The International Memorial for Vaccine Victims was created and is maintained by the National Vaccine Information Center, a charitable non-profit organization founded in 1982 by parents of vaccine injured children. NVIC is solely funded by individual citizens of the world. If you have posted a personal Memorial to a loved one and you believe this Memorial is a valuable public service, please help us keep the Memorial alive for future generations.
Your generous tax-deductible donation provides assistance to those who have suffered vaccine reactions. As an independent clearinghouse for information on diseases and vaccines, NVIC does not promote the use of vaccines and does not advise against the use of vaccines. We support the availability of all preventive health care options, including vaccination, and the right of consumers to make educated, voluntary health care choices.
Every dollar donated to NVIC’s International Memorial for Vaccine Victims will be used to further the public education mission of NVIC, which has protected the health and freedom of children and their parents since 1982.