NVIC Vaccine News

State Vaccine Laws & Exemptions

The Yearly “Back-to-School Push” to Vaccinate

Public schools are required to document vaccines received by children attending schools, however, full disclosure of vaccine exemptions are often ignored by pediatricians. NVIC's Kate Raines helps consumers understand how to access exemption information in your state!

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Celebrating the Progress in Vaccine Choice Advocacy

Special interest lobbying and legislative power drive one-size-fits-all vaccination mandates. Discover how NVIC's Advocacy Portal is changing the minds of state legislators coast to coast with citizen activists who are making their voices heard in the halls of state legislatures to protect parental rights in vaccine decision-making.

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State Legislative Updates: The Final Days and What You Can Do to Help

NVIC's Dawn Richardson reports on the latest attempts to restrict vaccine choice in state legislatures across the U.S. Take action today to protect your right to choose whether or not to vaccinate yourself or your child.

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Desperate Times for Vaccine Risk Denialism

Public access to vaccine risk information is being restricted and vaccine injuries and deaths covered up. NVIC President, Barbara Loe Fisher's referenced commentary educates on how the human right to informed consent to medical risk-taking is being violated today.

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