Story Details

- Name: Christen DiLena
- Birth Date: 11/6/1983
- Date of Death: 3/9/1984
- Birth State: Vermont
- Birth Country: USA
- Vaccination Age: 4 months
"A beautiful happy child; so perfect she didn't have to live in this mortal probationary period. "
- Suspected Vaccine:
- Primary Reaction: sudden infant death syndrome
- Secondary Reaction: sudden infant death syndrome
- Other Reaction:
- Current Health Problems: She passed away.
- Reaction Description: At the conclusion of her 4 month checkup (everything looked great and she was a happy baby) the nurse administered a DPT shot (5p). By 11p, she became fussy and unconsolable. I laid her in her crib to 'cry herself to sleep' around 2a. At 6a, I found her blue and lifeless. Emergency services transported her to the hospital but she was declared dead on arrival.
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