NVIC Vaccine News

ALERT: California Assembly Fast Tracking Forced Vaccination Bill

By NVIC Advocacy Team
Published June 03, 2015 in Government

The California Assembly is fast tracking SB 277, a bill to eliminate all non-medical vaccine exemptions for religious and conscientious beliefs from the mandatory vaccination law governing school attendance. Although there were public hearings in the Health, Education and Judiciary committees in the state Senate, the bill has only been referred to the Health Committee and a hearing could be scheduled as early as the beginning of next week (June 8-12, 2015.)
With no scheduled public hearings in the Education or Appropriations committees, SB 277 will not be reviewed in the Assembly for civil rights violations and financial impact. It looks like the skids are being greased by pharmaceutical, medical trade and government lobbyists pressuring legislators to bring the bill to a fast floor vote and send it to Governor Brown for his signature.
California Parents - This May Be Your Last Chance to Act
If you live in California and are the parent of a child who attends daycare, public or private school, you may only have one more week left to contact your Assembly member and tell the person you elected to represent you what you think about SB 277.
Use these talking points and take action today to protect choice in California.
Download a handout here that lists five good reasons why SB 277 should not become law. Give it to your Assembly member so he or she understands why:
·      SB 277 is not based on scientific evidence or compelling state interest;
·      SB 277 is a violation of parental and human rights;
·      SB 277 requires children to risk vaccine injury, while vaccine manufacturers and doctors administering vaccines are shielded from vaccine injury liability;
·      SB 277 discriminates against children to deny them a school-based education guaranteed by the California Constitution; and
·      SB 277 will be excessively expensive to administer and enforce.
You can track SB277 and immediately contact your Assembly member on your cell phone, tablet or computer by becoming a user of the free NVIC Advocacy Portal.
If the bill is voted out of the Assembly Health Committee and then quickly approved by the full Assembly and signed by the Governor, your only options will be to (1) find a doctor to write an almost impossible-to-get medical vaccine exemptionfor your child or (2) homeschool or enroll your child in an independent study program.
There is No Public Health Emergency in California
Unvaccinated school aged children with religious and conscientious belief exemptions are not causing measles and whooping cough outbreaks in California. Out of 136 measles cases reported in the state in 2015, only 18 percent were in school-aged children while 55% were in adults and 30 percent of all cases with vaccine records had been vaccinated. In 2014, out of 8,200 pediatric pertussis cases with vaccination records reported in California, 90 percent had been vaccinated.
The 2015 California measles outbreak associated with Disneyland only affected 0.00035% of the state’s population and was successfully contained without eliminating non-medical vaccine exemptions.
Special Needs Children Being Discriminated Against
Many parents testified in California Senate public hearings that they have vaccine-injured children or have children with brain and immune system problems that could make them especially susceptible to vaccine harm but are unable to find a doctor willing to write a medical vaccine exemption. Those parents depend upon the personal belief vaccine exemption for their special needs children to be educated in public and private schools under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Free Appropriate Public Education Act (FAPE).
If SB 277 becomes law, parents will be sanctioned for making informed medical decisions for their children. In addition, if the state refuses to provide costly home-based education to those with special needs when their parents are unable to educate them at home, then those children will be discriminated against and deprived of their civil right to an education.
Potential Criminal Prosecution and Prison Time for Non-Complying Parents
The bill’s primary sponsors, pediatrician Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) and Ben Allen (D-Santa Monica) have not publicly explained what will happen if parents refuse to give their school aged child every federally recommended vaccine required by state health officials now or in the future under SB 277. However, if non-complying parents cannot provide their child with a home-based education for financial or other reasons and the children are barred from attending school, truancy laws in California and other states can and do subject parents to costly criminal prosecution and imprisonment.
Californians – participate in our democracy and ACT NOW to protect your vaccine informed consent rights. There is no substitute for one-on-one personal contact with your own Assembly member.

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21 Responses to "ALERT: California Assembly Fast Tracking Forced Vaccination Bill"
Commenter Name
Concerned American
Posted: 6/3/2015 3:11:31 PM
Findlaw defines coercion: coercion n : the use of express or implied threats of violence or reprisal (as discharge from employment) or other intimidating behavior that puts a person in immediate fear of the consequences in order to compel that person to act against his or her will ;also : the defense that one acted under coercion see also defense , duress compare undue influence - See more at: http://dictionary.findlaw.com/definition/coercion.html#sthash.B9pupi3f.dpuf
Commenter Name
Concerned American
Posted: 6/3/2015 3:14:42 PM
I have questions for physicians of all stripes and colors. A) What are the long-range side effects of vaccines, especially when as many as 60+ are required by the time a person graduates highschool? B) What happens to the immune system itself, over time? C) How does this immune impact, if any, interact with the already-existing antibiotic bug resistance problem? D) Are we going into this blindfolded or with testing and studied awareness? Three MERCK whistleblowers do not think we are, at all. They testify in their class action lawsuit, that MERCK severely faked the studies to "Comply" with Federal requirements that vaccines be 95% effective. More of the truly scathing report, here http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/lawrence-solomon/merck-whistleblowers_b_5881914.html
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/3/2015 3:17:23 PM
Sometimes you have to move to protect your kids. Be it bullies in the school yard or bullies in the statehouse, sometimes you have to move in the interest of your offspring. Unfortunately, this isn't an option for all people. Moving another step closer to a pure oligarchy versus the Democratic Republic we once were. Just another reason for me to avoid California.
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/3/2015 5:13:41 PM
This bill is problematic even for those who 'support' vaccines; if only the word would get out...It includes language providing an open ended mandate for 'any future vaccine deemed necessary by the state via CDC'. So who knows what vaccines might suddenly become necessary beyond the 36 by age 6! [and most vaccinated adults in favor of this bill had nowhere near that many, but many have not revisited the topic of vaccines enough to realize this!] Additionally, the bill leaves the burden of enforcement on individual school districts, financially and otherwise. The financial ramifications of this bill have not been addressed within the legislature-another reason it should be going to the education committee. The many parents who 'undervaccinate' often have simply opted out of Hep B [since it's generally for sexually transmitted diseases but is given after birth] or sometimes children pox vaccine or the flu shot. They are not really undervaccinated as in not up to date. In many cases, an adverse reaction caused them to stop or further delay. Medical exemptions are very difficult to receive. The dr. *might* allow a child to opt out of another does of that SAME vaccine, but would still require other vaccines, for example. Most drs. tell parents to use the PBE b/c they are not looked upon favorably for giving medical exemptions and/or are concerned about liability. So many problems with this bill....
Commenter Name
Rabia Barkins
Posted: 6/3/2015 8:14:23 PM
Traditional medicine does not take into account the damage that can be caused to specific children (and adults) if they have a weakened immune system or genetic mutation which does not allow for proper response and detoxification of the vaccine chemicals. These children are at risk for permanent damage to the nervous system and immune system. Parents need to choice to make decisions for high risk children. One problem is the medical system doesn't test for these conditions before injecting them with cocktails of medicines, and many times these contain aluminum and/or thimerosol, which are proven nervous system toxins. There should be pre-test labs for immune function and nervous system genetic and detoxification disorders, if the parents request this. This bill should not be passed the way it is written.
Commenter Name
Jon C. Fox
Posted: 6/3/2015 9:23:24 PM
83% of vaccines are made in China (see http://www.infowars.com/83-of-vaccines-are-made-in-china/ ) What could go wrong with that? Especially since the 1986 Federal law that protects vaccine manufacturers and prescribing doctors from all vaccine liability. Can China's manufacturing be trusted, especially when the product is destined to ship to the USA, and there are no consequences for the manufacturer if someone is harmed or killed by a vaccine? What about the children killed by vaccines in China? (see http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/441026-vaccine-deaths-16-infants-killed-in-china/ ) Can California really demand children be injected with chemical brews manufactured in China in order for them to be allowed to attend public school?
Commenter Name
Emily Smith
Posted: 6/3/2015 11:01:35 PM
My body - the bodies of my underage children - I would like to make the decisions,
Commenter Name
L Miller
Posted: 6/4/2015 1:26:18 AM
I thank the NVIC and sb277.org for reporting on this bad bill and vaccinations in general. I encourage all to consider that America is about 100% equal inherent rights, which includes life, liberty, property, and many others. Socialism, Marxism and communism are incompatible. These 100% equal rights includes bodily intake and exclusion. If our rights did not include bodily intake and exclusion, people in the government, which includes those people in government influenced and bribed by those in industry, can force anything into our body or decide they want to exclude anything from our body. It is our individual right, not theirs.
Commenter Name
Concerned American
Posted: 6/4/2015 2:44:03 PM
A) We have the 4th amendment right to be secure in our *Persons*, houses, papers and effects. B) Stop the Chemical Assault and Chemical Trespassing by mandated vaccines. Stop violating the 4th amendment right to be secure in our persons. The core purpose of the 4th amendment is to protect The People and curb the Abuse of Power, and that frivolous abuse is occurring right now. Stop the coercion under duress by threat of lost jobs, schooling, criminal prosecution (itself a criminal act), de-licensure of doctors who sign exemption forms, and all the rest. C) The above is dictatorship at its finest, not America, the Land of the Free, for which we pay with our tax dollars. This is about the Constitution, not about vaccines. People should be free to choose as they wish, in a country that is truly free. D) Parents can safely nurse their ailing children at home. E) Illness is NOT a crime. Such alleged "crimes" are artificially contrived for the sole benefit of special interests. Politicians, police, all alike will themselves will be guilty of such "Crimes" should they become ill. F) Vaccines may have a time and a place, consult your physician. Surely, the infecting viruses and bacteria, will Not settle solely on those non-vaccinated? Won't they will settle on, and infect, those who are vaccinated as well? Aren't the vaccinated just as likely to spread contagious disease as those non-vaccinated? These are questions to ask physicians. I do not know the answer. G)http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/lawrence-solomon/merck-whistleblowers_b_5881914.html To lie about the autism and death statistics post-vaccine, force people to comply and then come down with brain damage, is criminal chemical assault. Autism is nothing less than brain damage. We far prefer the flu to brain damage. If the statistics of death and autism, and the MMR vaccine "Studies" were severely faked in order to "Comply" with FDA regulations of being 95% effective, and if the FDA looked the other way and said "go ahead"....then why on earth should we trust other vaccines to be safe, and effective? Again, I do not know the answers, please consult your physicians. I am merely asking questions. H) As for stripping people of the right to sue, by rendering the physicians and BigPharma immune from lawsuits, that is an unconstitutional gag order. Our lawmakers are breaking the law. I) Brainwashes, propaganda, coached hysteria, and false beliefs: There are physician-supervised options above and beyond vaccines alone. People should be free to choose if they want vaccines, or not. J) Coached hysteria, again: Several hundred cases of Swine Flu started the big sales pitch, run, run for your vaccines! Later the death figures tragically climbed into the thousands, but there are 317 million Americans. This was NOT a mass epidemic, but was falsely coached media and BigPharma-funded hysteria coaching for profiteering purposes, backed by our power-driven politicians. Now comes the measles scare, based on how many cases? How few? Out of 317 million Americans? Do the math. How many die of the measles and which cross-sectors? K) Physicians will almost never sign a vaccine medical exemption form, because they too are illegally and unconstitutionally coerced under duress, fearing the loss of their medical licenses and practices. Medical opt-outs, are merely very illusory and non-existent "Rights". All of the above while we pay for it with our tax dollars. This is not acceptable. Vaccines may have their time and place when they can be helpful, please consult your phsyician. It is up to parents and individuals, not the government, to decide cookie-cutter whether or not people must be vaccinated, all swept-under-the-rug "Side effects" including brain damage and death aside. This coerced Chemical Assault is treason, an attack on the Government Of the People, By the People and For the People. The founding fathers never legislated a government of/by/for the Corporations. This is unconstitutional on its face. Corporations are Not people! I am not a lawyer. I am a layperson, brainstorming. Please ask an attorney about everything written here. I am not recommending for or against vaccines, please consult your phsyician. I am saying that Americans must be free to choose, by all Constitutional law. Bill of Rights https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Bill_of_Rights
Commenter Name
T. Sand
Posted: 6/7/2015 8:16:43 AM
Pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine groups can agree that organic, no hormones, pesticides, or other toxins in our food source is better for our bodies as-well-as making our food taste better. Our vaccines should meet the same stringent standards as our food. Our vaccines should be manufactured by a company that has never had a recall or lawsuit. As both sides take a stand and dig their heals in the ground it creates a slippery slope for manufactures to put anything in the ingredients if pro-vaccine groups win this fight. Let's shift the fight to implementing standards and testing for genetic mutations inherent for some people, and organic guidelines for any item forced into the human body.
Commenter Name
Chrystal Coleman
Posted: 6/12/2015 12:23:38 AM
Are we going to file a class action lawsuit to stop this unconstitutional bill? We should start that process now and have our lawyer send a letter to the senate ASAP. I we have a lawyer, I want to sign on to the suit. If we don't have a lawyer can you point me in the direction of one so that I can begin proceedings?
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/18/2015 7:27:32 PM
The ACCV has a meeting every 3 mos to disciples vaccines, injuries, compensation (3 bill and counting) and what they want to do next. This is from Dec 2014, there are more on the HRSA website. You'll want to look at page 64-69 of the ages of children/name of vaccine/ injury caused. It's criminal really.
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/30/2015 3:02:31 PM
This truly saddens me, as a doctor, I believe everyone should have the right to decide what treatment they want, this includes vaccines. I'm neither anti or pro vaccine and I do not practice or believe in the "One Size Fits All," motto. To force anything on someone is WRONG, especially when as Americans are suppose to have the constitutional, moral, religious, personal etc. rights to make choices. But, to FORCE and then deny education to a child...is WRONG and against our constitutional rights! For those who believe in the science, I can assure you science is not 100% accurate all the time and can be inconclusive. To believe all medications, vaccines etc. are good for everyone is absurd! I see numerous patients daily, one child can be fine with a vaccine but the other react...as medical professionals we have NO idea how each individual will react to anything given to them. This is why it is important for parents to make these decisions. For those who think unvaccinated children are threats -you are WRONG! Vaccinated children are receiving the disease and they are the carriers; including spreading the illnesses. This needs to go to the supreme court because it goes against our constitutional rights as Americans! As Thomas Jefferson said "The greatest danger to American freedom is a government who ignores the constitution."
Commenter Name
Socratic Dog
Posted: 6/30/2015 5:46:56 PM
I just got off the phone from the governor's office. He signed the bill this morning (June 30). So my kids will be denied education. But they can get married if they turn out gay, so all is not lost, I guess.
Commenter Name
Rod Johnson
Posted: 7/1/2015 8:14:02 AM
I believe a court injunction is needed before July 2016. The State of CA is now going to be liable for vaccine damage claims. Lawyer up.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/1/2015 1:01:20 PM
Facist government easily fools the ignorant again. If you dont want to follow The Constitution this country was setup under, there are socialist and communist countries that will be glad to do all your thinking for you. In this country, we still have rights and NO ONE has the authority to mandate anything for someone else. This is a tragic moment in the history for California and The Nation. The day we handed over human freedom to an agency.. You wait till they come for your condition one day under the guise of "the greater good". They'll take your right to choose the direction of your health. We all want to see our preferred doctor and have the right to choose our treatment. we generally try to find the best doctor we can, so its quite unbelievable that these same people would fall for a govt mandated "one size fits all" approach to handling our childerens health. We believe in personal choice in healthcare and yet these same people ignorantly fall prey to Pharma "paid for science" and insist on everyone being vaccinated without a second thought. What if the govt mandates one healthplan and you dont get to choose hospitals or doctors anymore - you'll be mandated to accept the one they give you and the treatment he advises. All for the good of everybody. There is a much deeper and darker issue we are not facing and that is the govt take over of Humanity
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/2/2015 3:18:26 PM
Our newborn babies are all sitting on a railroad track, with a train fast approaching. Don't get up babies, it's o.k., your government will protect you. We have a vaccine to protect you from train deaths. Yes, mother, leave your baby, we have their best interests at heart.
Commenter Name
Biggie "D"
Posted: 8/16/2015 10:53:27 AM
The Fresno county,California County Health chief medical officer mandated that all health care workers were mandated to take the flu vaccine in 2014, and will of course be again for the 2015 flu season, all those who did not comply with the mandate were forced to wear a mask, and subsequently subjected to harassment by management, co-workers as well as pharmacists at various care providing facilities in Fresno County. By virtue of wearing your mask we became identified as "Non-compliants) the mask became our very own "Scarlet Letter", we were subject to discrimination and undue harassment. This madness clearly must be stopped by virtue of a class action lawsuit targeting Dr. Larry Bird, the County of Fresno Heath Department, and the State of California. Please will someone post something on how to initiate a class action lawsuit on this site? Our very lives are at stake regarding this matter. Thank you
Commenter Name
Jeff Prager
Posted: 11/13/2015 4:02:40 PM
33 Peer Reviewed Reports (there are hundreds more) on vaccines and thimerosal. https://www.facebook.com/prager1/posts/10153039623097282
Commenter Name
Jeff Prager
Posted: 11/13/2015 4:05:07 PM
100+ Peer Reviewed Reports and studies directly linking vaccines to Autoimmune and Inflammatory Syndrome Induced By Vaccine Adjuvants. https://app.box.com/s/vxhpbz22aq69cq8mz6qoed5lm5jjlhvq
Commenter Name
Posted: 11/29/2015 12:23:29 PM
MARKREPORT for my friends and family: Updated: 11-24-15 100s of hours studying this subject for your 5 min read: Vaccination – The most informative report for you and your children. What does China have to do with our children and us? WAY MORE THAN YOU KNOW, most all vaccine shots are made in China wherein the China regulatory board can only check the plant(s) out once every 13 years AND as for our own FDA checking them out for our safety = The FDA is “NOT” allowed inside the plant(s) they can only talk to the plant manager outside of the plant. Mandatory vaccinations would be ordering AMERICAN CITIZENS TO YIELD TO ANOTHER COUNTRY’S CONTROL without even allowing our own FDA to make inspections. In a study of 6 major manufactures they found 56% of the vaccines were contaminated. (Bacterial, mycoplasma, viral contaminants etc...) See the facts: How Vaccines Harm Child Brain Development - Dr Russell Blaylock MD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QBcMYqlaDs No one should ever be required to inject a product into their body from an industry that has repeatedly been convicted of criminal behavior. The maker(s) of these shots, the pharmaceutical industry, routinely engage in criminal activities. In 2012 GlaxoSmithKline got a BILLION DOLLAR criminal fine, in 2009 Pfizer got a BILLION DOLLAR criminal fine just to name two on the many convicted crimes. Time code: 1:27:50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1m3TjokVU4 Dr. Poul Thorsen was hired by the CDC to research infant disabilities, autism, the relationship between autism and exposure to vaccines. We now rely upon his findings that label them safe, wherein he reported that vaccines do not cause autism. However what we are not told is THIS GUY AS SUBSEQUENTLY BEEN CONVICTED ON 13 COUNTS OF FRAUD AND 9 COUNTS OF MONEY LAUNDERING with the CDC. He’s referred to by THE HOUSE OVERSIGHT & GOVERNMENT REFORM COMMITTEE as a “SCUMBAG …ONE OF THE MOST WANTED MAN ON EARTH” NOW did the CDC trash his research “NO” they still uses his finding to say they’re safe. (Translation = the CDC found just the right guy who would lie for them thus allowing the pharmaceutical industry, their best buddy(s), to keep making billions by hitting us with the shot as we rely upon Thorsen’s findings) Time code; 1:24:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1m3TjokVU4 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Reports the CDC hides the problem from the press and us vs solving it. M andatory vaccinations is a violation of the Geneva Convention law. (Geneva law supersede state and Federal law) Highest death rate of all 50 states (MS & WV) = the two states that have mandatory vaccinations WILL CA BE NEXT? See U.S. Department of health & Human Services HHS.gov http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/archive/nurcode.html The Nuremberg Code on Medical Ethics “… voluntary consent…is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.” You can get a No vaccination for me law card here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-wm7sdGutw When the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) completes there report(s) the rest of the world then writes their articles base of those, the CDC scientific findings. Further all Doctors and Medical Collages go by the CDC reports as well. Here is the point, When the CDC lies - FAKES a report then ALL articles are flawed, including what has been taught in Medical Collages and to Doctors, BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board etc... None of them did the testing of the vaccine. The CDC did the testing, thus others are merely writing their reports (articles) base of the CDC approvals or disapprovals. Incases you’re wondering WHY would anyone lie on a report, the answers is, as always, MONEY. Each approved vaccine = billions of dollars going to the pharmaceutical companies, thus there’s big time pay offs going on. January 2005 through June 2006 alone, the pharmaceutical industry spent approximately $182 million on Federal lobbying. (Bribing them) Lets just think for a min here. How much money do you think they pumped into the Media-Hype about the Disneyland Jan. 2015 Measles Outbreak? “Moms blame others that did not vacant their children for our kids getting the measles.” LOL Hello, you know they must really think we’re all idiots, like I get it, so many are idiots but come on, not my family and friends – you guys know where I’m going on this one, right ----. If the vaccines worked, why would the moms be blaming others? Their kids would have never got it in the 1st place “if they worked” daaaaaaaaaa Next just for the fun of it, I looked deeper and bingo WHAD'YA KNOW, several of the moms admitted they had just recently giving their child the measles vaccine shot. Well it says right in the insert-label in three different places you can get measles from the shot. Thus it’s 100% the opposite of what the paid media-hype is reporting. It was the vaccine shot that caused the measles out brake. There is 435 people in congress. There’s 1,274 registered lobbyists in Washington D.C working for the pharmaceutical companies, also known as “the drug lobby”- BIG PHARMA, working day and night making donations (bribes is a more accurate statement) etc… to get congress to make laws that benefit their bank accounts NOT OUR health. AND they spend an average of 60,000 per year influencing Doctors who use their products AND they employ a sells team of 72,000. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQZ2UeOTO3I Is the pharmaceutical Comp(s) to say what’s best for our children or do we? T his is the key to understanding the vaccine business. BIG PHARMA is part of the elite that runs the world. They’ve brainwashed us into believing what benefits them. Brainwashing via the media. There is approximately 15,500 companies that disseminate information/news to us every day. Newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Surveys point out that 90% of us whether we realize it or not are impacted by this constant bombarding of information daily Now here comes the shocker 95% of the 15,500 companies are all owned and run by six people. Six people that meet in the back rooms to discuss how they are going to influence us. Media Brainwashing - News simply repeats the same taglines & phrases OVER and OVER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH8dejYGa5A That very press that used to be our safety net, our protection, has now become our unknown enemy. They distract us from the important items with whatever the Kardashian’s are doing, what Bruce Jenner’s doing etc. as all this is going on their robbing us blind. Taking our freedoms away, taking our money away propagandizing us to say yes to the bad and the say no to the good. When I was a kid there was about 4 or 5 vaccines, now we have: 49 DOSES OF 14 VACCINES BEFORE AGE 6. 69 DOSES OF 16 VACCINES BY AGE 18. All of which will never leave your child’s body - NEVER. As a foot note ONE OF THE VACCINE THEY GAVE ME HAD CANCER IN IT that’s set to go off in 40 to 50 years. THEY vaccinated and entire generation with this “Polio shot” which they deliberately PUT CANCER IN, that’s one of the reason way the cancer rate is up over 3,000 percent (see it for yourself in the clip). It estimated this POLIO SHOT HAS KILL OVER 100 MILLION PEOPLE. (The average person spends between 400,000 to 1.8mil trying to stop their cancer.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSc8mJtem0k Further there’s over 100 new vacations in line waiting to be approved right now. A N D, get this, to save time they pump several into our babies all at one time. A little baby getting hit with it all at once, just because they wouldn’t want to waste anyone’s time never mind the damaging affect that has,,,, so just pump the kid, no big deal! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9IYkiUFJXU time: code 48:40 From the CDC website: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “Why it's Important to Monitor Vaccine Safety”CDC is committed to ensuring that vaccines provided to the public are safe and effective. Once vaccines are licensed in the United States, CDC actively monitors the safety of these vaccines through several systems. If any vaccine is found to cause health problems, the vaccine may be withdrawn and no longer given to the public. Anyone with two brain cells rubbing together can see the CDC clearly lies! Why? Daaaa hellooo, they’ve been bribed, PAID OFF! They take the 20, 70 or 100,000 grand or millions, whatever, AND they NEVER* give their kids a vaccine, NEVER, and off they go to buy their new (? whatever?) car, house, etc… life is good. Apparently William Thompson had a come to Jesus moment and just couldn’t take it anymore thus out came the truth! *Unless you’re part of THE ELITE THAT GETS A DIFFERENT SHOT than the public. LOL you think when Obama goes on TV showing everyone he’s getting the shot it’s the same shot we get. HELLO “Elite…vaccine does not contain disputed additives — contrary to the vaccine or the remainder of the population,” [Population control additives and things like that] August 27, 2014 Press Release, “Statement of William W. Thompson, Ph.D., Regarding the 2004 Article Examining the Possibility of a Relationship between MMR Vaccine and Autism” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE-AUGUST 27, 2014 “My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998. I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.” ------------------------ Whiteout Press broke the story of the MMR-autism link back in July 2013. It was our second most popular article of all time and titled, ‘Courts quietly confirm MMR Vaccine causes Autism’. Briefly, the article exposed two previously unknown facts regarding the MMR vaccine and autism. First, courts around the world have been ruling in favor of, and awarding monetary damages to, the parents of autistic children who sued vaccine manufacturers for causing their children’s autism. The second revelation was that in the most controversial study of the link to date, a research report from Dr. Andrew Wakefield, there was a clear and definitive link between the MMR vaccine and autism. The study showed that autism struck children who received the three-drug MMR drug cocktail much more often than children who received the three vaccines separately and individually. While Wakefield’s overall study was discredited for other reasons, the evidence he discovered was irrefutable. UPDATE: If you looked Dr. Wakefield up and found some reports saying “known for his fraudulent 1998 research paper” (caused by the drug lobby ) KEEP LOOKING because in Feb, 2015 Dr. Wakefield after proving in a court of law that everything in his report was true he was awarded a court victory. In a follow-up report from Natural News continuing their breaking coverage of the scandal, the publication announced, ‘Today I can report that I now have in my possession CDC documents which prove beyond any doubt that the former head of the CDC, Dr. Julie Gerberding, actively participated in willful scientific fraud in order to bury clinical evidence linking the MMR vaccine to a 340% increase in autism among African-American children. Yes, the CDC knew that MMR vaccines caused autism in black babies, and its top scientists actively conspired to cover up that fact for the last twelve years.’ [If you think because your child not black that all is okay, I suggest you first get an intelligent shot, before you do any more thinking. Hellooo] AFTER Thompson’s confession came out, THE “HEAD” OF THE CDC, in their medical address, just a few days later, completely left this major problem of Thompson’s confession OUT of her address. DID THEY PULL THE VACCINE FROM THE MARKET -- NO!!!! With the outrage aftermath of her deliberately avoiding such a problem she resigned ONLY to immediately be hired by Merck Pharmaceutical-the maker of the vaccines. WELL, Well, WHAD'YA KNOW, WHAT A COINCIDENCE THAT WAS. Makes one wonder if she was working for them BEFORE she resigned. By the way will Mr. Thompson and his coauthors spend the rest of their life in JAIL as they should for giving millions of kids’ autism worldwide? NO why? Because the Obama administration just gave them immunity… OMG we are so done. AUTISM HAS GONE FROM 1 IN 25,000 TO 1 IN 25 THE ONLY SAFE VACCINE IS A VACCINE THAT IS NEVER USED” Dr. James R. Shannon, National Institutes of health Dr. Oz, No Shots for My Kids! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGNn_prJXhg DR. Sherri Tenpenny top vaccine researcher says “the pharmaceutical industry wants to push these vaccines on young kids because they become lifelong costumers to the pharmaceutical industry. The vaccines causes all these other problems to crop up, like allergies, earaches, autism, and tonsillitis, something that keeps them coming back for more medical help.” SHARYL ATTKISSON – September 17, 2015 The Lewin Group findings were reported in The New England Journal of Medicine stating there’s no link to autism. What the News Isn’t Saying About Vaccine-Autism Studies Lewin Group lists major vaccine makers among its clients – (this they failed to disclose in their study.) Lewin Group’s parent company, UnitedHealth Group, is a key government partner in Obamacare. Its subsidiary QSSI was given the contract to build the federal government’s HealthCare.gov website. One of its top executives and his family are top Obama donors. F lu shots = come on now, really LOL when I was 14 I learned the golden rule “THERE AIN’T NO FREE LUNCH” Get your FREE flu shot here, Uber will come to your door with their FREE shot day, get 10% off your groceries, McDonald’s in Amarillo, Texas gives free hepatitis A shots with Happy Meals. How much clearer can it be? Okay if you can’t figure it out here it is plain and simple. They use the shots for three things.♦ reduce the population ♦ to screw your immune system up thus making us more susceptible to future diseases so as to be a life-long customer of Big Pharma ♦ make billions on the shots. In a lawsuit with Merck Pharmaceutical they admitted the mercury levers in their BABIES vaccine shot was 80xs higher than the EPA for an adult. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QBcMYqlaDs WHAT DOES THE CDC SAY ABOUT MERCURY? http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/thimerosal/thimerosal_faqs_mercury.html “What happens if your exposure exceeds the recommended levels? The nervous system is very sensitive to all forms of mercury. Methylmercury and metal vapors are often more harmful than other forms, because more mercury in these forms reaches the brain. Exposure to high levels of metallic, inorganic, or organic mercury can permanently damage the brain, kidneys, and developing fetus. Effects on brain functioning may include irritability, shyness, tremors, changes in vision or hearing, attention, language, and memory problems.” “Very young children are more sensitive to mercury than adults. Mercury in the mother's body passes to the fetus and can pass to a nursing infant through breast milk… include brain damage, mental retardation, lack of coordination, blindness, seizures, and an inability to speak. Children poisoned by mercury may develop nervous and digestive problems and kidney damage.” Now for the two documentaries [If the links don’t work put the name in You Tubes search bar. The lobbyists keep pulling the clip down] Vaccines’ -The truth behind vaccinations- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQsVTlMsQrI And Vaccination – The most informative report I’ve seen on this subject yet -- Lethal Injection- The Story of Vaccination Documentary -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d4B2CmF_2w L earn what’s in vaccines including but not limited to: • Aborted fetuses – YES YOU READ IT RIGHT • Cancer – yes you read that right, as well, THEY PUT CANCER IN THE SHOTS • Mercury = this amongst other problems will sterilize you = in the late 80s man’s sperm count was 140+ today it’s 40- clearly a population control tool. • Chicken embryos • Dead frog juice • Formaldehyde • Aluminum • Detergent • Squalene • Sterilization Merck Vaccine Chief Brings HIV AID and CANCER to America = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSc8mJtem0k • By U.S. law we are NOT humans we are an animal and they can put whatever they want in the shot without having to tell us what’s in them AND they are exempt from being sued. Note GMOs are exempt from being sued as well. Any time a company has so much power that they can get the government to exempt them from being sued you know something is very wrong with the product. • Population reduction - After untold hundreds of hours learning the facts on what’s really going on, there is -0- doubt “zero” that the powers to be are on a mission to quickly reduce the worlds populating. There’s about 7 Billion on earth now the powers to be want to reverse that growth and take the world’s population down to 500 million. You’ll see all the facts in my soon to be released Population reduction report. • SEE BILL GATES state how VACCINE SHOTS will “LOWER” the population by 15% in this clip, time code:2:05 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WQtRI7A064 Bill’s now donating 2 billion to vaccinate (shots that have three times the mercury in them) every little child in Africa – not in Australia or South America or the U.K., NO. As this is happening the media keeps our eyes on things like Donald Sterling and how prejudice he is! But not Bill, they just show these heartwarming photos of Bill hugging little black children as he performs a show kill to wipe them all out, I’M NOT JOKING! Far surpassing Hitler. Matthew 18:1-14 “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea” • Can they make a law ordering you to get a vaccines shot? Yes and they’ve done it before. • Dr. Leonard Horowitz (DMD, MA, MPH, DNM, and DMM) is an internationally known authority in public health, emerging diseases, and natural healing. 1999 voted author of the year. 2006 voted World Leading Intellectual. Lived were it was mandatory for children to be vaccinated. This guy with more knowledge than just about anyone on this subject MOVED to CA. just so as NOT to have his kids vaccinated. Dateline, I wonder what he’s going to do now that CA. Gov. Brown just signed into law that every kid must be vaccinated. A violation of the Geneva Convention law. By the way the vote to implement this law was rigged. Not going to spend the time to explain the facts but anyone who was involved knows full well how BIG PHARM rigged it. As of now the law applies to children in school BUT soon they plan to take it to everyone, meaning YOU and ME. If you think you’ll just say no, think again. H ere’s what they’re talking about doing once the law is for all of us to take the shots to those who don’t comply: 1.) Suspend our driver’s license. 2.) Bar us from us from flying. 3.) Bar us from public places, movies, malls, restaurants etc... 3.) Take our kids away from us. Yes if they can’t go to school without being vaccinated and you don’t comply, then they will take your kid(s) from you. This one already exist. They’re not joking around here. Think, CA. just made a law that your kid MUST take the shots! Further there’s over 100 vaccines in line for approval that we may end up having to take. YOUR personal beliefs, YOUR religious beliefs and THE SCIENTIFIC FACTS, WILL NOT STOP THEM. A complete violation of the Geneva Convention law. American Medical Association Opposes Mandatory Vaccines: Medical Ethics (As reported by Mike Adams of Natural News) According to the "Informed Consent" section of the AMA Code of Medical Ethics posted at the American Medical Association website, the AMA is fundamentally and unambiguously opposed to mandatory vaccine programs in America. A mandatory vaccination policy -- forced vaccination of unwilling recipients -- is, by definition, a medical intervention carried out without the consent of the patient or the patient's parents. This directly violates the very clear language in the Informed Consent section of the AMA Code of Medical Ethics. Another documenter worth seeing Shots In The Dark: Silence on Vaccine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnxAsrAK2hw And The shocking truth about what's really in vaccines: Mercury, MSG, Formaldehyde, Aluminum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AgKBVaPKWo ---------------------- Studies Prove Without Doubt That Unvaccinated Children Are Far Healthier Than Their Vaccinated Peers Christina England February 26 2014 A study from the 1990s has come to light, proving that compared to unvaccinated children, vaccinated children were more likely to suffer from asthma, eczema, ear infections, hyperactivity and many other chronic conditions. Furthermore, the study identified that there was a ten-fold increase in the incidence of tonsillitis in the children who were vaccinated, and a total lack tonsillectomy operations among the children who were unvaccinated. In 1992, the Immunization Awareness Society (IAS) conducted a survey to examine the health of New Zealand’s children. Unsurprisingly, the results of their study indicated that unvaccinated children were far healthier than vaccinated children. Questionnaires were given out to IAS members, their friends and their associates asking various health questions. A total of 245 families returned their questionnaires, giving the researchers a total of 495 children surveyed. Of these children, 226 were vaccinated and 269 were unvaccinated. Healthy Children and Ethics The ages of the children ranged between the ages of two weeks – 46 years (obviously some friends were older with older children). Of the children studied, 273 were males and 216 were females. (Six children were unclassified.) Sue Claridge, who reported on the study, wrote: “Respondents were asked to provide the year of birth, gender, vaccinations received, whether or not the child suffered from a range of chronic conditions (asthma, eczema, ear infections/glue ear, recurring tonsillitis, hyperactivity, diabetes or epilepsy) whether or not he or she needed grommets, had had a tonsillectomy, or were shown to develop motor skills (walking, crawling, sitting-up etc.). Parents also provided information on breastfeeding and bottle feeding and when a child was weaned if breastfed.” During the study, another interesting fact emerged. Researchers discovered that 92 percent of the children requiring a tonsillectomy operation had received the measles vaccination, indicating that the vaccination for measles may have made some of the children more susceptible to tonsillitis. The study also revealed that 81 of the families had both vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Many of these families had vaccinated their older children but had grown more reluctant to vaccinate their younger children, due to their growing concerns regarding vaccine safety. Researchers concluded that: “While this was a very limited study, particularly in terms of the numbers of unvaccinated children that were involved and the range of chronic conditions investigated, it provides solid scientific evidence in support of considerable anecdotal evidence that unvaccinated children are healthier that their vaccinated peers.” [1] Although governments from around the world have continually stated that studying vaccinated versus unvaccinated children would be unethical, the New Zealand researchers are not the only group of researchers to study comparisons. Vaccinated Children 5 Times More Likely To Suffer From A Range Of Diseases In September 2011, German researchers carrying out a longitudinal study surveyed a total of 8000 unvaccinated children from the ages of 0 –19. As with the New Zealand study, researchers collected their data by conducting a survey using questionnaires. [2] Results showed that vaccinated children were up to five times more likely to suffer from a variety of diseases and disorders than unvaccinated children. Their results were compared to another German study (KiGGS), which examined a larger sample group consisting of 17,461 participants between the ages of 0 –17. Dr. Andreas Bachmair, a German classical homeopathic practitioner, responsible for collecting the results of the survey from the website vaccineinjury.info stated that: “Asthma, hay fever and neurodermatitis are seen very frequently today. A recent German study with 17461 children between 0-17 years of age (KIGGS) showed that 4.7% of these children suffer from asthma, 10.7% of these children from hay fever and 13.2% from neurodermatitis. These numbers differ in western countries, i.e. the prevalence of asthma among children in the US is 6% whereas it is 14-16% in Australia (Australia’s Health 2004, AIHW). The prevalence of asthma among unvaccinated children in our study is around 2.5%, hay fever, 3%, and neurodermatitis, 7%. According to the KIGGS study more than 40% of children between the ages of 3 and 17 years were sensitized against at least one allergen tested (20 common allergens were tested) and 22.9% had an allergic disease. Although we did not perform a blood test, around 10% stated that their children had an allergy.” [3] (As this study is a longitudinal study, the number of children being studied has since risen to 13,222. To join the study, you can fill in the questionnaire provided by clicking on the link listed as the third reference at the end of this article.) Although there were four cases of autism reported among unvaccinated children, Dr. Bachair reported that: “Of these 4 children one tested very high for metals (mercury, aluminium, arsenic); in another case the mother was tested very high for mercury.” However, this number pales into insignificance when we compare it to the 1 in 88 children currently being reported as autistic by the CDC. [4] Other Conditions Found To Be Almost Non-Existent In Unvaccinated Children Dr. Andreas Bachmair continued his report by stating that their study found the prevalence of sinusitis, warts, skin problems and middle ear infections were also much lower in the unvaccinated children, as were the cases of diabetes and epilepsy. He went on to say that the results demonstrated that the prevalence of many conditions in the unvaccinated children were also significantly lower. These were: “Other disorders and diseases” As we included open questions in our survey we evaluated the prevalence (of the first 10,070 participants) of some other disorders and illnesses. Unvaccinated children show very low prevalences of the following disorders: • Dyslexia: 0.21% • Speech delay/articulation problems: 0.38% • Sensory Processing disorder: 0.28% • Anxiety: 0.25% • Depression: 0.12% • Bedwetting: 0.12% • Celiac disease: 0.12% • Gluten sensitivity: 0.41% • GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease): 0.06%” Dr. Bachair concluded his amazing and intuitive paper by adding a number of statements from parents, which I believe really added weight to her overall findings. Conclusion I find it amazing that despite mainstream media and leading government agencies stressing repeatedly that studies comparing vaccinated children to unvaccinated children cannot take place for ethical reasons, groups around the world are taking it upon themselves to do these studies anyway. While surveys of this kind are often dismissed as being purely epidemiological and passed off as little more than stamp collecting, I believe that studies of this nature should not be dismissed out of hand. After all, many stamp collections contain just one stamp that is worth far more than its weight in gold. These studies show without doubt that unvaccinated children are healthier than their vaccinated peers and, for this reason, these studies should be given careful consideration by all parents and professionals studying vaccination safety. References1. http://www.viewbix.com/v/Unvaccinated-Children-Healthier… 2. http://healthimpactnews.com/2011/new-study-vaccinated-children-have-2-to-5-times-more-diseases… 3. http://www.vaccineinjury.info/vaccinations-in-general/health-unvaccinated-children… 4. http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html A labor of love for you, Mark [The absent of study does not equal the absent of harm.] Ps. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Shocking Vaccine Cover Up (Part1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQG5Q4GWw2o (Part 2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ysbUM5jk54 In light of the FDA, AMA., SPCA, IRS, CIA, FBI, YMCA, DA and all other higher intelligent beings here looking at everything we do, I make this disclaimer. The information herein is “my OPINION” and because I’m not a doctor my 20 + years of studying health means nothing and all the people that have been helped by it means nothing as well. This is just for educational purposes. I make no money from anyone or products mentioned herein. (Matt 7:16) Section 107-Fair use-Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research” NOT to be used for profit. For the really big PS below you will find an in-depth read as to more facts about vaccines. Don’t miss “Polio was one of the clearly great vaccination success stories...”or was it? ------------------------ Vaccines Vaccines are bad. Do not listen to your doctor, read the books that have the scientific proof that show JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) studies showing how vaccines are bad ( same journals doctors read...) and many other science journals internationally recognized! Thursday, April 17, 2008 Vaccine Raises Risk of Blood Disorder Several studies have suggested that there could be a link between the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and an increased risk of immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Dateline August 27, 2014 “My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998. I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information… possession CDC documents which prove beyond any doubt that the former head of the CDC, Dr. Julie Gerberding, actively participated in willful scientific fraud in order to bury clinical evidence linking the MMR vaccine to a 340% increase in autism Immune thrombocytopenic purpura, or ITP, is an immune system malfunction in which the body reacts to its own platelets as foreign invaders and destroys them. An analysis of data from the Vaccine Safety Datalink, covering more than a million children who had received at least one MMR vaccination, showed that the proportion of ITP cases attributable to MMR exposure among children less than two years old ranged from 76 percent to 86 percent. Posted by Supplement Pro at 9:54 AM No comments: Tuesday, April 8, 2008 The Autism Disaster: Is it Man Made? The Dangers of Excessive Childhood Vaccinations By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. In 1976, children received 10 vaccines before attending school. Today they will receive over 36 injections. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Center for Disease Control assured parents that it was safe to not only give these vaccines, but that they could be given at one time with complete safety. Is this true? Or are we being lied to on a grand scale? The medical establishment has created a set of terms, which they use constantly to boost their egos and firm up their authority as the unique holders of medical wisdom -- the mantra is “evidence-based medicine”, as if everything outside their anointing touch is bogus and suspect. A careful examination of many of the accepted treatments reveals that most have little or no scientific “evidence-based” data to support it. One often repeated study found that almost 80 percent of medical practice had no scientific backing. I find it interesting that there exist an incredible double standard when it comes to our evidence versus theirs. The proponents of vaccination safety can just say they are safe, without any supporting evidence what-so-ever, and it is to be accepted without question. Yet, let me, or anyone else, suggest that excessive vaccination can increase the risk of not only autism, but also schizophrenia and neurodegenerative diseases, and they will scream like banshees – Where is the evidence? Where is the evidence? When we produce study after study, they always proclaim them to be insufficient evidence or unacceptable studies. More often than not, they just completely ignore the evidence. This is despite the fact that we produce dozens or even hundreds of studies that not only demonstrate the link clinically and scientifically, but also clearly show the mechanism by which the damage is being done -- even on a molecular level. These include cell culture studies, mixed cell cultures, organotypic tissue studies, in vivo animal studies using multiple species and even human studies. To the defenders of vaccine safety -- our evidence is never sufficient and, if we face reality -- never will be. The Autism Disaster: Is it Man Made? In the early 1980s, the incidence of autism was 1 in 10,000 births. By 2005, the incidence had leaped to 1 in 250 births, and today it is 1 in 150 births and still climbing. One of the strongest links to this terrible set of disorders was a drastic change in the vaccine programs of the United States and many other countries, which included a dramatic increase in the number of vaccines being given at a very early age. No other explanation has been forthcoming from the medical elite. In this paper I shall present evidence, some of which has not been adequately discussed, that provides a connection between excessive vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders. Posted by Supplement Pro at 2:22 PM 1 comment: Dispelling Vaccination Myths: An Introduction to the Contradictions between Medical Science and Immunization Policy by Rev. Alan Phillips, Director Citizens for Healthcare Freedom Last Revision: May 2001 INTRODUCTION Is there a legitimate controversy? When my son was set to begin his routine vaccination series at age 2 months, I didn’t know there were any risks associated with immunizations. But the clinic's flyer contained a contradiction: my child’s chances of a serious adverse reaction to the DPT vaccine were one in 1750, while his chances of dying from pertussis were one in several million. When I pointed this out to the physician, he angrily disagreed, and stormed out of the room mumbling, “I guess I should read that [flyer] sometime...” Soon thereafter I learned of a child who had been permanently disabled by a vaccine, so I decided to investigate for myself. My findings have so alarmed me that I feel compelled to share them; hence, this report. Health authorities credit vaccines for disease declines, and assure us of their safety and effectiveness. Yet these assumptions are directly contradicted by government statistics, published medical studies, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports, and the opinions of credible research scientists from around the world. In fact, infectious diseases declined steadily for decades prior to mass immunizations, doctors in the U.S. report thousands of serious vaccine reactions each year including hundreds of deaths and permanent disabilities, fully vaccinated populations have experienced epidemics, and researchers attribute dozens of chronic immunological and neurological diseases that have risen dramatically in recent decades to mass immunization campaigns. Decades of studies published in the world’s leading medical journals have documented vaccine failure and serious adverse vaccine events, including death. Dozens of books written by doctors, researchers, and independent investigators reveal serious flaws in immunization theory and practice. Yet, incredibly, most pediatricians and parents are unaware of these findings. This has begun to change in recent years, however, as a growing number of parents and healthcare providers around the world are becoming aware of the problems and questioning mass mandatory immunization. There is a growing international movement away from mass mandatory immunization. This report introduces some of the information that provides the basis for the movement. My point is not to tell anyone whether or not to vaccinate, but rather, with the utmost urgency, to point out some very good reasons why everyone should examine the facts before deciding whether or not to submit to the procedure. As a new parent, I was shocked to discover the absence of a legal mandate or professional ethic requiring pediatricians to be fully informed of the risks of vaccination, let alone to inform parents that their children risk death or permanent disability upon being vaccinated. I was equally dismayed to see first-hand the prevalence of physicians who are, if with the best of intentions, applying practices based on incomplete—and in some cases, outright mis—information. This report is only a brief introduction; your own further investigation is warranted and strongly recommended. You may discover that this is the only way to get an objective view, as the controversy is a highly emotional one. A word of caution: Many have found pediatricians unwilling or unable to discuss this subject calmly with an open mind. Perhaps this is because they have staked their personal identities and professional reputations on the presumed safety and effectiveness of vaccines, and because they are required by their profession to promote vaccination. But in any event, anecdotal reports suggest that most doctors have great difficulty acknowledging evidence of problems with vaccines. The first pediatrician I attempted to share my findings with yelled angrily at me when I calmly brought up the subject. The misconceptions have very deep roots. VACCINATION MYTH #1: “Vaccines are safe...” ...or are they? The Federal government VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) was established by Congress under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act of 1986. It receives about 11,000 reports of serious adverse reactions to vaccinations annually, which include as many as one to two hundred deaths, and several times that number of permanent disabilities. [1] VAERS officials report that 15% of adverse events are “serious” (emergency room trip, hospitalization, life-threatening episode, permanent disability, death). Independent analysis of VAERS reports has revealed that up to 50% of reported adverse events for the Hepatitis B vaccine are “serious.” [2] While these figures are alarming, they are only the tip of the iceberg. The FDA estimates that as few as 1% of serious adverse reactions to vaccines are reported, [3] , [4] and the CDC admits that only about 10% of such events are reported. [5] In fact, Congress has heard testimony that medical students are told not to report suspected adverse events. [6] The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC, a grassroots organization founded by parents of vaccine-injured and killed children) has conducted its own investigations. [7] It reported: “In New York, only one out of 40 doctor's offices confirmed that they report a death or injury following vaccination.” In other words, 97.5% of vaccine related deaths and disabilities go unreported there. Implications about medical ethics aside (federal law directs doctors to report serious adverse events [8] ), these findings suggest that vaccine deaths and serious injuries actually occurring may be from 10 to 100 times greater than the number reported. With pertussis (often referred to as “whooping cough”), the number of vaccine-related deaths dwarfs the number of disease deaths, which have been about 10 annually for many years according to the CDC, and only 8 in 1993, one of the last peak-incidence years (pertussis runs in 3-4 year cycles; no none knows why, but vaccination rates have no such cycles). When you factor in under-reporting, the vaccine may be 100 times more deadly than the disease. Some argue that this is a necessary cost to prevent the return of a disease that would be more deadly than the vaccine. But when you consider the fact that the vast majority of disease decline this century preceded the widespread use of vaccinations (pertussis mortality declined 79% prior to vaccines), and the fact that rates of disease declines remained virtually unchanged following the introduction of mass immunization, present day vaccine casualties cannot reasonably be explained away as a necessary sacrifice for the benefit of a disease-free society. Unfortunately, the vaccine-related-deaths story doesn’t end here. Studies internationally have shown vaccination to be a cause of SIDS [9] , [10] (SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, is a “catch-all” diagnosis given when the specific cause of death is unknown; estimates range from 5,000 to 10,000 cases each year in the US). One study found the peak incidence of SIDS occurred at the ages of 2 and 4 months in the U.S., precisely when the first two routine immunizations are given, [11] while another found a clear pattern of correlation extending three weeks after immunization. Another study found that 3,000 children die within 4 days of vaccination each year in the U.S. (amazingly, the authors reported no SIDS/vaccine relationship), while yet another researcher’s studies led to the conclusion that at least half of SIDS cases are caused by vaccines. [12] Initial studies suggesting a causal relationship between SIDS and vaccines were quickly followed by vaccine-manufacturer-sponsored studies concluding that there is no relationship between SIDS and vaccines; one such study claimed that there was a slightly lower incidence of SIDS in vaccinees. However, many of these studies were called into question by yet another study that found “confounding” had erroneously skewed the results of these studies in favor of the vaccine. [13] At best, there is conflicting evidence. But shouldn't we err on the side of caution? Shouldn't any credible correlation between vaccines and infant deaths be just cause for meticulous, widespread monitoring of the vaccination status of all SIDS cases? Health authorities have chosen to err on the side of denial rather than caution. In the mid 1970's Japan raised their vaccination age from two months to two years; their incidence of SIDS dropped dramatically; [14] they went from an infant mortality ranking of 17 to first in the world (i.e., Japan had the lowest infant death rate when infants were not being immunized). England’s vaccination rate temporarily dropped to about 30% at about the same time following media reports of vaccine-related brain damage. Infant mortality dropped substantially for about 2 years, then rose again in close correlation to rising immunization rates in the late 1970’s. Despite these experiences, the medical community maintains a posture of denial. Coroners don’t check the vaccination status of SIDS victims, and unsuspecting families continue to pay the price, unaware of the dangers and denied the right to make an informed choice. FDA and CDC admissions about the lack of adverse event reporting suggests that the total number of adverse reactions actually occurring each year may actually fall within a range of 100,000 to a million (with “serious” events being approximately 20% of these). This concern is underscored by a study revealing that 1 in 175 children who completed the full DPT series suffered “severe reactions,” [15] and a Dr.'s report for attorneys stating that one in 300 DPT immunizations resulted in seizures. [16] England actually saw a drop in pertussis deaths when vaccination rates dropped to 30% in the mid 70's. Swedish epidemiologist B. Trollfors’ study of pertussis vaccine efficacy and toxicity around the world found that “pertussis-associated mortality is currently very low in industrialised countries and no difference can be discerned when countries with high, low, and zero immunisation rates were compared.” He also found that England, Wales, and West Germany had more pertussis fatalities in 1970 when the immunization rate was high than during the last half of 1980, when rates had fallen. [17] Vaccinations cost us more than just the lives and health of our children. The U.S. Federal Government's National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) has paid out over $1.2 billion since 1988 to the families of children injured and killed by vaccines, [18] with money that comes from a tax on vaccines that vaccine recipients pay. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies have a captive market; vaccines are legally mandated in all 50 U.S. states (though legally avoidable in most; see Myth #9), yet these same companies are “immune” from accountability for the consequences of their products. Furthermore, they have been allowed to use “gag orders” as a leverage tool in vaccine damage legal settlements to prevent disclosure of information to the public about vaccination dangers. Such arrangements are clearly unethical; they force an uninformed American public to pay for vaccine manufacturer's liabilities, while ensuring that this same public will remain ignorant of the dangers of their products. This arrangement also diminishes any incentive that manufacturers might have to produce safer vaccines (after all, when the vaccine causes a death or injury, they don’t have to pay for it; they still get their profit). It is important to note that insurance companies, who do the best liability studies, refuse to cover vaccine reactions. Profits appear to dictate both the pharmaceutical and insurance companies’ positions. VACCINATION TRUTH #1: “Vaccination causes significant death and disability at an astounding personal and financial cost to uninformed families.” ________________________________________ VACCINATION MYTH #2: “Vaccines are very effective...” ...or are they? The medical literature has a surprising number of studies documenting vaccine failure. Measles, mumps, small pox, pertussis, polio and Hib outbreaks have all occurred in vaccinated populations. [19] , [20] , [21] , [22] , [23] In 1989 the CDC reported: “Among school-aged children, [measles] outbreaks have occurred in schools with vaccination levels of greater than 98 percent. [24] [They] have occurred in all parts of the country, including areas that had not reported measles for years.” [25] The CDC even reported a measles outbreak in a documented 100% vaccinated population. [26] A study examining this phenomenon concluded, “The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons.” [27] A more recent study found that measles vaccination “produces immune suppression which contributes to an increased susceptibility to other infections.” [28] These studies suggest that the goal of complete “immunization” may actually be counter-productive, a notion underscored by instances in which epidemics followed complete immunization of entire countries. Japan experienced yearly increases in small pox following the introduction of compulsory vaccines in 1872. By 1892, there were 29,979 deaths, and all had been vaccinated. [29] In the early 1900’s, the Philippines experienced their worst smallpox epidemic ever after 8 million people received 24.5 million vaccine doses (achieving a vaccination rate of 95%); the death rate quadrupled as a result. [30] Before England’s first compulsory vaccination law in 1853, the largest two-year smallpox death rate was about 2,000; in 1870-71, England and Wales had over 23,000 smallpox deaths. [31] In 1989, the country of Oman experienced a widespread polio outbreak six months after achieving complete vaccination. [32] In the U.S. in 1986, 90% of 1300 pertussis cases in Kansas were “adequately vaccinated.” [33] 72% of pertussis cases in the 1993 Chicago outbreak were fully up to date with their vaccinations. [34] VACCINATION TRUTH #2: “Evidence suggests that vaccination is an unreliable means of preventing disease.” ________________________________________ VACCINATION MYTH #3: “Vaccines are the reason for low disease rates in the U.S. today...” ...or are they? According to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, childhood diseases decreased 90% between 1850 and 1940, paralleling improved sanitation and hygienic practices, well before mandatory vaccination programs. The Medical Sentinel recently reported, “from 1911 to 1935, the four leading causes of childhood deaths from infectious diseases in the U.S. were diphtheria, pertussis, scarlet fever, and measles. However, by 1945 the combined death rates from these causes had declined by 95 percent, before the implementation of mass immunization programs.” [35] Thus, at best, vaccinations can only be examined only for their relationship to the small, remaining portion of disease declines that occurred after their introduction. Yet even this role is questionable, as pre-vaccine rates of disease mortality decline remained virtually the same after vaccines were introduced. Furthermore, European countries that refused immunization for small pox and polio saw the epidemics end along with those countries that mandated it; vaccines were clearly not the sole determining factor. In fact, both small pox and polio immunization campaigns were followed by significant disease incidence increases. After smallpox vaccination was being mandated, smallpox remained a prevalent disease with some substantial increases, while other infectious diseases simultaneously continued their declines in the absence of vaccines. In England and Wales, smallpox disease and vaccination rates eventually declined simultaneously over a period of several decades between the 1870’s and the beginning of World War II. [36] It is thus impossible to say whether or not vaccinations contributed to the continuing declines in disease death rates, or if the declines continued unabated simply due to the same forces which likely brought about the initial declines—improvements in sanitation, hygiene and diet; better housing, transportation and infrastructure; better food preservation techniques and technology; and natural disease cycles. Underscoring this conclusion was a recent World Health Organization report which found that the disease and mortality rates in third world countries have no direct correlation with immunization procedures or medical treatment, but are closely related to the standard of hygiene and diet. [37] Credit given to vaccinations for our current disease incidence has simply been grossly exaggerated, if not outright misplaced. Vaccine advocates point to incidence rather than mortality statistics as evidence of vaccine effectiveness. However, statisticians tell us that mortality statistics are a better measure of disease than incidence figures, for the simple reason that the quality of reporting and record keeping is much higher on fatalities. [38] For instance, a survey in New York City revealed that only 3.2% of pediatricians were actually reporting measles cases to the health department. In 1974, the CDC determined that there were 36 cases of measles in Georgia, while the Georgia State Surveillance System reported 660 cases. [39] In 1982, Maryland state health officials blamed a pertussis epidemic on a television program, “D.P.T.—Vaccine Roulette,” which warned of the dangers of DPT; but when former top virologist for the U.S. Division of Biological Standards, Dr. J. Anthony Morris, analyzed the 41 cases, he confirmed only 5, and all had been vaccinated. [40] Such instances as these demonstrate the fallacy of incidence figures, yet vaccine advocates tend to rely on them indiscriminately. VACCINATION TRUTH #3 “It is unclear what impact, if any, that vaccines had on 19th and 20th century infectious disease declines.” ________________________________________ VACCINATION MYTH #4: “Vaccination is based on sound immunization theory and practice...” ...or is it? The clinical evidence for vaccines is their ability to stimulate antibody production in the recipient. What is not clear, however, is whether or not antibody production constitutes immunity. For example, agamma globulin-anemic children are incapable of producing antibodies, yet they recover from infectious diseases almost as quickly as other children. [41] Furthermore, a study published by the British Medical Council in 1950 during a diphtheria epidemic concluded that there was no relationship between antibody count and disease incidence; researchers found resistant people with extremely low antibody counts and sick people with high counts. [42] Natural immunization is a complex interactive process involving many bodily organs and systems; it cannot be replicated by the artificial stimulation of antibodies. Research also indicates that vaccination commits immune cells to the specific antigens in a vaccine, rendering them incapable of reacting to other infections. Immunological reserves may thus actually be reduced, causing a generally lowered resistance. [43] Another component of immunization theory is “herd immunity,” the notion that when enough people in a community are immunized, all are protected. As Myth #2 showed, there are many documented instances showing just the opposite—fully vaccinated populations have experienced epidemics. With measles, this actually seems to be the direct result of high vaccination rates. [44] In Minnesota, a state epidemiologist concluded that the Hib vaccine increases the risk of illness when a study revealed that vaccinated children were five times more likely to contract meningitis than unvaccinated children. [45] Surprisingly, vaccination has never actually been clinically proven to be effective in preventing disease, for the simple reason that no researcher has directly exposed test subjects to diseases (nor may they ethically do so). The medical community’s gold standard, the double blind, placebo-controlled study, has not been used to compare vaccinated and unvaccinated people, and so the practice remains unscientifically proven. Furthermore, it is important to recognize that not everyone exposed to a disease develops symptoms (indeed, only a tiny percentage of a population need develop symptoms for an epidemic to be declared). Thus, if a vaccinated individual is exposed to a disease and doesn’t get sick, it is impossible to know whether the vaccine worked, because there is no way to know if that person would have developed symptoms if he or she had not been vaccinated. It is also worth noting that outbreaks in recent years have recorded more disease cases in vaccinated children than in unvaccinated children. Yet another surprising aspect of immunization practice is the “one size fits all” aspect. An 8 pound 2 month old baby receives the same dosage as a 40 pound five year old child. Infants with immature, undeveloped immune systems may receive five or more times the dosage, relative to body weight, as older children. Furthermore, the number of “units” within doses has been found in random testing to range from ½ to 3 times what the label indicates; manufacturing quality controls appear to tolerate a rather large margin of error. “Hot Lots”—vaccine lots associated with disproportionately high death and disability rates—have been repeatedly identified by the NVIC, but the FDA consistently refuses to intervene to prevent further unnecessary injury and deaths. In fact, individual vaccine lots have never been recalled due to their greater incidence of adverse reactions. However, the rotavirus vaccine was taken off the market a few months after being introduced when it caused bowel obstructions in many recipients. Incredibly, the FDA and CDC knew about this problem prior to licensing the vaccine, but both organizations still gave their unanimous approval. [46] Finally, vaccines are administered with the assumption that all recipients—regardless of race, culture, diet, genetic makeup, geographic location, or any other characteristic—will respond the same. This was perhaps never more dramatically disproved than in Australia's Northern Territory a few years ago, where stepped-up immunization campaigns in native aborigines resulted in an incredible 50% infant mortality rate. [47] One must wonder about the lives of the survivors, too; if half died, surely the other half did not escape unaffected. Almost as troubling was a recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine reporting that a substantial number of Romanian children were contracting polio from the vaccine. Researchers found a correlation with injections of antibiotics. A single injection within one month of vaccination raised the risk of polio eight times, two to nine injections raised the risk 27-fold, and 10 or more injections raised the risk 182 times. [48] What other factors not accounted for in vaccination theory will surface unexpectedly to reveal unforeseen or previously overlooked consequences? We cannot begin to fully comprehend the scope and degree of the danger until public health officials begin looking and reporting in earnest. In the meantime, entire countries’ populations are unwitting gamblers in a game that many might very well choose not to play if they were given all the rules in advance. VACCINATION TRUTH #4: “Many of the assumptions upon which immunization theory and practice are based are unproven or have been proven false in their application.” ________________________________________ VACCINATION MYTH #5: “Childhood diseases are extremely dangerous...” ...or are they, really? Most childhood infectious diseases have few serious consequences in today's modern world. Even conservative CDC statistics for pertussis during 1992-94 indicate a 99.8% recovery rate. In fact, when hundreds of pertussis cases occurred in Ohio and Chicago in the fall 1993 outbreak, an infectious disease expert from Cincinnati Children's Hospital said, “The disease was very mild, no one died, and no one went to the intensive care unit.” The vast majority of the time, childhood infectious diseases are benign and self-limiting. They usually impart lifelong immunity, whereas vaccine-induced immunity is only temporary. In fact, the temporary nature of vaccine immunity can create a more dangerous situation in a child’s future. For example, the new chicken pox vaccine has an effectiveness estimated at 6 - 10 years. If effective, it will postpone the child's vulnerability until adulthood, when death from the disease, while still rare, is 20 times more likely than in childhood. “Measles parties” used to be common in Britain; if a child got measles, other parents in the neighborhood would rush their kids over to play with the infected child, to deliberately contract the disease and develop immunity. This avoids the risk of infection in adulthood when the disease is more dangerous, and provides the benefits of an immune system strengthened by the natural disease process. About half of measles cases in the late 1980's resurgence were in adolescents and adults, most of whom were vaccinated as children, [49] and the recommended booster shots may provide protection for less than six months. [50] Some healthcare professionals are concerned that the virus from the chicken pox vaccine may “reactivate later in life in the form of herpes zoster (shingles) or other immune system disorders.” [51] Dr. A. Lavin of the Dept. of Pediatrics, St. Luke's Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, strongly opposed licensing the new vaccine, “until we actually know...the risks involved in injecting mutated DNA [the vaccine herpes virus] into the host genome [children].” [52] The truth is, no one knows, but the vaccine is now licensed, recommended by health authorities, and quickly becoming mandated throughout the country. Not only are most infectious diseases rarely dangerous, they can actually play a vital role in the developing a strong, healthy immune system. Persons who have not had measles have a higher incidence of certain skin diseases, degenerative diseases of bone and cartilage, and certain tumors, while absence of mumps has been linked to higher risks of ovarian cancer. Anthroposophical medical doctors recommend only the tetanus and polio vaccines; they believe contracting the other childhood infectious diseases is beneficial in that it matures and strengthens the immune system. VACCINATION TRUTH #5: “Dangers of childhood diseases are greatly exaggerated in order to scare parents into compliance with a questionable but highly profitable procedure.” ________________________________________ VACCINATION MYTH #6: “Polio was one of the clearly great vaccination success stories...” ...or was it? Six New England states reported increases in polio one year after the Salk vaccine was introduced, ranging from more than doubling in Vermont to Massachusetts’ astounding increase of 642%; other states reported increases as well. The incidence in Wisconsin increased by a factor of five. Idaho and Utah actually halted vaccination due to the increased incidence and death rate. In 1959, 77.5% of Massachusetts’ paralytic cases had received 3 doses of IPV (injected polio vaccine). During 1962 U.S. Congressional hearings, Dr. Bernard Greenberg, head of the Dept. of Biostatistics for the University of North Carolina School of Public Health, testified that not only did the cases of polio increase substantially after mandatory vaccinations—a 50% increase from 1957 to 1958, and an 80% increase from 1958 to 1959—but that the statistics were deliberately manipulated by the Public Health Service to give the opposite impression. [53] It is important to understand that the polio vaccine was not universally accepted, at least initially. Despite this, polio declined both in European countries that refused mass vaccination as well as in those that employed it. According to researcher-author Dr. Viera Scheibner, 90% of polio cases were eliminated from statistics by health authorities’ redefinition of the disease when the vaccine was introduced, while in reality the Salk vaccine was continuing to cause paralytic polio in several countries at a time when there were no epidemics being caused by the wild virus. For example, cases of viral and aseptic meningitis, which have symptoms similar to polio, were routinely diagnosed and recorded as polio before the vaccine, but were distinguished and removed from polio statistics after the vaccine. Also, the number of cases needed to declare an epidemic was raised from 20 to 35, and the requirement for inclusion in paralysis statistics was changed from symptoms that lasted for 24 hours to symptoms lasting 60 days (many polio victims’ paralysis was temporary). It is no wonder that polio decreased radically after vaccines—at least on paper. In 1985, the CDC reported that 87% of the cases of polio in the U.S. between 1973 and 1983 were caused by the vaccine, and later declared that all but a few imported cases since were caused by the vaccine—and most of the imported cases occurred in fully vaccinated individuals. Jonas Salk, inventor of the IPV, testified before a Senate subcommittee that nearly all polio outbreaks since 1961 were caused by the oral polio vaccine. At a workshop on polio vaccines sponsored by the Institute of Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Samuel Katz of Duke University cited the estimated 8-10 annual U.S. cases of vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP) in people who have taken the oral polio vaccine, and the [four year] absence of wild polio from the western hemisphere. Jessica Scheer of the National Rehabilitation Hospital Research Center in Washington, D.C., pointed out that most parents are unaware that polio vaccination in this country entails “a small number of human sacrifices each year.” Compounding this contradiction are low adverse event reporting and the NVIC’s experiences with confirming and correcting misdiagnoses of vaccine reactions, which suggest that the actual number of VAPP “sacrifices” may be 10 to 100 times higher than that cited by the CDC. For these reasons, the live polio virus is no longer in widespread use. To be sure, polio as it was known in the first half of the 20th century does not exist today. However, declines following polio peaks in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s had been underway again for a period of years by the time the vaccine was introduced. VACCINATION TRUTH #6: “The polio vaccine temporarily reversed disease declines that were underway before the vaccine was introduced; this fact was deliberately covered up by health authorities. In Europe, polio declined in countries that both embraced and rejected the vaccine.” ________________________________________ VACCINATION MYTH #7: “My child had no reaction to the vaccines, so there is nothing to worry about...” ...or is there? The documented long term adverse effects of vaccines include chronic immunological and neurological disorders such as autism, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorders, dyslexia, allergies, cancer, and other conditions, many of which barely existed before mass vaccination programs. Vaccine ingredients include known toxicants and carcinogens such as thimersol (a mercury derivative), aluminum phosphate, formaldehyde (for which the Poisons Information Centre in Australia claims there is no acceptable safe amount that can be injected into a living human body), and phenoxyethanol (commonly known as antifreeze). Some of these ingredients are gastrointestinal toxicants, liver toxicants, respiratory toxicants, neurotoxicants, cardiovascular and blood toxicants, reproductive toxicants, and developmental toxicants, to name a few of the known dangers. Chemical ranking systems rate many vaccine ingredients among the most hazardous substances, and they are heavily regulated. Even microscopic doses of some of these ingredients are known to be able to cause serious injury. In addition, some vaccine mediums used in the production of vaccines contain human diploid cells originating from human aborted fetal tissue, a fact that might affect many people’s vaccination choices—if they only knew this was the case. Medical historian, researcher and author Harris Coulter, Ph.D. explained that his extensive research revealed childhood immunization to be “causing a low-grade encephalitis in infants on a much wider scale than public health authorities were willing to admit, about 15-20% of all children.” He points out that the sequelae [conditions known to result from a disease] of encephalitis [inflammation of the brain, a documented adverse effect of vaccination]: autism, learning disabilities, minimal and not-so-minimal brain damage, seizures, epilepsy, sleeping and eating disorders, sexual disorders, asthma, crib death, diabetes, obesity, and impulsive violence are precisely the disorders which afflict contemporary society. Many of these conditions were formerly relatively rare, but they have become more common as childhood vaccination programs have expanded. Coulter also points out that pertussis toxoid is used to induce encephalitis in lab animals. The pertussis vaccine’s ability to cause brain damage is thus not only known, but relied upon by clinical researchers studying brain disorders. A German study found correlations between vaccinations and 22 neurological conditions including attention deficit and epilepsy. Another dilemma is that viral elements in vaccines may persist and mutate in the human body for years, with unknown consequences. Millions of children are partaking in an enormous, crude experiment; and no sincere, organized effort is being made by the medical community to track the negative side effects or to determine the long-term consequences. Since long-term studies on the adverse effects of vaccines are virtually non-existent, their widespread use in the absence of informed consent and adequate safety testing constitutes medical experimentation. As the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons and the National Vaccine Information Center have pointed out, this is a violation of the first principle of the Nuremberg Code, “the centerpiece of modern bioethics.” [54] , [55] Bart Classen, MD, PhD, founder of Classen Immunotherapies and developer of vaccine technologies, conducted epidemiological studies around the world and found vaccines to be the cause of 79% of insulin type I diabetes in children under 10. The increase risk ranged from 9% with the diphtheria vaccine to 50% with the Hepatitis B vaccine. According to Classen, CDC data confirms his findings. However, the implications of Classen’s findings go well beyond diabetes, as his comment in a 1999 issue of the British Medical Journal points out: “The incidence of many other chronic immunological diseases, including asthma, allergies, and immune mediated cancers, has risen rapidly and may also be linked to immunisation.” [56] The diabetes findings may be only the tip of the iceberg. Recent studies in the U.S. and England suggest that vaccines cause autism. [57] , [58] , [59] Mercury poisoning and autism have nearly identical symptoms, [60] and a single day’s vaccination regimen may inject 41 times the level of mercury known to cause harm. [61] California’s autism rate has mushroomed 1000% over the past 20 years, with dramatic increases following the introduction of the MMR vaccine in the early 1980’s. England had dramatic autism increases beginning in the 1990’s, following the introduction of the MMR vaccine there. Some infants receive 100 times the EPA’s maximum allowable amount of mercury through vaccines. In January, 2000, the Journal of Adverse Drug Reactions reported that the MMR vaccine was not adequately tested and should not have been licensed. Further reinforcing the suspected vaccine-autism connection is the fact that many physicians using a systematic mercury-detoxification regimen with autistic patients have seen dramatic improvements in the health and behavior of their patients. [62] Today, one out of every 150 children are affected by autism, according to the National Vaccine Information Center. In the early 1940’s, prior to the introduction of most vaccines in current use, it was considered a rare condition that few doctors would ever encounter in their practice. VACCINATION TRUTH #7: “The long term adverse effects of vaccinations have been ignored in spite of compelling correlations with many serious chronic conditions. Doctors can’t explain the dramatic rise in many of these diseases.” ________________________________________ VACCINATION MYTH #8: “Vaccines are the only disease prevention option available...” ...or are they? Most parents feel compelled to take some disease-preventing action for their children. While there is no 100% guarantee anywhere, there are viable alternatives. Historically, homeopathy has proven many times to be more effective than allopathic medicine in the treatment and prevention of disease, with risk of harmful side effects. In a U.S. cholera outbreak in 1849, allopathic medicine saw a 48-60% death rate, while homeopathic hospitals had a documented death rate of only 3%. [63] Roughly similar statistics still hold true for cholera today. [64] Recent epidemiological studies show homeopathic remedies as equaling or surpassing standard vaccinations in preventing disease. There are reports in which populations that were treated homeopathically after exposure had a 100% success rate—none of the treated caught the disease. [65] There are homeopathic kits available for disease prevention. [66] Homeopathic remedies can also be taken only during times of increased risk (outbreaks, traveling, etc.), and have proven highly effective in such instances. And since these remedies have no toxic components, they have virtually no side effects. In addition, homeopathy has been effective in reversing some of the disability caused by vaccine reactions, not to mention many other chronic conditions with which allopathic medicine has had little success. VACCINATION TRUTH #8: “Documented safe and effective alternatives to vaccination have been available for decades. (However, they have been systematically attacked and suppressed by the medical establishment.)” ________________________________________ VACCINATION MYTH #9: “Vaccinations are legally mandated and unavoidable...” ...or are they? Vaccine laws vary from state to state. While every state legally requires vaccines, every state also has one or more legal exemptions from vaccines. School and health officials will seldom volunteer exemption information, and are often mistaken when they do, so it is important to check the laws in your state to find out exactly what the requirements are. Each state offers one or more of the following three kinds of exemptions: 1) Medical Exemption: All 50 states in the U.S. allow for a medical exemption. However, few pediatricians check for indications of increased risk before administering vaccines, so it is advisable for parents to research this matter for themselves if they have reason to believe that their child may be predisposed to vaccine reactions. Epilepsy, severe allergies, and a previous adverse reaction in a child or sibling are but a few of the many conditions in child or family history which may increase the chances of an adverse reaction, and thus may qualify for a medical exemption from one or more required vaccines. In general, though, medical exemptions are difficult to get, may be available only to those who have already had a serious vaccine reaction or who have a family history of serious vaccine reactions, may be granted only for the specific vaccine believed to have caused a previous reaction, and may be valid only as long as the condition giving rise to the exemption persists (i.e., may be temporary). 2) Religious Exemption: 48 states allow for a religious exemption (all but MS and WV). A state’s laws may state that membership in an established religious organization is required. However, this requirement has been held unconstitutional in New York federal courts; personal religious beliefs are sufficient for a religious exemption, regardless of which religious organization you belong to, or whether or not you belong to an organized religion at all. [67] , [68] , [69] , [70] In one case, the plaintiffs were awarded money damages when the court found that the state had violated their civil rights by denying them a religious exemption. 3) Philosophical or Personal Exemption: Approximately 17 states allow parents to refuse vaccination for personal or philosophical reasons. It is worth noting that exempted children may be banned from attending schools during local outbreaks. But all schools, public or private, must comply with state vaccination laws and honor legal exemptions. The best source for a copy of your state's vaccination laws is state health officials. A phone call to the state Department of Epidemiology or Immunization (the specific name varies from state to state) may be all that it takes to get a copy mailed to you. Or, for a small fee, the NVIC and New Atlantean Press will sell you a copy of your state’s immunization laws (see contact information at the end of this article). Statutes can be searched on the internet (for example, see www.findlaw.com), but these sources many not always reflect very recent changes in the law, if there have been any. Law libraries and lawyers are, of course, a good source as well. VACCINATION TRUTH #9: “Legal exemptions from vaccinations are available for many—but not all—U.S. citizens.” ________________________________________ VACCINATION MYTH #10: “Public health officials always place the public’s health above all other concerns...” ...or do they? Vaccination history is riddled with documented instances of deceit portraying vaccines as mighty disease conquerors, when in fact vaccines have had little or no discernable impact on—or have even delayed or reversed—pre-existing disease declines. The United Kingdom's Department of Health admitted that vaccination status determined the diagnosis of subsequent diseases: Those found in vaccinated patients received alternate diagnoses; hospital records and death certificates were falsified. Today, many doctors still refuse to diagnose diseases in vaccinated children, and so the “Myth” about vaccine success persists. Conflicts of interest are the norm in the vaccine industry. Members and Chairs of the FDA and CDC vaccine advisory committees own stock in drug companies that make vaccines; individuals on both advisory committees own patents for vaccines under consideration or affected by the decisions these committees make. The CDC grants conflict-of-interest waivers to every member of their advisory committee a year at a time, allowing full participation in the discussions leading up to a vote by every member whether or not they have a financial stake in the decision. [71] Concerns over vaccine adverse effects and conflicts of interest led the American Society of Physicians and Surgeons to issue a Resolution to Congress calling for a “moratorium on vaccine mandates and for physicians to insist upon truly informed consent for the use of vaccines.” Approved by unanimous vote at the AAPS October 2000 annual meeting, the resolution made references to the “increasing numbers of mandatory childhood vaccines, to which children are…subjected without …information about potential adverse side effects”; the fact that “safety testing of many vaccines is limited and the data are unavailable for independent scrutiny, so that mass vaccination is equivalent to human experimentation and subject to the Nuremberg Code, which requires voluntary informed consent”; and the fact that “the process of approving and ‘recommending’ vaccines is tainted with conflicts of interest.” [72] In an October 1999 statement to Congress, Bart Classen, M.D., M.B.A., founder and CEO of Classen Immunotherapies and developer of vaccine technologies, stated, “It is clear…that the government's immunization policies… are driven by politics and not by science. I can give numerous examples where employees of the US Public Health Service …appear to be furthering their careers by acting as propaganda officers to support political agendas. In one case…employees of a foreign government, who were funded and working closely with the US Public Health Service, submitted false data to a major medical journal. The true data indicated the vaccine was dangerous however the false data that was submitted indicated there was no risk. An employee of the NIH who manages large vaccine grants jointly published a misleading letter about the subject with one of these foreign civil servants. As you are aware it is illegal to falsify data from research funded by the US government.” Dr. Classen recommended that Congress hire a special prosecutor “to determine if public health officials are following the laws enacted to ensure vaccines are safe” and to determine “if public health officials along with manufacturers are misleading the public about the safety of these products.” [73] In France, 15,000 French citizens have sued their government over adverse Hepatitis B vaccine reactions. [74] Former public health officials there are serving prison sentences following findings that they did not follow the law to ensure the safety of the vaccine, and school-age Hep B vaccination has been discontinued. U.S. military personnel may be even worse off: “…four letters from the FDA/Public Health Service…clearly reveal that the anthrax vaccine was approved for marketing without the manufacturer performing a single controlled clinical trial.” [75] Clinical trials are, of course, absolutely critical to determining the safety and effectiveness of any pharmaceutical product. Military personnel have been, and continue to be, unwitting subjects in an unethical experiment. VACCINATION TRUTH #10: “Many of the public health officials who determine vaccine policy profit substantially from their policy decisions.” ________________________________________ SOME CLOSING REMARKS In the December 1994 Medical Post, Canadian author of the best-seller Medical Mafia, Guylaine Lanctot, M.D., stated, “The medical authorities keep lying. Vaccination has been a disaster on the immune system. It actually causes a lot of illnesses. We are actually changing our genetic code through vaccination...100 years from now we will know that the biggest crime against humanity was vaccines.” After critically analyzing literally ten’s of thousands of pages of the vaccine medical literature, Dr. Viera Scheibner concluded that “there is no evidence whatsoever of the ability of vaccines to prevent any diseases. To the contrary, there is a great wealth of evidence that they cause serious side effects.” [76] Dr. Classen has stated, “My data proves that the studies used to support immunization are so flawed that it is impossible to say if immunization provides a net benefit to anyone or to society in general. This question can only be determined by proper studies which have never been performed. The flaw of previous studies is that there was no long-term follow up and chronic toxicity was not looked at. The American Society of Microbiology has promoted my research...and thus acknowledges the need for proper studies.” [77] To some these may seem like radical positions, but they are not unfounded. The continued denial and suppression of the evidence against vaccines only perpetuates the “Myths” of their “success” and, more importantly, their negative consequences on our children and society. Aggressive and comprehensive scientific investigation into adverse vaccine events is clearly warranted, yet immunization programs continue to expand in the absence of such research. Manufacturer profits are enormous, while accountability for the negative effects is conspicuously absent. This is especially sad given the readily available safe and effective alternatives. The positions asserted above are not coming from a handful of fringe lunatics; entire professional organizations are speaking out. Criticisms of vaccines are being sounded by an increasing number of credible and reputable scientists, researchers, investigators, and self-educated parents from around the world. Instead, it is public health officials and die-hard vaccine advocates (many of whom have a financial stake in the outcome of the debate) who are beginning to lose credibility by refusing to acknowledge the growing body of evidence and to address the very real, serious, documented problems. Meanwhile, the race is on. There are over 200 new vaccines being developed [78] for everything from birth control to cocaine addition. Some 100 of these are already in clinical trials. Researchers are working on vaccine delivery through nasal sprays, mosquitoes (yes, mosquitoes), and the fruits of “transgenic” plants in which vaccine viruses are grown. With every adult and child on the planet a potential recipient of vaccines administered periodically throughout their lives, and every healthcare system and government a potential buyer, it is little wonder that countless millions of dollars are spent nurturing the growing multi-billion dollar vaccine industry. Without public outcry, we will see more and more new vaccines required of us all. And while profits are readily calculable, the real human costs are ignored or suppressed. Whatever your personal vaccination decision, make it an informed one; you have that right and responsibility. It is a difficult issue, but there is more than enough at stake to justify whatever time and energy it takes. FOR MORE INFORMATION: 1. National Vaccine Information Center, 512 Maple Avenue West #206, Vienna, VA 22180. 703-938-DPT3; 800-909-SHOT (7468). Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.909shot.com Vaccine Information & Awareness (VIA), Karin Schumacher, J.D., Director. 792 Pineview Drive San Jose, CA 95117. 408-397-4192 (voice mail/pag-er) 408-554-9053 (phone/fax). Email: [email protected]. For information on all sides of the issue, go to VIA’s Website: http://www.access1.net/via 3. Vaccine Policy Institute, 251 Ridgeway Dr., Dayton, OH 45459, Krystine Severyn, R.Ph., Ph.D., ph/fax: 513-435-4750. Quarterly Newsletter. Information from a highly credentialed, highly informed expert on vaccines. 4. New Atlantean Press P.O. Box 9638 Santa Fe, NM 87504 505-983-1856. Books, tapes, videos, write for catalog. 5. Diane Rozario, Immunization Resource Guide, 4th Edition, Patter Publications, P.O. Box 204, Burlington, IA 5260. 319-752-0039, 888-513-7770, fx 208-361-8889. Email: patterpublications@ yahoo.com. Websites: http://patterpubli-cations.safeshopper.com, http://www. immunizationinfo.bigstep.com/. This guide has it all, pro and con, and is reasonably priced. ABOUT THE AUTHOR At the time of this revision Alan Phillips is a 3rd year law student attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a co-founder and co-director of Citizens for Healthcare Freedom (CHF), a nonprofit corporation dedicated to raising vaccine awareness and advocating informed choice. Alan has a background in technical writing, writing assessment, children’s elementary education, freelance writing and investigative research on alternative health issues, and is known internationally for professional music performance and production. He holds a ministerial credential, and plans on practicing law in the Chapel Hill, NC area following admission to the bar in 2002. Click here to learn about his book, Vaccine Legal Exemptions. INTRODUCTORY VACCINE PRESENTATIONS Citizens for Healthcare Freedom Director Alan Phillips conducts introductory lectures on the vaccine controversy. Presentations are designed to complement and supplement the information in this article. To sponsor a presentation in your home, office, local library, etc., write to CHF Lectures, P.O. Box 62282, Durham, NC 27715-2282, or email [email protected]. ALSO AVAILABLE: Alan has researched and written on several vaccine legal issues, including vaccine exemptions (with a focus on religious exemption federal case law), the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, and the shaken-baby-syndrome/vaccine injury connection: the documented instances in which parents and caretakers are convicted of child abuse, but later the damage is shown to have been caused by a vaccine injury. ABOUT “DISPELLING VACCINATION MYTHS”: Unsolicited Reprints in: 1. parenteacher magazine, summer 2000. 2. Claudia’s Abundant Life Health Food Market, 09/1999 – 02/2000. 3. Epidemics, Opposing Viewpoints, Greenhaven Press, 1999. 4. birth issues, fall 1999. Canadian magazine of the Association for Safe Alternatives in Childbirth (ASAC). 5. The Home-Grown Family, spring, fall, winter 1998-99. Christian home-schooling magazine. 6. The Immune Manual, Life and Health Research Group, CA, 1997. 7. Hindustan Times and other Indian newspapers, two Indian homeopathic journals, 1997 (according to Sai Sanfeevini Foundation, New Delhi, India). 8. NEXUS Magazine, October-November 1997. Multinational magazine. 9. Wildfire, spring 1996. US Native American magazine. 10. Numerous grass-roots organizations’ newsletters around the world. Unsolicited Distributors: 1. Sai Sanjeevini Foundation, New Delhi, India. 2. HealthAction Network, UK. 3. Vaccine Information Network, New Zealand. 4. Prometheus (publisher), UK. 5. Medical Missionary Press, NC, USA. 6. Asian Pacific Homeopathic Association, Hong Kong. Request for classroom use by: 1. Sheffield Homeopathic College, UK. 2. A neurologist in Italy. 3. A medical school professor in NC. Internet Postings: There are many; solicitations are ongoing. CHF Site as of this revision: www.unc.edu/~aphillips/www/chf ENDNOTES ________________________________________ [1] Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS); National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161, 703-487-4650, 703-487-4600; see also NVIC, infra note 7; and the VAERS website at http://www.fda.gov/cber/vaers/vaers.htm. [2] Statement of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), Hearing of the House Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources, "Compensating Vaccine Injuries: Are Reforms Needed?" September 28, 1999. [3] Less than 1%, according to Barbara Fisher, citing former FDA Commissioner David Kessler, 1993, JAMA, in the Statement of the NVIC, supra note 2. [4] Less than 10%, according to KM Severyn, R.Ph., Ph.D. in the Dayton Daily News, May 28, 1993. (Vaccine Policy Institute, 251 Ridgeway Dr., Dayton, OH 45459) [5] American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, Fact Sheet on Mandatory Vaccines at http://www.aapsonline.org/. [6] Jane Orient, M.D., Director of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, “Mandating Vaccines: Government Practicing Medicine Without a License?” 1999. [7] National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), 512 Maple Ave. W. #206, Vienna, VA 22180, 703-938-0342; "Investigative Report on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System." [8] 42 U.S.C.S. § 300aa-25(b)(1)(A),(B). [9] Karlsson L. Scheibner V. Association between non-specific stress syndrome, DPT injections and cot death. Paper presented to the 2nd immunization conference, Canberra, Australia, May 27-29, 1992. See also Viera Schiebner, Ph.D., Vaccination: 100 Years of Orthodox Research Shows that Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System for discussion and references. [10] W.C. Torch, "Diptheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT) immunization: A potential cause of the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)," (Amer. Academy of Neurology, 34th Annual Meeting, Apr 25 - May 1, 1982), Neurology 32(4), pt. 2. [11] Id. [12] Viera Schiebner, Ph.D., Vaccination: 100 Years of Orthodox Research Shows that Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System, 1993. [13] Confounding in studies of adverse reactions to vaccines [see comments]. Fine PE, Chen RT, REVIEW ARTICLE: 38 REFS. Comment in: Am J Epidemiol 1994 Jan 15;139(2):229-30. Division of Immunization, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA 30333. [14] See Viera Scheibner, supra note 12. [15] Nature and Rates of Adverse Reactions Associated with DTP and DT Immunizations in Infants and Children (Pediatrics, Nov. 1981, Vol. 68, No. 5) [16] DPT Report, The Fresno Bee, Community Relations, 1626 E. Street, Fresno, CA 93786, December 5, 1984. [17] Trollfors B, Rabo, E. 1981. Whooping cough in adults. British Medical Journal (September 12), 696-97. [18] National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) http://bhpr.hrsa.gov/vicp/. [19] Measles vaccine failures: lack of sustained measles specific immunoglobulin G responses in revaccinated adolescents and young adults. Department of Pediatrics, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC 20007. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 13(1):34-8, 1994 Jan. [20] Measles outbreak in 31 schools: risk factors for vaccine failure and evaluation of a selective revaccination strategy. Department of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics, University of Toronto, Ont. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 150(7):1093-8, 1994 Apr 1. [21] Haemophilus b disease after vaccination with Haemophilus b polysaccharide or conjugate vaccine. Institution Division of Bacterial Products, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda, Md 20892. American Journal of Diseases of Children. 145(12):1379-82, 1991 Dec. [22] Sustained transmission of mumps in a highly vaccinated population: assessment of primary vaccine failure and waning vaccine-induced immunity. Division of Field Epidemiology, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 169(1):77-82, 1994 Jan. 1. [23] Secondary measles vaccine failure in healthcare workers exposed to infected patients. Department of Pediatrics, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, PA 19104. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology. 14(2):81-6, 1993 Feb. [24] MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report) 38 (8-9), 12/29/89. [25] MMWR "Measles." 1989; 38:329-330. [26] MMWR. 33(24),6/22/84. [27] Failure to reach the goal of measles elimination. Apparent paradox of measles infections in immunized persons. Review article: 50 REFS. Dept. of Internal Medicine, Mayo Vaccine Research Group, Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, MN. Archives of Internal Medicine. 154(16):1815-20, 1994 Aug 22. [28] Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, May 1996; 79(2): 163-170. [29] Trevor Gunn, Mass Immunization, A Point in Question, at 15 (citing E.D. Hume, Pasteur Exposed-The False Foundations of Modern Medicine, Bookreal, Australia, 1989.) [30] Physician William Howard Hay's address of June 25, 1937; printed in the Congressional Record. [31] Eleanor McBean, The Poisoned Needle, Health Research, 1956. [32] Outbreak of paralytic poliomyelitis in Oman; evidence for widespread transmission among fully vaccinated children. Lancet vol 338: Sept 21, 1991; 715-720. [33] Neil Miller, Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? Fifth Printing, 1994, at 33. [34] Chicago Dept. of Health. [35] Harold Buttram, M.D., “Vaccine Scene 2000, Review and Update,” Medical Sentinel, Vol.5 No. 2, March/April 2000. [36] Neil Miller, supra note 33 at 45 [NVIC News, April 92 at 12]. [37] S. Curtis, A Handbook of Homeopathic Alternatives to Immunization. [38] Darrell Huff, How to Lie With Statistics, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1954 at 84. [39] Quoted from the internet, credited to Keith Block, M.D., a family physician from Evanston, Illinois, who has spent years collecting data in the medical literature on immunizations. [40] See Trevor Gunn, supra, note 29, at 15. [41] Id. at 21. [42] Id. at 21 (British Medical Council Publication 272, May 1950). [43] See Trevor Gunn, supra, note 29, at 21; see also Neil Miller, supra note 33 at 47 (Buttram, MD, Hoffman, Mothering Magazine, Winter 1985 at 30; Kalokerinos and Dettman, MDs, "The Dangers of Immunization," Biological Research Inst. [Australia], 1979, at 49). [44] See Mayo Vaccine Research Group, supra note 27. [45] See Neil Miller, supra note 33 at 34. [46] Chairman/Congressman Dan Burton, Committee of Government Reform, Opening Statement, “FACA: Conflicts of Interest and Vaccine Development, Preserving the Integrity of the Process,” June 2000. [47] Archie Kalolerinos, MD, Every Second Child, Keats Publishing, Inc. 1981. [48] Washington Post, February 22, 1995. [49] Reported by KM Severyn, R.Ph, Ph.D. in the Dayton Daily News, June 3, 1995. [50] Vaccine Information and Awareness (VIA), "Measles and Antibody Titre Levels," from Vaccine Weekly, January 1996. [51] NVIC Press Release, "Consumer Group Warns use of New Chicken Pox Vaccine in all Healthy Children May Cause More Serious Disease". [52] Id. [Reported by KM Severyn, R.Ph., Ph.D.] [53] Hearings before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, 87th Congress, Second Session on H.R. 10541, May 1962, at 94. [54] NVIC Vaccine Conference Program Guide, 1997. [55] Unanimous resolution of the AAPS, 57th Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October, 2000; see http://www.aapsonline.org/. [56] British Medical Journal, 1999, 318:193, 16 (January). [57] Singh V, Yang V. Serological association of measles virus and human herpes virus-6 with brain autoantibodies in autism. Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology 1998;88(l):105-108. [58] Wakefield AJ, et al. Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children. Lancet 1998;351:637-641. [59] Wakefield AJ, Anthony A, Murch SH, Thomson M, Montgomery SM, et al. Enterocolitis in Children With Developmental Disorders. Am JGastroenterol September; 95:2285-2295. [60] Stephanie Cave, MD, NVIC Vaccine Conference, September, 2000; see http://www.909shot.com for conference transcripts and information. [61] Congressman Dan Burton, House Committee on Government Reform, Hearing on Mercury and Medicine, 6/18/2000. [62] Press Release, Feb. 12, 2001; see http://www.autism.com/ari/press1.html [63] Dana Ullman, Discovering Homeopathy, at 42 (Thomas L. Bradford, Logic Figures, p68, 113-146; Coulter, Divided Legacy, Vol 3, p268). [64] See S. Curtis, supra note 34. [65] See S. Curtis, supra note 34. [66] Isaac Golden, Vaccination? A Review of Risks and Alternatives, 5th Edition, 1994. (Australia). [67] Allanson v. Clinton Central School District, No. CV 84-174, slip op. at 5 (N.D.N.Y. 1984). [68] Sherr and Levy vs. Northport East-Northport Union Free School District, 672 F. Supp. 81 (E.D.N.Y. 1987). [69] Fishkin v. Yonkers Public Schools, 710 F. Supp. 506 (S.D.N.Y. 1989). [70] Berg v. Glen Cove City School District, 853 F. Supp. 651 (E.D.N.Y. 1994). [71] Congressman Dan Burton, Committee on Government Reform, “FACA: Conflicts of Interest and Vaccine Development: Preserving the Integrity of the Process,” June 15, 2000. [72] “AAPS Resolution Concerning Mandatory Vaccines” at http://www.aapsonline.org/aaps/. [73] J. Barthelow Classen, M.D., M.B.A. President and CEO, Classen Immunotherapies, Inc., 6517 Montrose Ave, Baltimore, MD 21212 Tel: (410) 377-4549 Fax: (410) 377-8526 E-mail: [email protected], letter to The Honorable Dan Burton, Chairman U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Government Reform, Washington, DC 20515, October 12th, 1999, at http://vaccines.net. [74] “Show us the Science,” Mothering Magazine, March/April 2001, Report on the Sept. 2000 NVIC Vaccine Conference. [75] See J. Barthelow Classen, MD, MBA, supra note 73. [76] Viera Scheibner, PhD, 178 Govetts Leap Road, Blackheath, NSW 2785, Australia; phone +61 (0)2 4787 8203, Fax +61 (0)2 4787 8988 [77] See J. Barthelow Classen, MD, MBA, supra note 73. [78] Statement of the National Vaccine Information Center, Hearing of the House Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources, "Compensating Vaccine Injuries: Are Reforms Needed?" September 28, 1999. Posted by Supplement Pro at 1:30 PM 1 comment:

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