 11:57:00 AM
This vaccine madness has become ridiculous. I thing we need to try to understand why? Why do they want to vaccinate us so badly? Why are they making it mandatory? I tell you why, because is a whole different agenda behind it, and they're using our "safety" as a way to lure into what is really to come and that, in my opinion is de-population. Just trying to get you ready folks. What's the best way to keep you from reproducing from the generational stand point. Kill off our children. Just give a real good thought.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/13/2009 10:03:29 AM
Does anyone know what countries are not making it mandatory?? I'm thinking I might have to leave the US if it gets too bad. If I can't do that than I would will gladly go to jail or a FEMA camp instead of getting the poison. I really don't need it as I don't think I'll be getting H1N1 at all. I know it sounds really cocky but I never get the flu shot and have never had the flu and hardly ever get a cold. I got the nasel spray a couple years ago becuase I was in for something else and my mom made me get it because there was a lot of nasty stuff going around. I felt like I was going to throw up for about an hour afterward because of the taste in my mouth. However if they come knocking on my door to force my family to be vaccinated I will not allow them to shot me with poison. I will use force against whoever tries to give it to me, whether it be my parents or someone else.
Commenter Name
daniel morangello
Posted: 10/15/2009 11:21:51 AM
what's inside these flu shots? answer: egg proteins, 1.including contaminant viruses 2.gelatin, known to cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis are usually assoicated with sensitivity to egg or gelatin.3.polysorbate 80 (Tween80tm)which can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. 4.Formaldehyde a known carcinogen 5.Triton X1000 a strong detergent 6.table sugar 7.Resin, known to cause allergic reactions. 8.Gentamycin--antibiotic.9.Thimersat:mercury is still in multidose vials. In swine flu shot are 1. animal cancer cells 2.aluminum 3. mercury 4.detergent etc. Now would you take that kind of flu shot or your children? I haven't and never will because these shots only increase the chances of getting the flu and do nothing to protect you from the flu and also damage your God given immune system to protect you with its immunoglobins. Less than 1% of people that die is because of pneumonia related problems and not from the flu virus itself--their immune system has been compromised etc. Annually in the U.S. 800 to 1200 die from above reasons including the virus--- not 36,000 people annually which are complications from pneumonia etc.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/15/2009 1:08:32 PM
Ever notice how the "pandemic" never truly gets started UNTIL THEY BEGIN GIVING OUT FLU SHOTS? I've said for years the this serves to perpetuate the virus(es) regardless if it is a "dead" virus. Oh...& if it IS a "dead" virus, how does that still stimulate the immune system to fight it off? POPPYCOCK! It disgusts me that grocery stores, discounts stores & every pharmacy in the nation is out there pimping these vacinations, & then these individuals are roaming around the store spreading their new infection! I strongly believe that anyone that gets a flu shot should be quarantined (mandatory) for 72 hours before they can mingle with the public & coworkes, etc. Also, this would be simple PROOF that the shot causes that G-dang illness. (just found this site and LOVE it! Spreading the word as fast as possible -and not the virus!) =)
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/15/2009 3:26:08 PM
What could be clearer. BOTH the viruses and "vaccines" were made by men in bio-labs. Most rational people would call both bio-weapons. http://healthyprotocols.com/2_pandemic_update.htm
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/16/2009 3:44:38 PM
For those of you that think the vaccine is the answer get it by all means and you will have the magical protection you need. Don't force it on me if you have had your shot then I shouldn't be able to infect you right? Isnt that the idea? Why are you worried, think it might not be exactly what they claim? I think you chose tho get the shot and I should be able to choose if I want to get it or not.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/16/2009 3:46:19 PM
For those of you that think the vaccine is the answer get it by all means and you will have the magical protection you need. Don't force it on me if you have had your shot then I shouldn't be able to infect you right? Isnt that the idea? Why are you worried, think it might not be exactly what they claim? I think you chose tho get the shot and I should be able to choose if I want to get it or not.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/17/2009 7:18:29 PM
i wonder why these comments are so bias and why everyone here seems to dislike vaccines
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/17/2009 10:23:29 PM
Get involved, start filing federal lawsuits, this guy shows you how, even if you are poor (like most of us!), and where to go to get some free forms. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTEQLSzsOPI&feature=PlayList&p=F1698ED795D31D90&index=2 Drink kombucha for good health, dried elderberries made into tea are a good anti viral (bboil berries in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes, then take with a little honey). Avoid refined sugar and refined flour, especially sugar! Avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils (especially soy and canola!). Eat better foods. Excellent sources of information are: Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon, PhD, Search for Health by Tom Valentine and check out westonaprice.org for news you can use. I healed my rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure and dizzy spells, as well as helped my husband end his chronic indigestion by following the advice and recipes in Nourishing Traditions. It really works, at least it worked for us. Great book if you have kids is "How to raise a healthy child in spite of your doctor" by Robert S Mendelsohn, MD.
Commenter Name
Persian Messenger
Posted: 10/26/2009 7:09:45 AM
This is blasphemy. This is MADNESS!
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/30/2009 4:32:19 AM
My question is... If the government really wants to de-populate America/world, why would they need to use forced vaccinations??? I mean, at least in here in America there are enough stupid people who would be willing to take this swine flu vaccine and believe the government/media BS scare tactics... I mean hell, half the nation voted for Obama, there is no shortage up stupid people in this country.
Commenter Name
Brien Welwood
Posted: 11/1/2009 9:13:11 AM
Commenter Name
Posted: 11/1/2009 7:16:15 PM
Why all this choice? That's what got us the mumps back. Remember when the mumps were non existent? That's because people did the right thing and immunized their children. Years ago people did the right thing and protected each other by getting their shots. They weren't looking at whats in it for me? There is so much ignorance about shots. The swine flu shot and the seasonal flu shot are "dead" shots. You also can not get the flu from the shot like some ppl think. If you get the flu, you were probably brewing it before you got the shot, as the shot takes about 2 weeks to work. I have been getting flu shots annually for about 20 years or more to keep my family healthy. We have a chronic illness in the family. As far as quaranantining yourself, I think most ppl won't, that is my fear, as they think they are so important that the world will not spin if they do not go to work, they do not care if they infect others, because after all they have their rights, right? and they need the money, so the he-- with everyone else. These are the same ppl who cough and sneeze (and their children also are not taught to cover) all over everyone else and infect everyone around them. Believe me they will be hearing my mouth when I am around. A simple cough or sneeze right now is killing ppl, why don't ppl just roll up their sleeves and get their shots and do the right thing.Geez!! Swine flu has the ability to be very dangerous for everybody, and it is pretty prevalent already, so just stop crying about your rights and think of all the other ppl in the world. It's not All About You, aAl the Time. I will protect my family and those around me and cooperate. I want us all to live. I will end here before I say something I'll regret.
Commenter Name
Posted: 11/4/2009 3:41:55 PM
Have you ever read the Constitution? Check your facts about vaccines, they are not "dead"...they are weakened...and still viable... The nasal mist vaccine is the most dangerous, after having that you can infect people for 3 wks. "why don't people just roll up their sleeves and get their shot and do the right thing?" Respectfully, you have to look at the ingredients of the vaccine, squalene and thermerosol...(spelling might be wrong)...these adjuvants can cause lifelong debilitating effects...look up Squalene and Gulf War Syndrome... The CDC has already stated that the swine flu has already peaked...meaning if everyone in America took the shot today...they wouldn't have protection for 3 wks making the shots at this time...POINTLESS and USELESS and it efficacy is only 1 in 1200... Meaning that maybe 1 person out of every 1200 will have some protection against the swine flu... Reality with efficacy rates this low...means it does nothing to stop this... Please research the facts before you condemn those that understand the actual facts..
Commenter Name
Posted: 11/9/2009 12:30:21 AM
I would recommend that people take vitmain D3 to build up immunity and bone health. I take about 5000 IU's a day. Also, I recently had a H1N1 outbreak in my classroom. The other teacher that I co-teach with got sick, but I didn't. Canada is also doing studies about Vitamin D and h1N1.
Commenter Name
Posted: 11/10/2009 10:49:56 PM
It is time for more people to be "awakened" and start making informed decisions, based on research, for themselves and their families! Gone are the days of lining up to get a vaccination because we were TOLD to. No way!!!! Just ask yourself, "Who really benefits from mass innoculation?" Do the research! Ask the questions! It will be a sad day to ever see the public not having a choice about their health. We live in a FREE country for a reason.
Commenter Name
Posted: 11/22/2009 5:45:22 AM
You will be infected with the vaccine forever.
Commenter Name
Posted: 12/2/2009 2:56:56 PM
People check the ingredients of these shots. If you want to put mercury in your system go right ahead but for me I refuse.
Commenter Name
Posted: 12/10/2009 10:13:06 PM
people deserve to know the information. does America have a right to information clause in the constitution? Its unfair and not right. theres only 2 reasons in my mind as to why this is happening. One is to get the population down and the other is because the swine flu is a man made disease and they are trying to get everyone vaccinated so they dont catch it. but i am not in america and i have no idea what is happenine over there. Fight for your rights. This is turning into a nazi state with all the concentration camps etc. Dont let them own you!
Commenter Name
Posted: 12/25/2009 12:17:15 AM
Ok, informed consent and freedom of choice, where are both of these going? Forced vaccinations are a possibility in the future to a "super" flu that, even if it were double the strength of the flu would only kill approx. 200 Americans and yet the media is running it like it's killing millions as a scare tactic? Tell me where does informed consent fit in in the face of overwhelming fear on the collective sheeple? Also, google thimerosal, it's a vaccine preservative that's present in these so-called vaccines that are out there to help us? Wake up people! Fight corporate greed in the name of the almighty dollar from CEO psychos!
Commenter Name
Joyce Araya
Posted: 1/2/2010 11:20:29 PM
Government and Corporate America taking one inch at a time our freedom our choice. I will stand up and tell them what I think we the people need to stand up together and do something about what is happing here
Commenter Name
Joyce Araya
Posted: 1/2/2010 11:20:32 PM
Government and Corporate America taking one inch at a time our freedom our choice. I will stand up and tell them what I think we the people need to stand up together and do something about what is happing here
Commenter Name
Bentor Tazenda
Posted: 1/13/2010 6:53:22 PM
The H1N1 flu was nothing at all. It is being overly hiped, probably to scare people. I had (confirmed) "swine flu" at the end of July. It was much less severe then prior "regular" flu. While some vaccines are important, and have their place, there should not be any fast-tracking of vaccines and the forcing of it on those who are least able to understand what is going on. We as a people shouldn't be experimenting on our children. Yes there are vaccines that have been proven to be safe and effective, but those were well tested to the N'th degree first.
Commenter Name
Posted: 1/19/2010 2:56:47 PM
Don't relax people because it ain't over yet. I, and others believe the worst is still to come. The powers that (think) they're in control in the World have not given up, they are just waiting for us to lie down, and go to sleep. They know it will happen, and from the looks of the comment section here, its already happening. Some of the commenter s sounded pretty worried, and some sounded angry.. and you are RIGHT to feel those things! But don't let go of them, because that's when they'll succeed. The day will come soon when the Volunteer Vaccinations will turn into, Forced Vaccinations. Will you let them kill your child or grandchild with these vaccines? Not me!
Commenter Name
replica watches
Posted: 6/4/2010 9:19:42 PM
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/15/2010 8:59:13 PM
now I'm told to either get the flu vaccine at work or wear a mask for 5-6 months-only allowed to demask in the cafeteria. I guess they are concerned that their vaccine might not work against my germs so I am no longer allwed to have my meals in the breakroom.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/15/2010 9:23:39 PM
now I'm told to either get the flu vaccine at work or wear a mask for 5-6 months-only allowed to demask in the cafeteria. I guess they are concerned that their vaccine might not work against my germs so I am no longer allwed to have my meals in the breakroom.
Commenter Name
Posted: 2/15/2012 9:43:53 AM
I don't know how people can still want the flu vaccine after reading the facts. We need to get this information out to more people before more damage is done to unsuspecting people. The next time I'm talking to someone who is considering getting the flu shot I'll be sending them to this page to open their eyes to the deception propagated about this unnecessary 'vaccination'
Commenter Name
Jon Cooper
Posted: 1/5/2013 5:33:49 PM
Looking back on this it's crazy how much of a panic this was; thank goodness this Swine Flu is all but a thing of the past, but what will be the next one? The bird flu had its run, but what's going to come next to get us all "end of the world" again? Wouldn't be surprised if there's another in 2013.
Commenter Name
Jane Woods
Posted: 2/25/2019 12:37:27 AM
The flu is caused by influenza viruses, but many distinct viruses can cause a cold. Seasonal flu activity typically occurs between October and May, although flu viruses are around all year. Since colds and flu are caused by viruses, rather than bacteria, antibiotics are not an effective treatment option. There is no cure for a cold, though over-the-counter medications may ease symptoms. Types of flu: Influenza A, Influenza B, Influenza C & Influenza D. You can also refer to this article which states all the necessary details about flu https://www.everydayhealth.com/flu/guide/
Commenter Name
houston concealed carry classes
Posted: 2/22/2021 8:00:28 PM
luckily that flu didn't go anywhere, but they are really pushing the covid vaccine. it's a whole new ball game!

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